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Ecological communities are often characterised by many species occupying the same trophic level and competing over a small number of vital resources. The mechanisms maintaining high biodiversity in such systems are still poorly understood. Here, we revisit the role of prey selectivity by generalist predators in promoting biodiversity. We consider a generic tri‐trophic food web, consisting of a single limiting resource, a large number of primary producers and a generalist predator. We suggest a framework to describe the predator functional response, combining food selectivity for distinctly different functional prey groups with proportion‐based consumption of similar prey species. Our simulations reveal that intermediate levels of prey selectivity can explain a high species richness, functional biodiversity, and variability among prey species. In contrast, perfect food selectivity or purely proportion‐based food consumption leads to a collapse of prey functional biodiversity. Our results are in agreement with empirical phytoplankton rank‐abundance curves in lakes.  相似文献   

In aggressive mimicry, a predator accesses prey by mimicking the appearance and/or behavior of a harmless or beneficial model in order to avoid being correctly identified by its prey. The crab spider genus Phrynarachne is often cited as a textbook example of masquerading as bird droppings (BDs) in order to avoid predation. However, Phrynarachne spiders may also aggressively mimic BDs in order to deceive potential prey. To date, there is no experimental evidence to support aggressive mimicry in masquerading crab spiders; therefore, we performed a field survey, a manipulative field experiment, and visual modeling to test this hypothesis using Phrynarachne ceylonica. We compared prey-attraction rates among BDs, spiders, and control empty leaves in the field. We found that although all prey combined and agromyzid dipterans, in particular, were attracted to BDs at a higher rate than to spiders, other dipterans and hymenopterans were attracted to BDs at a similar rate as to spiders. Both spiders and BDs attracted insects at a significantly higher rate than did control leaves. As predicted, prey was attracted to experimentally blackened or whitened spiders significantly less frequently than to unmanipulated spiders. Finally, visual modeling suggested that spiders and BDs can be detected by dipterans and hymenopterans against background leaves, but they are indistinguishable from each other. Taken together, our results suggest that insects lured by spiders may misidentify them as BDs, and bird-dropping masquerading may serve as aggressive mimicry in addition to predator avoidance in P. ceylonica.  相似文献   

Fish are both consumers and prey, and as such part of a dynamic trophic network. Measuring how they are trophically linked, both directly and indirectly, to other species is vital to comprehend the mechanisms driving alterations in fish communities in space and time. Moreover, this knowledge also helps to understand how fish communities respond to environmental change and delivers important information for implementing management of fish stocks. DNA-based methods have significantly widened our ability to assess trophic interactions in both marine and freshwater systems and they possess a range of advantages over other approaches in diet analysis. In this review we provide an overview of different DNA-based methods that have been used to assess trophic interactions of fish as consumers and prey. We consider the practicalities and limitations, and emphasize critical aspects when analysing molecular derived trophic data. We exemplify how molecular techniques have been employed to unravel food web interactions involving fish as consumers and prey. In addition to the exciting opportunities DNA-based approaches offer, we identify current challenges and future prospects for assessing fish food webs where DNA-based approaches will play an important role.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict in trait performance under different ecological contexts is common, but may also arise from functional coupling between traits operating within the same context. Orb webs first intercept and then retain insects long enough to be attacked by spiders. Improving either function increases prey capture and they are largely determined by different aspects of web architecture. We manipulated the mesh width of orbs to investigate its effect, along with web size, on prey capture by spiders and found that they functioned independently. Probability of prey capture increased with web size but was not affected by mesh width. Conversely, spiders on narrow-meshed webs were almost three times more likely to capture energetically profitable large insects, which demand greater prey retention. Yet, the two functions are still constrained during web spinning because increasing mesh width maximizes web size and hence interception, while retention is improved by decreasing mesh width because more silk adheres to insects. The architectural coupling between prey interception and retention has probably played a key role in both the macroevolution of orb web shape and the expression of plasticity in the spinning behaviours of spiders.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of predator release pattern and prey distribution on rate of suppression of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari, Tetranychidae) and visual damage to the ornamental plant, Impatiens wallerana Hook.f., in a greenhouse. Sixteen impatiens plants were arranged in a square and infested with the same total number of spider mites distributed either evenly (equal numbers on all plants) or clumped (divided equally among the 4 central plants), simulating a “hot spot.” The predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, was released at a 1:4 predator:prey ratio based on total spider mites in the experimental unit, but the pattern of release was either even or clumped, which simulated broadcast or point-release strategies, respectively. Nine days after predator release, spider mite populations were reduced in all treatments, but only in the clumped pest-clumped predator treatment were spider mites undetectable. Poorest pest suppression occurred in the clumped spider mite-even predator treatment. Eighteen days after predator release, spider mites were eliminated in all treatments, but a reduction in average plant damage occurred only in treatments in which the predator release pattern matched the spider mite distribution (i.e., even-even or clumped-clumped) with the greatest reduction in the even-even treatment. Results suggest that there is an advantage to releasing predators in “hot spots” provided that the recommended predator:prey ratio is maintained within infested patches. If more uniform predator releases are planned, overall predator numbers need to be kept sufficiently high so that the predator:prey ratio of 1:4 shown to prevent damage on impatiens is achieved in higher-density spider mite patches.  相似文献   

1. Predators select a prey according to its energetic and nutritional composition. Generalist predators avoid, whereas specialists often specialise on well‐defended prey. The aim of this study was to find the suitability of woodlice prey for generalist and specialist predators by comparing their handling efficiency. 2. Laboratory experiments were performed in which specialist and generalist predators were reared on monotypic diets comprising one or other of two woodlice species that differ in their defensive strategies: rollers (Armadillidium) and clingers (Porcellio). A control group was reared on a mixture of arthropods (excluding woodlice). Three spider predators were used that differ in their adaptations to deal with woodlice prey: a woodlice specialist, Dysdera crocata; an oligophagous generalist, Pholcus phalangioides, that also captures woodlice; and a euryphagous generalist, Tegenaria domestica, that does not feed on woodlice. The frequency of capture was recorded and various fitness parameters were measured, namely survival, growth rate, and ontogenetic development. 3. It was found that the specialist, D. crocata, performed best on the Porcellio diet, and similarly well on Armadillidium and mixed diets. The two generalists, P. phalangioides and T. domestica, had poor performance on both woodlice diets but performed well on the mixed diet. 4. The results show that woodlice are unsuitable prey for both oligophagous and euryphagous generalist predators.  相似文献   

Detection of prey flocks by predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The model presented by Vine (1971) to demonstrate a possible advantage of flocking behaviour in reducing predation risk made the unrealistic assumption that flocking would not affect the maximum distance at which a predator could just detect that an animal or animals were present. If flocking does reduce this distance it might yield a compensating disadvantage to prey animals, or an advantage to the predator. While quantification of these possibilities remains problematic in general, empirical data suggests that detection range depends on a simple power function of the number of individuals in a tight circular flock and their physical size. It is concluded that small flocks are likely to be advantageous to the predator and quite possibly disadvantageous to the prey, although the “selfish” advantage of flocking is likely to remain high for prey animals in medium or large sized flocks.  相似文献   

Silk produced from the major ampullate (MA) gland supercontracts when wet, and in this paper, we investigate the consequences of high humidity and of the added load of water droplets condensing from saturated air on the mechanical integrity of the spiders' orb web. We measured the development of the supercontraction stress (sigma(sc)) with time when fixed lengths of MA silk from Nephila clavipes and Argiope aurantia were exposed to increasing humidity. Supercontraction generated stresses of about 50 MPa, and extension of these samples to stresses between 150 and 1100 MPa show a time dependent relaxation over 1000 s to approximately 75% of the initial tension but show no indication of failure. We conclude that supercontraction can maintain tension in webs and does not limit the ability of the web to support loads in excess of the supercontraction stress.  相似文献   

In food webs heavily influenced by multi‐annual population fluctuations of key herbivores, predator species may differ in their functional and numerical responses as well as their competitive ability. Focusing on red and arctic fox in tundra with cyclic populations of rodents as key prey, we develop a model to predict how population dynamics of a dominant and versatile predator (red fox) impacted long‐term growth rate of a subdominant and less versatile predator (arctic fox). We compare three realistic scenarios of red fox performance: (1) a numerical response scenario where red fox acted as a resident rodent specialist exhibiting population cycles lagging one year after the rodent cycle, (2) an aggregative response scenario where red fox shifted between tundra and a nearby ecosystem (i.e. boreal forest) so as to track rodent peaks in tundra without delay, and (3) a constant subsidy scenario in which the red fox population was stabilized at the same mean density as in the other two scenarios. For all three scenarios it is assumed that the arctic fox responded numerically as a rodent specialist and that the mechanisms of competition is of a interference type for space, in which the arctic fox is excluded from the most resource rich patches in tundra. Arctic fox is impacted most by the constant subsidy scenario and least by the numerical response scenario. The differential effects of the scenarios stemmed from cyclic phase‐dependent sensitivity to competition mediated by changes in temporal mean and variance of available prey to the subdominant predator. A general implication from our result is that external resource subsidies (prey or habitats), monopolized by the dominant competitor, can significantly reduce the likelihood for co‐existence within the predator guild. In terms of conservation of vulnerable arctic fox populations this means that the likelihood of extinction increases with increasing amount of subsidies (e.g. carcasses of large herbivores or marine resources) in tundra and nearby forest areas, since it will act to both increase and stabilize populations of red fox.  相似文献   

An essential key to explaining the mechanistic basis of ecological patterns lies in understanding the consequences of adaptive behavior for distributions and abundances of organisms. We developed a model that simultaneously incorporates (a) ecological dynamics across three trophic levels and (b) evolution of behaviors via the processes of mutation, selection, and drift in populations of variable, unique individuals. Using this model to study adaptive movements of predators and prey in a spatially explicit environment produced a number of unexpected results. First, even though predators and prey had limited information and sometimes moved in the “wrong” direction, evolved movement mechanisms allowed them to achieve average spatial distributions approximating optimal, ideal free distributions. Second, predators’ demographic parameters had marked, nonlinear effects on the evolution of movement mechanisms in the prey: As the predator mortality rate was increased past a critical point, prey abruptly shifted from making very frequent movements away from predators to making infrequent movements mainly in response to resources. Third, time series analyses revealed that adaptive, conditional movements coupled ecological dynamics across species and space. Our results provide general predictions, heretofore lacking, about how predators and prey should respond to one another on both ecological and evolutionary time scales.  相似文献   

Understanding how trophic levels respond to changes in abiotic and biotic conditions is key for predicting how food webs will react to environmental perturbations. Different trophic levels may respond disproportionately to change, with lower levels more likely to react faster, as they typically consist of smaller‐bodied species with higher reproductive rates. This response could cause a mismatch between trophic levels, in which predators and prey will respond differently to changing abiotic or biotic conditions. This mismatch between trophic levels could result in altered top‐down and bottom‐up control and changes in interaction strength. To determine the possibility of a mismatch, we conducted a reciprocal‐transplant experiment involving Sarracenia purpurea food webs consisting of bacterial communities as prey and a subset of six morphologically similar protozoans as predators. We used a factorial design with four temperatures, four bacteria and protozoan biogeographic origins, replicated four times. This design allowed us to determine how predator and prey dynamics were altered by abiotic (temperature) conditions and biotic (predators paired with prey from either their local or non‐local biogeographic origin) conditions. We found that prey reached higher densities in warmer temperature regardless of their temperature of origin. Conversely, predators achieved higher densities in the temperature condition and with the prey from their origin. These results confirm that predators perform better in abiotic and biotic conditions of their origin while their prey do not. This mismatch between trophic levels may be especially significant under climate change, potentially disrupting ecosystem functioning by disproportionately affecting top‐down and bottom‐up control.  相似文献   

State-dependent risk-taking by predators in systems with defended prey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thomas N. Sherratt 《Oikos》2003,103(1):93-100
Even defended prey items may contain nutrients that can sustain predators in times of energetic need. Conversely, a well-fed predator might be expected to avoid attacking prey items that have a chance of being defended, particularly if there is an abundance of familiar palatable prey to support it. To further understand the implications of optimal state-dependent foraging behaviour by predators in systems that contain defended prey, I developed a stochastic dynamic programming model. This state-dependent approach formally accounts for the trade-off between avoiding starvation and minimising harm from attacking defended prey. It predicts that the mean attack probability of predators on defended models and their undefended mimics should decline in a sigmoidal fashion with increasing availability of alternative undefended prey, and that the foraging decisions of predators should in general be relatively insensitive to the probability that a potentially defended prey item is indeed defended. Some implications of these predictions are that conspicuous warning signals are more likely to evolve in systems that contain an abundance of alternative undefended prey, and that imperfect mimicry will provide almost complete protection to the mimic when predators are readily supported by alternative food sources. Somewhat surprisingly, increasing the density of nutritious undefended mimics while keeping the densities of all other prey types constant tended to decrease the attack rates of predators on encounter with mimics and their defended models. This increase in dietary conservatism arose because in these cases there would be more prey available to sustain the predator if it ever found itself critically low in energy.  相似文献   

Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical performance of biological structures, such as tendons, byssal threads, muscles, and spider webs, is determined by a complex interplay between material quality (intrinsic material properties, larger scale morphology) and proximate behaviour. Spider orb webs are a system in which fibrous biomaterials—silks—are arranged in a complex design resulting from stereotypical behavioural patterns, to produce effective energy absorbing traps for flying prey. Orb webs show an impressive range of designs, some effective at capturing tiny insects such as midges, others that can occasionally stop even small birds. Here, we test whether material quality and behaviour (web design) co‐evolve to fine‐tune web function. We quantify the intrinsic material properties of the sticky capture silk and radial support threads, as well as their architectural arrangement in webs, across diverse species of orb‐weaving spiders to estimate the maximum potential performance of orb webs as energy absorbing traps. We find a dominant pattern of material and behavioural coevolution where evolutionary shifts to larger body sizes, a common result of fecundity selection in spiders, is repeatedly accompanied by improved web performance because of changes in both silk material and web spinning behaviours. Large spiders produce silk with improved material properties, and also use more silk, to make webs with superior stopping potential. After controlling for spider size, spiders spinning higher quality silk used it more sparsely in webs. This implies that improvements in silk quality enable ‘sparser’ architectural designs, or alternatively that spiders spinning lower quality silk compensate architecturally for the inferior material quality of their silk. In summary, spider silk material properties are fine‐tuned to the architectures of webs across millions of years of diversification, a coevolutionary pattern not yet clearly demonstrated for other important biomaterials such as tendon, mollusc byssal threads, and keratin.  相似文献   

Summary Web-building spiders (Araneae; Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Araneidae) are catagorized as searchers because they devote a large amount of energy to the construction of the web which constitutes the search phase in the foraging sequence. In this study search energy is equated with the density of threads in a web and the effectiveness of a variety of webs in three broad catagories (tangle webs, sheet webs & orb webs) is tested in the light of current foraging theory. Within each web type there is a distinct thread density at which the number of approaching Drosophila (Diptera; Drosophilidae) that are captured is maximized (Figs. 1, 2, 3). That maximum results from a combination of factors that are a function of the density of threads in the web. The visibility of the web to an approaching Drosophila increases which acts to decrease the number of flies that enter the web (Tables 2, 3, 4). The ability of the web to detain a Drosophila that contacts it (capture efficiency) increases to an asymptote as a function of thread density (Fig. 4). These data support an assumption of many optimal foraging models that with increasing investment in search the predator receives a diminishing return.More Drosophila intercept orb webs than intercept sheet or tangle webs. In addition orb webs detain a greater proportion of the flies that contact them (Fig. 4). Sheet webs are intermediate between orb and tangle webs in their relative abilities to contact and detain Drosophila.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of toxicity in a prey population is a challenge to evolutionary biologists if the investment in toxin does not benefit the individual. Recent experiments suggest that taste-rejection behaviour enables predators to selectively ingest less toxic individuals, which could stabilize investment in defences. However, we currently do not know if taste rejection of defended prey is accurate across different contexts, and that prey always benefit according to their investment. Using avian predators, we show that the rejection probability does not solely depend on the investment in defence by an individual, but also on the investment by other individuals in the same population. Therefore, taste rejection by predators could lead to destabilization in the investment in defences, and allow variability in prey defences to exist.  相似文献   

Humans remove large amounts of biomass from natural ecosystems, and large bodied high trophic level animals are especially sensitive and vulnerable to exploitation. The effects of removing top-predators on food webs are often difficult to predict because of limited information on species interaction strengths. Here we used a three species predator-prey model to explore relationships between energetic properties of trophodynamic linkages and interaction strengths to provide heuristic rules that indicate observable energetic conditions that are most likely to lead to stable and strong top-down control of prey by predator species. We found that strong top-down interaction strengths resulted from low levels of energy flow from prey to predators. Strong interactions are more stable when they are a consequence of low per capita predation and when predators are subsidized by recruitment. Diet composition also affects stability, but the relationship depends on the form of the functional response. Our results imply that for generalist satiating predators, strong top-down control on prey is most likely for prey items that occupy a small portion of the diet and when density dependent recruitment is moderately high.  相似文献   

Mathematical models are proposed to simulate migrations of prey and predators between patches. In the absence of predators, it is shown that the adaptation of prey leads to an ideal spatial distribution in the sense that the maximal capacity of each patch is achieved. With the introduction of co-adaptation of predators, it is proved that both prey and predators achieve ideal spatial distributions when the adaptations are weak. Further, it is shown that the adaptation of prey and predators increases the survival probability of predators from the extinction in both patches to the persistence in one patch. It is also demonstrated that there exists a pattern that prey and predators cooperate well through adaptations such that predators are permanent in every patch in the case that predators become extinct in each patch in the absence of adaptations. For strong adaptations, it is proved that the model admits periodic cycles and multiple stability transitions.  相似文献   

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