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The field of ecological immunology strongly relies on indicators of immunocompetence. Two major indicators in invertebrates, the activity of phenoloxidase (PO) and lytic activity have recently been questioned in studies showing that, across a natural range of baseline levels, these indicators did not predict resistance against a manipulated challenge with natural parasites. We confirmed this finding by showing that baseline levels of PO and lytic activity in the host Daphnia magna were not related to spore load of the parasite Pasteuria ramosa. Yet, PO levels in infected hosts did predict spore load, indicating PO activity can be useful as an indicator of immunocompetence in this model parasite–host system.  相似文献   

The deployment of the immune system has the obvious potential to ameliorate infection outcomes, but immune responses can also harm hosts by either damaging host tissues or monopolizing resources, leading to enhanced mortality. To gain insight into such a 'cost of immunity' when the crustacean Daphnia magna is challenged with the bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, we measured survivorship among hosts that resisted infection following exposure to various strains and doses of the parasite. In the first of two experiments, these exposures were: single exposures with relatively non-aggressive strains, double exposures with non-aggressive strains, and exposure to aggressive strains. Mortality increased across this gradient of exposure. In a second experiment, we varied the dose of the most aggressive P. ramosa strain and found that resisting infection when a large dose was applied resulted in greater mortality than when a medium or low dose was applied. Assuming that resistance is accomplished with an immune response, and that more aggressive parasites and/or larger doses of parasites are more immunostimulatory, these data are compatible with a cost of immunity. Indeed, in terms of survival, resisting parasites can be more harmful than infection.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is a bacterium that induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), the phenomenon in which infected males are reproductively incompatible with uninfected females. CI spreads in a population of hosts because it reduces the fitness of uninfected females relative to infected females. CI encompasses two steps: modification (mod) of sperm of infected males and rescuing (resc) of these chromosomes by Wolbachia in the egg. Infections associated with CI have mod+ resa+ phenotypes. However, mod- resc+ phenotypes also exist; these do not result in CI. Assuming mod/resc phenotypes are properties of the symbiont, theory predicts that mod- resc+ infections can only spread in a host population where a mod+ resc+ infection already occurs. A mod- resc+ infection spreads if the cost it imposes on the infected females is lower than the cost inflicted by the resident (mod+ resc+) infection. Furthermore, introduction of a mod- Wolbachia eventually drives infection to extinction. The uninfected population that results can be recolonized by a CI-causing Wolbachia. Here, we investigated whether variability for induction of CI was present in two Tetranychus urticae populations. In one population all isofemale lines tested were mod-. In the other, mod+ resc+ and mod- resc+ isofemale lines coexisted. We found no evidence for a cost difference to females expressing either type (mod-/-). Infections in the two populations could not be distinguished based on sequences of two Wolbachia genes. We consider the possibility that mod- is a host effect through a population dynamics model. A mod- host allele leads to infection extinction in the absence of fecundity differences. Furthermore, the uninfected population that results is immune to reestablishment of the (same) CI-causing Wolbachia.  相似文献   

Variable-number tandem repeats (VNTRs) have been identified in populations of Pasteuria ramosa, a castrating endobacterium of Daphnia species. The allelic polymorphisms at 14 loci in laboratory and geographically diverse soil samples showed that VNTRs may serve as biomarkers for the genetic characterization of P. ramosa isolates.  相似文献   

The degree of specificity in host-parasite interactions has important implications for ecology and evolution. Unfortunately, specificity can be difficult to determine when parasites cannot be cultured. In such cases, studies often use isolates of unknown genetic composition, which may lead to an underestimation of specificity. We obtained the first clones of the unculturable bacterium Pasteuria ramosa, a parasite of Daphnia magna. Clonal genotypes of the parasite exhibited much more specific interactions with host genotypes than previous studies using isolates. Clones of P. ramosa infected fewer D. magna genotypes than isolates and host clones were either fully susceptible or fully resistant to the parasite. Our finding enhances our understanding of the evolution of virulence and coevolutionary dynamics in this system. We recommend caution when using P. ramosa isolates as the presence of multiple genotypes may influence the outcome and interpretation of some experiments.  相似文献   

Variable-number tandem repeats (VNTRs) have been identified in populations of Pasteuria ramosa, a castrating endobacterium of Daphnia species. The allelic polymorphisms at 14 loci in laboratory and geographically diverse soil samples showed that VNTRs may serve as biomarkers for the genetic characterization of P. ramosa isolates.  相似文献   

Strong selection on parasites, as well as on hosts, is crucial for fueling coevolutionary dynamics. Selection will be especially strong if parasites that encounter resistant hosts are destroyed and diluted from the local environment. We tested whether spores of the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa were passed through the gut (the route of infection) of their host, Daphnia magna, and whether passaged spores remained viable for a “second chance” at infecting a new host. In particular, we tested if this viability (estimated via infectivity) depended on host genotype, whether or not the genotype was susceptible, and on initial parasite dose. Our results show that Pasteuria spores generally remain viable after passage through both susceptible and resistant Daphnia. Furthermore, these spores remained infectious even after being frozen for several weeks. If parasites can get a second chance at infecting hosts in the wild, selection for infection success in the first instance will be reduced. This could also weaken reciprocal selection on hosts and slow the coevolutionary process.  相似文献   

Linking measures of immune function with infection, and ultimately, host and parasite fitness is a major goal in the field of ecological immunology. In this study, we tested for the presence and timing of a cellular immune response in the crustacean Daphnia magna following exposure to its sterilizing endoparasite Pasteuria ramosa. We found that D. magna possesses two cell types circulating in the haemolymph: a spherical one, which we call a granulocyte and an irregular-shaped amoeboid cell first described by Metchnikoff over 125 years ago. Daphnia magna mounts a strong cellular response (of the amoeboid cells) just a few hours after parasite exposure. We further tested for, and found, considerable genetic variation for the magnitude of this cellular response. These data fostered a heuristic model of resistance in this naturally coevolving host–parasite interaction. Specifically, the strongest cellular responses were found in the most susceptible hosts, indicating resistance is not always borne from a response that destroys invading parasites, but rather stems from mechanisms that prevent their initial entry. Thus, D. magna may have a two-stage defence—a genetically determined barrier to parasite establishment and a cellular response once establishment has begun.  相似文献   

We show that Daphnia magna can be used to assess acute virulence of pathogens relevant to human health, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Photorhabdus asymbiotica. Analysis of bacterial mutants suggests that P. aeruginosa uses similar mechanisms to infect Daphnia and other hosts.  相似文献   

The diversity-disease hypothesis states that decreased genetic diversity in host populations increases the incidence of diseases caused by pathogens (= monoculture effect) and eventually influences ecosystem functioning. The monoculture effect is well-known from crop studies and may be partially specific to the artificial situation in agriculture. The effect received little attention in animal populations of different diversities. Compared with plants, animals are mobile and exhibiting social interactions. We followed the spread of a microsporidian parasite in semi-natural outdoor Daphnia magna populations of low and high genetic diversity. We used randomly selected, naturally occurring host genotypes. Host populations of low diversity were initially monoclonal, while the host populations of high diversity started with 10 genotypes per replicate. We found that the parasite spread significantly better in host populations of low diversity compared with host populations of high diversity, independent of parasite diversity. The difference was visible over a 3-year period. Host genotypic diversity did not affect host population density. Our experiment demonstrated a monoculture effect in independently replicated semi-natural zooplankton populations, indicating that the monoculture effect may be relevant beyond agriculture.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans, an obligate endospore-forming parasite of Meloidogyne spp. (root knot nematodes), has been identified as a promising agent for biocontrol of these destructive agricultural crop pests. Pasteuria ramosa, an obligate parasite of water fleas (Daphnia spp.), has been shown to modulate cladoceran populations in natural ecosystems. Selected sporulation genes and an epitope associated with the spore envelope of these related species were compared. The sigE and spoIIAA/spoIIAB genes differentiate the two species to a greater extent than 16S rRNA and may serve as probes to differentiate the species. Single-nucleotide variations were observed in several conserved genes of five distinct populations of P. ramosa, and while most of these variations are silent single-nucleotide polymorphisms, a few result in conservative amino acid substitutions. A monoclonal antibody directed against an adhesin epitope present on P. penetrans P20 endospores, previously determined to be specific for Pasteuria spp. associated with several phytopathogenic nematodes, also detects an epitope associated with P. ramosa endospores. Immunoblotting provided patterns that differentiate P. ramosa from other Pasteuria spp. This monoclonal antibody thus provides a probe with which to detect and discriminate endospores of different Pasteuria spp. The presence of a shared adhesin epitope in two species with such ecologically distant hosts suggests that there is an ancient and ecologically significant recognition process in these endospore-forming bacilli that contributes to the virulence of both species in their respective hosts.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sensitivity of two bacterial tests commonly used in metal toxicity screening — the Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition test and the Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test — in comparison to the standard acute Daphnia magna test, and to estimate applicability of the selected methods to the toxicity testing of environmental samples. The D. magna acute test proved to be more sensitive to cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) than the two bacterial assays, whereas P. putida seems to be the most sensitive species to lead (Pb). Manganese appears to be slightly toxic to D. magna and non-toxic to the two selected bacteria. This leads to the conclusion that even in regions with high background concentrations, manganese would not act as a confounding factor. Low sensitivity of V. fischeri to heavy metals questions its applicability as the first screening method in assessing various environmental samples. Therefore, it is not advisable to replace D. magna with bacterial species for metal screening tests. P. putida, V. fischeri and/or other bacterial tests should rather be applied in a complex battery of ecotoxicological tests, as their tolerance to heavy metals can unravel other potentially present toxic substances and mixtures, undetectable by metal-sensitive species.  相似文献   

Because parasitism is thought to play a major role in shaping host genomes, it has been predicted that genomic regions associated with resistance to parasites should stand out in genome scans, revealing signals of selection above the genomic background. To test whether parasitism is indeed such a major factor in host evolution and to better understand host–parasite interaction at the molecular level, we studied genome‐wide polymorphisms in 97 genotypes of the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna originating from three localities across Europe. Daphnia magna is known to coevolve with the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa for which host genotypes (clonal lines) are either resistant or susceptible. Using association mapping, we identified two genomic regions involved in resistance to P. ramosa, one of which was already known from a previous QTL analysis. We then performed a naïve genome scan to test for signatures of positive selection and found that the two regions identified with the association mapping further stood out as outliers. Several other regions with evidence for selection were also found, but no link between these regions and phenotypic variation could be established. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that parasitism is driving host genome evolution.  相似文献   

The variation of six growth and reproduction traits in the parthenogenetic clones of Daphnia magna and its relationships with the genotypes at 5 isozyme loci were studied under controlled conditions at three food concentrations. A significant genetic component of age at maturity, growth rate and fecundity variation was detected. Nested ANOVA revealed the influences of the genotypes of the isozyme loci, that are more pronounced at the high food concentration. In some cases the genotype-environment interactions were found.The variation of body length at 6 days and total number of offspring includes a significant heterozygosity — environment interaction. The most heterozygous clones show the least differences in life history traits between food conditions.Life-history traits heritability, genotype-environment interactions and different reproductive strategies of the clones are discussed.  相似文献   

The population structure of parasites is central to the ecology and evolution of host‐parasite systems. Here, we investigate the population genetics of Pasteuria ramosa, a bacterial parasite of Daphnia. We used natural P. ramosa spore banks from the sediments of two geographically well‐separated ponds to experimentally infect a panel of Daphnia magna host clones whose resistance phenotypes were previously known. In this way, we were able to assess the population structure of P. ramosa based on geography, host resistance phenotype and host genotype. Overall, genetic diversity of P. ramosa was high, and nearly all infected D. magna hosted more than one parasite haplotype. On the basis of the observation of recombinant haplotypes and relatively low levels of linkage disequilibrium, we conclude that P. ramosa engages in substantial recombination. Isolates were strongly differentiated by pond, indicating that gene flow is spatially restricted. Pasteuria ramosa isolates within one pond were segregated completely based on the resistance phenotype of the host—a result that, to our knowledge, has not been previously reported for a nonhuman parasite. To assess the comparability of experimental infections with natural P. ramosa isolates, we examined the population structure of naturally infected D. magna native to one of the two source ponds. We found that experimental and natural infections of the same host resistance phenotype from the same source pond were indistinguishable, indicating that experimental infections provide a means to representatively sample the diversity of P. ramosa while reducing the sampling bias often associated with studies of parasite epidemics. These results expand our knowledge of this model parasite, provide important context for the large existing body of research on this system and will guide the design of future studies of this host‐parasite system.  相似文献   

Luijckx P  Fienberg H  Duneau D  Ebert D 《Heredity》2012,108(5):547-551
The influence of host and parasite genetic background on infection outcome is a topic of great interest because of its pertinence to theoretical issues in evolutionary biology. In the present study, we use a classical genetics approach to examine the mode of inheritance of infection outcome in the crustacean Daphnia magna when exposed to the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. In contrast to previous studies in this system, we use a clone of P. ramosa, not field isolates, which allows for a more definitive interpretation of results. We test parental, F1, F2, backcross and selfed parental clones (total 284 genotypes) for susceptibility against a clone of P. ramosa using two different methods, infection trials and the recently developed attachment test. We find that D. magna clones reliably exhibit either complete resistance or complete susceptibility to P. ramosa clone C1 and that resistance is dominant, and inherited in a pattern consistent with Mendelian segregation of a single-locus with two alleles. The finding of a single host locus controlling susceptibility to P. ramosa suggests that the previously observed genotype-genotype interactions in this system have a simple genetic basis. This has important implications for the outcome of host-parasite co-evolution. Our results add to the growing body of evidence that resistance to parasites in invertebrates is mostly coded by one or few loci with dominance.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have become an important environmental concern due to their ability to produce a wide range of natural toxins. At present, very few studies describe concentration response curves for cyanobacteria other than Microcystis. However, field evidence highlights that both cyanobacterial concentration as well as cyanobacterial species composition vary considerably with season and year. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different cyanobacteria at various concentrations of these cyanobacteria in the diet on the reproduction of Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna. Those two species were chosen to assess whether the cyanobacteria-daphnid dynamics could be generalized for the Daphnia genus. Results demonstrated that both slope and EC50 of the concentration response curves depend upon the Daphnia species, the cyanobacteria species and the potential interaction between the two. This has two major consequences. First, the differences in sensitivity to cyanobacteria between D. magna and D. pulex depend upon concentration of the specific cyanobacteria. Second, we noted different mechanisms of toxicity for the two zooplankton species, a more general mechanism of toxicity for D. pulex and a more specific one for D. magna. Our data therefore suggest that results of studies investigating effects of cyanobacteria at different concentrations cannot be generalized across species. Furthermore, mechanisms of toxicity are not only cyanobacteria specific, but also dependent on the exposed species, even for rather closely related species such as in the Daphnia genus. Whenever possible, we therefore propose to combine a multi-species approach together with a full concentration response analysis to reach more general conclusions concerning the effects of cyanobacteria on zooplankton.  相似文献   

Short-term toxicity tests with Daphnia magna are reasonably reproducible. The sensitivity of Daphnia pulex, Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia magna proved to be about the same in short-term tests with 15 different chemical compounds.Reproduction toxicity experiments with Daphnia magna can easily be carried out within three weeks. At least duplicate experiments are necessary to arrive at an approximate no-effect level.  相似文献   

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