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Abstract Integration of habitat heterogeneity into spatially realistic metapopulation approaches reveals the potential for key cross-scale interactions. Broad-scale environmental gradients and land-use practices can create autocorrelation of habitat quality of suitable patches at intermediate spatial scales. Patch occupancy then depends not only on habitat quality at the patch scale but also on feedbacks from surrounding neighborhoods of autocorrelated patches. Metapopulation dynamics emerge from how demographic and dispersal processes interact with relevant habitat heterogeneity. We provide an empirical example from a metapopulation of round-tailed muskrats (Neofiber alleni) in which habitat quality of suitable patches was spatially autocorrelated most strongly within 1,000 m, which was within the expected dispersal range of the species. After controlling for factors typically considered in metapopulation studies—patch size, local patch quality, patch connectivity—we use a cross-variogram analysis to demonstrate that patch occupancy by muskrats was correlated with habitat quality across scales ≤1,171 m. We also discuss general consequences of spatial heterogeneity of habitat quality for metapopulations related to potential cross-scale interactions. We focus on spatially correlated extinctions and metapopulation persistence, hierarchical scaling of source–sink dynamics, and dispersal decisions by individuals in relation to information constraints.  相似文献   

Traditional metapopulation theory classifies a metapopulation as a spatially homogeneous population that persists on neighboring habitat patches. The fate of each population on a habitat patch is a function of a balance between births and deaths via establishment of new populations through migration to neighboring patches. In this study, we expand upon traditional metapopulation models by incorporating spatial heterogeneity into a previously studied two-patch nonlinear ordinary differential equation metapopulation model, in which the growth of a general prey species is logistic and growth of a general predator species displays a Holling type II functional response. The model described in this work assumes that migration by generalist predator and prey populations between habitat patches occurs via a migratory corridor. Thus, persistence of species is a function of local population dynamics and migration between spatially heterogeneous habitat patches. Numerical results generated by our model demonstrate that population densities exhibit periodic plane-wave phenomena, which appear to be functions of differences in migration rates between generalist predator and prey populations. We compare results generated from our model to results generated by similar, but less ecologically realistic work, and to observed population dynamics in natural metapopulations.  相似文献   

A recent study [Harding and McNamara, 2002. A unifying framework for metapopulation dynamics. Am. Nat. 160, 173-185] presented a unifying framework for the classic Levins metapopulation model by incorporating several realistic biological processes, such as the Allee effect, the Rescue effect and the Anti-rescue effect, via appropriate modifications of the two basic functions of colonization and extinction rates. Here we embed these model extensions on a spatially explicit framework. We consider population dynamics on a regular grid, each site of which represents a patch that is either occupied or empty, and with spatial coupling by neighborhood dispersal. While broad qualitative similarities exist between the spatially explicit models and their spatially implicit (mean-field) counterparts, there are also important differences that result from the details of local processes. Because of localized dispersal, spatial correlation develops among the dynamics of neighboring populations that decays with distance between patches. The extent of this correlation at equilibrium differs among the metapopulation types, depending on which processes prevail in the colonization and extinction dynamics. These differences among dynamical processes become manifest in the spatial pattern and distribution of “clusters” of occupied patches. Moreover, metapopulation dynamics along a smooth gradient of habitat availability show significant differences in the spatial pattern at the range limit. The relevance of these results to the dynamics of disease spread in metapopulations is discussed.  相似文献   

Mounting theoretical and empirical evidence shows that matrix heterogeneity may have contrasting effects on metapopulation dynamics by contributing to patch isolation in nontrivial ways. We analyze the movement properties during interpatch dispersal in a metapopulation of Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). On a daily temporal scale, lynx habitat selection defines two types of matrix habitats where individuals may move: open and dispersal habitats (avoided and used as available, respectively). There was a strong and complex impact of matrix heterogeneity on movement properties at several temporal scales (hourly and daily radiolocations and the entire dispersal event). We use the movement properties on the hourly temporal scale to build a simulation model to reconstruct individual dispersal events. The two most important parameters affecting model predictions at both the individual (daily) and metapopulation scales were related to the movement capacity (number of movement steps per day and autocorrelation in dispersal habitat) followed by the parameters representing the habitat selection in the matrix. The model adequately reproduced field estimates of population-level parameters (e.g., interpatch connectivity, maximum and final dispersal distances), and its performance was clearly improved when including the effect of matrix heterogeneity on movement properties. To assume there is a homogeneous matrix results in large errors in the estimate of interpatch connectivity, especially for close patches separated by open habitat or corridors of dispersal habitat, showing how important it is to consider matrix heterogeneity when it is present. Movement properties affect the interaction of dispersing individuals with the landscape and can be used as a mechanistic representation of dispersal at the metapopulation level. This is so when the effect of matrix heterogeneity on movement properties is evaluated under biologically meaningful spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Stepping-stone models for the ecological dynamics of metapopulations are often used to address general questions about the effects of spatial structure on the nature and complexity of population fluctuations. Such models describe an ensemble of local and spatially isolated habitat patches that are connected through dispersal. Reproduction and hence the dynamics in a given local population depend on the density of that local population, and a fraction of every local population disperses to neighboring patches. In such models, interesting dynamic phenomena, e.g. the persistence of locally unstable predator-prey interactions, are only observed if the local dynamics in an isolated patch exhibit non-equilibrium behavior. Therefore, the scope of these models is limited. Here we extend these models by making the biologically plausible assumption that reproductive success in a given local habitat not only depends on the density of the local population living in that habitat, but also on the densities of neighboring local populations. This would occur if competition for resources occurs between neighboring populations, e.g. due to foraging in neighboring habitats. With this assumption of quasi-local competition the dynamics of the model change completely. The main difference is that even if the dynamics of the local populations have a stable equilibrium in isolation, the spatially uniform equilibrium in which all local populations are at their carrying capacity becomes unstable if the strength of quasi-local competition reaches a critical level, which can be calculated analytically. In this case the metapopulation reaches a new stable state, which is, however, not spatially uniform anymore and instead results in an irregular spatial pattern of local population abundance. For large metapopulations, a huge number of different, spatially non-uniform equilibrium states coexist as attractors of the metapopulation dynamics, so that the final state of the system depends critically on the initial conditions. The existence of a large number of attractors has important consequences when environmental noise is introduced into the model. Then the metapopulation performs a random walk in the space of all attractors. This leads to large and complicated population fluctuations whose power spectrum obeys a red-shifted power law. Our theory reiterates the potential importance of spatial structure for ecological processes and proposes new mechanisms for the emergence of non-uniform spatial patterns of abundance and for the persistence of complicated temporal population fluctuations.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis (PVA) models incorporate spatial dynamics in different ways. At one extreme are the occupancy models that are based on the number of occupied populations. The simplest occupancy models ignore the location of populations. At the other extreme are individual-based models, which describe the spatial structure with the location of each individual in the population, or the location of territories or home ranges. In between these are spatially structured metapopulation models that describe the dynamics of each population with structured demographic models and incorporate spatial dynamics by modeling dispersal and temporal correlation among populations. Both dispersal and correlation between each pair of populations depend on the location of the populations, making these models spatially structured. In this article, I describe a method that expands spatially structured metapopulation models by incorporating information about habitat relationships of the species and the characteristics of the landscape in which the metapopulation exists. This method uses a habitat suitability map to determine the spatial structure of the metapopulation, including the number, size, and location of habitat patches in which subpopulations of the metapopulation live. The habitat suitability map can be calculated in a number of different ways, including statistical analyses (such as logistic regression) that find the relationship between the occurrence (or, density) of the species and independent variables which describe its habitat requirements. The habitat suitability map is then used to calculate the spatial structure of the metapopulation, based on species-specific characteristics such as the home range size, dispersal distance, and minimum habitat suitability for reproduction. Received: April 1, 1999 / Accepted: October 29, 1999  相似文献   

We model metapopulation dynamics in finite networks of discrete habitat patches with given areas and spatial locations. We define and analyze two simple and ecologically intuitive measures of the capacity of the habitat patch network to support a viable metapopulation. Metapopulation persistence capacity lambda(M) defines the threshold condition for long-term metapopulation persistence as lambda(M)>delta, where delta is defined by the extinction and colonization rate parameters of the focal species. Metapopulation invasion capacity lambda(I) sets the condition for successful invasion of an empty network from one small local population as lambda(I)>delta. The metapopulation capacities lambda(M) and lambda(I) are defined as the leading eigenvalue or a comparable quantity of an appropriate "landscape" matrix. Based on these definitions, we present a classification of a very general class of deterministic, continuous-time and discrete-time metapopulation models. Two specific models are analyzed in greater detail: a spatially realistic version of the continuous-time Levins model and the discrete-time incidence function model with propagule size-dependent colonization rate and a rescue effect. In both models we assume that the extinction rate increases with decreasing patch area and that the colonization rate increases with patch connectivity. In the spatially realistic Levins model, the two types of metapopulation capacities coincide, whereas the incidence function model possesses a strong Allee effect characterized by lambda(I)=0. For these two models, we show that the metapopulation capacities can be considered as simple sums of contributions from individual habitat patches, given by the elements of the leading eigenvector or comparable quantities. We may therefore assess the significance of particular habitat patches, including new patches that might be added to the network, for the metapopulation capacities of the network as a whole. We derive useful approximations for both the threshold conditions and the equilibrium states in the two models. The metapopulation capacities and the measures of the dynamic significance of particular patches can be calculated for real patch networks for applications in metapopulation ecology, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of conservation planning is often to prioritize patches based on their estimated contribution to metapopulation or metacommunity viability. The contribution that an individual patch makes will depend on its intrinsic characteristics, such as habitat quality, as well as its location relative to other patches, its connectivity. Here we systematically evaluate five patch value metrics to determine the importance of including an estimate of habitat quality into the metrics. Location We tested the metrics in landscapes designed to represent different degrees of variability in patch quality and different levels of patch aggregation. Methods In each landscape, we simulated population dynamics using a spatially explicit, continuous time metapopulation model linked to within patch logistic growth models. We tested five metrics that are used to estimate the contribution that a patch makes to metapopulation viability: two versions of the probability of connectivity index, two versions of patch centrality (a graph theory metric) and the metapopulation capacity metric. Results All metrics performed best in environments where patch quality was very variable and high quality patches were aggregated. Metrics that incorporated some measure of patch quality did better in all environments, but did particularly well in environments with high variance of patch quality and spatial aggregation of good quality patches. Main conclusions Including an estimate of patch quality significantly increased the ability of a given connectivity metric to rank correctly habitat patches according to their contribution to metapopulation viability. Incorporating patch quality is particularly important in landscapes where habitat quality is highly variable and good quality patches are spatially aggregated. However, caution should be used when applying patch metrics to homogeneous landscapes, even if good estimates of patch quality are available. Our results demonstrate that landscape structure and the degree of variability in patch quality need to be assessed prior to selecting a suitable method for estimating patch value.  相似文献   

Despite the considerable evidence showing that dispersal between habitat patches is often asymmetric, most of the metapopulation models assume symmetric dispersal. In this paper, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation model to quantify the effect of asymmetric dispersal on metapopulation persistence. Our results suggest that metapopulation extinctions are more likely when dispersal is asymmetric. Metapopulation viability in systems with symmetric dispersal mirrors results from a mean field approximation, where the system persists if the expected per patch colonization probability exceeds the expected per patch local extinction rate. For asymmetric cases, the mean field approximation underestimates the number of patches necessary for maintaining population persistence. If we use a model assuming symmetric dispersal when dispersal is actually asymmetric, the estimation of metapopulation persistence is wrong in more than 50% of the cases. Metapopulation viability depends on patch connectivity in symmetric systems, whereas in the asymmetric case the number of patches is more important. These results have important implications for managing spatially structured populations, when asymmetric dispersal may occur. Future metapopulation models should account for asymmetric dispersal, while empirical work is needed to quantify the patterns and the consequences of asymmetric dispersal in natural metapopulations.  相似文献   

Patch occupancy theory predicts that a trade-off between competition and dispersal should lead to regional coexistence of competing species. Empirical investigations, however, find local coexistence of superior and inferior competitors, an outcome that cannot be explained within the patch occupancy framework because of the decoupling of local and spatial dynamics. We develop two-patch metapopulation models that explicitly consider the interaction between competition and dispersal. We show that a dispersal-competition trade-off can lead to local coexistence provided the inferior competitor is superior at colonizing empty patches as well as immigrating among occupied patches. Immigration from patches that the superior competitor cannot colonize rescues the inferior competitor from extinction in patches that both species colonize. Too much immigration, however, can be detrimental to coexistence. When competitive asymmetry between species is high, local coexistence is possible only if the dispersal rate of the inferior competitor occurs below a critical threshold. If competing species have comparable colonization abilities and the environment is otherwise spatially homogeneous, a superior ability to immigrate among occupied patches cannot prevent exclusion of the inferior competitor. If, however, biotic or abiotic factors create spatial heterogeneity in competitive rankings across the landscape, local coexistence can occur even in the absence of a dispersal-competition trade-off. In fact, coexistence requires that the dispersal rate of the overall inferior competitor not exceed a critical threshold. Explicit consideration of how dispersal modifies local competitive interactions shifts the focus from the patch occupancy approach with its emphasis on extinction-colonization dynamics to the realm of source-sink dynamics. The key to coexistence in this framework is spatial variance in fitness. Unlike in the patch occupancy framework, high rates of dispersal can undermine coexistence, and hence diversity, by reducing spatial variance in fitness.  相似文献   

Species associated with transient habitats need efficient dispersal strategies to ensure their regional survival. Using a spatially explicit metapopulation model, we studied the effect of the dispersal range on the persistence of a metapopulation as a function of the local population and landscape dynamics (including habitat patch destruction and subsequent regeneration). Our results show that the impact of the dispersal range depends on both the local population and patch growth. This is due to interactions between dispersal and the dynamics of patches and populations via the number of potential dispersers. In general, long-range dispersal had a positive effect on persistence in a dynamic landscape compared to short-range dispersal. Long-range dispersal increases the number of couplings between the patches and thus the colonisation of regenerated patches. However, long-range dispersal lost its advantage for long-term persistence when the number of potential dispersers was low due to small population growth rates and/or small patch growth rates. Its advantage also disappeared with complex local population dynamics and in a landscape with clumped patch distribution.  相似文献   

Simple analytical models assuming homogeneous space have been used to examine the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on metapopulation size. The models predict an extinction threshold, a critical amount of suitable habitat below which the metapopulation goes deterministically extinct. The consequences of non-random loss of habitat for species with localized dispersal have been studied mainly numerically. In this paper, we present two analytical approaches to the study of habitat loss and its metapopulation dynamic consequences incorporating spatial correlation in both metapopulation dynamics as well as in the pattern of habitat destruction. One approach is based on a measure called metapopulation capacity, given by the dominant eigenvalue of a "landscape" matrix, which encapsulates the effects of landscape structure on population extinctions and colonizations. The other approach is based on pair approximation. These models allow us to examine analytically the effects of spatial structure in habitat loss on the equilibrium metapopulation size and the threshold condition for persistence. In contrast to the pair approximation based approaches, the metapopulation capacity based approach allows us to consider species with long as well as short dispersal range and landscapes with spatial correlation at different scales. The two methods make dissimilar assumptions, but the broad conclusions concerning the consequences of spatial correlation in the landscape structure are the same. Our results show that increasing correlation in the spatial arrangement of the remaining habitat increases patch occupancy, that this increase is more evident for species with short-range than long-range dispersal, and that to be most beneficial for metapopulation size, the range of spatial correlation in landscape structure should be at least a few times greater than the dispersal range of the species.  相似文献   

 Dispersal polymorphism and evolutionary branching of dispersal strategies has been found in several metapopulation models. The mechanism behind those findings has been temporal variation caused by cyclic or chaotic local dynamics, or temporally and spatially varying carrying capacities. We present a new mechanism: spatial heterogeneity in the sense of different patch types with sufficient proportions, and temporal variation caused by catastrophes. The model where this occurs is a generalization of the model by Gyllenberg and Metz (2001). Their model is a size-structured metapopulation model with infinitely many identical patches. We present a generalized version of their metapopulation model allowing for different types of patches. In structured population models, defining and computing fitness in polymorphic situations is, in general, difficult. We present an efficient method, which can be applied also to other structured population or metapopulation models. Received: 6 March 2001 / Revised version: 12 February 2002 / Published online: 17 July 2002  相似文献   

Comparison of dispersal rates of the bog fritillary butterfly between continuous and fragmented landscapes indicates that between patch dispersal is significantly lower in the fragmented landscape, while population densities are of the same order of magnitude. Analyses of the dynamics of the suitable habitat for the butterfly in the fragmented landscape reveal a severe, non linear increase in spatial isolation of patches over a time period of 30 years (i.e. 30 butterfly generations), but simulations of the butterfly metapopulation dynamics using a structured population model show that the lower dispersal rates in the fragmented landscape are far above the critical threshold leading to metapopulation extinction. These results indicate that changes in individual behaviour leading to the decrease of dispersal rates in the fragmented landscape were rapidly selected for when patch spatial isolation increased. The evidence of such an adaptive answer to habitat fragmentation suggests that dispersal mortality is a key factor for metapopulation persistence in fragmented landscapes. We emphasise that landscape spatial configuration and patch isolation have to be taken into account in the debate about large-scale conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The fundamental processes that influence metapopulation dynamics (extinction and recolonization) will often depend on landscape structure. Disturbances that increase patch extinction rates will frequently be landscape dependent such that they are spatially aggregated and have an increased likelihood of occurring in some areas. Similarly, landscape structure can influence organism movement, producing asymmetric dispersal between patches. Using a stochastic, spatially explicit model, we examine how landscape-dependent correlations between dispersal and disturbance rates influence metapopulation dynamics. Habitat patches that are situated in areas where the likelihood of disturbance is low will experience lower extinction rates and will function as partial refuges. We discovered that the presence of partial refuges increases metapopulation viability and that the value of partial refuges was contingent on whether dispersal was also landscape dependent. Somewhat counterintuitively, metapopulation viability was reduced when individuals had a preponderance to disperse away from refuges and was highest when there was biased dispersal toward refuges. Our work demonstrates that landscape structure needs to be incorporated into metapopulation models when there is either empirical data or ecological rationale for extinction and/or dispersal rates being landscape dependent.  相似文献   

Coupled map lattices (CMLs), using two coupled logistic equations, have been extensively used to model the dynamics of two-patch ecological systems. Such studies have revealed that migration rate plays an important role in determining the dynamics of the system, particularly when the two maps differ in their intrinsic growth rate parameter, r. However, under more realistic assumptions, a metapopulation can be expected to consist of more than two subpopulations, each with its own demographic parameters, which will in part be a function of the environment of that patch. The role of the spatial arrangement of heterogeneous (i.e. with different r values) subpopulations in shaping the dynamics of such a metapopulation has rarely been investigated. Here, we study the effect of demographic and spatial heterogeneity on the stability of one- and two-dimensional systems of 64 coupled Ricker maps with different r values, under periodic and absorbing boundary conditions. We show that the effects of migration rate on metapopulation stability do not depend upon either the precise spatial arrangement of the subpopulations in the lattice, or on the presence of a moderate proportion of vacant (uninhabitable) patches in the lattice. The results, thus, suggest that metapopulation models are robust to variation in spatial arrangement of patch quality and, hence, of demographic parameters. We also show that for any given arrangement of the patches, maximum stability of the metapopulation occurs when the migration levels are intermediate, a result that agrees well with previous studies on two-map CML systems.  相似文献   

The metapopulation framework considers that the spatiotemporal distribution of organisms results from a balance between the colonization and extinction of populations in a suitable and discrete habitat network. Recent spatially realistic metapopulation models have allowed patch dynamics to be investigated in natural populations but such models have rarely been applied to plants. Using a simple urban fragmented population system in which favourable habitat can be easily mapped, we studied patch dynamics in the annual plant Crepis sancta (Asteraceae). Using stochastic patch occupancy models (SPOMs) and multi‐year occupancy data we dissected extinction and colonization patterns in our system. Overall, our data were consistent with two distinct metapopulation scenarios. A metapopulation (sensu stricto) dynamic in which colonization occurs over a short distance and extinction is lowered by nearby occupied patches (rescue effect) was found in a set of patches close to the city centre, while a propagule rain model in which colonization occurs from a large external population was most consistent with data from other networks. Overall, the study highlights the importance of external seed sources in urban patch dynamics. Our analysis emphasizes the fact that plant distributions are governed not only by habitat properties but also by the intrinsic properties of colonization and dispersal of species. The metapopulation approach provides a valuable tool for understanding how colonization and extinction shape occupancy patterns in highly fragmented plant populations. Finally, this study points to the potential utility of more complex plant metapopulation models than traditionally used for analysing ecological and evolutionary processes in natural metapopulations.  相似文献   

Metapopulation theory for fragmented landscapes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We review recent developments in spatially realistic metapopulation theory, which leads to quantitative models of the dynamics of species inhabiting highly fragmented landscapes. Our emphasis is in stochastic patch occupancy models, which describe the presence or absence of the focal species in habitat patches. We discuss a number of ecologically important quantities that can be derived from the full stochastic models and their deterministic approximations, with a particular aim of characterizing the respective roles of the structure of the landscape and the properties of the species. These quantities include the threshold condition for persistence, the contributions that individual habitat patches make to metapopulation dynamics and persistence, the time to metapopulation extinction, and the effective size of a metapopulation living in a heterogeneous patch network.  相似文献   

We review the literature on spatial host-parasitoid and predator-prey models. Dispersal on its own is not stabilizing and can destabilize a stable local equilibrium. We identify three mechanisms whereby limited dispersal of hosts and parasitoids combined with other features, such as spatial and temporal heterogeneity, can promote increased persistence and stability. The first mechanisms, "statistical stabilization", is simply the statistical effect that summing a number of out-of-phase population trajectories results in a relatively constant total population density. The second mechanism involves decoupling of immigration from local density, such that limited dispersal between asynchronous patches results in an effect that mimics density-dependence at the local patch level. The third mechanism involves altering spatially averaged parameter values resulting from spatial heterogeneity in density combined with non-linear responses to density. Persistence in spatially explicit models with local dispersal frequently associated with self-organized spatial patterning.  相似文献   

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