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DNA barcoding is a useful tool to define operational taxonomic units based on standardized DNA regions. In this study, three chloroplast markers (rbcL, trnH-psbA and matK) and one nrDNA marker (ITS) were tested for species identification in Roscoea. The ITS and trnH-psbA regions showed high success rate of PCR amplification and bidirectional sequencing, as well as perfect discriminatory ability. On the contrary, rbcL possessed no genetic variation and matK was relatively difficult in PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Combination of multiple markers greatly improved identification ability of DNA barcoding. ITS + trnH-psbA could effectively discriminate 90% species based on method of the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) tree. Awful PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of matK restricted its efficiency, although it showed rich genetic variability in Roscoea. Moreover, it might be more appropriate to treat Roscoea cautleoides var. pubescens as an independent species based on molecular data, namely R. pubescens Z. Y. Zhu.  相似文献   

1植物名称大花象牙参(Roscoea humeana). 2材料类别潜伏芽.  相似文献   

蜜腺是有花植物与传粉昆虫构建互惠关系的关键花部结构,解析不同繁殖特性物种间蜜腺结构的差异可为理解有花植物繁殖特性的演化提供理论依据。以传粉系统高度特化、异交实现有性生殖的早花象牙参(Roscoea cautleoides)和缺乏有效传粉者、主动自交实现有性生殖的无柄象牙参(R. schneideriana)为材料,通过野外测量2个物种蜜腺特性、超景深显微镜观察和石蜡切片染色,探究早花象牙参与无柄象牙参在蜜腺分布位置、外部形态及内部结构的异同。结果表明:2个物种均具有结构蜜腺,从外部形态来看,早花象牙参蜜腺体积较大、分泌糖浓度较高的花蜜,而无柄象牙参蜜腺体积较小、无花蜜分泌;从内部结构来看,早花象牙参蜜腺结构特化、各个组成部分有明显的区分,而无柄象牙参蜜腺出现一定程度的退化。该研究结果为揭示早花象牙参与无柄象牙参在花部特征、传粉机制及繁育系统的差异以及无柄象牙参蜜腺无花蜜分泌的可能机理提供了重要的形态学依据,也为深入地探讨植物与传粉动物间的协同进化关系以及理解蜜腺多样性的起源与维持机制奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

Supplement 307     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1910,1(2567):S93-S104

报道了云南省野生象牙参属植物的种类、分布、观赏特性及园林应用,并提出了开发建议.  相似文献   

腊梅的受精作用及胚胎发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腊梅 (Chimonanthuspraecox)花两性 ,离心皮雌蕊着生在杯状花托上 ,柱头线形 ,干性。花粉经昆虫传播 ,落在柱头上 1d后萌发 ,第 8d从珠孔进入 ,第 1 4d左右完成双受精 ,为珠孔受精。胚乳为核型胚乳 ;初生胚乳核经短暂休眠进行核分裂 ,位于合点端的游离核首先形成细胞 ,并从合点向珠孔端细胞化 ,第 37d胚乳充满整个囊腔。合子经过近 2周的休眠后开始分裂 ,随着胚的发育 ,大部分胚乳降解 ,为胚的发育提供营养。合点端的胚乳细胞则侵入合点珠心组织 ,为胚进一步发育提供营养。其胚胎发生为柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is very common in plants, and plays an important role in plant evolution. Besides the traditional methods including morphological analysis and hand crossing, molecular evidence is needed for studying natural hybridization.In order to analyze natural hybridization in Roscoea,HAT-RAPD technique was used toidentify putative hybrids from parental species by principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index. The results indicated that the bands amplified by HAT-RAPD technique were more stable and reliable than that of RAPD. The result of principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index showed that intermediate individuals were the hybrids of R.humeana and R.cautleoides, and showed closer relationships to R.humeana. These results suggested that HAT-RAPD could be used to study natural hybridization. As it is simple and easy to manipulate, HAT RAPD may prove to be a very effective technique in hybrid identification in the studies of plant evolution.  相似文献   

目的:研究中国象牙参属植物种类分布及药用资源,探讨它们的分布特点及其药用价值.方法:通过野外调查,标本采集鉴定,馆藏植物标本的查阅和文献资料的整理进行研究.鲒果:中国象牙参属植物有14种3变种,其中有8种作为藏药和民间草药使用,具有补肺定喘,治咳嗽哮喘或温中散寒、止痛消食等功效等功效.结论:我国西南地区象牙参属药用植物资源丰富,值得进一步开发利用.  相似文献   

1植物名称早花象牙参(Roscoea cautheoides). 2材料类别幼嫩的叶片. 3培养条件(1)诱导培养基:MS 6-BA 1.5 mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.1 水解酪蛋白800 椰子汁50mL·L-1;(2)分化培养基:MS 6-BA 1.0 NAA 0.1;(3)增殖培养基:MS 6-BA 0.6 NAA 0.1;(4)生根培养基:1/2MS 6-BA 0.6 NAA 0.1 活性炭0.1%.上述培养基均加0.6%琼脂、3%蔗糖,pH 5.8.培养温度(20±1)℃、光照时间10 h·d-1,光照度2 000 lx.  相似文献   

Floral organs are widely believed to enhance the pollination and reproductive success of angiosperms. However, the functional implication of some floral structures is still unknown. In this study, we explored the functional role of staminal appendages on male and female reproductive success of Himalayan Roscoea spp. and tested if their function differed between species with biotic pollination and autonomous selfing. Phenotypic manipulation is a powerful approach to test the functional effect of a particular trait on plant fitness. We compared various proxies of pollination success between intact flowers and flowers with manually excised staminal appendages. We found that the rate of visitation did not differ between intact and manipulated flowers. Our results revealed that in outcrossing Roscoea spp., the staminal appendages act as triggering devices to facilitate pollen release and deposition and also to manipulate the foraging position of pollinators to ensure both male and female reproductive success. In contrast, in autonomously selfing Roscoea spp., the removal of staminal appendages did not affect any aspect of pollination processes. Our results suggest that the staminal appendages are an integral component of outcrossing in Roscoea spp. and are maintained by selection pressure through both male and female reproductive success. This study provides important insights on how variation in breeding systems can provoke changes in the structure and function of floral organs among congeners.  相似文献   

A. R. Tilley  L. G. Douglas 《CMAJ》1974,110(3):309-312
Lymphedema of the lower extremities poses a challenging problem in management. Gross deformities may be encountered in patients with filarial infestation. This degree of involvement is rare in native North Americans suffering from primary lymphedema.A case is presented of a patient with changes similar to those seen in filariasis, due to several episodes of acute lymphangitis over a period of years. The involved tissue was excised and the defects skin-grafted, employing a modified Charles procedure. The magnitude of the excision was such that it was carried out in three widely spaced stages. The result was satisfactory from a functional viewpoint, and also represented a marked cosmetic improvement.  相似文献   

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