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We have explored the intracellular cell organelle's structural alterations after photodynamic treatment with chlorin p6-histamine conjugate (Cp6-his) in human oral cancer cells. Herein, the cells were treated with Cp6-his (10 μm) and counterstained with organelle-specific fluorescence probes to find the site of intracellular localization using confocal microscopy. For photodynamic therapy (PDT), the cells were exposed to ~30 kJ/m2 red light (660 ± 20 nm) to induce ~90% cytotoxicity. We used the three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction approach to analyze the photodynamic damage to cell organelles. The result showed that Cp6-his localized mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes but not in mitochondria and Golgi apparatus (GA). The 3D model revealed that in necrotic cells, PDT led to extensive fragmentation of ER and fragmentation and swelling of GA as well. Results suggest that the indirect damage to GA occurred due to loss of connection between ER and GA. Moreover, in damaged cells with no sign of necrosis, the perinuclear ER appeared condensed and surrounded by several small clumps at the peripheral region of the cell, and the GA was observed to form a single condensed structure. Since these structural changes were associated with apoptotic cell death, it is suggested that the necrotic and apoptotic death induced by PDT with Cp6-his is determined by the severity of damage to ER and indirect damage to GA. The results suggest that the indirect damage to cell organelle apart from the sites of photosensitizer localization and the severity of damage at the organelle level contribute significantly to the mode of cell death in PDT.  相似文献   

Alveolar type II (ATII) cells in the peripheral human lung spontaneously differentiate toward ATI cells, thus enabling air‐blood barrier formation. Here, linear Raman and coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy are applied to study cell differentiation of freshly isolated ATII cells. The Raman spectra can successfully be correlated with gradual morphological and molecular changes during cell differentiation. Alveolar surfactant rich vesicles in ATII cells are identified based on phospholipid vibrations, while ATI‐like cells are characterized by the absence of vesicular structures. Complementary, CARS microscopy allows for three‐dimensional visualization of lipid vesicles within ATII cells and their secretion, while hyperspectral CARS enables the distinction between cellular proteins and lipids according to their vibrational signatures. This study paves the path for further label‐free investigations of lung cells and the role of the pulmonary surfactant, thus also providing a basis for rational development of future lung therapeutics.   相似文献   

Observing a biological event as it unfolds in the living cell provides unique insight into the nature of the phenomenon under study. Capturing live cell data differs from imaging fixed preparations because living plants respond to the intense light used in the imaging process. In addition, live plant cells are inherently thick specimens containing colored and fluorescent molecules often removed when the plant is fixed and sectioned. For fixed cells, the straightforward goal is to maximize contrast and resolution. For live cell imaging, maximizing contrast and resolution will probably damage the specimen or rapidly bleach the probe. Therefore, the goals are different. Live cell imaging seeks a balance between image quality and the information content that comes with increasing contrast and resolution. That "lousy" live cell image may contain all the information needed to answer the question being posed--provided the investigator properly framed the question and imaged the cells appropriately. Successful data collection from live cells requires developing a specimen-mounting protocol, careful selection and alignment of microscope components, and a clear understanding of how the microscope system generates contrast and resolution. This paper discusses general aspects of modern live cell imaging and the special considerations for imaging live plant specimens.  相似文献   

Digital fluorescence microscopy is now a standard technology for assaying molecular localisation in cells and tissues. The choice of laser scanning (LSM) and wide-field microscopes (WFM) largely depends on the type of sample, with LSMs performing best on thick samples and WFMs performing best on thin ones. These systems are increasingly used to collect large multidimensional datasets. We propose a unified image structure that considers space, time, and fluorescence wavelength as integral parts of the image. Moreover, the application of fluorescence imaging to large-scale screening means that large datasets are now routinely acquired. We propose that analysis of these data requires querying tools based on relational databases and describe one such system.  相似文献   

We present a multimodal technique for measuring the integral refractive index and the thickness of biological cells and their organelles by integrating interferometric phase microscopy (IPM) and rapid confocal fluorescence microscopy. First, the actual thickness maps of the cellular compartments are reconstructed using the confocal fluorescent sections, and then the optical path difference (OPD) map of the same cell is reconstructed using IPM. Based on the co‐registered data, the integral refractive index maps of the cell and its organelles are calculated. This technique enables rapidly measuring refractive index of live, dynamic cells, where IPM provides quantitative imaging capabilities and confocal fluorescence microscopy provides molecular specificity of the cell organelles. We acquire human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells and show that the integral refractive index values are similar for the whole cell, the cytoplasm and the nucleus on the population level, but significantly different on the single cell level.  相似文献   

Super‐resolution microscopy (SRM) has had a substantial impact on the biological sciences due to its ability to observe tiny objects less than 200 nm in size. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy represents a major category of these SRM techniques that can achieve diffraction‐unlimited resolution based on a purely optical modulation of fluorescence behaviors. Here, we investigated how the laser beams affect fluorescence lifetime in both confocal and STED imaging modes. The results showed that with increasing illumination time, the fluorescence lifetime in two kinds of fluorescent microspheres had an obvious change in STED imaging mode, compared with that in confocal imaging mode. As a result, the reduction of saturation intensity induced by the increase of fluorescence lifetime can improve the STED imaging resolution at the same depletion power. The phenomenon was also observed in Star635P‐labeled human Nup153 in fixed HeLa cells, which can be treated as a reference for the synthesis of fluorescent labels with the sensitivity to the surrounding environment for resolution improvement in STED nanoscopy.   相似文献   

Real‐time microscopic imaging of freshly excised tissue enables a rapid bedside‐pathology. A possible application of interest is the detection of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs). The aim of this study was to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of ex vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) for OSCCs and to compare confocal images visually and qualitatively with gold standard histopathology. Two hundred eighty ex vivo FCM images were prospectively collected and evaluated immediately after excision. Every confocal image was blindly assessed for the presence or absence of malignancy by two clinicians and one pathologist. The results were compared with conventional histopathology with hematoxylin and eosin staining. OSCCs were detected with a very high sensitivity of 0.991, specificity of 0.9527, positive predictive value of 0.9322 and negative predictive value of 0.9938. The results demonstrate the potential of ex vivo FCM in fresh tissue for rapid real‐time surgical pathology.  相似文献   

In biological microscopy, the ever expanding range of applications requires quantitative approaches that analyze several distinct fluorescent molecules at the same time in the same sample. However, the spectral properties of the fluorescent proteins and dyes presently available set an upper limit to the number of molecules that can be detected simultaneously with common microscopy methods. Spectral imaging and linear unmixing extends the possibilities to discriminate distinct fluorophores with highly overlapping emission spectra and thus the possibilities of multicolor imaging. This method also offers advantages for fast multicolor time-lapse microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements in living samples. Here we discuss recent progress on the technical implementation of the method, its limitations and applications to the imaging of biological samples.  相似文献   

In the present study a new luminescent dye 3‐N‐(2‐pyrrolidinylacetamido)benzanthrone (AZR) was synthesized. Spectroscopic measurements of the novel benzanthrone 3‐aminoderivative were performed in seven organic solvents showing strong fluorescence. The capability of the prepared dye for visualization has been tested on flax, red clover and alfalfa to determinate the embryo in plant callus tissue cultures. Callus cells were stained with AZR and further analysed utilizing confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. Performed experiments show high visualization effectiveness of newly synthesized fluorescent dye AZR that is efficient in fast and relatively inexpensive diagnostics of callus embryos that are problematic due to in vitro culture specificity.  相似文献   

Live-cell imaging chambers are used in a wide range of cell biology research. Recently, chambers capable of taking high-resolution and time-lapse images of live cells have been developed and become commercially available. However, because most of these chambers are designed to maintain a thermally stable environment for the cells under study, it is usually very difficult to use them to study temperature-dependent cellular events. Here we report the development of a chamber that is able to be used for the continuous monitoring of live neurons under most commercially available upright epifluorescence and confocal microscopes and in which the temperature and composition of the medium surrounding the neurons can be changed rapidly and reversibly. This live-cell observation chamber has been used successfully with cultured rat hippocampal neurons to study temperature-dependent changes in the dynamics of the microtubule cytoskeleton using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) together with the localization of α-tubulin in the dendritic spines. The success of these observations demonstrates the usefulness and applicability of the live-cell observation chamber described here to a wide range of cell biology experiments.  相似文献   


The present short introduction to confocal microscopy in plant cell biology is meant to be a reference addressed to those who are approaching these studies. Optical and genetic techniques developed over the last years have revolutionised plant cell biology. They enable in vivo studies of cell organisation, mainly based on the use of confocal microscopy and derivatives of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Such fluorescent proteins are extremely useful tools for directly monitoring gene expression and protein localisation, and for selectively labelling sub-cellular structures. GFP-expressing plants can be directly examined by confocal microscopy to obtain high-resolution optical sections of intact tissues and to allow time-lapse observation of dynamic processes. The application of such approaches to the investigation of root cell responses during arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Discoveries of major importance in life sciences and preclinical research are linked to the invention of microscopes that enable imaging of cells and their microstructures. Imaging technologies involving in vivo procedures using fluorescent dyes that permit labelling of cells have been developed over the last two decades. Fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy (FCFM) is an imaging technology equipped with fiber‐optic probes to deliver light to organs and tissues of live animals. This enables not only in vivo detection of fluorescent signals and visualization of cells, but also the study of dynamic processes, such cell proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis, under physiological and pathological conditions. This will allow the diagnosis of diseased organs and tissues and the evaluation of the efficacy of new therapies in animal models of human diseases. The aim of this report is to shed light on FCFM and its potential medical applications and discusses some factors that compromise the reliability and reproducibility of monitoring biological processes by FCFM. This report also highlights the issues concerning animal experimentation and welfare, and the contributions of FCFM to the 3Rs principals, replacement, reduction and refinement.   相似文献   

Ex-vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) has been used on fresh tissue, but there is little experience on frozen sections. We evaluated the applicability of FCM on frozen sections of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), stained with acridine orange and digitally colored to simulate hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) dyes. We compared our diagnostic accuracy in detecting and subtyping BCCs with FCM to our gold standard (H&E stained frozen sections used in 3D horizontal micrographic surgery). Fourty-six primary BCCs were analyzed for free margins as well as histological subtype with all FCM modes and conventional H&E staining. Adnexa, artifacts and diagnostic confidence were evaluated. Free margins were identified with a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 91%. Concordance for tumor subtype was 88%. FCM may be used on both fresh tissue and frozen samples, although with reduced performance and different artifacts. The device is useful for the intraoperative diagnosis, subtyping and margin-mapping of BCCs.   相似文献   

Immunological diagnostic methods have been widely performed and showed high performance in molecular and cellular biology, molecular imaging, and medical diagnostics. We have developed novel methods for the fluorescent labeling of several antibodies coupled with fluorescent nanocrystal QDs. In this study we demonstrated that two bacterial toxins, diphtheria toxin and tetanus toxin, were detected simultaneously in the same view field of a cover slip by using directly QD-conjugated antibodies. We have succeeded in detecting bacterial toxins by counting luminescent spots on the evanescent field with using primary antibody conjugated to QDs. In addition, each bacterial toxin in the mixture can be separately detected by single excitation laser with emission band pass filters, and simultaneously in situ pathogen quantification was performed by calculating the luminescent density on the surface of the cover slip. Our results demonstrate that total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) enables us to distinguish each antigen from mixed samples and can simultaneously quantitate multiple antigens by QD-conjugated antibodies . Bioconjugated QDs could have great potentialities for in practical biomedical applications to develop various high-sensitivity detection systems.  相似文献   

Animal imaging requires the use of reliable long-term fluorescence methods and technology. The application of confocal imaging to in vivo monitoring of transgene expression within internal organs and tissues has been limited by the accessibility to these sites. We aimed to test the feasibility of fibred confocal fluorescence microscopy (FCFM) to image in situ green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cells of living animals. We used transgenic rabbits expressing the enhanced GFP (eGFP) gene. Detailed tissue architecture and cell morphology were visualised and identified in situ by FCFM. Imaging of vasculature by using FCFM revealed a single blood vessel or vasculature network. We also used non-transgenic female rabbits mated with transgenic males to visualise eGFP expression in extra-foetal membranes and the placenta. Expression of the eGFP gene was confirmed by FCFM. This new imaging technology offers specific characteristics: a way to gain access to organs and tissues in vivo, sensitive detection of fluorescent signals, and cellular observations with rapid acquisition at near real time. It allows an accurate visualisation of tissue anatomical structure and cell morphology. FCFM is a promising technology to study biological processes in the natural physiological environment of living animals.  相似文献   

Biological samples are three dimensional and, therefore, optical sectioning is mandatory for microscopic images to precisely show the localization or function of structures within biological samples. Today, researchers can choose from a variety of methods to obtain optical sections. This article focuses on structured illumination microscopy, which is a group of techniques utilizing a combination of optics and mathematics to obtain optical sections: A structure is imaged onto the sample by optical means and the additional information thereby encoded in the image is used to calculate an optical section from several acquired images. Different methods of structured illumination microscopy (mainly grid projection and aperture correlation) are discussed from a practical point of view, concentrating on advantages, limitations and future prospects of these techniques and their use in cell biology. Structured illumination can also be used to obtain super-resolution information if structures of higher frequency are projected onto the sample. This promising approach to super-resolution microscopy is also briefly discussed from a user's perspective.  相似文献   

Although methods for light microscopy of chromatin are well established, there are no quantitative data for nucleosome concentrations in vivo. To establish such a method we used a HeLa clone expressing the core histone H2B fused to the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (H2B-EYFP). Quantitative gel electrophoresis and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) of isolated oligonucleosomes show that 5% of the total H2Bs carry the fluorescent tag and an increased nucleosome repeat length of 204 bp for the fluorescent cells. In vivo, the mobility and distribution of H2B-EYFP were studied with a combination of FCS and confocal imaging. With FCS, concentration and brightness of nascent molecules were measured in the cytoplasm, while in the nucleoplasm a background of mobile fluorescent histones was determined by continuous photobleaching. Combining these results allows converting confocal fluorescence images of nuclei into calibrated nucleosome density maps. Absolute nucleosome concentrations in interphase amount up to 250 microM locally, with mean values of 140(+/-28)microM, suggesting that a condensation-controlled regulation of site accessibility takes place at length scales well below 200 nm.  相似文献   

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