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A chitinolytic bacterium isolated from a healthy gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, larva was shown to be pathogenic to larvae when administered per os after growth on chitin broth. However, the chitin hydrolase produced by this isolate had a pH optimum for activity of 5.5 and the high alkalinity in the mesenteron of L. dispar larvae severely limited chitinolysis of the midgut lining. Fermentative, nonpathogenic, acid-producing bacteria isolated from healthy gypsy moth larvae effectively lowered larval mesenteron pH when administered per os and the combination of fermentative isolates with a crude culture aliquot of the chitinolytic strain produced a synergistic increase in mortality over either dose administered by itself. Increased mortality was also observed for most fermentative strains when they were combined with crude supernatants of centrifuged cultures of the chitinolytic strain, although these combinations proved less effective than when fermenters were added to the whole-culture aliquots of the chitinolytic strain. In vitro studies showed that other bacteria isolated from environments foreign to that of the gypsy moth could ferment carbohydrates with acid production at an alkaline pH; however, in vivo studies demonstrated that these bacteria were incapable both of poising larval midgut pH and of enhancing mortality when added to chitinolytic bacteria.  相似文献   

Newly emerged Glossina m.morsitans Westwood tsetse flies lack a peritrophic membrane which develops to fully line the midgut after c. 80-90 h. Midgut lectins are mainly associated with the peritrophic membrane. Lectin levels in the blood-free gut of adult flies rise slowly up to 8 days and then rapidly to at least 14 days post-eclosion (when the last of our recordings was made). Despite starving flies for 4 days prior to the agglutination assay, gut lectin levels in older flies are 100-200 times more than those in newly ecloded flies. This is inconsistent with the idea that there is a simple relationship between lectins and the protection of tsetse flies against trypanosome infection. Various theories put forward to account for age-dependent variation in the ability of tsetse to become infected with trypanosomes are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Wang FP  Li Q  Zhou Y  Li MG  Xiao X 《Proteins》2003,53(4):908-916
The chitinase gene chi1 of Aeromonas caviae CB101 encodes an 865-amino-acid protein (with signal peptide) composed of four domains named from the N-terminal as an all-beta-sheet domain ChiN, a triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) catalytic domain, a function-unknown A region, and a putative chitin-binding domain (ChBD) composed of two repeated sequences. The N-terminal 563-amino-acid segment of Chi1 (Chi1DeltaADeltaChBD) shares 74% identity with ChiA of Serratia marcescens. By the homology modeling method, the three-dimensional (3D) structure of Chi1DeltaADeltaChBD was constructed. It fit the structure of ChiA very well. To understand fully the function of the C-terminal module of Chi1 (from 564 to 865 amino acids), two different C-terminal truncates, Chi1DeltaChBD and Chi1DeltaADeltaChBD, were constructed, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Comparison studies of the substrate binding, hydrolysis capacity, and specificity among Chi1 and its two truncates showed that the C-terminal putative ChBD contributed to the insoluble substrate-protein binding and hydrolysis; the A region did not have any function in the insoluble substrate-protein binding, but it did have a role in the chitin hydrolysis: Deletion of the A region caused the enzyme to lose 30-40% of its activity toward amorphous colloidal chitin and soluble chitin, and around 50% toward p-nitrophenyl (pNP)-chitobiose pNP-chitotriose, and its activity toward low-molecular-weight chitooligomers (GlcNAc)3-6 also dropped, as shown by analysis of its digestion processes. This is the first clear demonstration that a domain or segment without a function in insoluble substrate-chitinase binding has a role in the digestion of a broad range of chitin substrates, including low-molecular-weight chitin oligomers. The reaction mode of Chi1 is also described and discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the point at which a monoclonal antibody (mAb C5) to a surface protein (Pgs25) on Plasmodium gallinaceum ookinetes blocked the infection of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The antibody did not block the development of zygotes to ookinetes in vitro. Development of ookinetes to oocysts in the mosquito was blocked to the same extent whether zygotes grew to ookinetes in the presence of mAb C5 or the antibody was added after the ookinetes had reached full development. When ookinetes developed in vitro in the presence of mAb C5, antibody remained on the surface of the parasite for the next 50 hr and did not block attachment to the peritrophic membrane. When ookinetes were fed to mosquitoes, two subpopulations of mosquitoes were observed (high numbers of oocysts per midgut and low numbers of oocysts per midgut). mAb C5 reduced the number of oocysts per midgut in the subpopulation that had low numbers of oocysts. The subpopulation that had high numbers of oocysts was unaffected by antibody, indicating that the antibody did not block invasion of the midgut epithelium. When mAb C5 was fed with gametocytes, the parasites invaded the epithelium at the same time (between 30 and 35 hr after the blood meal) as in controls, although at a markedly reduced rate. The ultrastructural observations were consistent with a block of parasites within the peritrophic membrane and not with a block at the epithelium, as parasites were not seen to accumulate within the space between the peritrophic membrane and the epithelium. The mechanism by which mAb C5 to Pgs25 of P. gallinaceum blocks the penetration of the peritrophic membrane remains undefined. We present evidence that the parasite modifies the peritrophic membrane during penetration, an observation first made for Babesia microti during penetration of the peritrophic membrane in Ixodes ticks. Ookinetes in the absence of antibodies appeared to disrupt the layers of the peritrophic membrane, suggesting an enzymatic mechanism for penetration.  相似文献   

During the pre-exuvial period of the terrestrial crustacean Orchestia, the calcium of the old cuticle is almost entirely reabsorbed and stored as calcareous concretions in the lumen of the midgut posterior caeca. The elaboration of these concretions is due to transport by the caecal epithelium. With ultrastructural cytochemistry controlled by X-ray microanalysis, it can be demonstrated that the main sites of ionized or ionizable calcium are the apical microvilli and an extracellular (lateral and basal) network of channels. Direct precipitating cytochemical methods, using potassium pyroantimonate or pyrophosphate, potassium oxalate or oxalic acid, sodium fluoride, sodium tungstate, and indirect substitution methods, using lead acetate or nitrate and cobalt nitrate were comparatively used. The results are interpreted in favour of the hypothesis of an extracellular transport pathway for calcium through the lateral smooth septate junctions, in conjunction with a more classical apical transport through the microvilli.  相似文献   

Amylase, cellulase, trehalase, aminopeptidase and trypsin were determined using the midgut and trehalose using the haemolymph of starved and of subsequently fed larvae of Rhynchosciara americana. Midgut trehalase activity decreases steadily during starvation and increases again on feeding, whereas haemolymph trehalose titres remain constant, suggesting that trehalase is a true digestive enzyme. The decrease in amylase, cellulase and trypsin activity in the midgut during starvation is of the same order as that recovered from the excreta. Since this finding is exactly what one would expect if enzyme production stops in response to starvation, this supports the hypothesis that synthesis that synthesis of these enzymes is controlled. The excretion rate of amylase, cellulase and trypsin is very low in comparison to their activity inside the peritrophic membrane and the travel time of the food bolus through the gut. It is proposed that the peritrophic membrane separates two extracellular sites for digestion as an adaptation to conserve secreted enzymes. This could be accomplished by the existence of an endo-ectoperitrophic circulation of the enzymes involved in the initial attack on the food and by restricting to the ectoperitrophic fluid the enzymes which participate only in intermediary digestion of food.  相似文献   

The osmium tetroxide-potassium pyroantimonate technique was used to localize Ca2+-containing sites in the protozoan Tritrichomonas foetus. Reaction product was seen in association with the plasma membrane and with a membrane-bound organelle, the hydrogenosome. Reaction product was also seen in some cytoplasmic vesicles and in lysosomes. Treatment of the ultrathin sections with EGTA resulted in removal of the pyroantimonate precipitate. These results suggest that the hydrogenosome may be involved in the control of the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ in T. foetus.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of the plasma membrane of the haploid strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae X-2180 1A has been studied by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Protein and glycoprotein components have been identified and their apparent Mr determined. A glycoprotein showing an apparent Mr of 27 500 has been shown to be the main structural component. Treatment of the cells with cycloheximide prior to plasma membrane isolation resulted in a redistribution of the relative amounts of each protein band and a drastic reduction in the number of Schiff positive bands. It is postulated that treatment with this drug rids the plasma membrane of glycoprotein secretory components which are in the process of being secreted to the periplasmic space, thus allowing the study of the basic structural components of the organelle. The electrophoretic pattern of the internal membranes revealed close similarities with that of the plasma membrane and though two-dimensional electrophoresis might disclose greater differences, these similarities suggest a common origin for most of the components of both membranous systems. Finally, radioiodination techniques have been used in studying the asymmetric disposition of some of the components of the plasma membrane. At least five polypeptides were identified as located to the outer layer of the plasma membrane and two more glycopeptides were shown to span across the bilayer.  相似文献   

Endogenous peptide regulators of insect physiology and development are presently being considered as potential biopesticides, but their efficacy by oral delivery cannot be easily anticipated because of the limited information on how the insect gut barrier handles these kind of molecules. We investigated, in Bombyx mori larvae, the permeability properties of the two components of the intestinal barrier, the peritrophic membrane (PM) and the midgut epithelium, separately isolated and perfused in conventional Ussing chambers. The PM discriminated compounds of different dimensions but was easily crossed by two small peptides recently proposed as bioinsecticides, the neuropeptide proctolin and Aedes aegypti Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (Aea-TMOF), although their flux values indicated that the permeability was highly affected by their steric conformation. To date, there is very little functional data available on how peptides cross the insect intestinal epithelium, but it has been speculated that peptides could reach the haemocoel through the paracellular pathway. We characterized the permeability properties of this route to a number of organic molecules, showing that B. mori septate junction was highly selective to both the dimension and the charge of the permeant compound. Confocal images of whole-mount midguts incubated with rhodamine(rh)-proctolin or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Aea-TMOF added to the mucosal side of the epithelium, revealed that rh-proctolin did not enter the cell and crossed the midgut only by the paracellular pathway, while FITC-Aea-TMOF did cross the cell apical membrane, permeating also through the transcellular route.  相似文献   

The Masquelet technique is a surgical procedure to regenerate segmental bone defects. The two-phase treatment relies on the production of a vascularized foreign-body membrane to support bone grafts over three times larger than the traditional maximum. Historically, the procedure has always utilized a bone cement spacer to evoke membrane production. However, membrane formation can easily be effected by implant surface properties such as material and topology. This study sought to determine if the membrane’s mechanical or barrier properties are affected by changing the spacer material to titanium or roughening the surface finish. Ten-week-old, male Sprague Dawley rats were given an externally stabilized, 6 mm femur defect which was filled with a pre-made spacer of bone cement (PMMA) or titanium (TI) with a smooth (∼1 μm) or roughened (∼8 μm) finish. After 4 weeks of implantation, the membranes were harvested, and the matrix composition, tensile mechanics, shrinkage, and barrier function was assessed. Roughening the spacers resulted in significantly more compliant membranes. TI spacers created membranes that inhibited solute transport more. There were no differences between groups in collagen or elastin distribution. This suggests that different membrane characteristics can be created by altering the spacer surface properties. Surgeons may unknowingly effecting membrane formation via bone cement preparation techniques.  相似文献   

嗜水气单胞菌外膜蛋白W 基因的表达及其免疫原性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从患暴发性败血病的草鱼病灶处分离鉴定了嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)Wp3菌株。以其基因组DNA为模板扩增外膜蛋白W基因(OmpW),该基因全长为865 bp,开放式阅读框(ORF)为615 bp,与标准株ATCC7966的OmpW基因的同源性为99.8%。根据ORF序列设计引物扩增OmpW成熟肽编码序列并将其插入到表达载体pQE30中,转化大肠杆菌,经诱导可表达分子量为24.7 kD的带His标签的融合外膜蛋白His-W。用此融合蛋白免疫草鱼,所得草鱼血清经ELISA分析显示呈现阳性反应,说明重组蛋白能诱导产生抗体。采用实时荧光定量PCR分析草鱼头肾组织IgM基因表达水平的变化,结果显示免疫组IgM的表达量均明显高于空白组,其中低浓度免疫组(2μg/g)与空白对照组的差异显著(P<0.05),说明融合蛋白可使草鱼产生良好的免疫应答并上调抗体基因表达、产生高效抗体。保护性实验显示,不同免疫剂量均可使免疫组获得较高保护率(57%?86%)。结果显示,重组嗜水气单胞菌外膜蛋白W可作为草鱼嗜水气单胞菌基因工程亚单位疫苗。  相似文献   

Measuring the stability of integrated membrane proteins under equilibrium conditions is hampered by the nature of the proteins' amphiphilic environment. While intrinsic fluorescence is a useful probe for structural changes in water-soluble proteins, the fluorescence of membrane proteins is sensitive to changes in lipid and detergent composition. As an attempt to overcome this problem, I present a kinetic analysis of the folding of a membrane protein, disulfide bond reducing protein B (DsbB), in a mixed micelle system consisting of varying molar ratios of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyl maltoside (DM). This analysis incorporates both folding and unfolding rates, making it possible to determine both the stability of the native state and the process by which the protein folds. Refolding and unfolding occur on the second to millisecond timescale and involve only one relaxation phase, when monitored by conventional stopped-flow. The kinetic data indicate that denaturation occurs around 0.3 mole fraction of SDS, in agreement with CD analysis and acrylamide quenching data. The rate constants have been fit to a three-state folding scheme involving the SDS-denatured state, the native state and an unfolding intermediate that accumulates only under unfolding conditions at high mole fractions of SDS. The stability of DsbB is around 4.4 kcal/mol in DM, and this is halved upon reduction of the two periplasmic disulfide bonds, and is sensitive to mutagenesis. With the caveat that kinetic data are always open to alternative interpretations, time-resolved studies in mixed micelles provide a useful approach to measure membrane protein stability over a wide range of concentrations of SDS and DM, as well as a framework for the future characterization of the DsbB folding mechanism.  相似文献   

The envelope of Escherichia coli is a complex organelle composed of the outer membrane, periplasm-peptidoglycan layer and cytoplasmic membrane. Each compartment has a unique complement of proteins, the proteome. Determining the proteome of the envelope is essential for developing an in silico bacterial model, for determining cellular responses to environmental alterations, for determining the function of proteins encoded by genes of unknown function and for development and testing of new experimental technologies such as mass spectrometric methods for identifying and quantifying hydrophobic proteins. The availability of complete genomic information has led several groups to develop computer algorithms to predict the proteome of each part of the envelope by searching the genome for leader sequences, β-sheet motifs and stretches of α-helical hydrophobic amino acids. In addition, published experimental data has been mined directly and by machine learning approaches. In this review we examine the somewhat confusing available literature and relate published experimental data to the most recent gene annotation of E. coli to describe the predicted and experimental proteome of each compartment. The problem of characterizing integral versus membrane-associated proteins is discussed. The E. coli envelope proteome provides an excellent test bed for developing mass spectrometric techniques for identifying hydrophobic proteins that have generally been refractory to analysis. We describe the gel based and solution based proteome analysis approaches along with protein cleavage and proteolysis methods that investigators are taking to tackle this difficult problem.  相似文献   

The attachment of palmitic acid to the amino acid cysteine via thioester linkage (S-palmitoylation) is a common post-translational modification of eukaryotic proteins. In this review, we discuss the role of palmitoylation as a versatile protein sorting signal, regulating protein trafficking between distinct intracellular compartments and the micro-localization of proteins within membranes.  相似文献   

Although the study of individual phospholipids and their synthesis began in the 1920s first in plants and then mammals, it was not until the early 1960s that Eugene Kennedy using Escherichia coli initiated studies of bacterial phospholipid metabolism. With the base of information already available from studies of mammalian tissue, the basic blueprint of phospholipid biosynthesis in E. coli was worked out by the late 1960s. In 1970s and 1980s most of the enzymes responsible for phospholipid biosynthesis were purified and many of the genes encoding these enzymes were identified. By the late 1990s conditional and null mutants were available along with clones of the genes for every step of phospholipid biosynthesis. Most of these genes had been sequenced before the complete E. coli genome sequence was available. Strains of E. coli were developed in which phospholipid composition could be changed in a systematic manner while maintaining cell viability. Null mutants, strains in which phospholipid metabolism was artificially regulated, and strains synthesizing foreign lipids not found in E. coli have been used to this day to define specific roles for individual phospholipid. This review will trace the findings that have led to the development of E. coli as an excellent model system to study mechanisms underlying the synthesis and function of phospholipids that are widely applicable to other prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Phospholipids and Phospholipid Metabolism.  相似文献   

Although the physiological consequences of plant growth under saline conditions have been well described, understanding the core mechanisms conferring plant salt adaptation has only started. We target the root plasma membrane proteomes of two barley varieties, cvs. Steptoe and Morex, with contrasting salinity tolerance. In total, 588 plasma membrane proteins were identified by mass spectrometry, of which 182 were either cultivar or salinity stress responsive. Three candidate proteins with increased abundance in the tolerant cv. Morex were involved either in sterol binding (a GTPase‐activating protein for the adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor [ZIGA2], and a membrane steroid binding protein [MSBP]) or in phospholipid synthesis (phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase [PEAMT]). Overexpression of barley MSBP conferred salinity tolerance to yeast cells, whereas the knock‐out of the heterologous AtMSBP1 increased salt sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Atmsbp1 plants showed a reduced number of lateral roots under salinity, and root‐tip‐specific expression of barley MSBP in Atmsbp1 complemented this phenotype. In barley, an increased abundance of MSBP correlates with reduced root length and lateral root formation as well as increased levels of auxin under salinity being stronger in the tolerant cv. Morex. Hence, we concluded the involvement of MSBP in phytohormone‐directed adaptation of root architecture in response to salinity.  相似文献   

A group of integral membrane proteins, known as C-tail anchored, is defined by the presence of a cytosolic NH2-terminal domain that is anchored to the phospholipid bilayer by a single segment of hydrophobic amino acids close to the COOH terminus. The mode of insertion into membranes of these proteins, many of which play key roles in fundamental intracellular processes, is obligatorily posttranslational, is highly specific, and may be subject to regulatory processes that modulate the protein's function. Although recent work has elucidated structural features in the tail region that determine selection of the correct target membrane, the molecular machinery involved in interpreting this information, and in modulating tail-anchored protein localization, has not been identified yet.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers were used to discriminate between populations of Delosperma herbeum as well as other species of Delosperma occurring in Gauteng and adjacent provinces in South Africa. A total of 99 individuals representing 30 populations were examined for 158 polymorphic AFLP markers using the EcoRI and MseI restriction enzymes. Cluster analysis of AFLP marker scores, visualized through Neighbor-Joining and Neighbor-Net trees as well as Principal Coordinate Analysis, provides an effective means of discriminating between different species in the complex. The lack of bootstrap support for Delosperma davyi in the Neighbor-Joining tree and its position in the Principal Coordinate Analysis probably signifies it to be a superfluous name for D. herbeum. The clustering of the other species also suggests that flower colour is not a reliable feature for grouping species in Delosperma. A number of clusters of D. herbeum were correlated to a degree with distribution.  相似文献   

Strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were examined for a factor, described as an outer membrane protein (OMP) of 32 kilodaltons (kDa) and reported to be involved in the adhesion of EPEC to HeLa cells. A comparable OMP of 35 kDa was detected in strains of EPEC, although expression of this protein was not related to the ability of strains to adhere to HEp-2 cells. The 35 kDa OMP was found to be heat-modifiable and peptidoglycan associated, and considered to be the porin protein OmpF.  相似文献   

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