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During the metamorphosis of Manduca sexta the larval nervous system is reorganized to allow the generation of behaviors that are specific to the pupal and adult stages. In some instances, metamorphic changes in neurons that persist from the larval stage are segment-specific and lead to expression of segment-specific behavior in later stages. At the larval-pupal transition, the larval abdominal bending behavior, which is distributed throughout the abdomen, changes to the pupal gin trap behavior which is restricted to three abdominal segments. This study suggests that the neural circuit that underlies larval bending undergoes segment specific modifications to produce the segmentally restricted gin trap behavior. We show, however, that non-gin trap segments go through a developmental change similar to that seen in gin trap segments. Pupal-specific motor patterns are produced by stimulation of sensory neurons in abdominal segments that do not have gin traps and cannot produce the gin trap behavior. In particular, sensory stimulation in non-gin trap pupal segments evokes a motor response that is faster than the larval response and that displays the triphasic contralateral-ipsilateral-contralateral activity pattern that is typical of the pupal gin trap behavior. Despite the alteration of reflex activity in all segments, developmental changes in sensory neuron morphology are restricted to those segments that form gin traps. In non-gin trap segments, persistent sensory neurons do not expand their terminal arbors, as do sensory neurons in gin trap segments, yet are capable of eliciting gin trap-like motor responses. Accepted: 10 January 1997  相似文献   

Tactile stimulation of an insect's abdomen evokes various behaviors including grooming and vigorous escape responses. We tested a sample of 37 tactile-sensitive abdominal interneurons for various morphological and physiological characteristics, including their ability to excite thoracic interneurons that are known to integrate wind information conducted by giant interneurons in the classical escape response. The results suggest that abdominal tactile-sensitive interneurons are heterogeneous both in anatomical and physiological properties. In general, these cells are very small interganglionic interneurons that respond to tactile stimulation at more than one abdominal segment. However, the larger population contained virtually all types of cells. Some projected anteriorly, others posteriorly, and still others projected in both directions. For most cells, the soma was on the side opposite to their axons, but in 24% of the cells it was on the same side. Patterns of dendritic arbors also varied among cells. However, tactile sensitivity was in general consistent with the morphological bias noted in dendritic branch patterns. We were able to document the existence of tactile abdominal interneurons that connect directly to thoracic interneurons involved in escape (TIAs). However, instances of demonstrated connectivity were rare. One cell that did show connectivity (AI652) was characterized in detail, and its properties were appropriate for conducting tactile signals in a directional escape system. The dendritic arbors were biased to the side that was ipsilateral to the cell's soma and axon. As a result, this cell's abdominal inputs and thoracic outputs are on the same side. This pattern is appropriate for generating the sensory fields recorded previously in TIAs. Its axon was located in the ventral median tract, which should bring it close to the integrating region of the TIAs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 227–241, 1998  相似文献   

We examined the escape behavior of larvae and postlarvae of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) and of adult immature (stage ADI) crayfish (Cherax destructor). Responses to standardized water jet stimuli delivered through a pipette were observed and analyzed. Lobster larvae did not respond to stimuli within 60 ms, indicating that they do not have functional giant fibers. The first movement by lobster larvae in response to water jet stimuli was a hyperextension of the abdomen. Larval escape responses also showed very little habituation. Postlarval lobsters and ADI crayfish showed the same range of responses as adult animals. Displacement efficiency of tailflicks exhibited by the different animals and stages was examined and related to the morphology of the animals. A separate behavior from tailflicking by larval lobsters in response to water jet stimuli was also observed. Here, the abdomen was hyperextended and the thoracic appendages were promoted. We termed this behavior a "starburst" response. The features of the tailflicking behavior suggest that it evolved to make the larvae difficult prey to handle for small, slower moving predators, and possibly to allow them to ride the bow waves of faster moving predators.  相似文献   

The escape system of the American cockroach is both fast and directional. In response to wind stimulation both of these characteristics are largely due to the properties of the ventral giant interneurons (vGIs), which conduct sensory information from the cerci on the rear of the animal to type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs) in the thoracic ganglia. The cockroach also escapes from tactile stimuli, and although vGIs are not involved in tactile-mediated escapes, the same thoracic interneurons process tactile sensory information. The response of TIAs to tactile information is typically biphasic. A rapid initial depolarization is followed by a longer latency depolarization that encodes most if not all of the directional information in the tactile stimulus. We report here that the biphasic response of TIAs to tactile stimulation is caused by two separate conducting pathways from the point of stimulation to the thoracic ganglia. Phase 1 is generated by mechanical conduction along the animal's body cuticle or other physical structures. It cannot be eliminated by complete lesion of the nerve cord, and it is not evoked in response to electrical stimulation of abdominal nerves that contain the axons of sensory receptors in abdominal segments. However, it can be eliminated by lesioning the abdominal nerve cord and nerve 7 of the metathoracic ganglion together, suggesting that the relevant sensory structures send axons in nerve 7 and abdominal nerves of anterior abdominal ganglia. Phase 2 of the TIAs tactile response is generated by a typical neural pathway that includes mechanoreceptors in each abdominal segment, which project to interneurons with axons in either abdominal connective. Those interneurons with inputs from receptors that are ipsilateral to their axon have a greater influence on TIAs than those that receive inputs from the contralateral side. The phase 1 response has an important role in reducing initiation time for the escape response. Animals in which the phase 2 pathway has been eliminated by lesion of the abdominal nerve cord are still capable of generating a partial startle response with a typically short latency even when stimulated posterior to the lesion. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was made of the feeding behaviour of the ladybeetlePseudoscymnus kurohime (Miyatake) when attacking the sugar cane woolly aphidCeratovacuna lanigera Zehntner. The 1st-instar ladybeetle larva was smaller than the 1st instar aphid nymph. All larval stages of the ladybeetle sucked out the body fluids of aphids and left their emptied corpses. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instar ladybeetle larvae mostly attacked 1st instar aphids, whereas the 4th-instar ladybeetle larvae attacked all stages of aphids. Ladybeetle adults ate mostly 1st-instar aphids. Young larvae attacked aphids in several different ways: (1) They crawled under an aphid, seized it by its underside and lifted it up. (2) They attacked new born nymphs at birth or shortly afterwards. (3) They fed on an aphid that had been captured by an older larva. The larvae preferred to seize with their mandibles the head or thorax of an aphid, while adults seized their prey by the abdomen. When attacked by an adult, 82% of the aphids secreted droplets from their abdominal cornicles, whereas only 7.2–12% secreted droplets when attacked by larvae. The 4th instar larvae more voracious than the younger larvae.  相似文献   

The agave red worm, Comadia redtenbacheri (Hammerschmidt), is an important source of food and income in Mexico. Despite its importance, several aspects of its biology, morphology, and behavior remain poorly studied. In this work, we describe and illustrate the morphology of all the life stages that may aid in understanding certain aspects of its biology. To obtain all life stages, last instar larvae were collected from agave plants and allowed to pupate; after the adults emerged, they were allowed to mate and oviposit. The frenulum is longer in males; epiphysis I is longer in females than in males; the abdomen bears two types of tubercles of unknown function. Eggs present a reticulate chorion; primary rosette cells are highly variable in shape; the micropylar formula is (10-14): (12-13). First instar larvae are white, becoming red as they develop; L3 in the prothorax is subprimary; the SV setal group in A1 is comprised of only SV1 on first instar larvae; last instars have several secondary setae. Pupae are adecticous and obtect; there are rows of spines on the dorsum of the abdomen. The biological significance of some of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological and biochemical parameters of a flightless strain of Harmonia axyridis, fed on a pork liver-based artificial diet and on Ephestia kuehniella eggs as controls, were compared. The diet-grown larvae showed a significantly longer developmental time and a lower adult emergence rate compared to control larvae. The weights of the newly emerged adults were significantly higher for adults fed E. kuehniella eggs during their larval stages than fed the artificial diet. In contrast, larval food source had no effect on the duration of the pre-oviposition period or adult longevity. For adults fed on E. kuehniella eggs as larvae, a significantly longer pre-oviposition period, lower daily weight gain and fecundity were found for the diet-fed females compared to those fed on E. kuehniella eggs throughout the life span. The adult food source had no significant effect on longevity and fertility. Lower amino acid and fatty acid contents (in particular C16:1 and C18:3n-3) were found for the prepupae and newly emerged females obtained from diet-reared larvae compared to controls. Deficiencies in fatty acids C16:1 and C18:3n-3 were also observed in females obtained from E. kuehniella egg-reared larvae and fed on diet from adult emergence. The analyses of the foods showed deficiencies in artificial diet, especially for some amino and fatty acids. The results suggest a non-optimal composition of the artificial diet and some possibilities for its improvement. However, this polyphagous predator could be reared from first instar larvae to fully reproductive adults on a pork liver-based artificial diet.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the abdominal muscle receptor organ (MRO) of decapod crustaceans acts in a sensory feedback loop to compensate for external load. There is not yet unequivocal evidence of MRO activity during slow abdominal extension in intact animals, however. This raises the possibility that MRO involvement in load compensation is context-dependent. We recorded from MRO tonic stretch receptors (SRs) in freely behaving crayfish (Cherax destructor) during abdominal extension occurring during two different behaviors: body roll and the defense response. Abdominal extensions are similar in many respects in both behaviors, although defense response extensions are more rapid. In both situations, SR activity typically ceased when the abdominal extension commenced, even if the joint of the SR being monitored was mechanically prevented from extending by a block. Since extensor motor neuron activity increased when the abdomen was prevented from extending, we concluded that the load compensation occurring in these behaviors was not mediated by the MROs.  相似文献   

Cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) use acoustic signalling for mate attraction and perceive auditory signals by a tympanal organ in the second abdominal segment. The main structural features of the ear are the tympanum, the sensory organ consisting of numerous scolopidial cells, and the cuticular link between sensory neurones and tympanum (tympanal ridge and apodeme). Here, a first investigation of the postembryonic development of the auditory system is presented. In insects, sensory neurones usually differentiate during embryogenesis, and sound-perceiving structures form during postembryogenesis. Cicadas have an elongated and subterranian postembryogenesis which can take several years until the final moult. The neuroanatomy and functional morphology of the auditory system of the cicada Okanagana rimosa (Say) are documented for the adult and the three last larval stages. The sensory organ and the projection of sensory afferents to the CNS are present in the earliest stages investigated. The cuticular structures of the tympanum, the tympanal frame holding the tympanum, and the tympanal ridge differentiate in the later stages of postembryogenesis. Thus, despite the different life styles of larvae and adults, the neuronal components of the cicada auditory system develop already during embryogenesis or early postembryogenesis, and sound-perceiving structures like tympana are elaborated later in postembryogenesis. The life cycle allows comparison of cicada development to other hemimetabolous insects with respect to the influence of specially adapted life cycle stages on auditory maturation. The neuronal development of the auditory system conforms to the timing in other hemimetabolous insects.  相似文献   

Larvae of Dermatobia hominis 10–27 days old were collected from experimentally infected rats and their morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The moult from the second to third instar occurs at 18 days, with emergence from the host at 30 days post-infection. The second-instar larvae bear on the pseudocephalon, antennae (coeloconic sensilla), and coeloconic and basicoconic sensilla on the maxillary sensory complex. The thoracic segments bear small backwardly-directed spines anteriorly and ventral trichoid and campaniform sensilla. The first four abdominal segments have small and large backwardly-directed spines that are absent on segments five and six. The seventh and eighth abdominal segments have medium-sized forwardly-directed spines. Abdominal segments are encircled by campaniform sensilla. The terminal end of the eighth abdominal segment bears the anus, prominent anal lobes and two spiracular openings on each spiracular plate. Spiracular plates show a radial sun ray pattern. The rear abdomen also bears an ecdysal aperture, several pores and eight coeloconic sensilla. Although there are slight morphological differences, the spines (predominantly flat and thorn-like) and sensilla (campaniform and coeloconic) of the third-instar larvae show a similar arrangement to that of second-instar larvae. Thoracic trichoid sensilla are not seen in third-instar larvae. A perispiracular gland aperture is situated above each posterior spiracular opening. These morphological features are compared with those of other cuterebrid larvae.  相似文献   

【目的】明确柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax成虫梳理行为规律,为挖掘防控柑橘大实蝇的新靶标,制订有效的害虫绿色防控策略提供理论依据。【方法】采用录像技术和基于计算机视觉识别技术的柑橘大实蝇成虫梳理行为检测与统计系统,对柑橘大实蝇成虫梳理行为的特征图谱、单次平均耗时和频次占比进行分析。【结果】结果表明,柑橘大实蝇雌雄成虫的梳理行为类型可以分别分为9和8种,雌雄成虫均有前足、后足、复眼、触角、口器、腹部、翅和中足的梳理, 雌成虫还有产卵器梳理行为。柑橘大实蝇成虫可以从非梳理行为随意转入所有类型的梳理行为,或者从任一类型梳理行为转入非梳理行为。在柑橘大实蝇成虫的各类型梳理行为之间的频次占比和单次平均耗时均存在显著差异。其中雌雄成虫梳理前足的频次占比(♀: 33.70%±2.53%; ♂: 33.89%±2.43%)和梳理翅的单次平均耗时(♀:15.58±2.55 s; ♂: 24.76±4.12 s)均为最高。【结论】柑橘大实蝇成虫各类型梳理行为的时间序列并不固定,但这些梳理行为之间具有一定的内在联系。  相似文献   

Odonates are suggested as bioindicators of human impact. However, their complex life cycles add additional challenges in the practical use as bioindicators, because the level of taxonomic identification could be dependent on life-history stage and, during their ontogeny, dramatic changes occur in their niche (ontogenetic niche shifts). Considering that larvae and adults have different biological characteristics, which could interfere in their performance as bioindicators, we first sought to understand how similar or different environmental factors affect larval and adult life stages in the Odonata. Second, we assessed the level of congruence between (larvae and adult) and within (adult genera and species) life-history stages, considering the taxonomic and numerical resolution. We sampled larvae and adults in 44 streams distributed along a riverine network in southwest Brazil. Larvae samples constituted 20 sampling units of 1 m length each, using the kick sampling method; adults were collected for 1 h at each site with a hand net along a 100-m transect parallel to the stream/river banks. The influence of environmental factors on larvae and adult was assessed by redundancy analysis coupled with forward selection. The congruence level between response matrices was determined by Procrustes analysis. Our results revealed that a set of environmental variables explained a portion of larvae and adults distribution and some environmental factors affect both between (larvae and adults) and within (adult genera and species) life-history stages. Larvae and adult were about 54% congruent, regardless of taxonomic level of adults. Abundance of adult genera and species were 94% congruent, but numerical resolution (abundance vs. incidence) decreased the congruency by 10%. Environmental variables could influence larvae and adults individually or via carry-over effects, i.e., larval environmental conditions that could affect adult fitness components or vice versa. In addition, some odonate behaviors, such as female selection of more appropriate habitats for laying their eggs, could also help us to explain our results, because it could determine larvae distribution. In a biomonitoring perspective, considering the cost-benefit of taxonomic level and sampling of larvae and adults, our results suggest that abundance of adult genera could be used in biomonitoring programs since they capture, respectively, 94% and 54% of the information carried by adult species and larvae.  相似文献   

We have developed a screen for the isolation of mutations that produce neural defects in adult Drosophila melanogaster. In this screen, we identify mutants as flies unable to remove a light coating of applied dust in a 2-hr period. We have recovered and characterized six mutations and have found that they produce coordination defects and some have reduced levels of reflex responsiveness to the stimulation of single tactile sensory bristles. The grooming defects produced by all six of the mutations are recessive, and each of the mutations has been genetically mapped. We have also used our assay to test the grooming ability of stocks containing mutations that produce known neural defects.  相似文献   

Summary A new sensory system, in the abdomen of the cricketAcheta domesticus, is described. It consists of hair-like receptors, which we have called bristles, distributed on the cercus and abdomen. The sensory neurons, innervating bristles of a wide variety of shapes and sizes, project to a common area of the terminal abdominal ganglion. This region is distinct from the area called the cereal glomerulus which receives input from other receptor types.Three interneurons, whose dendrites are located exclusively in the projection area of bristle sensory neurons, are then described. These interneurons respond to tactile stimuli of the cercus and abdomen, but not to infrasound or to body orientation as do previously described interneurons. Based on the anatomical segregation of the afferents and interneurons, as well as the functional distinction from previously described cereal sensory systems, it is becoming clear that the cereal system is a multimodal sensory system.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone regulates many aspects of nervous system development in the moth Manduca sexta, including stage-specific neuronal morphology and stage-specific neuronal death. We have used steroid hormone autoradiography to study the distribution of cells that concentrate ecdysteroids in the ventral nervous system of this insect. The ligand was [3H]-ponasterone A, a bioactive phytoecdysone. Tissue was examined from three stages of development: the end of larval life (first day of wandering), the end of metamorphosis (pharate adult), and 4-day-old adults. In the abdominal ganglia of wandering larvae and pharate adults, a subset of neurons including both motoneurons and interneurons exhibited a nuclear concentration of radiolabeled hormone. The pattern of binding was reproducible but stage-specific, with a greater proportion of neurons showing binding in the larvae than in pharate adults. No labeled neurons were found in abdominal ganglia from mature (4-day-old) adults. In the case of the pharate adult ganglia, the ecdysteroid receptor content of specific, identified motoneurons was determined. These results are discussed in light of the responses of these neurons to physiological changes in levels of circulating ecdysteroids.  相似文献   

We present here the results of an investigation of the behavioral bases of the first documented instance of trail marking and processionary behavior in a beetle. The larvae of Phelypera distigma (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) forage communally, moving over the host plant in head-to-tail processions. Our study shows that the larvae secrete a pheromone from the ventral surface of the posterior abdomen that both elicits and guides the collective locomotion of the cohort. The pheromone is soluble in acetone and other nonpolar solvents and is relatively short-lived, eliciting trail following for less than 4 h after its deposition. When in processionary formations, larvae stimulate locomotion in others by rapidly bobbing their heads against sets of setae that occur on the lateral flanks of the posterior tips of the abdomens of precedent individuals. Larvae are also strongly attracted to tactile or chemotactile stimuli found at the tip of the abdomen of other larvae and their response to lures made of eviscerated abdomens show that such stimuli take precedence over the trail pheromone in eliciting and orienting locomotion. The cycloalexic formations adopted by resting larvae maximize the amount of body contact possible in a two-dimensional aggregate and allow tactile signals to rapidly radiate through the groups, alerting all members of a cohort to the onset of bouts of activity.  相似文献   

Diagnostic morphological characters of the juvenile Panchaetothripinae in New Zealand are illustrated. Keys developed enable colonies with only immature stages to be identified without needing to rear adults. Live larvae or larvae in ethanol are distinguished by the presence of expanded tips of body setae (Parthenothrips dracaenae), the absence of setae at the abdomen tip (Hercinothrips bicinctus), setae at abdomen tip not longer than abdominal tip width (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis) and abdominal tip setae longer than abdominal tip width (Sigmothrips aotearoana, endemic species). The presence or absence of spine-like setae on abdominal segments 9 and 10, and the number and length of setae on the wing buds, enable identification of pupae. Abdominal spine-like setae were on the prepupa and pupa of H. bicinctus and S. aotearoana, species that pupate off the plant, and are probably defensive structures. This is the first record of spine-like setae on segment 10 of terebrantian pupae.  相似文献   

The pattern of innervation and motor program of the abdominal superficial flexor muscle was investigated electrophysiologically in larval lobsters (Homarus americanus). The muscle receives both excitatory and inhibitory innervation in the larval as well as in the embryonic stages. Individual muscle fibers receive a single inhibitory neuron (f5) and a maximum of three excitors. Based on spike heights these axons belong to either the small (f1 or f2) or large (f3, f4) motoneurons. While the small axons preferentially innervate the medial muscle fibers the large axons innervate medial as well as lateral fibers. This larval pattern of innervation resembles the pattern in the adult lobster. The resemblance extends to the firing patterns as well with both large and small excitors firing spontaneously. Furthermore, evoked activity in the larvae produces reciprocal (and occasionally cyclical) bursts of excitor and inhibitor neurons denoting abdominal extension and flexion and resembling the firing patterns in adults. Consequently motor programs employed in steering the pelagic larvae are reminiscent of the programs for maintaining posture in the benthic adult lobsters.  相似文献   

The quantitative study of abdominal waggings in Polistes dominulus Christ, covering a total of 16,000 sequences of movements observed in 13 colonies (mono- and polygyne), showed or confirmed the following points. The same form of abdominal wagging, very frequent in this species, is carried out by foundresses in two contexts: when they are caring for their brood and during aggressive encounters with other adults. While the dominant female shows this behavior most often, it predominantly concerns aggressive waggings (0.51 sequence per social interaction for alpha females, 0.12 and 0.04 for beta and gamma); the movements related to feeding larvae are distributed much better among the foundresses of Polygyne nests (0.38 sequence per cell check for alpha, 0.24 and 0.21 for beta and gamma). The number of waggings carried out by the workers is negligible in normally constituted colonies (0.006 and 0.01, respectively, for the two contexts). The rate of occurrence of abdominal waggings changes with time. This change is opposite and symmetrical for the two types of waggings, although we were not able to establish any correlation between the number of the movements linked to feeding the larvae and the abundance or the composition of the brood. Abdominal wagging therefore appears as a means of communication between the different members in Polistes society, used in varying degrees by all foundresses; the change of its rate of occurrence over time suggests a possible influence on larvae, hence on the future status of newborn wasps (workers or future foundresses).  相似文献   

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