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The defensive larval secretion of Catochria catocaloides was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry as a solution of up to 38% formic acid in water.  相似文献   

The role of the brain in adult development was examined by brain removal in unchilled and chilled diapausing pupae of Papilio xuthus. Chilling was effective in shortening the pupal duration and synchronizing adult emergence, although photoperiod had little effect on diapause development. The brain played a role of shortening the pupal duration and synchronizing adult emergence in both unchilled and chilled individuals, although it was not essential for post-diapause adult development. The stimulus of low temperature was recorded even in the absence of the brain, because chilling shortened the pupal duration in brainless individuals. The brain showed activity which affected subsequent adult development in chilled pupae within one day after chilling in males. This period was less limited in females.  相似文献   

Preliminary observation of the flights of swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus revealed that its dihedral angle is larger than 30° and that the section of its left hind wing close to its body and the counterpart of its right hind wing actually clap and form a “vertical tail”. In this study, the effects of these two features on the lateral-directional dynamic flight stability of these butterflies were analyzed theoretically and revealed the following: (a) when the dihedral angle is larger than 30°, the lateral-directional motion of the swallowtail becomes stable; (b) the vertical tail stabilizes the dutch roll mode; (c) the effects of the dihedral angle on the roll and spiral modes of a swallowtail are qualitatively the same as those of a meter-sized airplane; and (d) with increasing dihedral angle, the stability of the dutch roll mode decreases for a meter-sized airplane with vertical and horizontal tails but increases for the swallowtail. A possible explanation for the latter effect is the smaller Reynolds number of the insect that causes the drag coefficient of the swallowtail wings to increase more rapidly with an increasing angle of attack compared to a large airplane.  相似文献   

Methacrylic and ethacrylic acids were found to be the major organic components of the pygidial defensive secretion of Carabus taedatus. Valine was converted to methacrylic acid by the beetle.  相似文献   

Remarkable differences were found between the chemical composition of the osmeterial secretions of 5th and the previous larval instars of a swallowtail, Papilio protenor demetrius Cr.The secretion of 5th instar larvae consisted principally of aliphatic acids and their esters: iso-butyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, methyl iso-butyrate, methyl 2-methylbutyrate, ethyl iso-butyrate and ethyl 2-methylbutyrate. The secretions of 4th and 3rd instar larvae, which were substantially the same in their chemical constitution, predominantly comprised mono- and sesquiterpenoids such as α-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene, β-phellandrene, (Z)-β-ocimene, (E)-β-ocimene, β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, germacrene-B and caryophylleneoxide. The relative content of sesquiterpenic components exceed 80%.Such chemical disparity appeared to be associated with the conspicous change of body colouration at the fourth larval ecdysis.  相似文献   

The tergal gland of the beetle, Drusilla canaliculata, contains defensive products which exhibit an extraordinary chemical diversity. This glandular exudate is fortified with alkanes, alkenes, saturated and unsaturated aliphatic aldehydes, 1,4-quinones, and hydroquinones. The aldehydes, n-dodecanal, n-tetradecanal, n-tetradec-5-enal, and n-tetradeca-5,8-dienal, constitute a major group of components. In addition, a new constituent in arthropod defensive secretions, 2-hydroxy-3-methylhydroquinone, has been identified as a minor component in this exocrine exudate.  相似文献   

Opisthobranch molluscs of the family Onchidiacea have been reported to employ a chemical deterrent as a protection against predators. A single lipid-soluble compound, onchidal, has been isolated from the defensive secretion of Onchidella binneyi. The structure of onchidal was determined from spectral data and from chemical degradation studies.  相似文献   

Seasonal morphs (spring and sumer forms) of Papilio xuthus L. are determined coincidentally with diapause and non-diapause in pupae by larval exposure to short days and long days respectively. The neuroendocrine principle underlying seasonal-morph determination was studied using surgical operations in P. xuthus.When recipient 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae were joined to donor 0-day old non-diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs. When the same kinds of recipients used above were joined to 0-day old or chilled diapause pupae, there were no significant effects on the adult morph. In contrast, recipient non-diapause pupae all developed into summer morphs, regardless of groups of the type of donors.Furthermore, when the brain of 5th-instar larvae, pharate pupae or pupae, predetermined to be diapause, was transplanted into the abdomen of 0-day old, 30-day old or chilled diapause pupae, the recipients developed into summer or intermediate morphs.The results indicate that the brain of non-diapause pupae secretes a humoral factor producing the summer morph. In non-diapause pupae, the factor may be secreted at about the stage of larval-pupal ecdysis coincidentally with that of prothoracicotropic hormone.  相似文献   

The moulting cycle and growth of the larval integument of Drosophila melanogaster has been studied by light and electron microscopy. Growth during the first, second and third larval instars is accompanied by 3.0-, 3.4- and 3.7-fold increases in surface area, respectively. Growth in surface area occurs continuously during the larval stages, with no detectable relationship to the moulting cycle. Measurements of the thickness of the cuticular layers show that the endocuticle grows in thickness by apposition and in surface area by stretching. The pre-apolytic epicuticle remains at fairly constant thickness during the increase in surface area, indicating that it grows by intussusception of new components. Post-apolytic epicuticle becomes thinner and increases in surface area by stretching. The epicuticle and pre-ecdysial endocuticle are traversed by filaments, but these do not penetrate the endocuticle secreted after ecdysis. We suggest that the filaments transport breakdown products from the old cuticle inward to the epidermis for reutilization. The growth and deposition of cuticle in two larval growth mutants, lethal (2) giant larvae and Chubby Tubby, involves mechanisms similar to those found in wild-type larvae, but in Chubby Tubby the endocuticle contains inclusions which are ultrastructurally similar to dense epicuticle.  相似文献   

The defensive secretion of the tenebrionid beetle, Eleodes beameri, is quite unlike the benzoquinone and 1-alkene secretion of other species of Eleodes and Tenebrionidae. Twenty-three compounds were isolated from the secretion by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and 13 of these were identified by infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet, and mass spectroscopy. Identified compounds were: 1-nonene (3·2%), 1-undecene (<0·5%), n-hexanal (15·6%), n-heptanal (0·9%), n-octanal (4·5%), trans-2-hexenal (2·0%), trans-2-heptenal (1·5%), trans-2-nonenal (28·6%), trans-2-decenal (3·4%), n-3-nonanone (0·5%), n-1-nonen-3-one (16·8%), methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (22·0%), and 1-hexanol (<0·5%). 1-Nonen-3-one is unique to E. beameri. A number of minor components remain unidentified. The morphology and ultrastructure of the glands were similar to other species of Eleodes. The gland reservoirs are a pair of strongly bilobed sacs with narrow exit ducts opening between abdominal sternites 7 and 8. There are two types of secretory cell units: Type 1 consisting of cells closely attached to the reservoir intima, with large, central vesicles drained by highly convoluted tubules. Type 2 units are composed of a pair of cells functioning together, the cuticular organelle from the microvilli-filled vesicle of the distal cell (2a) passing through the vesicle of the proximal one (2b) and then draining more or less directly into the reservoir via a cuticular tubule.  相似文献   

The settlement of marine larvae is influenced by a wide range of physical and biological factors. It is still poorly known how the nature of substrate and the biofilm can interact in regulating settlement patterns of invertebrate larvae. Here we use laboratory experiments focused on settlement behaviour of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. The aim of this work is to understand whether: (i) the nature of substratum can affect biofilm formation and its structure, (ii) the nature of substratum can affect B. amphitrite larval settlement, (iii) the age of the biofilms and the nature of substrate can interact in influencing larval settlement.Four kinds of substrata (marble, quartz, glass, and cembonit) were biofilmed under laboratory conditions for 5, 10 and 20 days at the temperature of 28 °C. Settlement response was investigated with 5-day-old cyprids. Biofilms were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The settlement of B. amphitrite larvae significantly differed among substrata; also, the patterns of development of biofilm assemblages changed with substrate. In addition, the larval attractiveness of different substrates tends to disappear with biofilm age.  相似文献   

The monoterpene iridodial and the ketone, 4-methylhexan-3-one, have been identified as the major components of the defensive secretion from Staphylinus olens.  相似文献   

Diel rhythms of oxygen uptake are described for P. brassicae and P. machaon. The rhythms are bimodal in both species at 10°C, with a main midday peak, a smaller peak in the afternoon or early evening and low nocturnal uptake rates under natural and artificial (LD 9:15) light regimes. In P. brassicae, the rhythm of oxygen uptake is linked with a diel rhythm of the incidence of short-term oxygen uptake cycles. Summated batch curves for both species contain significant elements of individual variation. In P. machaon, the timing of daily peaks in oxygen uptake is related directly to the level of metabolism.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding, growth and reproductive behaviour of Papilio polytes (common mormon butterfly) on five different host plants, Murraya koenigii, Toddalia asiatica, Glycosmis pentaphylla, Aegle marmelos and Citrus medica. The growth rate of P. polytes was fastest on M. koenigii followed by T. asiatica, C. medica, G. pentaphylla and A. marmelos. We related this to the nutrient contexts of the five plants. The plants T. asiatica and C. medica had higher water contents, which influenced the growth rate of the insect. M. koenigii was found to contain rich quantities of carbohydrate. M. koenigii, T. asiatica and C. medica were also rich in protein when compared to A. marmelos and G. pentaphylla. Total amino acid levels were comparatively higher in M. koenigii, T. asiatica, C. medica rather than A. marmelos and G. pentaphylla.  相似文献   

Removal of the ganglion or severance of the nerve cords at the thorax in mature larvae of the swallowtail, Papilio xuthus, induced systemic distension of the body by swallowing excess air. Such a distension, however, was never induced by simultaneous extirpation of the brain, suboesophageal ganglion, or frontal ganglion, or by severance of the recurrent nerve. Removal of an abdominal ganglion induced distension of the posterior part of the body accompanied by shrinkage of the anterior part. The latter phenomenon appears to be induced by a different mechanism from that of systemic distension.  相似文献   

Summary Shorter male larval and pupal durations were sufficient to produce the protandrous emergence pattern of the black swallowtail butterfly. In 9 broods observed under natural conditions, the first male was seen 7.1±6.5 days before the first female, although the peak of captures relative to the first capture was similar in both sexes. The field data supported only weakly the predictions of the Wiklund-Fagerstrom model for protandry. Some prereproductive period was necessary for males, and they were limited in how frequently they could mate. A third of the females mated more than once.Males were significantly smaller in size and weight than females in both diapausing and non-diapausing broods. Feeding experiments indicated that male larvae ate less and converted their food into biomass more efficiently than females. Female pupae contained higher proportions of fat and protein than male pupae. Differential body composition may be involved in sexual dimorphism differences in both larval and pual developmental rates. Thus, in addition to size, chemical differences in composition or metabolism may contribute to the observed natural protandry.  相似文献   

  • 1 There are significant differences in the effects of larval photo-period on diapause and pupal colour among the species Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.troilus L., Battus philenor (L.) and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer).
  • 2 Diapause and pupal colour in P.polyxenes and P.troilus are strongly influenced by larval photoperiod, short photophase eliciting brown diapausing pupae. Photoperiods of 15L:9D permit the expression of the green and brown pupal colour alternatives.
  • 3 Pupal colour in B.philenor and E.marcellus is not affected by larval photoperiod, but short photophase induces diapause in these species.
  • 4 All species except B.philenor show an association between brown pupal colour and diapause: Emarcellus when reared on long (midsummer) photophase, P.polyxenes and P.troilus when reared on short (autumnal) photophase.
  • 5 In P.polyxenes, short photophase can affect pupal colour responses directly, whether the individual enters diapause or not.
  • 6 Differences among the species are related to differences in the ecology of their natural pupation sites.

The salivary secretion of Rhynchosciara americana was chemically analysed. The secretion shows a yellow colour, with a pH of 7·5 and protein as its major component (94·5 per cent of the secretion dry weight). Carbohydrates are minor components of the secretion which amount to 3·4 per cent of the secretion dry weight, of which 2·3 per cent are neutral carbohydrates and 1·1 per cent are galactosamine. The major amino acids present in the secretion proteins are aspartic acid, glycine, serine, and glutamic acid. The salivary secretion proteins can be separated into eleven protein fractions by urea-acrylamide gel electrophoresis from which nine fractions are PAS positive. The salivary pigment moves together with the protein fraction No. 8, which is quantitatively the most important one, and has spectral characteristics identical to a haemolymph pigment. The higher rate of gland protein labelling by 14C-phenylalanine determined in vivo and in vitro occurs around the middle of the spinning stage at the same time as the appearance of the large chromosomal puffs. The rôle of the salivary secretion in cocoon production is discussed.  相似文献   

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