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Thermodynamics of single mismatches in RNA duplexes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kierzek R  Burkard ME  Turner DH 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14214-14223
The thermodynamic properties and structures of single mismatches in short RNA duplexes were studied in optical melting and imino proton NMR experiments. The free energy increments at 37 degrees C measured for non-GU single mismatches range from -2.6 to 1.7 kcal/mol. These increments depend on the identity of the mismatch, adjacent base pairs, and the position in the helix. UU and AA mismatches are more stable close to a helix end, but GG mismatch stability is essentially unaffected by the position in the helix. Approximations are suggested for predicting stabilities of single mismatches in short RNA duplexes.  相似文献   

The structural properties of a DNA/RNA duplex having a pyrene residue at the 5′ end of DNA and a G-rich single strand region at the 3′ end of RNA were studied in detail. Fluorescence and ultracentrifugation analyses indicated the formation of a complex containing four DNA/RNA duplexes, which required a pyrene residue, G-rich sequence, RNA-type backbone, and high salt concentration.  相似文献   

Using DNA and RNA heptanucleotides containing an unnatural L-nucleotides as well as the complementary strands, effects of the introduction of an L-nucleotide on the structure of DNA/DNA, RNA/RNA, and DNA/RNA duplexes were investigated by circular dichroism experiments and RNase H-mediated RNA strand cleavage reaction. The results suggested that the substitution of the central D-nucleotide with an L-nucleotide in the duplexes causes the significant structural alterations as the duplex structures change to conformations with more B-form similarities.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of DNA duplexes with adjacent G.A mismatches.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Y Li  G Zon  W D Wilson 《Biochemistry》1991,30(30):7566-7572
The sequence 5'-d(ATGAGCGAAT) forms a very stable self-complementary duplex with four G.A mismatch base pairs (underlined) out of ten total base pairs [Li et al. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88, 26-30]. The conformation is in the general B-family and is stabilized by base-pair hydrogen bonding of an unusual type, by favorable base dipole orientations, and by extensive purine-purine stacking at the mismatched sites. We have synthesized 13 decamers with systematic variations in the sequence above to determine how the flanking sequences, the number of G.A mismatches, and the mismatch sequence order (5'-GA-3' or 5'-AG-3') affect the duplex stability. Changing A.T to G.C base pairs in sequences flanking the mismatches stabilizes the duplexes, but only to the extent observed with B-form DNA. The sequence 5'-pyrimidine-GA-purine-3', however, is considerably more stable than 5'-purine-GA-pyrimidine-3'. The most stable sequences with two pairs of adjacent G.A mismatches have thermodynamic parameters for duplex formation that are comparable to those for fully Watson-Crick base-paired duplexes. Similar sequences with single G.A pairs are much less stable than sequences with adjacent G.A mismatches. Reversing the mismatch order from 5'-GA-3' to 5'-AG-3' results in an oligomer that does not form a duplex. These results agree with predictions from the model derived from NMR and molecular mechanics and indicate that the sequence 5'-pyrimidine-GA-purine-3' forms a stable conformational unit that fits quite well into a B-form double helix.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Single molecule fluorescent microscopy is a method for the analysis of the dynamics of biological macromolecules by detecting the fluorescence signal produced by fluorophores associated with the macromolecule. Two fluorophores located in a close proximity may result in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), which can be detected at the single molecule level and the efficiency of energy transfer calculated. In most cases, the experimentally observed distribution of FRET efficiency exhibits a significant width corresponding to 0.07–0.2 (on a scale of 0–1). Here, we present a general approach describing the analysis of experimental data for a DNA/RNA duplex. We have found that for a 15 bp duplex with Cy3 and Cy5 fluorophores attached to the opposite ends of the helix, the width of the energy transfer distribution is mainly determined by the photon shot noise and the orientation factor, whereas the variation of inter-dye distances plays a minor role.  相似文献   

The most promising approaches to detection of random point mutations are based on chemical cleavage of mismatches and other noncomplementarities. To demonstrate the specificity of this method, a model system was obtained for the first time as sets of 50-mer imperfect DNA duplexes containg all variants of mismatched and unpaired internal residues located in an invariant context and flanked by either A · T or G · C base pairs. Chemical cleavage of DNA duplexes immobilized on magnetic beads via the biotin-streptavidin interaction was accomplished using potassium permanganate or hydroxylamine, which are sensitive to the secondary DNA structure and react with thymine and cytosine, respectively. The reactivity of different mismatches was connected with the local duplex structure and depended on their type, orientation, and flanking nucleotides. The use of potassium permanganate and hydroxylamine to modify a heteroduplex mixture makes it possible to unambiguously detect a mismatch and, based on the type of reagent and the size of the cleavage products, to suppose the type and position of the mismatch and the flanking nucleotides. The model system can be used to evaluate the sensitivity of a chemical cleavage method and to control false-positive and false-negative results when different protocols are applied to the detection of DNA point mutations.  相似文献   

It was reported that RNase HII from Chlamydia pneumoniae (CpRNase HII) had RNase H activity on RNA/DNA duplex. We have analyzed the cleavage specificity of CpRNase HII on DNA-rN1-DNA/DNA duplex (rN1, one ribonucleotide). Various mismatches were introduced into the DNA-rN1-DNA/DNA duplexes at or around the ribonucleotide. The mismatches of duplexes resulted in slower cleavage rates compared to the matched duplexes. Furthermore, a greater reduction in cleavage activity was observed for the mismatches located at or adjacent to the ribonucleotide. The mismatches at the same position of DNA-rN1-DNA/DNA duplexes have different impact on the cleavage rates of CpRNase HII depending on the types of mismatches. These findings may offer further insights into the physical binding and catalytic properties of CpRNase HII-substrate interaction.  相似文献   

RNA is known to be involved in several cellular processes; however, it is only active when it is folded into its correct 3D conformation. The folding, bending and twisting of an RNA molecule is dependent upon the multitude of canonical and non-canonical secondary structure motifs. These motifs contribute to the structural complexity of RNA but also serve important integral biological functions, such as serving as recognition and binding sites for other biomolecules or small ligands. One of the most prevalent types of RNA secondary structure motifs are single mismatches, which occur when two canonical pairs are separated by a single non-canonical pair. To determine sequence–structure relationships and to identify structural patterns, we have systematically located, annotated and compared all available occurrences of the 30 most frequently occurring single mismatch-nearest neighbor sequence combinations found in experimentally determined 3D structures of RNA-containing molecules deposited into the Protein Data Bank. Hydrogen bonding, stacking and interaction of nucleotide edges for the mismatched and nearest neighbor base pairs are described and compared, allowing for the identification of several structural patterns. Such a database and comparison will allow researchers to gain insight into the structural features of unstudied sequences and to quickly look-up studied sequences.  相似文献   

We recently reported the design of new fluorescent oligo-2'-deoxyribonucleotides (FODNs) for the detection of terminal mismatches on DNA duplexes in homogeneous assays. We now report the validation of this method in homogeneous assays with other sequences and the feasibility of the detection of terminal mismatches with immobilized FODNs. In all cases studied, the mismatched duplexes were more fluorescent than the perfect ones and results confirmed that the discrimination factor is sequence-dependent.  相似文献   



The high binding specificity of short 10 to 30 mer oligonucleotide probes enables single base mismatch (MM) discrimination and thus provides the basis for genotyping and resequencing microarray applications. Recent experiments indicate that the underlying principles governing DNA microarray hybridization – and in particular MM discrimination – are not completely understood. Microarrays usually address complex mixtures of DNA targets. In order to reduce the level of complexity and to study the problem of surface-based hybridization with point defects in more detail, we performed array based hybridization experiments in well controlled and simple situations.  相似文献   

Davis AR  Znosko BM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(46):13425-13436
Many naturally occurring RNA structures contain single mismatches. However, the algorithms currently used to predict RNA structure from sequence rely on a minimal set of data for single mismatches, most of which occur rather infrequently in nature. As a result, several approximations and assumptions are used to predict the stability of RNA duplexes containing the most common single mismatches. Therefore, the relative frequency of single mismatches was determined by compiling and searching a database of 955 RNA secondary structures. Thermodynamic parameters for duplex formation, derived from optical melting experiments, are reported for 28 oligoribonucleotides containing frequently occurring single mismatches. These data were then combined with previous data to construct a dataset of 64 single mismatches, including the 30 most common in the database. Because of this increase in experimental thermodynamic parameters for single mismatches that occur frequently in nature, more accurate free energy calculations have resulted. To improve the prediction of the thermodynamic parameters for duplexes containing single mismatches that have not been experimentally measured, single mismatch-specific nearest neighbor parameters were derived. The free energy of an RNA duplex containing a single mismatch that has not been thermodynamically characterized can be calculated by: DeltaG degrees 37,single mismatch = DeltaG degrees 37,mismatch nt + DeltaG degrees 37,mismatch-NN interaction + DeltaG degrees 37,AU/GU. Here, DeltaG degrees 37,mismatch is -0.4, -2.1, and -0.3 kcal/mol for A.G, G.G, and U.U mismatches, respectively; DeltaG degrees 37,mismatch-NN interaction is 0.7, -0.5, 0.4, -0.4, and -1.0 kcal/mol for 5'YRR3'/3'RRY5', 5'RYY3'/3'YYR5', 5'YYR3'/3'RYY5', 5'YRY3'/3'RYR5', and 5'RRY3'/3'YYR5' mismatch-nearest neighbor combinations, respectively, when A and G are categorized as purines (R) and C and U are categorized as pyrimidines (Y); and DeltaG degrees 37,AU/GU is a penalty of 1.2 kcal/mol for replacing a G-C base pair with either an A-U or G-U base pair. Similar predictive models were also derived for DeltaH degrees single mismatch and DeltaS degrees single mismatch. These new predictive models, in conjunction with the reported thermodynamics for frequently occurring single mismatches, should allow for more accurate calculations of the free energy of RNA duplexes containing single mismatches and, furthermore, allow for improved prediction of secondary structure from sequence.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters and circular dichroism spectra are presented for RNA hairpins containing single internal mismatches in the stem regions. Three different sequence contexts for the G*U mismatch and two contexts for C*A, G*A, U*U, A*C and U*G mismatches were examined and compared with Watson-Crick base-pair stabilities. The RNA hairpins employed were a microhelix and tetraloop representing the Escherichia coli tRNAAlaacceptor stem and sequence variants that have been altered at the naturally occurring G*U mismatch site. UV melting studies were carried out under different conditions to evaluate the effects of sodium ion concentration and pH on the stability of mismatch-containing hairpins. Our main findings are that single internal mismatches exhibit a range of effects on hairpin stability. In these studies, the size and sequence of the loop and stem are shown to influence the overall stability of the RNA, and have a minor effect on the relative mismatch stabilities. The relationship of these results to RNA-ligand interactions involving mismatch base-pairs is discussed.  相似文献   

We employed salt-dependent differential scanning calorimetric measurements to characterize the stability of six oligomeric DNA duplexes (5'-GCCGGAXTGCCGG-3'/5'-CCGGCAYTCCGGC-3') that contain in the central XY position the GC, AT, GG, CC, AA, or TT base pair. The heat-induced helix-to-coil transitions of all the duplexes are associated with positive changes in heat capacity, DeltaC(p), ranging from 0.43 to 0.53 kcal/mol. Positive values of DeltaC(p) result in strong temperature dependences of changes in enthalpy, DeltaH degrees, and entropy, DeltaS degrees , accompanying duplex melting and cause melting free energies, DeltaG degrees, to exhibit characteristically curved shapes. These observations suggest that DeltaC(p) needs to be carefully taken into account when the parameters of duplex stability are extrapolated to temperatures distant from the transition temperature, T(M). Comparison of the calorimetric and van't Hoff enthalpies revealed that none of the duplexes studied in this work exhibits two-state melting. Within the context of the central AXT/TYA triplet, the thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of the duplexes in question change in the following order: GC > AT > GG > AA approximately TT > CC. Our estimates revealed that the thermodynamic impact of the GG, AA, and TT mismatches is confined within the central triplet. In contrast, the thermodynamic impact of the CC mismatch propagates into the adjacent helix domains and may involve 7-9 bp. We discuss implications of our results for understanding the origins of initial recognition of mismatched DNA sites by enzymes of the DNA repair machinery.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we demonstrated that the ability of a cDNA fragment to hybrid-arrest the translation of its complementary mRNA in rabbit reticulocyte lysate depends on the position of the mRNA/cDNA duplex within the mRNA molecule. In the present report, we further characterize the mechanisms involved in the destabilization and subsequent translation of mRNA/cDNA hybrids by mapping in detail the positional dependence of hybrid-arrested translation of the human alpha- and beta-globin mRNAs and by directly assessing the stability of mRNA/cDNA duplexes in reticulocyte lysate under a variety of translational conditions. The mapping studies in this report demonstrate that the translation of a hybridized mRNA requires exposure of the 5' nontranslated region and the AUG initiation codon, as well as those bases 3' to the AUG which are typically protected by an initiating 80 S ribosome. The translation of these mRNA/cDNA hybrids is associated with the complete removal of cDNA from the mRNA coding region; this disruption of the mRNA/cDNA duplex is blocked by inhibitors of translational initiation and elongation. cDNAs which extend into the 3' nontranslated region remain associated with the mRNA during normal translation but are completely removed from the mRNA during translation if translational termination is suppressed. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the disruption of mRNA/cDNA duplexes in rabbit reticulocyte lysate is tightly linked to the assembly and migration of 80 S ribosomes.  相似文献   

K B Hall  L W McLaughlin 《Biochemistry》1991,30(44):10606-10613
Four pentamers with the general sequence 5'CU(T)GU(T)G/5'CACAG have been prepared by chemical synthesis in order to generate duplex structures with common sequences. The four duplexes studied include the DNA.DNA duplex (5'dCACAG/5'dCTGTG) and the RNA.RNA duplex (5'rCUGUG/5'rCACAG) as well as the two corresponding DNA.RNA heteroduplexes (5'rCUGUG/5'dCACAG and 5'CACAG/5'dCTGTG). The measured entropy, enthalpy, and free energy changes upon melting are reported for each pentamer and compared to the predicted values where possible. Results show that the two DNA.RNA heteroduplexes are destabilized (delta G degrees 25 = -4.2 +/- 0.4 kcal/mol) relative to either the DNA.DNA duplex (delta G degrees 25 = -4.8 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol) or the RNA.RNA duplex (delta G degrees 25 = -5.8 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol). Circular dichroism spectra indicate that the RNA and the two heteroduplexes adopt an A-form conformation, while the DNA conformation is B-form. Imino proton NMR spectra also show that the heteroduplex structures resemble the RNA.RNA duplex.  相似文献   

Davis AR  Znosko BM 《Biochemistry》2008,47(38):10178-10187
Due to their prevalence and roles in biological systems, single mismatches adjacent to G-U pairs are important RNA structural elements. Since there are only limited experimental values for the stability of single mismatches adjacent to G-U pairs, current algorithms using free energy minimization to predict RNA secondary structure from sequence assign predicted thermodynamic values to these types of single mismatches. Here, thermodynamic data are reported for frequently occurring single mismatches adjacent to at least one G-U pair. This experimental data can be used in place of predicted thermodynamic values in algorithms that predict secondary structure from sequence using free energy minimization. When predicting the thermodynamic contributions of previously unmeasured single mismatches, most algorithms apply the same thermodynamic penalty for an A-U pair adjacent to a single mismatch and a G-U pair adjacent to a single mismatch. A recent study, however, suggests that the penalty for a G-U pair adjacent to a tandem mismatch should be 1.2 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol, and the penalty for an A-U pair adjacent to a tandem mismatch should be 0.5 +/- 0.2 kcal/mol [Christiansen, M. E. and Znosko, B. M. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 4329-4336]. Therefore, the data reported here are combined with the existing thermodynamic dataset of single mismatches, and nearest neighbor parameters are derived for an A-U pair adjacent to a single mismatch (1.1 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol) and a G-U pair adjacent to a single mismatch (1.4 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol).  相似文献   

Nuclear intermolecular duplexes appear to be a general feature of nucleated cells. Most of these duplexes are formed between large RNA as well as between large and small RNA molecules. A significant portion of the large molecules belong to a special class of RNA that is restricted to the nucleus and, therefore, not designated for export. These molecules are assembled with proteins and form a structure of a higher order. The possibility that these molecules and a set of small nuclear RNAs are components of a complex machine, “the transportosome”, which functions in nucleocytoplasmic traffic, is discussed.  相似文献   

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