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 A study of genotype-by-salinity interaction was carried out to compare the behavior of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in two F2 populations derived from crosses between the cherry tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme, and two wild relatives Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. and Lycopersicon chesmannii f. minor (Hook. f.) Mull., grown at two environmental conditions (optimum and high salinity). QTLs for earliness and fruit yield could be classified into four groups: “response-sensitive”, those detected only under control conditions or whose contribution significantly decreased in salinity; “response-tolerant”, detected only in salinity or in which the direction of their additive effects changed; “constitutive”, detected in both growing conditions; and “altered” QTLs, those where the degree of dominance changed according to the presence or absence of salt. Epistatic interactions were also influenced by the salt treatment. This differential allele effect at some (non-constitutive) QTLs induced by salt stress will make selection under an “optimum environment” unfruitful for the “response-tolerant” QTLs. Similarly, selection under salinity will ignore “response-sensitive” QTLs. Given that salinity is highly variable in the field, marker-assisted selection should take into account not only the “response-tolerant” but also the “response-sensitive” QTLs although there might be cases where selection in some QTLs for both conditions is not feasible. Comparing both populations, very few QTLs showed the same behavior. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

Recent studies of captive macaques have revealed considerable inter-species differences in dominance styles among females. In “egalitarian” species such as stumptail (Macaca arctoides) or tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana), social interactions are more symmetrical and less kin-biased than in “despotic” species such as Japanese (M. fuscata) or rhesus macaques (M. mulatta). Field observations of moor macaques (M. maurus), close relatives of tonkean macaques, suggest that tolerance during feeding characterizes their egalitarian dominance style in the natural habitat. Although it has been proposed that communal defense against other groups may be the main selective force in the evolution of egalitarian dominance style among females, few field data support this prediction. A game theory analysis showed that both an “egalitarian” strategy and a “despotic” strategy are possible evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) under certain conditions. The difference in dominance styles might reflect the difference in ESS. This means that an egalitarian dominance style can emerge without strong between-group contest competition. A phylogenetic comparison among macaques suggests that despotic dominance styles very likely evolved from egalitarian dominance styles. In the future, primate socioecological studies should pay more attention to the evolutionary history of each species.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies are presumed to evolve by individual selection from an evolutionary compromise between intraspecific competition for resources and for mates. The hypothesis is put forward that when competition in “stable” habitats leads to “niche breadth,” a species is preadapted to life in heterogeneous environments and the consequent selection for fecundity. Status patterns are viewed as systems of signals communicating differential tendencies among individuals to attack or retreat, and a simple graphical model is presented which relates the costs or benefits to fitness of aggressive or appeasement behavior and interindividual distance. Primate societies are classified on the basis of their dominance hierarchies, and the ecological correlates of these patterns are discussed. Based on hypotheses presented in the paper, topics for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Protein evolution is not a random process. Views which attribute randomness to molecular change, deleterious nature to single-gene mutations, insufficient geological time, or population size for molecular improvements to occur, or invoke “design creationism” to account for complexity in molecular structures and biological processes, are unfounded. Scientific evidence suggests that natural selection tinkers with molecular improvements by retaining adaptive peptide sequence. We used slot-machine probabilities and ion channels to show biological directionality on molecular change. Because ion channels reside in the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, their residue location must be in balance with the membrane’s hydrophobic/philic nature; a selective “pore” for ion passage is located within the hydrophobic region. We contrasted the random generation of DNA sequence for KcsA, a bacterial two-transmembrane-domain (2TM) potassium channel, from Streptomyces lividans, with an under-selection scenario, the “jackprot,” which predicted much faster evolution than by chance. We wrote a computer program in JAVA APPLET version 1.0 and designed an online interface, The Jackprot Simulation , to model a numerical interaction between mutation rate and natural selection during a scenario of polypeptide evolution. Winning the “jackprot,” or highest-fitness complete-peptide sequence, required cumulative smaller “wins” (rewarded by selection) at the first, second, and third positions in each of the 161 KcsA codons (“jackdons” that led to “jackacids” that led to the “jackprot”). The “jackprot” is a didactic tool to demonstrate how mutation rate coupled with natural selection suffices to explain the evolution of specialized proteins, such as the complex six-transmembrane (6TM) domain potassium, sodium, or calcium channels. Ancestral DNA sequences coding for 2TM-like proteins underwent nucleotide “edition” and gene duplications to generate the 6TMs. Ion channels are essential to the physiology of neurons, ganglia, and brains, and were crucial to the evolutionary advent of consciousness. The Jackprot Simulation illustrates in a computer model that evolution is not and cannot be a random process as conceived by design creationists.  相似文献   

Source-sink landscape theory and its ecological significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Exploring the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological processes is the key topic of landscape ecology, for which, a large number of indices as well as landscape pattern analysis model were developed. However, one problem faced by landscape ecologists is that it is hard to link the landscape indices with a specific ecological process. Linking landscape pattern and ecological processes has become a challenge for landscape ecologists. “Source” and “sink” are common concepts used in air pollution research, by which the movement direction and pattern of different pollutants in air can be clearly identified. In fact, for any ecological process, the research can be considered as a balance between the source and the sink in space. Thus, the concepts of “source” and “sink” could be implemented to the research of landscape pattern and ecological processes. In this paper, a theory of sourcesink landscape was proposed, which include: (1) In the research of landscape pattern and ecological process, all landscape types can be divided into two groups, “source” landscape and “sink” landscape. “Source” landscape contributes positively to the ecological process, while “sink” landscape is unhelpful to the ecological process. (2) Both landscapes are recognized with regard to the specific ecological process. “Source” landscape in a target ecological process may change into a “sink” landscape as in another ecological process. Therefore, the ecological process should be determined before “source” or “sink” landscape were defined. (3) The key point to distinguish “source” landscape from “sink” landscape is to quantify the effect of landscape on ecological process. The positive effect is made by “source” landscape, and the negative effect by “sink” landscape. (4) For the same ecological process, the contribution of “source” landscapes may vary, and it is the same to the “sink” landscapes. It is required to determine the weight of each landscape type on ecological processes. (5) The sourcesink principle can be applied to non-point source pollution control, biologic diversity protection, urban heat island effect mitigation, etc. However, the landscape evaluation models need to be calibrated respectively, because different ecological processes correspond with different source-sink landscapes and evaluation models for the different study areas. This theory is helpful to further study landscape pattern and ecological process, and offers a basis for new landscape index design. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(5): 1444–1449 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

Introduced species, those dispersed outside their natural ranges by humans, now cause almost all biological invasions, i.e., entry of organisms into habitats with negative effects on organisms already there. Knowing whether introduction tends to give organisms specific ecological advantages or disadvantages in their new habitats could help understand and control invasions. Even if no specific species traits are associated with introduction, introduced species might out-compete native ones just because the pool of introduced species is very large (“global competition hypothesis”). Especially in the case of intentional introduction, high initial propagule pressure might further increase the chance of establishment, and repeated introductions from different source populations might increase the fitness of introduced species through hybridization. Intentional introduction screens species for usefulness to humans and so might select for rapid growth and reproduction or carry species to suitable habitats, all which could promote invasiveness. However, trade offs between growth and tolerance might make introduced species vulnerable to extreme climatic events and cause some invasions to be transient (“reckless invader hypothesis”). Unintentional introduction may screen for species associated with human-disturbed habitats, and human disturbance of their new habitats may make these species more invasive. Introduction and natural long-distance dispersal both imply that species have neither undergone adaptation in their new habitats nor been adapted to by other species there. These two characteristics are the basis for many well-known hypotheses about invasion, including the “biotic resistance”, “enemy release”, “evolution of increased competitive ability” and “novel weapon” hypotheses, each of which has been shown to help explain some invasions. To the extent that biotic resistance depends upon local adaption by native species, altering selection pressures could reduce resistance and promote invasion (“local adaptation hypothesis”), and restoring natural regimes could reverse this effect.  相似文献   

In the dominance hierarchies of adult male and female mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata Gray), high-ranking individuals are young adults; intermediate-ranking individuals, middle-aged adults; and low-ranking individuals, old adults. This relationship reverses the trend observed in most group-living animals and is previously unreported for this species. A limiting supply of palatable leaves may create intense intraspecific competition for group membership which, it is hypothesized, has resulted in this rare pattern of hierarchical relations. It is shown that individual-level selection is sufficient to explain the evolution of this apparently “altruistic” status system, though other mechanisms are assessed. The energetic constraints imposed by a folivorous diet appear to restrict the expression of aggression to “ritualized” forms. Two groups of monkeys in two different habitats were studied and the rates of appeasement and aggressive behavior were found to be higher in the more “stressful” forest. The latter group, however, displays significantly more behavioral patterns entailing low or intermediate energy expenditure.  相似文献   

There have been two different schools of thought on the evolution of dominance. On the one hand, followers of Wright [Wright S. 1929. Am. Nat. 63: 274–279, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; 1934. Am. Nat. 68: 25–53, Evolution: Selected Papers by Sewall Wright, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; Haldane J.B.S. 1930. Am. Nat. 64: 87–90; 1939. J. Genet. 37: 365–374; Kacser H. and Burns J.A. 1981. Genetics 97: 639–666] have defended the view that dominance is a product of non-linearities in gene expression. On the other hand, followers of Fisher [Fisher R.A. 1928a. Am. Nat. 62: 15–126; 1928b. Am. Nat. 62: 571–574; Bürger R. 1983a. Math. Biosci. 67: 125–143; 1983b. J. Math. Biol. 16: 269–280; Wagner G. and Burger R. 1985. J. Theor. Biol. 113: 475–500; Mayo O. and Reinhard B. 1997. Biol. Rev. 72: 97–110] have argued that dominance evolved via selection on modifier genes. Some have called these “physiological” versus “selectionist,” or more recently [Falk R. 2001. Biol. Philos. 16: 285–323], “functional,” versus “structural” explanations of dominance. This paper argues, however, that one need not treat these explanations as exclusive. While one can disagree about the most likely evolutionary explanation of dominance, as Wright and Fisher did, offering a “physiological” or developmental explanation of dominance does not render dominance “epiphenomenal,” nor show that evolutionary considerations are irrelevant to the maintenance of dominance, as some [Kacser H. and Burns J.A. 1981. Genetics 97: 639–666] have argued. Recent work [Gilchrist M.A. and Nijhout H.F. 2001. Genetics 159: 423–432] illustrates how biological explanation is a multi-level task, requiring both a “top-down” approach to understanding how a pattern of inheritance or trait might be maintained in populations, as well as “bottom-up” modeling of the dynamics of gene expression.  相似文献   

Almost half a century after Whittaker (Ecol Monogr 30:279–338, 1960) proposed his influential diversity concept, it is time for a critical reappraisal. Although the terms alpha, beta and gamma diversity introduced by Whittaker have become general textbook knowledge, the concept suffers from several drawbacks. First, alpha and gamma diversity share the same characteristics and are differentiated only by the scale at which they are applied. However, as scale is relative––depending on the organism(s) or ecosystems investigated––this is not a meaningful ecological criterion. Alpha and gamma diversity can instead be grouped together under the term “inventory diversity.” Out of the three levels proposed by Whittaker, beta diversity is the one which receives the most contradictory comments regarding its usefulness (“key concept” vs. “abstruse concept”). Obviously beta diversity means different things to different people. Apart from the large variety of methods used to investigate it, the main reason for this may be different underlying data characteristics. A literature review reveals that the multitude of measures used to assess beta diversity can be sorted into two conceptually different groups. The first group directly takes species distinction into account and compares the similarity of sites (similarity indices, slope of the distance decay relationship, length of the ordination axis, and sum of squares of a species matrix). The second group relates species richness (or other summary diversity measures) of two (or more) different scales to each other (additive and multiplicative partitioning). Due to that important distinction, we suggest that beta diversity should be split into two levels, “differentiation diversity” (first group) and “proportional diversity” (second group). Thus, we propose to use the terms “inventory diversity” for within-sample diversity, “differentiation diversity” for compositional similarity between samples, and “proportional diversity” for the comparison of inventory diversity across spatial and temporal scales. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Hybridization of gametophytes, continuous self-crossing and targeted selection were utilized to breed a new Laminaria variety. After five-generation selection breeding, the new variety “Rongfu” was obtained. Its male parent “Yuanza No.10” was the high-yield cultivation variety, and its female parent was variety “Fujian” which could tolerate relatively high seawater temperature. “Yuanza No.10” and “Fujian” were different but complement in their morphological characteristics and biological habits. Variety “Rongfu” was bred through their hybridization which exhibited high-yield potential and high seawater temperature tolerance. The results of traits evaluation in consecutive years showed that “Rongfu” attained higher yields by 24–27% compared to the control (widely used commercial variety) and also contained considerable amounts of iodine, mannitol, and algin. When seawater temperature was 18–21°C, the blade growth of “Rongfu” was maintained and tissue loss by abrasion was significantly lower than the control. Since the adoption of variety “Rongfu” in 2001, its cultivation areas have been extended to Shandong, Fujian and Guangdong province and have reached 14,133 ha currently, i.e., almost one-tenth of the total cultivation areas of Laminaria in China. The results of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA analysis showed that the relationship between “Rongfu” and other cultivation varieties in China was very close.  相似文献   

FimH, the mannose-specific, type 1 fimbrial adhesin of Escherichia coli, acquires amino acid replacements adaptive in extraintestinal niches (the genitourinary tract) but detrimental in the main habitat (the large intestine). This microevolutionary dynamics is reminiscent of an ecological “source-sink” model of continuous species spread from a stable primary habitat (source) into transient secondary niches (sink), with eventual extinction of the sink-evolved populations. Here, we have adapted two ecological analytical tools—diversity indexes D S and α—to compare size and frequency distributions of fimH haplotypes between evolutionarily conserved FimH variants (“source” haplotypes) and FimH variants with adaptive mutations (putative “sink” haplotypes). Both indexes show two- to threefold increased diversity of the sink fimH haplotypes relative to the source haplotypes, a pattern that ran opposite to those seen with nonstructural fimbrial genes (fimC and fimI) and housekeeping loci (adk and fumC) but similar to that seen with another fimbrial adhesin of E. coli, papG-II, also implicated in extraintestinal infections. The increased diversity of the sink pool of adhesin genes is due to the increased richness of the haplotypes (the number of unique haplotypes), rather than their evenness (the extent of similarity in relative abundances). Taken together, this pattern supports a continuous emergence and extinction of the gene alleles adaptive to virulence sink habitats of E. coli, rather than a one-time change in the habitat conditions. Thus, ecological methods of species diversity analysis can be successfully adapted to characterize the emergence of microbial virulence in bacterial pathogens subject to source-sink dynamics. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Margaret Riley]  相似文献   

Classic ecological restoration seems tacitly to have taken the Clementsian “balance of nature” paradigm for granted: plant succession terminates in a climax community which remains at equilibrium until exogenously disturbed after which the process of succession is restarted until the climax is reached. Human disturbance is regarded as unnatural and to have commenced in the Western Hemisphere at the time of European incursion. Classic ecological restoration thus has a clear and unambiguous target and may be conceived as aiming to foreshorten the natural processes that would eventually lead to the climax of a given site, which may be determined by its state at “settlement”. According to the new “flux of nature” paradigm in ecology a given site has notelos and is constantly changing. Human disturbance is ubiquitous and long-standing, and at certain spatial and temporal scales is “incorporated”. Any moment in the past 10,000 years that may be selected as a benchmark for restoration efforts thus appears to be arbitrary. Two prominent conservationists have therefore suggested that the ecological conditions in North America at the Pleistocene—Holocene boundary, prior to the anthropogenic extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna, be the target for ecological restoration. That suggestion explicitly assumes evolutionary temporal scales and continental spatial scales as the appropriate frame of reference for ecological restoration. However, ecological restoration should be framed in ecological spatio-temporal scales, which may be defined temporally in reference to ecological processes such as disturbance regimes and spatially in reference to ecological units such as landscapes, ecosystems, and biological provinces. Ecological spatio-temporal scales are also useful in achieving a scientifically defensible distinction between native and exotic species, which plays so central a role in the practice of ecological restoration and the conservation of biodiversity. Because post-settlement human disturbances have exceeded the limits of such scales, settlement conditions can be justified scientifically as appropriate targets of restoration efforts without recourse to obsolete teleological concepts of equilibria and without ignoring the presence and ecological influence of indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

Forestry is obliged to record as well as maintain and/or enhance biological diversity in forests due to national and international agreements. Accordingly, it is necessary to work out methodological approaches for the assessment of biodiversity in forests. In the study presented here, we focus on the total plant species pool (563 vascular plant and bryophyte species) of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in NE Germany to identify indicators for plant species richness. We distinguished several groups like “herb”, “grass-like”, “woody”, “endangered”, and “exotic species”, for which we detected indicators for low (class #1), intermediate (class #2), and high (class #3) species numbers. From a total of 84 species, which were identified by a three-step procedure, most indicators were found for class #3. Only few indicators have been revealed for intermediate species numbers, i.e. class #2. With help of Ellenberg’s ecological indicator values and information on the main occurrence in Central European vegetation types and plant communities, respectively, we characterized the indicator species ecologically. The ecological site preferences of the indicator species in general reflect the fact that species richness is highest in base-rich, light, and anthropogenically disturbed pine forests. On the contrary, species-poor forests were revealed by indicators, which mainly occur on acidic sites. It is concluded that a considerable set of indicators for species richness can help facilitate biodiversity assessments in forestry and ecosystem restoration practice. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The McNaughton rules for determining whether a person can be successfully defended on the grounds of mental incompetence were determined by a committee of the House of Lords in 1843. They arose as a consequence of the trial of Daniel McNaughton for the killing of Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel’s secretary. In retrospect it is clear that McNaughton suffered from schizophrenia. The successful defence of McNaughton on the grounds of mental incompetence by his advocate Sir Alexander Cockburn involved a profound shift in the criteria for such a defence, and was largely based on the then recently published “scientific” thesis of the great US psychiatrist Isaac Ray, entitled A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Subsequent discussion of this defence in the House of Lords led to the McNaughton rules, still the basis of the defence of mental incompetence in the courts of much of the English-speaking world. This essay considers one of these rules in the light of the discoveries of cognitive neuroscience made during the 160 years since Ray’s treatise. A major consideration is the relationship between “the power of self-control” and “irresistible impulse” as conceived by Cockburn on the one hand, and by cognitive neuroscience on the other. The essay concludes with an analysis of the notion of “free will” and of the extent to which a subject can exert restraint in the absence of particular synaptic connections in the brain.  相似文献   

In Morocco we tested the consistency between an a priori habitat classification based on topography, hydrology, vegetation structure and composition, and an a posteriori classification based on arthropod assemblages, in a plain supporting wild endangered Houbara Bustards. According to vegetation structure, we defined seven a priori habitats that differed significantly in perennial cover and height. A multivariate multiple regression analysis showed a significant relationship between arthropod assemblages and vegetation structure. Canonical Analyses of Principal Coordinates, conducted simultaneously on direct searches of arthropods and trapping data, showed significant differences between assemblages in both cases, and produced two similar constrained ordinations of six a posteriori habitats: esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima), temporarily flooded areas, fields, “reg” with short perennials, “reg” with tall perennials and wadis. The two sampling methods reflected a dominance of ants and beetles. Arthropod biomasses increased significantly in spring and then decreased significantly in summer for beetles, and in autumn for ants. No strong differences appeared between habitats within seasons, especially in spring, indicating a uniform distribution of food resources during the Houbara breeding season. The “reg” with short perennials had the highest ant biomass in summer. This “reg” and fields also supported the highest arthropod biomass in autumn. Variation in arthropod biomass was a pertinent factor that should be integrated into Houbara habitat selection studies. The definition of habitat availability based on easily identifiable landscape units, combined with empirical tests on arthropod communities provided an accurate classification for habitat selection studies and conservation planning.  相似文献   

This essay traces the interlinked origins of two concepts found in Charles Darwin’s writings: “unconscious selection,” and sexual selection as applied to humanity’s anatomical race distinctions. Unconscious selection constituted a significant elaboration of Darwin’s artificial selection analogy. As originally conceived in his theoretical notebooks, that analogy had focused exclusively on what Darwin later would call “methodical selection,” the calculated production of desired changes in domestic breeds. By contrast, unconscious selection produced its results unintentionally and at a much slower pace. Inspiration for this concept likely came from Darwin’s early reading of works on both animal breeding and physical ethnology. Texts in these fields described the slow and unplanned divergence of anatomical types, whether animal or human, under the guidance of contrasting ideals of physical perfection. These readings, it is argued, also led Darwin to his theory of sexual selection as applied to race, a theme he discussed mainly in his book The Descent of Man (1871). There Darwin described how the racial version of sexual selection operated on the same principle as unconscious selection. He thereby effectively reunited these kindred concepts.  相似文献   

We propose a simple experiment to study delocalization and extinction in inhomogeneous biological systems. The nonlinear steady state for, say, a bacteria colony living on and near a patch of nutrient or favorable illumination (“oasis”) in the presence of a drift term (“wind”) is computed. The bacteria, described by a simple generalization of the Fisher equation, diffuse, divide AA + A, die A→ 0, and annihilate A + A→ 0. At high wind velocities all bacteria are blown into an unfavorable region (“desert”), and the colony dies out. At low velocity a steady state concentration survives near the oasis. In between these two regimes there is a critical velocity at which bacteria first survive. If the “desert” supports a small nonzero population, this extinction transition is replaced by a delocalization transition with increasing velocity. Predictions for the behavior as a function of wind velocity are made for one and two dimensions. Received: 3 August 1998 / Revised version: 17 July 1999 / Published online: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

We conducted a detail study of the photosynthetic apparatus in assimilating organs of three introduced evergreen conifer species: Taxus cuspidate S. et Z. ex E. (Far-Eastern yew), Thuja occidentalis L. (arbovitae “green”), and Th. occidentalis f. “Reingold” (arbovitae “yellow”) at various times in their life cycle. We studied the potential photosynthesis rate; composition and ratios of pigments, including primary carotenoids; the violaxanthin cycle (VC) activity, the synthesis of a secondary carotenoid, rhodoxanthin; and chloroplast ultrastructure. In winter and spring, β-carotene and lutein (primary carotenoids) contents were relatively constant in yew and arbovitae “yellow”. In December, the VC in yew was balanced and in arbovitae “yellow” unbalanced. In arbovitae “yellow”, the zeaxanthin pool was heterogeneous, and only part of it took part in the VC. It can be assumed that the other part of the pool can be oxidized to form a secondary carotenoid, rhodoxanthin. This secondary carotenoid was also accumulated in arbovitae “green”; its synthesis took place during the season, when the photosynthesis rate of plants was the lowest, and a significant chloroplast reorganization occurred (the number of thylakoids in grana decreased and plastoglobules appeared). We suppose that rhodoxanthin forms a filter for the light under the conditions of high insolation in winter. Thus, the evergreen conifer plants studied, which are adapted to growing at high latitudes where temperature is low and insolation is high in winter and spring, have a system for protecting the photosynthetic apparatus against photodestruction. In the basis of this system, the primary and secondary carotenoids lie, whose content changes during the year.  相似文献   

Japanese monkeys often exchange the particular vocal sound, “coo,” especially when they feed or move as a group. It was considered that the “coo” sound had no positive social meaning, perhaps because the “coo” sound network and its function were hidden behind other behavioral observations. For identification of the vocalizer only from hearing the “coo” sound, three phonetic values, i.e., the “fundamental,” “duration,” and “formants,” plus other characteristics were used as indices of voiceprints. The results indicated that these were effective for identifying the vocalizer in two-thirds of the adults in the study troop which was composed of 12 adults and 16 immature members. The “coo” sound exchange network among the troop members (adults) was drawn on the basis of the voiceprint identification. The network showed three characteristics as follows: (1) matriarchs of the kin-groups frequently exchanged “coo” sounds with each other; (2) the other females exchanged “coo” sounds mostly within their own kin-groups; and (3) males seldom participated in the “coo” sound exchange. This suggests that “coo” sound exchange plays a central role for the matriarch of kin-groups in binding each kin-group and, ultimately, in binding all members together into an organized troop.  相似文献   

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