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Bordetella pertussis produces a cell-invasive adenylate cyclase toxin which is synthesised from the cyaA gene as an inactive protoxin that is post-translationally activated by the product of the cyaC gene. Purified active and inactive CyaA proteins were prepared from B. pertussis or from recombinant Escherichia coli expressing both cyaA and cyaC genes or the cyaA gene alone. respectively. In addition, a hybrid toxin (Hyb2) in which an internal region of CyaA had been replaced with the analogous region from the leukotoxin (LktA) of Pasteurella haemolytica, and which had low cell-invasive activity, was also prepared from E. coli expressing the cyaC gene. The CyaA preparations showed no evidence of toxicity in a mouse weight-gain test. Active toxin preparations were protective in mice against intranasal challenge with wild-type B. pertussis, as evidenced by lung:body weight ratios and bacterial numbers in the lungs, which were comparable to those in mice given whole-cell DPT vaccine. Hyb2 was not as protective as active CyaA and inactive CyaA preparations were not protective. Active CyaA, when co-administered with ovalbumin (OA), had a marked adjuvant effect on the anti-OA IgG antibody response which was not as apparent with inactive CyaA preparations. Similarly, active CyaA stimulated a greater anti-CyaA response than the inactive form.  相似文献   

无细胞百日咳菌苗纯度和生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对无细胞百日咳菌苗的纯度、免疫力和毒性进行了研究。实验证明菌苗中不仅含有百日咳毒素(PT)和丝状血凝素(FHA),而且还含有百日咳凝集素和百日咳粘着素。菌苗的纯度为50%-95.7%,菌苗中PT和FHA的比例为1:1-1:18。  相似文献   

Interaction of the Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin with heparin   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Heparin, a glycosaminoglycan synthesized in connective tissue-mast cells, appeared to inhibit the hemagglutination of rabbit erythrocytes induced by the filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), a major adhesin of Bordetella pertussis. This inhibition suggested an interaction of heparin with the FHA region responsible for the hemagglutination activity. FHA-heparin interactions may play a role in bacterial attachment and persistence in the lungs during human pertussis. To confirm a direct FHA-heparin interaction, heparin was used as ligand in an affinity chromatography procedure. This technique allowed to purify FHA directly from the bacterial culture medium in a single-step using heparin-Sepharose CL-6B or Zetaffinity heparin 60 disks. The purified FHA was highly immunoreactive with anti-FHA monoclonal antibodies and showed no signs of degradation after 15 successive cycles of freezing-thawing. The described purification method is simple, and suitable for the rapid preparation of FHA.  相似文献   

The filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) of Bordetella pertussis is a principal adhesin, which plays a key role in the colonization of the upper respiratory tract. FHA is also a protective antigen, which has been incorporated in the new generation of acellular vaccines against whooping cough. The protein is synthesized as a large 367-kDa precursor, which is then processed into a 220-kDa secreted polypeptide. To optimize the use of this protein for vaccine purposes it would be helpful to define the regions encompassing immunodominant epitopes. Twelve recombinant plasmids have been generated encoding fusion proteins between fragments of the matured-secreted 220-kDa form of FHA and the vector-encoded phage MS2 polymerase. Protein extracts of the resulting recombinant clones have been tested for reactivity with sera from 20 patients convalescent from whooping cough, and two human standard sera. The results indicate the presence of an immunodominant B cell epitope in the polypeptide coded by a 1-kb DNA fragment encompassing positions 5781-6800 of the published sequence. These results suggest that the identified fragment should be conserved in the formulation of vaccines against pertussis.  相似文献   

The nine ptl genes (A-I) are required for efficient secretion of pertussis toxin past the outer membrane. Mutations were made in ptlA-H by filling in unique restriction sites, generating in-frame deletions, or inserting a FLAG epitope tag. The mutations were cloned into a suicide shuttle plasmid containing the ptxptl operon and introduced into the adenylate cyclase locus of the chromosome of a Bordetella pertussis strain deleted for ptx. The wild-type ptxptl operon restored pertussis toxin expression and secretion. The ptl mutant constructs also restored expression of periplasmic pertussis toxin to the ptx deletion strain but the mutants had a statistically significant decrease in secretion of pertussis toxin of between 5- to 35-fold, suggesting all of the ptl genes must be intact for efficient pertussis toxin secretion. The mutations were also introduced into the adenylate cyclase locus of a wild-type ptxptl strain, resulting in a ptl diploid strain. The PtlC, PtlD, PtlE, PtlF, PtlG and PtlH mutants exerted dominance over the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin expression in the Gram-negative respiratory pathogen, Bordetella pertussis, is regulated by the BvgAS two-component system. Previous studies suggested that an additional gene encoding a Bvg accessory factor (Baf) was required, along with BvgAS, for expression of a ptx-lacZ fusion in Escherichia coli grown in rich medium. However, other studies showed that BvgAS is sufficient for ptx-lacZ expression in minimal medium. Here we show that Baf acts with BvgAS to further increase ptx-lacZ expression in E. coli grown in minimal media and this is concomitant with a two-fold increase in BvgA protein levels. Gene replacement experiments show that baf is essential for viability of B. pertussis, suggesting that Baf affects the expression of other genes in addition to ptx.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the high prevalence among infants of antibodies to Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT), cord-blood sera were examined for antibodies to ACT, filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and pertussis toxin (PT) using immunoblot analysis. Antibodies reactive with ACT were the most prevalent in neonatal sera. Similar reactivity of IgG with ACT was found in each sample of a given neonatal-maternal pair, yet IgM reactive with ACT was virtually absent in neonatal sera, suggesting that antibodies to ACT are maternally derived. Antibodies to ACT might come from infection or childhood vaccination of the mothers since pertussis vaccines from all US manufacturers elicited antibodies to ACT in mice. Alternatively, these antibodies may have been elicited by a cross-reactive antigen such as Escherichia coli α-hemolysin, since all of the neonatal and maternal sera contained antibodies reactive with α-hemolysin.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Bordetella pertussis targets the respiratory epithelium and causes whooping cough. Its virulence factor adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) plays an important role in the course of infection. Previous studies on the impact of CyaA on human epithelial cells have been carried out using cell lines derived from the airways or the intestinal tract. Here, we investigated the interaction of CyaA and its enzymatically inactive but fully pore-forming toxoid CyaA-AC with primary human airway epithelial cells (hAEC) derived from different anatomical sites (nose and tracheo-bronchial region) in two-dimensional culture conditions. To assess possible differences between the response of primary hAEC and respiratory cell lines directly, we included HBEC3-KT in our studies. In comparative analyses, we studied the impact of both the toxin and the toxoid on cell viability, intracellular cAMP concentration and IL-6 secretion. We found that the selected hAEC, which lack CD11b, were differentially susceptible to both CyaA and CyaA-AC. HBEC3-KT appeared not to be suitable for subsequent analyses. Since the nasal epithelium first gets in contact with airborne pathogens, we further studied the effect of CyaA and its toxoid on the innate immunity of three-dimensional tissue models of the human nasal mucosa. The present study reveals first insights in toxin–cell interaction using primary hAEC.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent for human whooping cough. It was found that Bordetella pertussis infection caused a change in shape from flat to round in L2 cells, which are derived from rat type 2 alveolar cells. This phenomenon was reproduced using the culture supernatant of B. pertussis, and bacterium-free adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) was identified as the factor responsible. A purified preparation of wild-type CyaA but not an enzyme-dead mutant caused the cell rounding. It was examined whether CyaA causes similar morphological changes in various cultured cell lines. L2, EBL, HEK293T, MC3T3-E1, NIH 3T3, and Vero cells were rounded by the toxin whereas Caco-2, Eph4, and MDCK cells were not, although all these cells showed a significant elevation of the intracellular cAMP level in response to CyaA treatment, which indicates that there is no quantitative correlation between the rounding phenotype and the intracellular cAMP level. CyaA has been believed to target various immunocompetent cells and support the establishment of the bacterial infection by subverting the host immune responses. The possibility that CyaA may also affect tissue cells such as respiratory epithelial cells and may be involved in the pathogenesis of the bacterial infection is also indicated.  相似文献   

Abstract Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Recombinant DNA technologies have provided powerful new tools to develop vaccines that were previously impossible or difficult to make, and to improve the vaccines that were already available but had been developed using old technology. In the case of whooping cough, an effective vaccine (composed of killed bacterial cells) is available, but its use is controversial because of the many side effects that have been associated with it. An improved vaccine against this disease should contain pertussis toxin, a molecule that needs to be detoxified in order to be included in the vaccine. Classical methods of detoxification, such as formaldehyde treatment have been used to inactivate this toxin. We have used recombinant DNA technologies to clone the pertussis toxin gene, express it in bacteria, map the B and T cell epitopes of the molecule, and to identify the amino acids that are important for enzymatic activity and toxicity. Finally, we have used this information to mutate the gene in the chromosome of Bordetella pertussis in order to obtain a strain that produces a molecule that is already non-toxic. This genetically inactivated pertussis toxin was tested extensively in animal models and clinical trials and was found to induce an immune response that is superior in quality and quantity to that induced by the vaccines produced by conventional technologies.  相似文献   

The gene coding for a thermostable alpha-amylase from Clostridium thermosulfurogenes (DSM 3896) was cloned in Escherichia coli using pUC18 as a vector. The recombinant plasmid pCT2 of an amylolytic positive transformant of E. coli contained a 2.9 kbp fragment of chromosomal DNA of C. thermosulfurogenes carrying the alpha-amylase gene. In E. coli the gene was apparently transcribed by its own promoter. Comparative studies showed no difference between the original and the heterologously in E. coli expressed enzyme. The latter was not secreted into the medium.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) is one of the few known protein toxins penetrating directly into the cytosol of target cells across their cytoplasmic membrane without the need for endocytosis. This capacity of ACT was recently exploited for in vivo delivery of single viral CD8(+) T-epitopes into MHC class I-presenting cells and induction of protective antiviral cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses. Here, we have explored the potential of the cell-invasive adenylate cyclase domain of the toxin to deliver larger antigens by evaluating the epitope-specific CTL responses induced by constructs bearing one to four copies of the CD8(+) T-epitope from the nucleoprotein of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The increase in the number of copies of the epitope was accompanied by a moderate decrease of the specific cell invasiveness of the ACT protein and did not lead to further enhancement of the level of induced epitope-specific CTL cells in mice, as compared to ACT with a single copy of the epitope. These results demonstrate the capacity of ACT to deliver larger heterologous antigens comprising several epitopes for antigenic presentation in vivo.  相似文献   

One of the mechanisms involved in host immunity is the limitation of iron accessibility to pathogens, which in turn provokes the corresponding physiological adaptation of pathogens. This study reports a gel‐free nanoLC‐MS/MS‐based comparative proteome analysis of Bordetella pertussis grown under iron‐excess and iron‐depleted conditions. Out of the 926 proteins covered 98 displayed a shift in their abundance in response to low iron availability. Forty‐seven of them were found to be increased in level while 58 were found with decreased protein levels under iron starvation. In addition to proteins previously reported to be influenced by iron in B. pertussis, we observed changes in metabolic proteins involved in fatty acid utilization and poly‐hydroxybutyrate production. Additionally, many bacterial virulence factors regulated by the BvgAS two‐component system were found at decreased levels in response to iron limitation. These results, together with the increased production of proteins potentially involved in oxidative stress resistance, seem to indicate that iron starvation provokes changes in B. pertussis phenotype that might shape host–pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase (AC) toxin from Bordetella pertussis inserts into eukaryotic cells, producing intracellular cAMP, as well as hemolysis and cytotoxicity. Concentration dependence of hemolysis suggests oligomers as the functional unit and inactive deletion mutants permit partial restoration of intoxication and/or hemolysis, when added in pairs [M. Iwaki, A. Ullmann, P. Sebo, Mol. Microbiol. 17 (1995) 1015-1024], suggesting dimerization/oligomerization. Using affinity co-precipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we demonstrate specific self-association of AC toxin molecules in solution. Flag-tagged AC toxin mixed with biotinylated-AC toxin, followed by streptavidin beads, yields both forms of the toxin. FRET measurements of toxin, labeled with different fluorophores, demonstrate association in solution, requiring post-translational acylation, but not calcium. AC toxin mixed with DeltaR, an inactive mutant, results in enhancement of hemolysis over that with wild type alone, suggesting that oligomers are functional. Dimers and perhaps higher molecular mass forms of AC toxin occur in solution in a manner that is relevant to toxin action.  相似文献   

Summary The production ofBordetella pertussis extracytoplasmic filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and pertussis toxin (PT) in a bioreactor under stirring conditions was studied in order to investigate the effect of hydromechanical forces on yields of both antigens. It was shown that FHA loses its haemagglutinin activity when the power transmitted by the agitator and the aerator per unit volume increases, whereas PT production is not affected. The loss of FHA activity can be explained by the action of shear forces on the filamentous structure of this antigen.Nomenclature C* dissolved oxygen saturation concentration - C1 dissolved oxygen concentration - D impeller diameter - power transmitted by the agitator and the aerator per unit of liquid volume - Em maximum local energy dissipation rate per unit of liquid volume - KLa volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient - N impeller speed - Pg power input in aerated system - qO2m maximum specific oxygen consumption rate - Re Reynold number (D2N /) - VVM volume of air per volume of fermentation broth per minute - Xm maximum of biomass concentration - o Kolmogorov-microscale - fermentation broth viscosity - fermentation broth kinematic viscosity - fermentation broth density - expt experiment  相似文献   

Abstract Pertussis toxin (PT) inhibited luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence induced in rabbit peritoneal neutrophils by N'-formyl- l -methionyl- l -leucyl- l -phenylalanine (fMLP) at doses as low as 0.8 ng·ml−1, even in the presence of a 10-fold higher concentration of filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA). A cell-free extract of Bordetella pertusis , containing predominantly PT and FHA, suppressed the neutrophil response to fMLP. After toxoiding with carbodiimide, the inhibitory activity of the extract was abolished and an enhancement of neutrophil chemiluminescence was observed due to FHA activity. Abrogation of the chemiluminescent response of neutrophils to fMLP is proposed as a sensitive, in vitro assay for PT, and may be useful for monitoring the residual toxin activity in pertussis toxoids and for determining the anti-toxic effects of anti-PT antibodies.  相似文献   

Abstract It has been demonstrated that filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) purified from Bordetella pertussis is stable on static incubation but is unstable and quickly loses HA activity when incubated with shaking. Methylβcyclodextrin (CD) was found to have a concentration-dependent stabilizing effect on FHA incubated with shaking, suggesting that the ability of CD to enhance yields of FHA in shaken cultures could be wholly or partly due to a stabilizing effect of CD on FHA. However, only weak binding of CD to FHA was demonstrated by an ultrafiltration micropartition method and binding of CD to B. pertussis cells was not related to the presence or absence of FHA on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis virulence-associated 30-, 32-, 90- and 95-kDa outer membrane proteins were purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined. The 30- and 32-kDa outer membrane proteins showed identity to the C-terminal region of the precursors of the serum resistance protein (BrkA) and the tracheal colonization factor, respectively. We confirmed the cleavage site of these precursors after N731 for BrkA and after N393 for tracheal colonization factor. Associated with the 32-kDa outer membrane protein, we found a new group of 36-kDa virulence-associated peptides. The 95-kDa outer membrane protein showed identity to Vag8. The 90-kDa outer membrane protein did not show homology with the described proteins. We report the N-termini sequence of Vir-90, a novel potential virulence factor.  相似文献   

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