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This study was initiated to investigate effects of damage by 0, 5 and 10 aphids/plant on the physiology of faba bean plants throughout different feeding periods and at two plant development stages. Immediately following removal of Aphis fabae, measurements showed 84–229% increase in transpiration rate. These changes were proportional to the number of aphids and infestation duration. Injury by A. fabae caused the stomatal conductance to be much higher in the leaves of infested plants. Leaf stomatal conductance of the infested plants increased significantly by 51–224% depending on initial aphid densities and feeding intervals. This increase was proportional to the infestation level for each date. Length of infestation period and plant growth stage seemed to have no clear effect on stomatal apertures. Aphid feeding caused a damage of about 7–33% of crude protein levels in the leaf tissue. This reduction increased with increasing infestation levels and time, except for 28‐day‐old plants on 28 days. The physiological effects of aphid feeding on water vapour and chemical composition of damaged leaves are particularly serious when the population is high.  相似文献   

Regulation of Transpiration to Improve Crop Water Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decreasing fresh water supplies and increasing agricultural drought threaten sustainable worldwide crop production. Consequently, there is a global priority to develop crops with higher water use efficiency (WUE): biomass production or yield per unit of water used. Water use efficiency varies substantially among species and genotypes within a species, and a major effort is now underway to identify the genetic determinants of WUE. Today, it is known that genotypes in primary gene pools exhibit allelic variation for WUE through mechanisms that regulate transpiration, which is the conductance of water through stomata, the cuticle, and the boundary layer. Because of the differential diffusion properties of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) through these pathways, it is feasible that WUE could be improved by decreasing transpiration without a concomitant reduction in CO2 uptake. Since CO2 uptake and transpirational water loss occur predominantly through stomatal pores, it is not surprising that genes involved in stomatal development and stomatal opening/closing impact WUE. Furthermore, loss- and gain-of-function genetic screens have identified genes that regulate transpiration and WUE by yet undetermined mechanisms. This review will discuss the genetic determinants that regulate transpiration and WUE in the context of the modern agricultural goal of improving WUE while sustaining biomass and yield.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of a plant to survive severe water deficits depends on its ability to restrict water loss through the leaf epidermis after stomata attain minimum aperture. At this stage, the rate of water loss is regulated by the epidermal conductance (gc). Low gc would be a useful selection criterion to identify genotypes with enhanced survival capability. Consequently, variation in gc among Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench genotypes was evaluated. Since there is little conclusive evidence linking g c with leaf waxiness, alternative hypotheses relating g c to stomatal trails were also examined. Epidermal conductance varied from 6.3 to 17.6mmol m−2 s−1 among sorghum genotypes. It was unrelated to stomatal pore length which varied with genotype and to pore depth which was similar for all genotypes measured. However, g c, increased with increasing stomatal density. This indicates that stomatal density plays a direct role in water loss even at very low conductances. The association of low stomatal density with low g c is consistent with the hypothesis that at the smallest stomata aperture, water loss from the epidermis above guard cell teichodes becomes a significant source of leaf water loss. Since low g c is directly related to crop survival under severe water deficits, it is recommended that genotypes with low g c. be selected using the selection criterion of stomatal density.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gas exchange rates of 4-week-old faba bean plants were measured after exposure to ozonc (120 μg m3) in an open top chamber for 8 h per day over a period of 2 weeks. The exchange rates were compared with those of control plants. Plants exposed between mid-May and the end of July 1987 showed a minor negative effect on stomatal conductance, while there was no effect on photosynthesis and respiration. Plants exposed between the end of August and early October showed a negative effect on both stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. In addition, the dark respiration rate was slightly increased. It is concluded that ozone can have a direct effect on the stomata as well as on the photosynthetic system and that the stomata are more sensitive than the photosynthetic system.  相似文献   

Zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin and violaxanthin concentrations in guard cells from sonicated abaxial epidermal peels of Vicia faba were measured from dawn to dusk, and compared with concentrations in mesophyll tissue of the same leaves. Measured changes in guard cell zeaxanthin and violaxanthin concentrations indicate that guard cells operate the xanthophyll cycle throughout the day. Mesophyll tissue had no detectable zeaxanthin at dawn, whereas guard cells had 30–50 mmol mol?1 chlorophyll a+b. On a chlorophyll basis, maximal zeaxanthin levels were 3–4 fold higher in guard cells than in mesophyll cells. Zeaxanthin concentrations tracked levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in both mesophyll and guard cells. In the mesophyll, most of the zeaxanthin changes occurred in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. In guard cells, zeaxanthin concentrations changed nearly linearly with PAR in the early morning and late afternoon, and closely tracked PAR levels throughout the day. Guard cell zeaxanthin concentrations were also closely correlated with stomatal apertures. The close relationship between zeaxanthin concentrations and PAR levels in guard cells indicates that zeaxanthin is well suited to function as a molecular photosensor in stomatal movements.  相似文献   

Leaflets of Vicia faba L. (faba bean) were used to determine whether the mechanical forces resulting from the turgor potentials (Φp) of the larger epidermal cells neighbouring guard cells play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture. When Φp, of epidermis and Φp of bulk leaflet tissue were compared at midday, Φp of epidermis were only 15–25% those of bulk leaflet tissue at all but the most negative leaflet water potentials (Φ). When plants were bagged to increase Φ by reducing vapour pressure differences between leaflets and air, Φp of bulk leaflet tissue increased to predawn values, but Φp, of epidermis increased to only = 20% of predawn values and stomata opened to their widest apertures. Stomatal apertures were positively correlated with Φp of bulk leaflet tissue but they were not correlated with Φp of epidermis. Reductions in epidermal Φp, began predawn, before stomata were open, and reached minimum values at midday, when stomata were open. We conclude that, in Vicia faba, (1) reduction of Φp of epidermal cells begins predawn, reducing the counterforce to stomatal opening that would exist if full epidermal turgor were maintained throughout the day, and (2) changes in Φp, of leaf epidermal cells do not play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

蚕豆植株经暗饥饿处理40h后,取其下表皮,再用超声波“原位分离”下表皮上的保卫细胞对,然后在无菌、非光合条件下,用外源蔗糖处理蚕豆下表皮上的保卫细胞对,考察其对气孔开放的效应。结果发现,在1d的无菌培养过程中,蔗糖显著促进了气孔的开放。100mmol/L的蔗糖在10mmol/L的MES-NaOH/KOH(pH6.1)缓冲液中,开度分别增加2.0/2.6μm;在1μmol/L的气孔开放促进剂fusicoccin(FC)的存在下,100mmol/L的蔗糖在MES-NaOH/KOH(pH6.1)缓冲液中分别增加开度5.0/5.5μm。不同浓度(5~200mmol/L)的蔗糖处理结果表明气孔开度的增加与蔗糖浓度呈一定的正相关,浓度为100mmol/L的蔗糖处理表现出最大促进作用。同时还初步观察到,蔗糖可维持保卫细胞存活率和叶绿体的完整性。  相似文献   

植物角质蒸腾的几个方面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
角质蒸腾速率和植物生态型有密切关系,与普通品种相比抗旱的高粱和玉米品种角质蒸腾较弱,或差异不明显,但节水途径不同。强光促进角质层腊质的形成,使角质蒸腾减弱。高湿度下生长的植物移到湿度较低处后,其角质蒸腾与总蒸腾速率都明显增大。土壤干旱对角质蒸腾的影响因植物种类和水分胁迫的具体情况而异。角质层腊质含量和角质蒸腾速率一般呈反相关。  相似文献   

用激光扫描共聚焦显微技术,初步研究广谱性蛋白激酶抑制剂星型孢菌素(STS)对蚕豆气孔运动的调控效应.结果表明:(1)光下STS对气孔开度无影响但暗中显著促进气孔开放,表明蛋白激酶参与光/暗对气孔运动的调控,光下蛋白激酶活性低而暗中高;(2)与H2O2清除剂抗坏血酸(ASA)和NO清除剂羧基-2-苯-4,4,5,5-四甲基咪唑-1-氧-3-氧化物(cPTIO)一样,STS既降低暗处理和光下外源H2O2、硝普钠(SNP)处理保卫细胞H2O2、NO水平,也促进气孔开放,表明暗中蛋白激酶通过抑制H2O2、NO清除机制提高保卫细胞内源H2O2、NO水平并促进气孔关闭.  相似文献   

The influence of exogenous proline on the stomatal resistance in Vicia faba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both the upper and lower stomata of Vicia faba responded to different concentrations of proline supplied either to the 'detached' leaves or sprayed to 'intact' leaves. The stomatal resistance of abaxial surfaces was increased more than that of the adaxial surfaces. A 1-h treatment with 5 m M proline had greater influence than a prolonged treatment. The 'young' leaves responded more than the 'mature' ones to the exogenous proline. A relationship could be demonstrated between endogenous proline, which increased markedly due to exogenous supply, and stomatal resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of short-term SO2 fumigation on photosynthesis and transpiration of Vicia faba L. was measured at different irradiances and SO2 concentrations. At high irradiances photosynthetic rates were reduced when leaves were exposed to SO2 and the magnitude of the reduction was linearly related to the rate of SO2 uptake through the stomata. Photosynthetic rates stabilized within 2 h after the start of fumigation.
The effect of SO2 on photosynthesis was measured at different CO2 concentrations to analyse the contribution of stomatal and non-stomatal factors to photosynthetic inhibition. Mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion increased as a result of SO2 exposure and caused a rapid reduction in photosynthesis after the start of fumigation. Stomatal resistance was not affected directly by SO2 fumigation, but indirectly as a result of a feedback loop between net photosynthesis and internal CO2 concentration.
Analysis of gas-exchange measurements in biochemical terms indicated that photosynthetic inhibition during SO2 exposure can be explained by a stronger reduction in the affinity of RBP carboxylase/oxygenase for CO2 than for O2.  相似文献   

A procedure for multiple shoot formation from cotyledonary node explants of faba bean (Vicia faba L.cv.S.Ghdar) cultured on MS medium containing benzyladenine (BA) and thidiazuron (TDZ) was developed. Explants on medium with TDZ in combination with BA produced a higher number of shoots than with either cytokinin alone. The highest number of shoots was obtained when explants from 7-day-old seedlings were cultured on MS medium supplemented with TDZ and BA (2 mgl–1 each) for 31 days before transfer to hormone-free MS medium for elongation. Shoots produced in vitro were rooted on half-strength agar-solidified MS basal medium or with 0.25 or 0.5 mgl–1 naphthalenacetic acid (NAA) prior to transfer to green house conditions. This procedure was found to be applicable to seven other cultivars of faba bean from widely diverse provenances. Thus, it can be advantageously applied to the production of transgenic faba bean plants.  相似文献   

细胞外钙调素可能作为多肽第一信使,调节细胞增殖、花粉萌发、特定基因表达等生理过程.气孔能灵敏地对外界刺激作出反应,快速开闭.本文用免疫电镜和免疫荧光显微镜技术证明保卫细胞及其它表皮细胞胞外都存在钙调素.外源纯化钙调素能促进气孔关闭、抑制气孔开放,最适浓度为10-8mol/L;不能透过质膜的大分子钙调素拮抗剂W7-agarose和钙调素抗血清都能抑制气孔关闭、促进开放,说明保卫细胞的内源胞外钙调素确实能促进气孔关闭、抑制开放,而且只能在细胞外起作用.推测在自然情况下,保卫细胞内源胞外钙调素可能作为胞外第一信使和其它信号分子一起调节气孔的开关运动,而且可能在环境刺激与细胞响应之间起重要作用.  相似文献   

Abstract. An Ohm's law analogy is frequently employed to calculate parameters of leaf gas exchange. For example, resistance to water vapour loss is calculated as the quotient of vapour pressure difference (VPD) and vapour loss by transpiration. In the present research, this electrical analogy was extended. Steady-state transpiration as a function of VPD, assayed in leaflets of Vicia faba using gas exchange techniques, was compared with steady-state K+ current magnitude as a function of voltage in isolated guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba, assayed using the patch clamping technique in the whole cell configuration. An electrophysiological model originally developed to explain the kinetics of current changes following step changes in voltage across a cell membrane was used to fit the kinetics of transpiration changes following step changes in VPD applied to leaflets of Vicia faba. Following step increases in VPD, transpiration exhibited an initial increase, reflecting the increased driving force for water loss and, for large step increases in VPD, a transient decrease in stomatal resistance. Transpiration subsequently declined, reflecting stomatal closure. By analogy to electrophysiological responses, it is hypothesized that the humidity parameter that is sensed by guard cells is VPD. Two models based on epidermal water relations were also applied to transpiration kinetics. In the first model, the transient increase in transpiration following a step increase in VPD was attributed partially to an increase in the Physical driving force (VPD) and partially to a transient decrease in stomatal resistance resulting from reduced epidermal backpressure. In the second model, the transient decrease in stomatal resistance was attributed to a direct response of the guard cells to VPD. Both models based on water relations gave good fits of the data, emphasizing the need for further study regarding the metabolic nature of the guard cell response to humidity.  相似文献   

蚕豆下表皮细胞外钙调素的存在及其对气孔运动的调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞外钙调素可能作为多肽第一信使,调节细胞增殖,花粉萌发,特定基因表达等生理过程,气孔能灵敏地对外界刺激作出反应,快速开闭,本文用免疫电镜和免疫荧光显微镜技术证明保卫细胞及其它表皮细胞胞外都存在钙调素;外源纯化钙调素能促进气孔关闭,抑制气孔开放,最适浓度为10^-8mol/L;不能透过质膜的大分子钙调素拮抗剂W—-agarose和钙调素抗血清都能抑制气孔关闭,促进开放,说明保卫细胞的内源胞外钙调素确实能促进气孔关闭,抑制开放。而且只能在细胞外起作用,推测在自然情况下,保卫细胞内源胞外钙调素可能作为胞外第一信使和其它信号分子一起调节气孔的开关运动,而且可能在环境刺激与细胞响应之间起重要作用。  相似文献   

H2O2 is an essential signal in absicic acid (ABA)-induced stomatalclosure. It can be synthesized by several enzymes in plants.In this study, the roles of copper amine oxidase (CuAO) in H2O2production and stomatal closure were investigated. ExogenousABA stimulated apoplast CuAO activity, increased H2O2 productionand [Ca2+]cyt levels in Vicia faba guard cells, and inducedstomatal closure. These processes were impaired by CuAO inhibitor(s).In the metabolized products of CuAO, only H2O2 could inducestomatal closure. By the analysis of enzyme kinetics and polyaminecontents in leaves, putrescine was regarded as a substrate ofCuAO. Putrescine showed similar effects with ABA on the regulationof H2O2 production, [Ca2+]cyt levels, as well as stomatal closure.The results suggest that CuAO in V. faba guard cells is an essentialenzymatic source for H2O2 production in ABA-induced stomatalclosure via the degradation of putrescine. Calcium messengeris an important intermediate in this process. Key words: Abscisic acid, calcium, copper amine oxidase, hydrogen peroxide, putrescine, stomatal closure, Vicia faba Received 13 October 2007; Revised 16 December 2007 Accepted 20 December 2007  相似文献   

Differences in seed vigour of zero- and high-tannin faba beans were investigated using 25 seed lots of 12 cultivars following earlier reports of poor emergence in the zero-tannin types. Field emergence ranged from 54–96% indicating differences in seed vigour between cultivars all having high laboratory germination (>91%). Seed from zero-tannin accessions with poor emergence had a higher incidence of testa and cotyledon cracking, a smaller percentage of hard seeds, more rapid water uptake, a lower percentage of vital staining of cotyledons and a greater leaching of solutes than high-tannin types. Nevertheless, variation in these characteristics existed between cultivars and lines of both types. Seeds with more cracks in the seed coat and fewer hard seeds imbibed water more rapidly and consequently showed lower levels of vital staining and more cracks in the abaxial surface of the cotyledons. Slower imbibition in polyethylene glycol lessened the incidence of these deleterious characteristics and may provide a practical resolution to the problem of poor field emergence in zero-tannin lines of faba bean with low seed vigour.  相似文献   

Application of abscisic acid (ABA) brings about stomatal closure within 30 min in epidermal peels of Vicia faba . A number of phenolic compounds antagonise the effect of ABA. Derivatives of benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, coumarin and flavonoids have been studied in order to establish structure – activity relationship. Derivatives of benzoic acid reverse the ABA effects. Coumarin, esculetin and three hydro derivatives of cinnamic acid fail to show the anti-ABA activity. Thus, the presence of parahydroxyl group and double bond in the side chain is necessary for anti-ABA activity.  相似文献   

H2S介导ABA诱导蚕豆气孔运动的生理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蚕豆为实验材料,利用药理学实验和分光光度法,研究了ABA处理及ABA与H2S合成抑制剂共处理对蚕豆气孔运动的影响,以及体内H2S水平、H2S合成酶L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶(磷酸吡哆盐依赖性酶)活性变化.结果表明:(1)光下H2S的合成抑制剂羧甲氧基胺半盐酸盐(AOA)、羟氨(NH2OH)、L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶分解产物C3H3KO3+NH3均明显抑制ABA诱导的蚕豆气孔关闭;(2)外源ABA能够明显提高叶片的H2S水平及L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶活性;(3)AOA、NH2OH、C3H3KO3和NH3均可以逆转ABA所引起的H2S水平及L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶活性的升高.研究发现,ABA可通过增强L-/D-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶活性,促进L-/D-半胱氨酸分解生成H2S,进而诱导蚕豆气孔关闭.  相似文献   

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