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This article reports the concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) in fresh Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis Papua) droppings deposited on the Ardley Island (62°13′S, 58°56′W), West Antarctica, and those in the island's two lake cores. In the fresh penguin droppings, metabolites were the predominant constituents of the DDT group, most likely due to the ban on DDT use in agriculture and the higher stability of the metabolites in the environment. In contrast, γ-HCH comprised 66% of the total HCHs, apparently due to the continuous use of Lindane in the Southern Hemisphere. The concentrations of HCHs and DDTs in the fresh droppings are many times higher than those in penguin plume, the latter currently being used as biomaterial for monitoring coastal contaminations in Antarctica. Results of this study indicate that penguin droppings have a good potential for use as another biomonitoring material in detecting the organochlorine pesticides and other contaminants in the maritime Antarctic. Because penguin droppings can be well preserved in lake sediments, they also provide a good and continuous historical record of these contaminants. The slight increase of DDTs since the 1990s, as observed in the aged penguin droppings in the sediment cores, suggests there have been new inputs of DDT into the Antarctic coastal ecosystem, probably from the illegal use of DDT in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

We sought evidence for postnatal resource limitation among littermates of the domestic rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus , and asked whether deaths of indi~vidual pups benefit survivors by increasing their share of milk. Milk ingestion, growth and mortality of 10 chinchilla-breed captive litters were recorded between birth and age 21 d. That milk limits growth and survival was indicated by larger litters showing lower weight gain and higher mortality, and by a significant positive correlation between milk ingested by individual pups and weight increase. Within litters, pups with higher birth weights grew faster, and weight hierarchies became increasingly stable over the 3 weeks, suggesting that advantages accrued during gestation were progressively consolidated during lactation. After individual pups died, the total daily milk weight obtained by the litter was generally unaffected but per capita milk consumption and growth of surviving pups increased, and increases in per capita consumption were greater in smaller litters. The most successful competitors for milk apparently benefit from the deaths of their littermates by obtaining an increased share of an undiminished daily food supply. This relationship has not previously been demonstrated in any vertebrate.  相似文献   

The performance of Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus was evaluated in continuous culture with media containing concentrations of xylose (8 to 20 g/liter) greater than those previously reported. The ethanol yield declined from to 0.42 to 0.29 g of ethanol per g of xylose consumed when input xylose was increased from 4 to 20 g/liter. Yields of both total C2 and C3 products from consumed xylose and of cell biomass from ATP produced declined as the input xylose concentration was increased, which was not the case when glucose was the substrate. This suggested that yeast extract functioned as a significant energy and carbon source for cells in fermentations of xylose but not of glucose. The feasibility of this interpretation was confirmed by (i) the calculation of the products theoretically obtainable from yeast extract and (ii) the observation of significant quantities of fermentation products in inoculated sugar-free media. Markedly different patterns of metabolism for the two sugar substrates were also evidenced by the cell yield for glucose being twice that of xylose at elevated sugar concentrations. It was noted that caution must be exerted when results obtained at low xylose concentrations are extrapolated to predict those which can be obtained at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

CO2倍增对不同氮水平下小麦幼苗根系及叶片NR活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以小麦品种'小偃22'幼苗为材料,采用开顶式气室和水培实验研究了不同供氮水平(2.5、5.0、10.0和 15.0 mmol·L-1)下小麦幼苗植株生长量、根系形态、有机碳分泌速率和硝酸还原酶(NR)活性对大气CO2浓度升高的响应.结果显示,大气CO2浓度倍增均增加了小麦幼苗各生长阶段根冠生物量以及根系长度、面积、有机碳分泌速率和叶片NR活性.随供氮水平的提高,各生长阶段幼苗根冠生物量、根长和面积以及叶片NR活性呈上升趋势,而有机碳分泌速率呈下降趋势;根冠比变化不同阶段表现不一致,一叶一心期呈下降趋势,二叶一心期和三叶一心期分别以15.0和10.0 mmol·L-1氮水平较高.研究表明,大气CO2浓度升高可促进小麦幼苗根系生长和有机碳分泌速率,提高其氮素同化能力;增加介质供氮有利于高CO2浓度条件下小麦幼苗根冠生长和氮素同化,提高根冠比,减少根系有机碳过度分泌引起的碳损耗.  相似文献   

Shells of the bivalve Arctica islandica are used to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions (e.g. temperature) via biogeochemical proxies, i.e. biogenic components that are related closely to environmental parameters at the time of shell formation. Several studies have shown that proxies like element and isotope-ratios can be affected by shell growth and microstructure. Thus it is essential to evaluate the impact of changing environmental parameters such as high pCO2 and consequent changes in carbonate chemistry on shell properties to validate these biogeochemical proxies for a wider range of environmental conditions. Growth experiments with Arctica islandica from the Western Baltic Sea kept under different pCO2 levels (from 380 to 1120 µatm) indicate no affect of elevated pCO2 on shell growth or crystal microstructure, indicating that A. islandica shows an adaptation to a wider range of pCO2 levels than reported for other species. Accordingly, proxy information derived from A. islandica shells of this region contains no pCO2 related bias.  相似文献   

Human blood basophils have recently gained interest in addition to their function as allergic effector cells. Previous work suggests the involvement of innate immune mechanisms in the development and exacerbation of allergic responses, which might be mediated by basophils. We assayed the expression levels of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 1, 2, 4 and 6 on purified basophils from birch pollen-, house dust mite-, and non-allergic individuals. Additionally, we compared cytokine and chemokine secretion upon TLR stimulation in these basophil donor groups. Expression of TLR4 on the basophils of the allergic donor groups was decreased and CXCL8 secretion was elevated upon stimulation of TLR1/2 and TLR2/6 compared to the non-allergic donors. Decreased TLR expression and elevated CXCL8 secretion may represent possible mechanisms for aggravation of allergic symptoms in case of parasitic infection.  相似文献   

Shay FJ  Hale MG 《Plant physiology》1973,51(6):1061-1063
The effects of 10, 20, 35 and 50 mg of Ca2+ per liter on the qualitative and quantitative exudation of sugars from roots of 5-week-old peanut plants, Arachis hypogaea L., grown axenically in nutrient solutions, were measured. Nutrient solutions in which plants had been growing were collected at weekly intervals for 4 weeks, sugars in them were measured by gasliquid chromatography of the trimethylsilyl derivatives. Arabinose, ribose, xylose, fructose, mannose, glucose, galactose, mannitol, galacturonic acid, inositol, sucrose, and five unknowns were found. Qualitative and quantitative differences in exudates were correlated with age of the plants and calcium level. Four times more sugar was exuded at 10 mg than at 50 mg of Ca2+ per liter but no significant differences in growth were observed. Ion efflux measurements suggested that low levels of Ca2+ increased root cell membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and mitochondrial impairment are the main pathogenic mechanisms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a severe neurodegenerative disease still lacking of effective therapy. Recently, the coenzyme-Q (CoQ) complex, a key component of mitochondrial function and redox-state modulator, has raised interest for ALS treatment. However, while the oxidized form ubiquinone10 was ineffective in ALS patients and modestly effective in mouse models of ALS, no evidence was reported on the effect of the reduced form ubiquinol10, which has better bioavailability and antioxidant properties. In this study we compared the effects of ubiquinone10 and a new stabilized formulation of ubiquinol10 on the disease course of SOD1G93A transgenic mice, an experimental model of fALS. Chronic treatments (800 mg/kg/day orally) started from the onset of disease until death, to mimic the clinical trials that only include patients with definite ALS symptoms. Although the plasma levels of CoQ10 were significantly increased by both treatments (from <0.20 to 3.0–3.4 µg/mL), no effect was found on the disease progression and survival of SOD1G93A mice. The levels of CoQ10 in the brain and spinal cord of ubiquinone10- or ubiquinol10-treated mice were only slightly higher (≤10%) than the endogenous levels in vehicle-treated mice, indicating poor CNS availability after oral dosing and possibly explaining the lack of pharmacological effects. To further examine this issue, we measured the oxidized and reduced forms of CoQ9/10 in the plasma, brain and spinal cord of symptomatic SOD1G93A mice, in comparison with age-matched SOD1WT. Levels of ubiquinol9/10, but not ubiquinone9/10, were significantly higher in the CNS, but not in plasma, of SOD1G93A mice, suggesting that CoQ redox system might participate in the mechanisms trying to counteract the pathology progression. Therefore, the very low increases of CoQ10 induced by oral treatments in CNS might be not sufficient to provide significant neuroprotection in SOD1G93A mice.  相似文献   

Usuda H 《Plant physiology》1988,88(4):1461-1468
Recently, a nonaqueous fractionation method of obtaining highly purified mesophyll chloroplasts from maize leaves was established. This method is now used to determine adenine nucleotide levels, the redox states of the NADP system, Pi levels and dihydroxyacetone phosphate/3-phosphoglycerate ratios in mesophyll chloroplasts of Zea mays L. leaves under different light intensities. The sum of the ATP, ADP, and AMP levels was estimated to be 1.4 millimolar and the ATP/ADP ratio was 1 in the dark and 2.5 to 4 in the light. The adenine nucleotides were equilibrated by adenylate kinase. The total concentration of NADP(H) in the chloroplasts was 0.3 millimolar in the dark and 0.48 millimolar in the light. The ratio of NADPH/NADP was 0.1 to 0.18 in the dark and 0.23 to 0.48 in the light. The Pi level was estimated to be 20 millimolar in the dark and 10 to 17 millimolar in the light. The 3-phosphoglycerate reducing system was under thermodynamic equilibrium in the light. The calculated assimilatory forces were 8 per molar and 40 to 170 per molar in the dark and the light, respectively. There was no relationship between the degree of activation of pyruvate, Pi dikinase, and adenylate energy charge, or ATP/ADP ratio or ADP level under various light intensities. Only a weak relationship was found between the degree of activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase and the NADPH/NADP ratio or NADP(H) level with increasing light intensity. A possible regulatory mechanism which is responsible for the regulation of activation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase and NADP-malate dehydrogenase is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of irradiance on changes in the amounts of chlorophyll(Chl) and light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein of PS II(LHCII) were examined in senescing leaves of rice (Oryza sativaL.). Results of treatments at two irradiances (100% and 20%natural sunlight) were examined after the full expansion ofthe 13th leaf throughout the course of senescence. With 20%sunlight, the Chl content decreased only a little during leafsenescence, while with 100% sunlight it decreased appreciably.Similarly, the amount of LHCII protein during treatment with20% sunlight remained almost constant. However, the ratio ofChl a/b during the shade treatment decreased significantly andthe rate of decrease was greater than during the full-sunlighttreatment. The ratio of Chl a/b for Chl a and b bound to LHCIIwas about 1.2, irrespective of leaf age or irradiance treatment.When the amounts of Chl bound to LHCII were calculated fromthe total leaf content of Chl and the ratio of Chl a/b, assuminga ratio of Chl a/b bound to LHCII of 1.2, they were well correlatedwith the amounts of LHCII protein. Changes in the amounts of LHCII synthesized during the two irradiancetreatments were examined using an 15 tracer. Incorporation of15N into LHCII declined dramatically during both treatmentsfrom full expansion through senescence, suggesting that therewas little synthesis of LHCII protein during that time. In addition,the amount of LHCII synthesized during senescence was lowerduring the shade treatment than during the 100% sunlight treatment.These results indicate that the absence of an apparent changein levels of LHCII with shade treatment during senescence wascaused by the very low rate of turnover of LHCII protein. (Received June 17, 1992; Accepted September 28, 1992)  相似文献   

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