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AFLP-based genetic linkage maps of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the construction of the first genetic linkage map in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. AFLP markers were used in 86 full-sib progeny from a controlled pair mating, applying a double pseudo-test cross strategy. Thirty-six primer pairs generated 2354 peaks, of which 791 (33.6%) were polymorphic in the mapping family. Among those, 341 segregated through the female parent, 296 through the male parent (type 1:1) and 154 through both parents (type 3:1). Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests revealed that 71% and 73% of type 1:1 and 3:1 markers respectively segregated according to Mendelian inheritance. Sex-specific linkage maps were built with mapmaker 3.0 software. The female framework map consisted of 121 markers ordered into 14 linkage groups, spanning 862.8 cM, with an average marker spacing of 8.0 cM. The male framework map consisted of 116 markers ordered into 14 linkage groups, spanning 825.2 cM, with an average marker spacing of 8.09 cM. Genome coverage was estimated to be 76.7% and 75.9% for the female and male framework maps respectively, rising to 85.8% (female) and 86.2% (male) when associated markers were included. Twelve probable homologous linkage group pairs were identified and a consensus map was built for nine of these homologous pairs based on multiple and parallel linkages of 3:1 markers, spanning 816 cM, with joinmap 4.0 software.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the impact of the biosedimentary system mussel bed (Mytilus edulis) on the spatial variability of benthic microbial biomass and activity in relation to organic deposits. We sampled a transect of six stations from the muddy mussel bed towards a reference station in the sandflat in monthly intervals for 1 year. The sediment grain size fraction <63 μm and the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration decreased significantly towards the sandflat. Bacterial numbers and total microbial biomass (total adenylates) showed a high spatial variability and were not correlated to increasing distance from the mussel bed. However, a significant relationship with the TOC concentration was found. In contrast, the energetic status (adenylate energy charge) of the microbial community in the mussel bed was significantly lower than in the sandflat. A principal component analysis of the substrate-utilization pattern revealed clear differences between the microbial communities in the mussel bed and in the sandflat. Our results indicate that the sandflat may be dominated by a relatively specialized benthic microbial community with an increased efficiency in utilizing organic carbon sources. As a disadvantage, however, such r-strategists are only able to meet environmental changes within a comparatively narrow range. Benthic microbial communities in the vicinity of an M. edulis mussel bed, in contrast, are dominated by relative generalists with a greater physiological capacity to buffer discrete environmental changes. Such K-strategists show a lack of specialization which generally means a reduced efficiency in utilizing a particular resource. Received: 2 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 22 November 1999 / Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

Environmental cues allow organisms to synchronise their internal biological rhythms with external environmental cycles. These rhythms are regulated on a molecular level by oscillating interactions between clock genes and their proteins. Light is a particularly relevant environmental cue, provisioning daily information via light/dark cycles as well as seasonal information via day-length (photoperiod). Despite the ecological and commercial importance of bivalves, little is known about the interactions comprising their molecular clock mechanism. This study investigates the link between the annual seasonal progression and reproductive development in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), using mRNA expression patterns of clock-associated genes: Clock, Cry1¸ ARNT, Timeout-like, ROR/HR3 and aaNAT, in the gonads of both sexes, sampled over three daily time-points on a tidal beach during the winter and summer solstices. Significant differences in mRNA expression levels, including some seasonal differences at comparable time-points, were detected for all genes with the exception of Timeout-like. These differences occurred seasonally within sex (Clock, Cry1, ROR/HR3), seasonally between sexes (Clock, Cry1, ARNT, ROR/HR3, aaNAT) and daily between sexes (Cry1), although no significant daily differences were detected in summer or winter for either sex for any of the genes. This study reveals that clock-associated genes show seasonal responses in this species of bivalve. Understanding the mechanisms by which environmental cues drive biological rhythms is critical to understanding the seasonal sensitivity of this keystone species to environmental changes.  相似文献   

The Western Scheldt of the Dutch Delta area is severely contaminated with trace metals. Accumulation models of trace metals in the mussel Mytilus edulis are required to predict the biological efficiency of reductions in the metal and organic matter load. Two models are constructed: a black-box model and a physiologically structured model. The black-box model predicts metal accumulation in mussels from uptake and elimination parameters. The physiological model attempts to improve predictions by taking into account the kinetics of individual uptake and elimination routes. These in turn, are taken as depending upon two more general physiological processes, the ventilation rate and the metabolic rate. Metal uptake via food and water are expressed as relative fractions. Metal input is differentiated into particulate adsorbed, and dissolved species.The reliability of the two models is evaluated by comparing predicted concentrations for mussels with measurements. Model predictions for copper deviate less than 100% from measured concentrations, but neither model appears to predict cadmium concentration with sufficient accuracy since deviations of more than 100% occured. The introduction of physiological refinements did not improve performance. Food mediated contributions for cadmium and copper to total body burden had been overestimated in the model by a factor of 100 when compared to literature values. The physiological model did predict that the ratio of food mediated contribution to total body burden is probably different for cadmium and copper and decreases with increasing salinity for both. As yet there are no measurements available to confirm such predictions.We conclude that additional laboratory experiments should be done for a better understanding of why there is poor agreement between the few field observations and the simulations. In these experiments mussels grown under different environmental condition can be tested for their accumulation capacity of trace metals. More field observations are needed.  相似文献   

Biofilm ageing is commonly assumed to improve mussel settlement on artificial substrata, but the structure and taxonomic composition of biofilms remains unclear. In the present study, multi-species biofilms were characterized at different ages (1, 2, and 3 weeks) and their influence on settlement of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, was tested in the field. As biofilms can constitute a consistent food resource for larvae, the lipid quality, defined as the proportion of related essential fatty acids, may be a selection criterion for settlement. Overall mussel settlement increased on biofilms older than 1 week, and the enhanced settlement corresponded to the abundance and composition of the biofilm community, rather than to essential fatty acid levels. However, during a pulse of phytoplankton, the positive influence of biofilm was not detected, suggesting that pelagic cues overwhelmed those associated with biofilms. The influence of biofilms on mussel settlement could be more crucial when planktonic resources are limited.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) living in estuaries have to cope with varying concentrations of suspended sand. Sand flowing through the inhalant siphons comes into the infrabranchial chamber. The inhalant siphon can be partially closed by the branchial membrane. As a result the inward flow decreases, and suspended sand sinks and can be eliminated. Experiments with mussels from three ecologically different locations showed about the same response of the branchial membrane on contact with suspended sand. The presence and function of the branchial membrane appears to be an adaptation of mussels to their estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Aims:  Micro-organisms and molecular markers for microbial source tracking (MST) in coastal waters are often present at low numbers, and often exhibit significant variability in time and space. In this study, we investigated the uptake, accumulation, and persistence of human associated Enterococcus in the mussel Mytilus edulis .
Methods and Results:  The human associated molecular markers esp in Enterococcus faecium , and M66 in Enterococcus faecalis were targetted by PCR in seawater and mussel samples from coastal sites affected by sewage contamination. Both native mussels and mussels transplanted from pristine to polluted sites were included. The results showed that the esp and M66 markers were often not detectable in seawater whereas mussels were enriched in the markers. Human associated E. faecalis accumulated rapidly in M. edulis , and reached maximum levels after 4–6 h with concentration 30–300 times greater than in the surrounding seawater. Enterococcus faecalis retained in M. edulis showed a survival comparable to planktonic E. faecalis in seawater with half lives of 30 and 22 h, respectively. Human associated markers remained detectable for 120 h in M. edulis after faecal contamination.
Conclusions:  The study demonstrated that native and transplanted M. edulis can accumulate and retain human associated molecular markers relevant for MST.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Mussels should be considered as additional targets in MST studies in coastal waters.  相似文献   

To thoroughly understand the feeding processes of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, under the variable environmental conditions it experiences in nature, it is important to examine individually the different components of its feeding system. The ciliated ventral food groove represents one of these components, within which the majority of food particles trapped by the gill are transported to the labial palps and mouth. Any ability of the mussel to adjust food transport rates within this groove could serve as an important feeding regulatory mechanism in response to variations in the environment.

Mucous strand velocities in the ventral groove of the mussel, M. edulis, were determined by video endoscopy over different time periods and during short- and long-term manipulations of ambient particle concentration and temperature. Mucous strand velocity decreased with increasing ambient particle concentration at 14°C, but a similar relationship was not observed at 5°C. The data support the hypothesis that M. edulis possesses compensatory mechanisms to control particle transport at the level of the ventral groove cilia in response to changes in the environment. Furthermore, mucous strand velocity in the ventral groove increased when the ambient temperature of mussels acclimated to 5°C was increased to 15°C during acute and long-term acclimation temperature experiments. This response is consistent with standard physiological responses of ciliary systems to changes in temperature.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are fascinating systems to investigate the structure of genetic barriers. Marine hybrid zones deserve more investigation because of the generally high dispersion potential of planktonic larvae which allows migration on scales unrivalled by terrestrial species. Here we analyse the genetic structure of the mosaic hybrid zone between the marine mussels Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis, using three length-polymorphic PCR loci as neutral and diagnostic markers on 32 samples along the Atlantic coast of Europe. Instead of a single genetic gradient from M. galloprovincialis on the Iberian Peninsula to M. edulis populations in the North Sea, three successive transitions were observed in France. From South to North, the frequency of alleles typical of M. galloprovincialis first decreases in the southern Bay of Biscay, remains low in Charente, then increases in South Brittany, remains high in most of Brittany, and finally decreases again in South Normandy. The two enclosed patches observed in the midst of the mosaic hybrid zone in Charente and Brittany, although predominantly M. edulis-like and M. galloprovincialis-like, respectively, are genetically original in two respects. First, considering only the various alleles typical of one species, the patches show differentiated frequencies compared to the reference external populations. Second, each patch is partly introgressed by alleles of the other species. When introgression is taken into account, linkage disequilibria appear close to their maximum possible values, indicating a strong genetic barrier within all transition zones. Some pre- or postzygotic isolation mechanisms (habitat specialization, spawning asynchrony, assortative fertilization and hybrid depression) have been documented in previous studies, although their relative importance remains to be evaluated. We also provided evidence for a recent migratory 'short-cut' connecting M. edulis-like populations of the Charente patch to an external M. edulis population in Normandy and thought to reflect artificial transfer of spat for aquaculture.  相似文献   


The age and growth history of individual mussels collected from the cooling water culverts of a power station were determined from the growth bands present in acetate peels of polished and etched shell sections. During periods of exposure to the antifouling agent, sodium hypochlorite (0.2mgl‐1), shell growth was severely reduced, resulting in marked changes in the structure and deposition of the shell. As a consequence of chlorination, the growth rate of the mussel population occurring within the culverts was substantially lower and the mean length‐at‐age significantly smaller than that of a naturally occurring population immediately outside the cooling water intake. The growth patterns present in the shells of mussels experimentally added to the cooling waters during chlorination were compared with, and found to be similar to, the patterns in the shells of mussels that had settled naturally in the culverts. The daily growth of the experimentally exposed mussels (1.1–5.2 μm d‐1) is two orders of magnitude lower than the growth rate of mussels growing in untreated waters. The use of mussels for evaluating the efficiency and long‐term effects of low level chlorination is discussed.  相似文献   

Assortative mating (prezygotic isolation) and reduced hybrid fitness (postzygotic isolation) are typically invoked to explain the stability of hybrid zones. In the tension zone model, these factors work in opposition to migration, which promotes genetic homogeneity. Many marine animals migrate over long distances through a planktonic larval stage. Therefore, strong reproductive isolation is needed to maintain stable marine hybrid zones. However, surprisingly little is known about mating preferences and hybrid fitness in marine organisms. Smooth-shelled mussels (Mytilus spp.) form a well-known species complex, with hybridization over extensive areas such as the contact zone of M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis around European Atlantic coasts. This paper reports direct experimental evidence of assortative fertilization, hybrid larval inviability, and early heterosis for growth rate in M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Four crosses between pure M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis were analyzed with a new polymerase-chain-reaction-based diagnostic marker. Gamete competition between taxa was allowed in two out of the four crosses. Genotype frequencies observed at an early stage (36 h after fertilization) unambiguously revealed assortative fertilization when gamete competition was allowed. A significant reduction in hybrid viability was subsequently observed during the larval stage. At the same stage an antagonistic effect, heterosis, was observed on growth rate. However, even if heterosis is observed in the F1, it is expected to vanish in subsequent hybrid generations. Although specialization for different habitats and asynchronous spawning have been mentioned as factors contributing to the maintenance of the blue mussel hybrid zone in Europe, we argue that assortative fertilization and reduced hybrid fitness are important factors that also contribute to the stabilization of this zone. These results emphasize that multiple factors may act concomitantly in a barrier to gene flow, especially in complex life cycles. Furthermore, they show that assortative mating through gamete preference, as already demonstrated for sea urchins, may play a role in speciation processes taking place in the sea.  相似文献   

Summary Pre- and post-embedding techniques were used to investigate the ultrastructural binding of a range of lectins to the haemocytes of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Direct and indirect labelling procedures were employed using colloidal gold and ferritin-labelled lectins, or biotinylated lectins followed by gold-labelled streptavidin. Cell surface receptors were present for lectins from Helix pomatia (HPA), Helix aspersa (HAA), Triticum vulgaris (WGA) and Tetragonolobus purpureas (TPA). Double labelling of haemocytes with HPA and WGA demonstrated binding sites for both lectins on the plasma membrane of the majority of haemocytes. Endocytosis of colloidal gold-labelled HPA was observed for unfixed haemocytes. Three classes of haemocyte were identified by use of morphological criteria: hyalinocytes; granulocytes containing small granules; and granulocytes containing large granules. Lectin binding showed the small granules of the granulocytes to be HPA-positive and the large granules of the granulocytes to be WGA-positive. The WGA-positive granules demonstrated a differential pattern of binding according to granule size. Binding sites for the lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) were not demonstrated on the cell surface, but did show an affinity for the heterochromatin region of the nucleus in post-embedding protocols.  相似文献   

Stress proteins of the Hsp70 family induced in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis exposed in the laboratory to increased concentrations of cadmium (Cd) or tributhyltin (TBT) were analysed using Western blotting and/or ELISA tests. Statistical evaluation of results indicated that increased concentrations of Hsp70 were detected by means of the ELISA tests as compared with control organisms in extracts from the gills of mussels exposed to both Cd or TBT (p = 0.022). Results of analysis by means of Western blotting showed no differences in the levels of Hsp70 in the extracts (p = 0.151). It was concluded that the ELISA test allowed a more sensitive detection of Hsp70 than did Western blotting.  相似文献   

Endo-beta-1,4-d-mannanase is the key depolymerizing enzyme for beta-1,4-mannan polymers present in the cell walls of plants and some algae, as well as in some types of plant seeds. Endo-1,4-beta-mannanase from blue mussel Mytilus edulis (MeMan5A) belongs to the glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 5 enzymes. The MeMan5A structure has been determined to 1.6A resolution using the multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion method at the selenium K edge with selenomethionyl MeMan5A expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. As expected for GH 5 enzymes, the structure showed a (betaalpha)(8)-barrel fold. An unusually large number of histidine side-chains are exposed on the surface, which may relate to its location within the crystalline style of the digestive tract of the mussel. Kinetic analysis of MeMan5A revealed that the enzyme requires at least six subsites for efficient hydrolysis. Mannotetraose (M4) and mannopentaose (M5) were shown to interact with subsites -3 to +1, and -3 to +2, respectively. A clear kinetic threshold was observed when going from M4 to M5, indicating that the +2 subsite provides important interaction in the hydrolysis of short oligomeric mannose substrates. The catalytic centre motif at subsite -1 found in superfamily GH clan A is, as expected, conserved in MeMan5A, but the architecture of the catalytic cleft differs significantly from other GH 5 enzyme structures. We therefore suggest that MeMan5A represents a new subfamily in GH 5.  相似文献   

Stress proteins of the Hsp70 family induced in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis exposed in the laboratory to increased concentrations of cadmium (Cd) or tributhyltin (TBT) were analysed using Western blotting and/or ELISA tests. Statistical evaluation of results indicated that increased concentrations of Hsp70 were detected by means of the ELISA tests as compared with control organisms in extracts from the gills of mussels exposed to both Cd or TBT (p = 0.022). Results of analysis by means of Western blotting showed no differences in the levels of Hsp70 in the extracts (p = 0.151). It was concluded that the ELISA test allowed a more sensitive detection of Hsp70 than did Western blotting.  相似文献   

One of the most effective techniques for evaluating stress is the analysis of developmental stability, measured by stochastic variation based particularly on fluctuating asymmetry, i.e. a variance in random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry. However, the application of morphological methods is only possible when an organism lives under testing conditions during a significant part of its ontogenesis. Contrary to morphological characters, behavior can change very fast. Consequently, methods based on behavioural characters may have advantages over more traditional approaches. In this study we describe the technique of assessing stochastic variation, using not morphological, but behavioural characters. To measure stochastic variation of behavioural response, we assessed the stability of the isolation reaction of blue musselMytilus edulis at regular changes of salinity. With increasing temperature from +12°C to +20°C stochastic variation of the isolation reaction increased, which is a common response to change of environmental conditions. In this way, we have developed a method of assessing stochastic variation of behavioural response in molluscs. This method may find a great range of applications, because its usage does not require keeping animals in tested conditions for a long time.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether the contraction of the equatorward boundary of an intertidal organism, the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, was due to high summer temperatures limiting mortality. Location The Atlantic coast of the United States. Methods Field transplant experiments were conducted at three locations along the US Atlantic coast. Survival and heat shock protein 70 expression were determined at biweekly intervals. Air and water temperature profiles were used to model current and historical patterns of mortality, and to determine rates of temperature change. Results High levels of mortality and expression of the inducible heat shock protein 70 were observed after multiple consecutive aerial exposures of 32 °C or greater. Since 1960, seasonal air and water temperatures have increased along the eastern US seaboard, and south of Lewes, DE (38.8° N) summer sea surface temperature increases have exceeded the upper lethal limits of this organism. Main conclusions Along the southern portion of its range, intertidal populations of M. edulis have experienced catastrophic mortality directly associated with summer high temperatures. Over the past 50 years, a geographic contraction of the southern, equatorward range edge of M. edulis has occurred, shifting the range edge approximately 350 km north of the previous limit at Cape Hatteras, NC (35.2° N).  相似文献   

Prins  T. C.  Smaal  A. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):413-429
The fluxes of particulate and dissolved material between bivalve beds and the water column in the Oosterschelde estuary have been measured in situ with a Benthic Ecosystem Tunnel. On mussel beds uptake of POC, PON and POP was observed. POC and PON fluxes showed a significant positive correlation, and the average C:N ratio of the fluxes was 9.4. There was a high release of phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and silicate from the mussel bed into the water column. The effluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate showed a significant correlation, with an average N:P ratio of 16.5. A comparison of the in situ measurements with individual nutrient excretion rates showed that excretion by the mussels contributed 31–85% to the total phosphate flux from the mussel bed. Ammonium excretion by the mussels accounted for 17–94% of the ammonium flux from the mussel bed. The mussels did not excrete silicate or nitrate. Mineralization of biodeposition on the mussel bed was probably the main source of the regenerated nutrients.From the in situ observations net budgets of N, P and Si for the mussel bed were calculated. A comparison between the uptake of particulate organic N and the release of dissolved inorganic N (ammonium + nitrate) showed that little N is retained by the mussel bed, and suggested that denitrification is a minor process in the mussel bed sediment. On average, only 2/3 of the particulate organic P, taken up by the mussel bed, was recycled as phosphate. A net Si uptake was observed during phytoplankton blooms, and a net release dominated during autumn. It is concluded that mussel beds increase the mineralization rate of phytoplankton and affect nutrient ratios in the water column. A comparison of N regeneration by mussels in the central part of the Oosterschelde estuary with model estimates of total N remineralization showed that mussels play a major role in the recycling of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Offspring derived from several single pair matings and a mass mating of Mytilus edulis were cultured up to the juvenile stage in the laboratory. Samples were collected from the cultures at an early post- settlement ('spat') stage and again at the juvenile stage and were scored at up to nine enzyme loci using cellulose acetate and starch gel electrophoresis. An overall significant deficiency of heterozygotes was evident at the juvenile stage but not at the spat stage. Selection against heterozygotes (underdominance) is proposed as the cause.
For each mating, shell lengths of juvenile mussels were measured and individuals were classed according to the number of loci at which they were heterozygous. No significant correlations were evident between heterozygosity class and either growth (shell length), or coefficient of variation of shell length. It is argued that these results provide support for the 'associative overdominance' rather than the 'overdominance' hypothesis as an explanation for heterozygosity/growth correlations in marine bivalves.
These data also show that although heterozygosity and growth co-occur in most data sets from natural populations, they may have distinctly differing causes.  相似文献   


Although a total ban on the use of TBT coatings is not expected in the short term, there is a growing need for environmentally safe antifouling systems. To assist in the rapid screening of a large number of potential antifouling substances, a method that is simple, efficient and inexpensive is required. The production of byssus threads by the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, has often been studied for testing the antifouling efficacy of various compounds. The present study reports a new antifouling assay based on the inhibition of purified M. edulis phenoloxidase activity. The method has the advantage of being specific, reliable, sensitive and rapid.  相似文献   

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