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Abstract: Prior exposure to a mild thermal stress can protect neuronal cells from a subsequent more severe stress including high temperature, ischemia, glutamate toxicity, or stimuli inducing apoptosis. Although the protective effect of thermal stress correlates with the elevated expression of the heat shock proteins (hsps), the protective effect of individual hsps has never been directly demonstrated in neuronal cells. Here we show that the constitutive overexpression of either of the major hsps, hsp90 or hsp70, can protect neuronal cells from thermal stress but not from stimuli that induce apoptosis. The possible mechanisms by which thermal stress can protect neuronal cells from apoptosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity purification of hsp90 from chick oviduct cytosol reveals two major proteins, hsp70 and a 60-kDa protein (p60), copurifying with hsp90. A similar result is obtained when hsp90 is immunoaffinity purified from chick liver and brain cytosols, avian fibroblasts, and rabbit reticulocyte lysate. This p60 is the same protein previously identified in certain assembly complexes of chick progesterone receptor generated in a cell-free reconstitution system. Tryptic and cyanogen bromide peptide fragments were generated from gel-purified p60, and partial N-terminal sequences were determined from eight peptides. The sequences show a striking similarity to the sequence of a 63-kDa human protein (IEF SSP 3521) whose abundance is increased in MRC-5 fibroblasts following simian virus 40 transformation. A monoclonal antibody was prepared against avian p60; Western immunoblot analysis showed that p60 was present in each of eight chick tissues examined and in each of the human, rat, rabbit, and Xenopus tissues tested. Immunoaffinity purifications from both chick oviduct cytosol and rabbit reticulocyte lysate using anti-p60 and anti-hsp70 monoclonal antibodies confirm that there is a relatively abundant complex in these extracts containing hsp90, hsp70, and p60. This complex appears to comprise an important functional unit in the assembly of progesterone receptor complexes. However, judging from the abundance and widespread occurrence of this multiprotein complex, hsp90, hsp70, and p60 probably function interactively in other systems as well.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that incubation of the immunopurified transformed hormone-free glucocorticoid receptor with rabbit reticulocyte lysate reconstitutes the receptor complex with hsp90 and that reconstitution is accompanied by concomitant repression of DNA binding activity and regeneration of the steroid binding conformation (Scherrer, L. C., Dalman, F. C., Massa, E., Meshinchi, S., and Pratt, W. B. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 21397-21400). In this work we further characterize this system by defining the small M(r) components of reticulocyte lysate required for both structural and functional reconstitution of the receptor-hsp90 complex. Reconstitution is ATP-dependent and there is a direct relationship between the extent of hsp90 binding to the receptor and the number of specific steroid binding sites that are generated. Dialysis of reticulocyte lysate inactivates its reconstituting activity. Addition of an ATP-regenerating system or readdition of small M(r) lysate components (in the form of a Centricon C30 filtrate) has little effect, but the presence of both restores full reconstituting activity to dialyzed lysate, as assayed by steroid binding activity and by the binding of hsp90 and hsp70 to the receptor. The small M(r) activity is heat-stable, and it can be completely replaced by NH+4, K+, and Rb+, with K+ producing a maximal effect at the concentration normally present in undialyzed lysate. Na+ and Li+ have no reconstituting activity. This ion selectivity demonstrates that a monovalent cation binding site is involved in receptor heterocomplex reconstitution. It is intriguing that the protein unfoldase (e.g. clathrin uncoating ATPase) activity of hsp70 is known to have a similar monovalent cation dependence, and that under all conditions where hsp90 becomes bound to the receptor, we find that hsp70 is also bound.  相似文献   

A variety of signaling proteins form heterocomplexes with and are regulated by the heat shock protein chaperone hsp90. These complexes are formed by a multiprotein machinery, including hsp90 and hsp70 as essential and abundant components and Hop, hsp40, and p23 as non-essential cochaperones that are present in much lower abundance in cells. Overexpression of signaling proteins can overwhelm the capacity of this machinery to properly assemble heterocomplexes with hsp90. Here, we show that the limiting component of this assembly machinery in vitro in reticulocyte lysate and in vivo in Sf9 cells is p23. Only a fraction of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) overexpressed in Sf9 cells are in heterocomplex with hsp90 and have steroid binding activity, with the majority of the receptors present as both insoluble and cytosolic GR aggregates. Coexpression of p23 with the GR increases the proportion of cytosolic receptors that are in stable GR.hsp90 heterocomplexes with steroid binding activity, a strictly hsp90-dependent activity for the GR. Coexpression of p23 eliminates the insoluble GR aggregates and shifts the cytosolic receptor from very large aggregates without steroid binding activity to approximately 600-kDa heterocomplexes with steroid binding activity. These data lead us to conclude that p23 acts in vivo to stabilize hsp90 binding to client protein.  相似文献   

The chaperoning activity of the heat shock protein hsp90 is directed, in part, by the binding and hydrolysis of ATP and also by association with co-chaperone proteins. One co-chaperone, p23, binds to hsp90 only when hsp90 is in a conformation induced by the binding of ATP. Once formed, the p23-hsp90 complex is very stable upon the removal of ATP and dissipates at 30 degrees with a half-life of about 45 min. This was shown to be due to the high stability of the ATP-induced state of hsp90, not to the rate of p23 dissociation. Further stabilization of this ATP-induced state is achieved by including molybdate or by use of the ATP analogue ATPgammaS. This conformational state of hsp90 is correlated with the tight binding of ADP resulting from hydrolysis of bound ATP. Both p23 and molybdate enhance and stabilize the nucleotide-bound state of hsp90, and this state is maximized by the presence of both agents. These results can be explained in a model where the binding of ATP induces a conformational transition in hsp90 that traps the nucleotide and is committed to ATP hydrolysis. p23 specifically recognizes this state and may also facilitate subsequent steps in the chaperoning cycle.  相似文献   

The cochaperone p23 is required for the chaperoning cycle of hsp90 and to enhance the maturation of several client proteins. Tosylcyclonovobiocic acids (4TCNA and 7TCNA) are potent analogs of novobiocin and induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and degradation of hsp90 client proteins in a panel of cancer cells. In this study, Western blotting shows that 4TCNA and 7TCNA triggered processing of the hsp90 cochaperone p23 in a dose-dependent manner. Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated reduction of p23 expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells did not block 4TCNA-induced caspase activation as assessed by the cleavage of PARP. This result indicates that 4TCNA-mediated cell death is a p23-independent process. In HT29 colon cancer cells, 4TCNA and 7TCNA up-regulated GRP78 and GRP94 supporting involvement of ER stress in apoptosis.  相似文献   

To better understand the assembly mechanism for the progesterone receptor (PR), we have developed cell-free systems for studying interactions of PR, hsp90, and other associated proteins. When PR is incubated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate, its association with hsp90, hsp70, the three immunophilins FKBP54, FKBP52 and CyP-40, and with p23 is observed. These interactions require ATP/Mg2+ and when ATP is limiting the PR complex is altered to one containing the proteins p60 and p48, but lacking immunophilins and p23. We have studied two pre-formed hsp90 complexes that may participate in the assembly of PR complexes. One contains hsp90 bound to hsp70 and p60 and this complex forms spontaneously in the absence of ATP. A second complex contains hsp90 bound to p23 plus the three immunophilins and some hsp70. The formation of this complex requires ATP. In further studies we have shown that purified hsp90 can bind to purified p23 and this interaction requires both ATP and molybdate. This explains, in part, the known effects of ATP and molybdate on assembly of PR complexes.  相似文献   

A minimal system of five purified proteins, hsp90, hsp70, Hop, hsp40, and p23, assembles glucocorticoid receptor (GR).hsp90 heterocomplexes and causes the simultaneous opening of the steroid binding cleft to access by steroid. The first step in assembly is the ATP-dependent and hsp40 (YDJ-1)-dependent binding of hsp70 to the GR, which primes the receptor for subsequent ATP-dependent activation by hsp90, Hop, and p23 (Morishima, Y., Murphy, P. J. M., Li, D. P., Sanchez, E. R., and Pratt, W. B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 18054-18060). Here we have examined the nucleotide-bound states of the two essential chaperones in each step. We show that it is the ATP-bound state of hsp70 that interacts initially with the GR. After rapid priming and washing, the primed GR.hsp70 complex rapidly binds hsp90 in the second step reaction in a nucleotide-independent manner. The rate-limiting step is the ATP-dependent opening of the steroid binding cleft after hsp90 binding. This activating step requires the N-terminal ATP-binding site of hsp90, but we cannot establish any role for a C-terminal ATP-binding site in steroid binding cleft opening. The reported specific inhibitors of the C-terminal ATP site on hsp90 inhibit the generation of steroid binding, but they have other effects in this multiprotein system that could explain the inhibition.  相似文献   

Apoprotein B (apoB) is the major protein of liver-derived atherogenic lipoproteins. The net production of apoB can be regulated by presecretory degradation mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and cytosolic hsp70. To further explore the mechanisms of apoB degradation, we have established a cell-free system in which degradation can be faithfully recapitulated. Human apoB48 synthesized in vitro was translocated into microsomes, glycosylated, and ubiquitinylated. Subsequent incubation with rat hepatic cytosol led to proteasome-mediated degradation. To explore whether hsp90 is required for apoB degradation, geldanamycin (GA) was added during the degradation assay. GA increased the recovery of microsomal apoB48 approximately 3-fold and disrupted the interaction between hsp90 and apoB48. Confirming the hsp90 effect in the cell-free system, we also found that transfection of hsp90 cDNA into rat hepatoma cells enhanced apoB48 degradation. Finally, apoB48 degradation was reconstituted in vitro using cytosol prepared from wild type yeast. Notably, degradation was attenuated when apoB48-containing microsomes were incubated with cytosol supplemented with GA or with cytosol prepared from yeast strains with mutations in the homologues of mammalian hsp70 and hsp90. Overall, our data suggest that hsp90 facilitates the interaction between endoplasmic reticulum-associated apoB and components of the proteasomal pathway, perhaps in cooperation with hsp70.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) occurs in cells in the form of a hormone-responsive complex (HRC) with hsp90. The HRC is dynamic, with hsp90 constantly directing disassembly, and hsp70, assisted by hsp90, driving reassembly. WCL2 cells stably overexpress GR to an extent that reduces the excess of hsp90 and hsp70 over GR by about 10-fold, compared to the ratio in HeLa cells. Yet the half-lives of the HRC in WCL2 and HeLa cells are comparable. As a result, the rate of assembly in WCL2 is overwhelmed by accumulation of the non-hormone-binding form of GR in its complex with hsp70 and hsp90. This form comprised some 50% of total GR in WCL2 cells. When the cells were heated to 44 degrees C, the hormone-binding activity and solubility of GR fell in parallel, and the receptor formed heavy aggregates by sequestering large amounts of hsp70. About 40% of this aggregated receptor was degraded in cells recovering at 37 degrees C in the presence of cycloheximide. Concentration of GR protein increased with increasing induction of hsp70 following exposure to 41-44 degrees C. However, balance between hormone-binding and inert forms of GR could shift in either direction in response to the increase or decrease of hsp90 induction, depending on the temperature. Suppression of degradation following re-exposure of the cells to 44 degrees C correlated better with induction of hsp90 than hsp70. We infer that sequestration of hsp70 by heat-unfolded receptor is the primary factor opposing degradation, while induction of hsp90 acts to further suppress degradation by accelerating HRC assembly.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (hsp(s)) have been postulated to interact with APCs through specific receptors, although the receptors are yet to be identified. Specificity, saturation, and competition are the three defining attributes of a receptor-ligand interaction. We demonstrate here that the interaction of the heat shock proteins gp96 and hsp90 with CD11b+ cells is specific and saturable and that gp96 can compete with itself in gp96-macrophage interaction. Interestingly, the phylogenetically related hsp90 also competes quite effectively with gp96 for binding to macrophages, whereas the unrelated hsp70 does so relatively poorly, although it binds CD11b+ cells just as effectively. These data provide evidence that the heat shock proteins interact with APCs with specificity and for the existence of at least two distinct receptors, one for gp96 and hsp90 and the other for hsp70.  相似文献   

The properties of molecular chaperones in protein-assisted refolding were examined in vitro using recombinant human cytosolic chaperones hsp90, hsc70, hsp70 and hdj-1, and unfolded beta-galactosidase as the substrate. In the presence of hsp70 (hsc70), hdj-1 and either ATP or ADP, denatured beta-galactosidase refolds and forms enzymatically active tetramers. Interactions between hsp90 and non-native beta-galactosidase neither lead to refolding nor stimulate hsp70- and hdj-1-dependent refolding. However, hsp90 in the absence of nucleotide can maintain the non-native substrate in a 'folding-competent' state which, upon addition of hsp70, hdj-1 and nucleotide, leads to refolding. The refolding activity of hsp70 and hdj-1 is effective across a broad range of temperatures from 22 degrees C to 41 degrees C, yet at extremely low (4 degrees C) or high (>41 degrees C) temperatures refolding activity is reversibly inhibited. These results reveal two distinct features of chaperone activity in which a non-native substrate can be either maintained in a stable folding-competent state or refolded directly to the native state; first, that the refolding activity itself is temperature sensitive and second, that hsp90, hsp70 (hsc70) and hdj-1 each have distinct roles in these processes.  相似文献   

Rabbit reticulocyte lysate contains a multiprotein chaperone system that assembles the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) into a complex with hsp90 and converts the hormone binding domain of the receptor to its high affinity steroid binding state. This system has been resolved into five proteins, with hsp90 and hsp70 being essential and Hop, hsp40, and p23 acting as co-chaperones that optimize assembly. Hop binds independently to hsp70 and hsp90 to form an hsp90.Hop.hsp70 complex that acts as a machinery to open up the GR steroid binding site. Because purified hsp90 and hsp70 are sufficient for some activation of GR steroid binding activity, some investigators have rejected any role for Hop in GR.hsp90 heterocomplex assembly. Here, we counter that impression by showing that all of the Hop in reticulocyte lysate is present in an hsp90.Hop.hsp70 complex with a stoichiometry of 2:1:1. The complex accounts for approximately 30% of the hsp90 and approximately 9% of the hsp70 in lysate, and upon Sephacryl S-300 chromatography the GR.hsp90 assembly activity resides in the peak containing Hop-bound hsp90. Consistent with the notion that the two essential chaperones cooperate with each other to open up the steroid binding site, we also show that purified hsp90 and hsp70 interact directly with each other to form weak hsp90.hsp70 complexes with a stoichiometry of 2:1.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the unliganded nontransformed form of steroid hormone receptor is a heterooligomer comprising, in addition to the hormone-binding subunit, two associated proteins: a heat shock protein of MW 90,000 (hsp90) and another protein of MW 59,000 (p59). Using monoclonal antibodies, we demonstrate immunocytochemically the presence of both hsp90 and p59 in cell nuclei of progesterone target cells of the rabbit uterus. While steroid receptors (e.g., progesterone receptors) appear to be exclusively nuclear, we find p59 predominantly in the cell nuclei and hsp90 in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In addition, Western blotting of high-salt extracts of nuclear proteins detects the presence of hsp90 and p59 in the nuclei of rabbit uterus. These observations are consistent with the presence of the untransformed heterooligomeric form of steroid hormone receptors in the nuclei of target cells.  相似文献   

p23 is a co-chaperone for the heat shock protein, hsp90. This protein binds hsp90 and participates in the folding of a number of cell regulatory proteins, but its activities are still unclear. We have solved a crystal structure of human p23 lacking 35 residues at the COOH terminus. The structure reveals a disulfide-linked dimer with each subunit containing eight beta-strands in a compact antiparallel beta-sandwich fold. In solution, however, p23 is primarily monomeric and the dimer appears to be a minor component. Conserved residues are clustered on one face of the monomer and define a putative surface region and binding pocket for interaction(s) with hsp90 or protein substrates. p23 contains a COOH-terminal tail that is apparently less structured and is unresolved in the crystal structure. This tail is not needed for the binding of p23 to hsp90 or to complexes with the progesterone receptor. However, the tail is necessary for optimum active chaperoning of the progesterone receptor, as well as the passive chaperoning activity of p23 in assays measuring inhibition of heat-induced protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Tim23p is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein essential for the import of proteins from the cytosol. Tim23p contains an amino-terminal hydrophilic segment and a carboxyl-terminal hydrophobic domain (Tim23Cp). To study the functions and interactions of the two parts of Tim23p separately, we constructed tim23N, encoding only the hydrophilic region of Tim23p, and tim23C, encoding only the hydrophobic domain of Tim23p. Only the Tim23C protein is imported into mitochondria, indicating that the mitochondrial targeting information in Tim23p resides in its membrane spans or intervening loops. Tim23Cp, however, cannot substitute for full-length Tim23p, suggesting that the hydrophilic portion of Tim23p also performs an essential function in mitochondrial protein import. We found that overexpression of Tim23Cp is toxic to yeast cells that carry the tim23-1 mutation. Excess Tim23Cp causes Tim23-1p to disappear, leaving tim23-1 cells without a full-length version of the Tim23 protein. If Tim17p, another inner membrane import component, is overexpressed along with Tim23Cp, the toxicity of Tim23Cp is largely reversed and the Tim23-1 protein no longer disappears. In coimmunoprecipitations from solubilized mitochondria, Tim17p associates with the Tim23C protein. In addition, we show that Tim23p and Tim17p can be chemically cross-linked to each other in intact mitochondria. We conclude that the hydrophobic domain encoded by tim23C targets Tim23p to the mitochondria and mediates the direct interaction between Tim23p and Tim17p. In contrast, Tim23Cp cannot be coimmunoprecipitated with Tim23p, raising the possibility that the hydrophobic domain of Tim23p does not interact with other Tim23 molecules.  相似文献   

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