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Glucose oxidase was embedded in organic films through a layer-by-layer approach, where the enzyme demonstrated significantly enhanced electron-transfer reactivity and finely tuned enzymatic activity. An unmediated, reagentless glucose biosensor was accordingly prepared with two polyethylenimine/glucose oxidase bilayers-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode. A calibration linear range of glucose was 0.5-8.9 mM with a detection limit of 50 microM and sensitivity of 0.76 microA mM(-1).  相似文献   

An electrochemical bioreactor with glucose dehydrogenase immobilized on to the electrode surface produced gluconic acid from glucose with concomitant recycling of the NAD+ coenzyme at 0.7 V. Since the enzyme is deactivated during operation at this redox potential, co-immobilization of 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde as mediator allowed the system to operate at 0.2 V and increased both the activity (2.4-times) and the stability of the immobilized enzyme (2.2-times). The different effective electrochemical surfaces resulting from the different mediator immobilization modes are important in determining these three properties.  相似文献   

The glucose oxidase (GOx) enzyme was immobilized on chitosan-based porous composite membranes using a covalent bond between GOx and the chitosan membrane. The chitosan-based porous membranes were prepared by the combination of the evaporation- and non-solvent-induced phase separation methods. To increase the membrane conductivity, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added to the chitosan solution. The resulting membranes were characterized in terms of water permeability, surface morphology and surface chemistry. Enzyme immobilization was performed on the chitosan membranes with and without activation using glutaraldehyde (GA). Three different configurations of working electrodes were evaluated to investigate the potential use of the modified membranes in biosensors. The results show that enzyme immobilization capacity was greater for membranes that had been activated than for membranes that had not been activated. In addition, activation increased the stability of the enzyme immobilization. The immobilization of GOx on chitosan-based membranes was influenced by both pH and the concentration of the enzyme solution. The presence of CNTs significantly increased the electrical conductivity of the chitosan membranes. The evaluation of three different configurations of working electrodes suggested that the third configuration, which was composed of an electrode-mediator-(chitosan and carbon nanotube) structure and enzyme, is the best candidate for biosensor applications.  相似文献   

We have studied the glucose oxidase immobilized carbon paste electrodes in the presence and absence of small mediator molecules. We have used p-benzoquinone and riboflavin as mediators in our studies. The effect of mediator molecules on the electron transfer between the enzyme redox centre and the electrode surface was explained from the cyclic voltammograms and rotating disk electrode data. In the absence of oxygen, we have noted that the mediators play a central role in the electron transfer. We have also proposed a possible mechanism for the electron transfer from enzyme active site to the electrode surface via mediators, based on our observations. Dedicated to the memory of Professor J Das  相似文献   

For many infertile couples, intracytoplasmic germ cell/spermatozoon injection into unfertilized eggs may be their only hope for producing their own biological children. Thus far, success with injection of pre-spermatozoan germ cells such as round spermatids has not been as great as that of spermatozoon injection. This could be due in part to the difficulty of identifying younger (less mature) male germ cells in testicular biopsy dispersions. To improve the identification of various types of live, dispersed, human testicular cells in vitro, a comparative study of the morphological characteristics of human spermatogenic germ cells in vitro or in situ within seminiferous tubules was conducted. Live human testicular tissue was obtained from an organ-donating, brain-dead person with a high density of various germ cells. A cell suspension was obtained by enzymatic digestion, and cells were cultured for 3 days in an excessive volume (100-fold medium:cells; v:v) of HEPES-TC 199 medium at 5 degrees C and observed live with Nomarski optics (interference-contrast microscopy). For comparative purposes, testes from ten men obtained at autopsy were fixed, embedded in epoxy resin, sectioned at 20 microm, and observed unstained by Nomarski optics. This approach allowed comparison of morphological characteristics of individual germ cells seen in vitro or in situ in the human testis. In both live and fixed preparations from control men with varied daily sperm production rates, Sertoli cells have oval to pear-shaped nuclei with indented nuclear envelopes and large nucleoli, which makes their appearance distinctly different from germ cells. The size, shape, and chromatin pattern of nuclei, and the presence of meiotic metaphase figures, acrosomic vesicles/structures, tails, and/or mitochondria in the middle piece of germ cells are characteristically seen in live cells in vitro and in those cells observed in the fixed seminiferous tubules. Hence, this comparative approach allows verification of the identity of individual germ cells seen in vitro and provides a checklist of distinguishing characteristics of live human germ cells, to be used by scientists and technical staff in infertility clinics when selecting specific germ cells from a testicular aspirate or enzymatically digested biopsy.  相似文献   


Cyprids are the final planktonic stage in the larval dispersal of barnacles and are responsible for surface exploration and attachment to appropriate substrata. The nanomechanical properties of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) cyprid permanent cement were studied in situ using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Force curves were recorded from the cement disc continually over the course of its curing and these were subsequently analysed using custom software. Results showed a narrowing of the pull-off force distribution with time, as well as a reduction in molecular stretch length over time. In addition, there was a strong correlation between maximum pull-off force and molecular stretch length for the cement, suggesting ‘curing’ of the adhesive; some force curves also contained a ‘fingerprint’ of modular protein unfolding. This study provides the first direct experimental evidence in support of a putative ‘tanning’ mechanism in barnacle cyprid cement.  相似文献   

Immobilization of enzymes on porous inorganic materials is very important for biocatalysis and biotransformation. In this paper, nanoporous gold (NPG) was used as a support for lignin peroxidase (LiP) immobilization. NPG with a pore size of 40–50 nm was prepared by dealloying Au/Ag alloy (50:50 wt%) for 17 h. By incubation with LiP aqueous solution, LiP was successfully immobilized on NPG. The optimal temperature of the immobilized LiP was ca. 40, 10 °C higher than that of free LiP. After 2 h incubation at 45 °C, 55% of the initial activity of the immobilized LiP was still retained while the free LiP was completely deactivated. In addition, a high and sustainable LiP activity was achieved via in situ release of H2O2 by a co-immobilized glucose oxidase. The present co-immobilization system was demonstrated to be very effective for LiP-mediated dye decolourization.  相似文献   

We report a data‐dependent neutral‐loss‐driven MS3 acquisition to enhance, in addition to abundant Michael adducts, the detection of Schiff‐base adducts of proteins and 4‐hydroxy‐2‐nonenal, a reactive end product of lipid peroxidation. In vitro modification of cytochrome c oxidase, a mitochondrial protein complex, was used as a model to evaluate the method. The technique allowed for a confident validation of modification sites and also identified a Schiff‐base adduct in subunit Vb of the protein complex.  相似文献   

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