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Until recently, congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia has defied most medical and surgical therapeutic efforts. However, in properly selected patients, cortisone will suppress the abnormal cortical hormone production. This, in turn, will lead to previously inhibited maturation and developmental progress. Adrenocortical insufficiency calls for much diagnostic alertness, as early recognition and immediate treatment are of paramount importance. The available therapeutic means are beneficial, although their limitations and potential dangers should be heeded.Among newly developed diagnostic techniques, thyrograms promise to be helpful in the study of thyroid hyperplasia and neoplasia. Thyroid cancer, occurring infrequently in childhood, should at the earliest possible time be treated surgically and with postoperative radiation therapy.  相似文献   

The population structure of 'lake‐type' and 'river‐type' sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka , primarily in transboundary rivers in northern British Columbia, was examined with a survey of microsatellite variation. Variation at 14 microsatellite loci was surveyed from c . 3000 lake‐type and 3200 river‐type sockeye salmon from 47 populations in six river drainages in British Columbia. The mean F ST for the 14 microsatellite loci and 47 populations was 0·068, and 0·034 over all river‐type populations. River‐type sockeye salmon were more genetically diverse than lake‐type sockeye salmon, with expected heterozygosity of river‐type sockeye salmon 0·72 and with an average 12·7 alleles observed per locus, whereas expected heterozygosity of lake‐type sockeye salmon was 0·65 with and average 10·5 alleles observed per locus. River drainage of origin was a significant unit of population structure. There was clear evidence of genetic differentiation among river‐type populations of sockeye salmon from different drainages over a broad geographic range in British Columbia.  相似文献   

The Hexanchiformes (Cow Sharks) are regarded as a monophyletic taxon. Cladistic analysis shows that among the various neoselachian taxa proposed so far as the sister group of the Hexanchiformes a sister group relationship between the Hexanchiformes and a (still unnamed) taxon comprising the Squaliformes and Pristiophoriformes appears as the most probable hypothesis. In addition, MAISEY and WOLFRAM'S (1984) concept of hexanchiform interrelationships is critically reviewed. An alternative cladogram of hexanchiform interrelationships is developed which includes Recent as well as fossil hexanchiform taxa. In this cladogram the living genera Hexancbus and Notorynchus are sister groups and both taxa together form the sister group of the Recent Heptranchias. The fossil taxa +Notidanoides, +“Hexanchus” gracilis, +Notidanodon and +Weltonia are arranged in the stem lineage of recent Hexanchiformes.  相似文献   

Leucocyte lysates from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss showed an iron‐binding activity that was retained even if the samples were exposed to an acid pH (4·5). Iron‐binding activity of leucocyte supernatants was enhanced by the presence of 1 μg ml−1 phorbol‐12‐myristate‐13‐acetate in the cell medium.  相似文献   

The mean rate of oxygen consumption (routine respiration rate, R R, mg O2 fish−1 h−1), measured for individual or small groups of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3–12 cm standard length, L S) maintained for 5 days within flow‐through respiratory chambers at four different temperatures, increased with increasing dry mass ( M D). The relationship between R R and M D was allometric ( R R = α  M b ) with b values of 0·631, 0·606, 0·655 and 0·650 at 5·0, 8·0, 12·0 and 15·0° C, respectively. The effect of temperature ( T ) and M D on mean R R was described by     indicating a Q 10 of 2·27 between 5 and 15° C. Juvenile haddock routine metabolic scope, calculated as the ratio of the mean of highest and lowest deciles of R R measured in each chamber, significantly decreased with temperature such that the routine scope at 15° C was half that at 5° C. The cost of feeding ( R SDA) was c . 3% of consumed food energy, a value half that found for larger gadoid juveniles and adults.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were followed from egg to smoltification using genetic analysis to identify individuals and to link observations from pre‐ and post first feeding. Egg size and hatch timing significantly influenced alevin size at first feed but neither egg size, hatch timing or alevin sizes were correlated to size, condition factor or smolt status post first feed. In a hatchery environment the potential advantage gained by early hatching, larger alevin does not persist after first feeding. Different physiological and genetic complexes appear to influence growth in these two distinct phases of the Atlantic salmon's life‐cycle.  相似文献   

Inter‐individual differences in rates of routine (non‐feeding) metabolism and growth were evaluated in young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua . Rates of O2 consumption, CO2 production and ammonia (TAN) excretion were measured in 64, 25–43 mm standard length ( L S) YOY growing at different rates (0·27–0·47 mm day−1) in a common rearing tank. Parameter rates ( y ) increased allometrically ( y = a·Mb ) with increasing body mass ( M ) with b ‐values for O2 production, CO2 consumption and TAN excretion equal to 0·81, 0·89 and 0·56, respectively. In some cases, residuals from these regressions were significantly negatively correlated to fish growth rate. In no cases did residuals of parameter rates increase with increasing growth rate. These data suggest that, during unfed periods, relatively fast‐growing fish were more metabolically efficient than slower‐growing fish from the same cohort. The fish condition factor, derived from     , also significantly decreased with increasing growth rate. Results indicated differences in both the rates of routine energy loss and the patterns of growth allocation among YOY Atlantic cod. Since these physiological attributes were positively correlated with growth rate, they may be indicative of 'survivors' in field populations.  相似文献   

Environmental stresses dramatically affect plant survival and productivity. Because plants are immobile, presumably different strategies are required for protection against transient stresses. Under stress, plants synthesize specific proteins, and their accumulation has a role in protecting the tissue from possible damage. An increasing number of studies show the existence of cross‐tolerance in plants: Exposure of tissue to moderate stress conditions often induces resistance to other stresses. Many varied mechanisms explaining the phenomenon of cross‐tolerance have been proposed, and they often, but not always, suggest that specific proteins are induced by one kind of stress and are involved in the protection against other kinds. Although various cross‐protections have been demonstrated in a number of plants, a common mechanism has not been found. This review discusses heat‐shock proteins and their possible roles in protecting the plant under heat and other stresses.  相似文献   

Segers  Hendrik 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):121-122
Recent studies on morphology, karyotype, genetics including allozyme constitution and reproductive behaviour of S- and L-type B. plicatilis showed that these types are best treated as different species. A reexamination of existing available names revealed B. plicatilis O. F. Müller, 1786 and B. rotundiformis Tschugunoff, 1921 as the correct names for the L- and S-type, respectively.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry was used to compare post‐release survival and movements of Atlantic sharpnose sharks Rhizoprionodon terraenovae in a coastal area of the north‐east Gulf of Mexico. Ten fish were caught with standardized hook‐and‐line gear during June to October 1999. Atlantic sharpnose sharks were continuously tracked after release for periods of 0·75 to 5·90 h and their positions recorded at a median interval of 9 min. Individual rate of movement was the mean of all distance and time measurements for each fish. Mean ± s.e . individual rate of movement was 0·45 ± 0·06 total lengths per second (LT s?1) and ranged from 0·28 to 0·92 LT s?1 over all fish. Movement patterns did not differ between jaw and internally hooked Atlantic sharpnose sharks. Individual rate of movement was inversely correlated with bottom water temperature at capture (r2 = 0·52, P ≤ 0·05). No consistent direction in movement was detected for Atlantic sharpnose sharks after release, except that they avoided movement towards shallower areas. Capture‐release survival was high (90%), with only one fish not surviving, i.e. this particular fish stopped movement for a period of 10 min. Total rate of movement was total distance over total time (m min?1) for each Atlantic sharpnose shark. Mean total rate of movement was significantly higher immediately after release at 21·5 m min?1 over the first 1·5 h of tracking, then decreased to 11·2 m min?1 over 1·5–6 h, and 7·7 m min?1 over 3–6 h (P ≤ 0·002), which suggested initial post‐release stress but quick recovery from capture. Thus, high survival (90%) and quick recovery indicate that the practice of catch‐and‐release would be a viable method to reduce capture mortality for R. terraenovae.  相似文献   

The Astigmata, a large and variable group, is still a subject of taxonomic dispute. Particularly, their origin from ancestors of the lower oribatid mites (e.g., Malaconothroidea) seems well documented by many lines of evidence. The structure of spermatozoa has been successfully applied to phylogenetic investigations in many animal groups. The aim of our study was to provide new data on spermatozoon structure in Astigmata and to consider its appropriateness in phylogenetic studies. The study reveals information on spermatozoa in 17 species of Astigmata (11 species studied for the first time) extending our knowledge to 18 species (one species known only from the literature) representing 12 families and 7 superfamilies. Spermatozoa have the same basic structure in all species: cells are multiform and the chromatin forms thin threads embedded directly in the cytoplasm; the acrosome is absent. The cytoplasm in most species contains electron-dense lamellae, varying in both number and arrangement within the cell. In Sarcoptoidea, electron-dense tubules in contact with lamellae margins were also observed in Psoroptidae (Psoroptes equi), whereas in two representatives of Sarcoptidae (Notoedres cati and Sarcoptes scabiei), only electron-dense tubules were found. In two species, Canestrinia sellnicki (Canestrinioidea: Canestriniidae) and Scutulanyssus obscurus (Analgoidea: Pteronyssidae), neither lamellae nor tubules were present. The mitochondria in a spermatozoon are usually gathered at the cell periphery and their structure is usually modified to form so-called mitochondrial derivatives. The chromatin threads are an autapomorphy strongly supporting the monophyly of Astigmata. As spermatozoa vary considerably between species in Astigmata, we deduce that sperm structure may be useful for phylogenetic analyses within the group. Several conclusions concerning the affinities within Astigmata are presented. Spermatology seems to be unhelpful, however, in questions on the origin of Astigmata (particularly for Astigmata-Oribatida relationships), since their sperm do not possess synapomorphies with sperm of the remaining groups of Acariformes, i.e., Endeostigmata, Prostigmata, and Oribatida.  相似文献   

Pericarp structure was investigated in 158 species of the familiesLamiaceae andVerbenaceae. Data from 221 out of 262 genera ofLamiaceae s.l. and a few ofVerbenaceae s.str. were collected in a table. A cladistic analysis was performed on the basis of pericarp characters only. The abandonment of subfam.Pogostemonoideae as a taxonomic unit is considered. Examples of groups given additional support by similarities in pericarp characters are: (1) the gynobasic-styled labiates (subfamiliesPogostemonoideae, Lamioideae, Nepetoideae); (2) aLamioideae-Pogostemonoideae-group; (3)Nepetoideae; (4) aWestringia-Hemigenia-Hemiandra-Microcorys group (in subfam.Chloranthoideae); (5) aLepechinia-Chaunostoma-group (inNepetoideae); (6) aPrunella-Cleonia-group (inNepetoideae).  相似文献   

Ward  A. J. W.  Krause  J.  & Hart  P. J. B. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):244-244
A number of recent papers have investigated the potential of familiarity to organize the distributions of free‐ranging animals. It is not clear, however, to which extent individual recognition or a more general recognition of a group odour is responsible for familiarity preferences. First, we tested the sensory basis of the recognition of familiars in three‐spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ). When allowed to choose between a familiar and an unfamiliar stimulus shoal on the basis of both visual and chemical communication, visual communication only and chemical communication only, the preference of focal fish for familiars was shown to be dependent on the presence of chemical cues. We subsequently investigated the mechanisms underlying such association preferences, specifically the effects of recent habitat and diet on preferences. Experimental fish were divided into four treatment groups consisting of two environment treatments (saline and freshwater) and two diet treatments ( Daphnia spp. and chironimid larvae). Focal fish subsequently showed significant association preferences for groups of unfamiliar fish that had undergone the same environment or diet treatment as themselves, suggesting self‐referent matching. These data indicate that individual recognition is not a pre‐requisite for the expression of familiarity preferences.  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the most widespread causes of plant growth inhibition and reduction of agricultural productivity. Activated oxygen species seem to be implicated in the injury mechanism induced by salt. In our work, the effect of NaCl was studied in chloroplasts from seedlings of two cultivars of Triticum durum Desf., differently sensitive to drought and to heavy metals (cv. Ofanto more tolerant than cv. Adamello). The seedlings were grown for 9 days in Hoagland's no. 2 solution, to which increasing concentrations of NaCl (0, 50 and 100 m M ) were added. The results indicate an involvement of activated oxygen species in the mechanism of cellular toxicity of NaCl and the capability of the seedlings to induce their antioxidant defences. In chloroplasts of both cultivars, NaCl treatment induced a significant increase in ascorbate, even if cv. Ofanto showed the higher response. Ascorbate peroxidases appear to behave differently in the two cultivars in response to NaCl‐induced oxidative stress of chloroplasts. In seedlings of Adamello treated with 50 m M NaCl, a sudden increase in thylakoid‐bound ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) activity and a decrease in that of stromal ascorbate peroxidase (sAPX) occurred. Differently, in Ofanto, a slight increase of both sAPX and tAPX was induced by NaCl. In both cultivars, three well‐resolved bands of sAPX were found. In chloroplasts of both cultivars, monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) behaved similarly, even if in Adamello a greater decrease of DHAR was shown. The experimental evidence suggested a more marked effect of NaCl stress on Adamello as compared with Ofanto.  相似文献   

Specific receptor and fibre types of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss involved in the detection and discrimination of amino acids and a heterogeneous collection of compounds were investigated by recording the electrical activity of the maxillary branch of the facial nerve innervating taste buds inside the upper jaw. Proline (Pro), alanine (Ala), leucine (Leu), betaine (Bet) and 2‐amino‐3‐guanidinopropionic acid (Agp) were the major amino acids detected by the gustatory system. The two experimental approaches, concentration‐response curves and cross‐adaptations, showed that all amino acids were detected by three independent receptor types: Pro ‐, Agp/Bet ‐ and Leu ‐receptors. Bile acids, the most potent stimulants recorded, were detected by a single receptor type independent of those for amino acids, with threshold concentrations of 10−12 M. Strychnine, quinine and tetrodotoxin may have partially shared a single receptor mechanism. The gustatory sensibility narrowly tuned towards the amino acid spectrum compared to those for a diverse array of non‐feeding stimulant chemicals, combined with feeding behaviour triggered primarily by vision and olfaction, suggest that in rainbow trout, and possibly other salmonid species, gustatory chemical cues, in addition to food finding and intake, play an important role in detecting poisonous prey and substances.  相似文献   

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