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The methyltransferase that forms m5C967 in Escherichia coli small subunit ribosomal RNA has been purified, cloned, and characterized. The gene was identified from the N-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme. The gene is a fusion of two open reading frames, fmu and fmv, previously believed to be distinct due to a DNA sequencing error. The gene, here named rsmB, encodes a 429-amino acid protein that has a number of homologues in prokaryotes, Archaea, and eukaryotes. C-Terminal sequencing of the overexpressed and affinity-purified protein by mass spectrometry methods verified the sequence expected for the gene product. The recombinant protein exhibited the same specificity as the previously described native enzyme; that is, it formed only m5C and only at position 967. C1407, which is also m5C in natural 16S RNA, was not methylated. In vitro, the enzyme only recognized free 16S RNA. 30S ribosomal subunits were not a substrate. There was no requirement for added magnesium, suggesting that extensive secondary or tertiary structure in the RNA substrate may not be a requirement for recognition.  相似文献   

The rRNAs in Escherichia coli contain methylations at 24 nucleotides, which collectively are important for ribosome function. Three of these methylations are m5C modifications located at nucleotides C967 and C1407 in 16S rRNA and at nucleotide C1962 in 23S rRNA. Bacterial rRNA modifications generally require specific enzymes, and only one m5C rRNA methyltransferase, RsmB (formerly Fmu) that methylates nucleotide C967, has previously been identified. BLAST searches of the E.coli genome revealed a single gene, yebU, with sufficient similarity to rsmB to encode a putative m5C RNA methyltransferase. This suggested that the yebU gene product modifies C1407 and/or C1962. Here, we analysed the E.coli rRNAs by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and show that inactivation of the yebU gene leads to loss of methylation at C1407 in 16 S rRNA, but does not interfere with methylation at C1962 in 23 S rRNA. Purified recombinant YebU protein retains its specificity for C1407 in vitro, and methylates 30 S subunits (but not naked 16 S rRNA or 70 S ribosomes) isolated from yebU knockout strains. Nucleotide C1407 is located at a functionally active region of the 30 S subunit interface close to the P site, and YebU-directed methylation of this nucleotide seems to be conserved in bacteria. The yebU knockout strains display slower growth and reduced fitness in competition with wild-type cells. We suggest that a more appropriate designation for yebU would be the rRNA small subunit methyltransferase gene rsmF, and that the nomenclature system be extended to include the rRNA methyltransferases that still await identification.  相似文献   

The small ribosome subunit of Escherichia coli contains 10 base-methylated sites distributed in important functional regions. At present, seven enzymes responsible for methylation of eight bases are known, but most of them have not been well characterized. One of these enzymes, RsmE, was recently identified and shown to specifically methylate U1498. Here we describe the enzymatic properties and substrate specificity of RsmE. The enzyme forms dimers in solution and is most active in the presence of 10-15 mM Mg(2+) and 100 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 7-9; however, in the presence of spermidine, Mg(2+) is not required for activity. While small ribosome subunits obtained from an RsmE deletion strain can be methylated by purified RsmE, neither 70S ribosomes nor 50S subunits are active. Likewise, 16S rRNA obtained from the mutant strain, synthetic 16S rRNA, and 3' minor domain RNA are all very poor or inactive as substrates. 30S particles partially depleted of proteins by treatment with high concentrations of LiCl or in vitro reconstituted intermediate particles also show little or no methyl acceptor activity. Based on these data, we conclude that RsmE requires a highly structured ribonucleoprotein particle as a substrate for methylation, and that methylation events in the 3' minor domain of 16S rRNA probably occur late during 30S ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

A 16S rRNA methyltransferase, KsgA, identified originally in Escherichia coli is highly conserved in all living cells, from bacteria to humans. KsgA orthologs in eukaryotes possess functions in addition to their rRNA methyltransferase activity. E. coli Era is an essential GTP-binding protein. We recently observed that KsgA functions as a multicopy suppressor for the cold-sensitive cell growth of an era mutant [Era(E200K)] strain (Q. Lu and M. Inouye, J. Bacteriol. 180:5243-5246, 1998). Here we observed that although KsgA(E43A), KsgA(G47A), and KsgA(E66A) mutations located in the S-adenosylmethionine-binding motifs severely reduced its methyltransferase activity, these mutations retained the ability to suppress the growth defect of the Era(E200K) strain at a low temperature. On the other hand, a KsgA(R248A) mutation at the C-terminal domain that does not affect the methyltransferase activity failed to suppress the growth defect. Surprisingly, E. coli cells overexpressing wild-type KsgA, but not KsgA(R248A), were found to be highly sensitive to acetate even at neutral pH. Such growth inhibition also was observed in the presence of other weak organic acids, such as propionate and benzoate. These chemicals are known to be highly toxic at acidic pH by lowering the intracellular pH. We found that KsgA-induced cells had increased sensitivity to extreme acid conditions (pH 3.0) compared to that of noninduced cells. These results suggest that E. coli KsgA, in addition to its methyltransferase activity, has another unidentified function that plays a role in the suppression of the cold-sensitive phenotype of the Era(E200K) strain and that the additional function may be involved in the acid shock response. We discuss a possible mechanism of the KsgA-induced acid-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

The functional centers of the ribosome in all organisms contain ribosomal RNA (rRNA) modifications, which are introduced by specialized enzymes and come at an energy cost for the cell. Surprisingly, none of the modifications tested so far was essential for growth and hence the functional role of modifications is largely unknown. Here, we show that the methyl groups of nucleosides m(2)G966 and m(5)C967 of 16S rRNA in Escherichia coli are important for bacterial fitness. In vitro analysis of all phases of translation suggests that the m(2)G966/m(5)C967 modifications are dispensable for elongation, termination and ribosome recycling. Rather, the modifications modulate the early stages of initiation by stabilizing the binding of fMet-tRNA(fMet) to the 30S pre-initiation complex prior to start-codon recognition. We propose that the m(2)G966 and m(5)C967 modifications help shaping the bacterial proteome, most likely by fine-tuning the rates that determine the fate of a given messenger RNA (mRNA) at early checkpoints of mRNA selection.  相似文献   

Methylation at the 5-position of cytosine [m5C (5-methylcytidine)] occurs at three RNA nucleotides in Escherichia coli. All these modifications are at highly conserved nucleotides in the rRNAs, and each is catalyzed by its own m5C methyltransferase enzyme. Two of the enzymes, RsmB and RsmF, are already known and methylate 16S rRNA at nucleotides C967 and C1407, respectively. Here, we report the identity of the third E. coli m5C methyltransferase. Analysis of rRNAs by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry showed that inactivation of the yccW gene leads to loss of m5C methylation at nucleotide 1962 in E. coli 23S rRNA. This methylation is restored by complementing the knockout strain with a plasmid-encoded copy of the yccW gene. Purified recombinant YccW protein retains its specificity for C1962 in vitro and methylates naked 23S rRNA isolated from the yccW knockout strain. However, YccW does not methylate assembled 50S subunits, and this is somewhat surprising as the published crystal structures show nucleotide C1962 to be fully accessible at the subunit interface. YccW-directed methylation at nucleotide C1962 is conserved in bacteria, and loss of this methylation in E. coli marginally reduces its growth rate. YccW had previously eluded identification because it displays only limited sequence similarity to the m5C methyltransferases RsmB and RsmF and is in fact more similar to known m5U (5-methyluridine) RNA methyltransferases. In keeping with the previously proposed nomenclature system for bacterial rRNA methyltransferases, yccW is now designated as the rRNA large subunit methyltransferase gene rlmI.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli open reading frame, ygcA, was identified as a putative 23 S ribosomal RNA 5-methyluridine methyltransferase (Gustafsson, C., Reid, R., Greene, P. J., and Santi, D. V. (1996) Nucleic Acids Res. 24, 3756-3762). We have cloned, expressed, and purified the 50-kDa protein encoded by ygcA. The purified enzyme catalyzed the AdoMet-dependent methylation of 23 S rRNA but did not act upon 16 S rRNA or tRNA. A high performance liquid chromatography-based nucleoside analysis identified the reaction product as 5-methyluridine. The enzyme specifically methylated U1939 as determined by a nuclease protection assay and by methylation assays using site-specific mutants of 23 S rRNA. A 40-nucleotide 23 S rRNA fragment (nucleotide 1930--1969) also served as an efficient substrate for the enzyme. The apparent K(m) values for the 40-mer RNA oligonucleotide and AdoMet were 3 and 26 microm, respectively, and the apparent k(cat) was 0.06 s(-1). The enzyme contains two equivalents of iron/monomer and has a sequence motif similar to a motif found in iron-sulfur proteins. We propose to name this gene rumA and accordingly name the protein product as RumA for RNA uridine methyltransferase.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, designated BzDS03 was isolated from water sample, collected from Dal Lake Srinagar. The strain was characterized by using 16S ribosomal RNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 16S rRNA sequence of the isolate formed a monophyletic clade with genera Escherichia. The closest phylogenetic relative was Escherichia coli with 99% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The result of Ribosomal database project's classifier tool revealed that the strain BzDS03 belongs to genera Escherichia.16S rRNA sequence of isolate was deposited in GenBank with accession number FJ961336. Further analysis of 16S-23S rRNA sequence of isolate confirms that the identified strain BzDS03 be assigned as the type strain of Escherichia coli with 98% 16S-23S rRNA sequence similarity. The GenBank accession number allotted for 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer sequence of isolate is FJ961337.  相似文献   

Aminoglycosides are ribosome-targeting antibiotics and a major drug group of choice in the treatment of serious enterococcal infections. Here we show that aminoglycoside resistance in Enterococcus faecium strain CIP 54-32 is conferred by the chromosomal gene efmM, encoding the E. faecium methyltransferase, as well as by the previously characterized aac(6′)-Ii that encodes a 6′-N-aminoglycoside acetyltransferase. Inactivation of efmM in E. faecium increases susceptibility to the aminoglycosides kanamycin and tobramycin, and, conversely, expression of a recombinant version of efmM in Escherichia coli confers resistance to these drugs. The EfmM protein shows significant sequence similarity to E. coli RsmF (previously called YebU), which is a 5-methylcytidine (m5C) methyltransferase modifying 16S rRNA nucleotide C1407. The target for EfmM is shown by mass spectrometry to be a neighboring 16S rRNA nucleotide at C1404. EfmM uses the methyl group donor S-adenosyl-L-methionine to catalyze formation of m5C1404 on the 30S ribosomal subunit, whereas naked 16S rRNA and the 70S ribosome are not substrates. Addition of the 5-methyl to C1404 sterically hinders aminoglycoside binding. Crystallographic structure determination of EfmM at 2.28 Å resolution reveals an N-terminal domain connected to a central methyltransferase domain that is linked by a flexible lysine-rich region to two C-terminal subdomains. Mutagenesis of the methyltransferase domain established that two cysteines at specific tertiary locations are required for catalysis. The tertiary structure of EfmM is highly similar to that of RsmF, consistent with m5C formation at adjacent sites on the 30S subunit, while distinctive structural features account for the enzymes'' respective specificities for nucleotides C1404 and C1407.  相似文献   

Cells devote a significant effort toward the production of multiple modified nucleotides in rRNAs, which fine tune the ribosome function. Here, we report that two methyltransferases, RsmB and RsmF, are responsible for all four 5-methylcytidine (m5C) modifications in 16S rRNA of Thermus thermophilus. Like Escherichia coli RsmB, T. thermophilus RsmB produces m5C967. In contrast to E. coli RsmF, which introduces a single m5C1407 modification, T. thermophilus RsmF modifies three positions, generating m5C1400 and m5C1404 in addition to m5C1407. These three residues are clustered near the decoding site of the ribosome, but are situated in distinct structural contexts, suggesting a requirement for flexibility in the RsmF active site that is absent from the E. coli enzyme. Two of these residues, C1400 and C1404, are sufficiently buried in the mature ribosome structure so as to require extensive unfolding of the rRNA to be accessible to RsmF. In vitro, T. thermophilus RsmF methylates C1400, C1404, and C1407 in a 30S subunit substrate, but only C1400 and C1404 when naked 16S rRNA is the substrate. The multispecificity of T. thermophilus RsmF is potentially explained by three crystal structures of the enzyme in a complex with cofactor S-adenosyl-methionine at up to 1.3 Å resolution. In addition to confirming the overall structural similarity to E. coli RsmF, these structures also reveal that key segments in the active site are likely to be dynamic in solution, thereby expanding substrate recognition by T. thermophilus RsmF.  相似文献   

Processing pathway of Escherichia coli 16S precursor rRNA.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Immediate precursors of 16S rRNA are processed by endonucleolytic cleavage at both 5' and 3' mature termini, with the concomitant release of precursor fragments which are further metabolized by both exo- and endonucleases. In wild-type cells rapid cleavages by RNase III in precursor-specific sequences precede the subsequent formation of the mature ends; mature termini can, however, be formed directly from pre-16S rRNA with no intermediate species. The direct maturation is most evident in a strain deficient in RNase III, and the results in whole cells are consistent with results from maturation reactions in vitro. Thus, maturation does not require cleavages within the double-stranded stems that enclose mature rRNA sequences in the pre-16S rRNA.  相似文献   

RlmM (YgdE) catalyzes the S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet)-dependent 2′O methylation of C2498 in 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of Escherichia coli. Previous experiments have shown that RlmM is active on 23S rRNA from an RlmM knockout strain but not on mature 50S subunits from the same strain. Here, we demonstrate RlmM methyltransferase (MTase) activity on in vitro transcribed 23S rRNA and its domain V. We have solved crystal structures of E. coli RlmM at 1.9 Å resolution and of an RlmM–AdoMet complex at 2.6 Å resolution. RlmM consists of an N-terminal THUMP domain and a C-terminal catalytic Rossmann-like fold MTase domain in a novel arrangement. The catalytic domain of RlmM is closely related to YiiB, TlyA and fibrillarins, with the second K of the catalytic tetrad KDKE shifted by two residues at the C-terminal end of a beta strand compared with most 2′O MTases. The AdoMet-binding site is open and shallow, suggesting that RNA substrate binding may be required to form a conformation needed for catalysis. A continuous surface of conserved positive charge indicates that RlmM uses one side of the two domains and the inter-domain linker to recognize its RNA substrate.  相似文献   

Isolation of temperature-sensitive mutants of 16 S rRNA in Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Temperature-sensitive mutants have been isolated following hydroxylamine mutagenesis of a plasmid containing Escherichia coli rRNA genes carrying selectable markers for spectinomycin resistance (U1192 in 16 S rRNA) and erythromycin resistance (G2058 in 23 S rRNA). These antibiotic resistance alleles, originally identified by Morgan and co-workers, enable us to follow expression of cloned rRNA genes in vivo. Recessive mutations causing the loss of expression of the cloned 16 S rRNA gene were identified by the loss of the ability of cells to survive on media containing spectinomycin. The mutations were localized by in vitro restriction fragment replacement followed by in vivo marker rescue and were identified by DNA sequence analysis. We report here seven single-base alterations in 16 S rRNA (A146, U153, A350, A359, A538, A1292 and U1293), five of which produce temperature-sensitive spectinomycin resistance and two that produce unconditional loss of resistance. In each case, loss of ribosomal function can be accounted for by disruption of base-pairing in the secondary structure of 16 S rRNA. For the temperature-sensitive mutants, there is a lag period of about two generations between a shift to the restrictive temperature and cessation of growth, implying that the structural defects cause impairment of ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

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