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A circular minichromosome carrying functional centromere sequences (cen2) from Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosome II behaves as a stable, independent genetic linkage group in S. pombe. The cen2 region was found to be organized into four large tandemly repeated sequence units which span over 80 kilobase pairs (kb) of untranscribed DNA. Two of these units occurred in a 31-kb inverted repeat that flanked a 7-kb central core of nonhomology. The inverted repeat region had centromere function, but neither the central core alone nor one arm of the inverted repeat was functional. Deletion of a portion of the repeated sequences that flank the central core had no effect on mitotic segregation functions or on meiotic segregation of a minichromosome to two of the four haploid progeny, but drastically impaired centromere-mediated maintenance of sister chromatid attachment in meiosis I. This requirement for centromere-specific repeated sequences could not be satisfied by introduction of random DNA sequences. These observations suggest a function for the heterochromatic repeated DNA sequences found in the centromere regions of higher eucaryotes.  相似文献   

Centromeric DNA in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was isolated by chromosome walking and by field inversion gel electrophoretic fractionation of large genomic DNA restriction fragments. The centromere regions of the three chromosomes were contained on three SalI fragments (120 kilobases [kb], chromosome III; 90 kb, chromosome II; and 50 kb, chromosome I). Each fragment contained several repetitive DNA sequences, including repeat K (6.4 kb), repeat L (6.0 kb), and repeat B, that occurred only in the three centromere regions. On chromosome II, these repeats were organized into a 35-kb inverted repeat that included one copy of K and L in each arm of the repeat. Site-directed integration of a plasmid containing the yeast LEU2 gene into K repeats at each of the centromeres or integration of an intact K repeat into a chromosome arm had no effect on mitotic or meiotic centromere function. The centromeric repeat sequences were not transcribed and possessed many of the properties of constitutive heterochromatin. Thus, S. pombe is an excellent model system for studies on the role of repetitive sequence elements in centromere function.  相似文献   

A 530 kb long Schizosaccharomyces pombe linear minichromosome, Ch16, containing a centric region of chromosome III, has previously been made. In the present study, we constructed a number of deletions in the right and/or left arms of Ch16, and compared their structure and behaviour with Ch16. The functional centromere, cen3, is allocated within a 120 kb long region which is covered by the shortest derivative, Ch10, and is comprised mostly of centromeric repeating sequences. The shortest minichromosome is stable in mitosis and the copy number control is apparently precise. In monosomic meiosis it segregates normally. In disomic meioses, however, the frequency of non-disjunction is very high, suggesting that it may not form a pair. The mitotic loss rate of one of the left-arm deletions, ChR32, which lacks a part of the centromeric repeating sequence, is the highest of all the deletions. This deletion also exhibits the highest precocious sister chromatid separation in meiosis I, suggesting that sister chromatid association might become weakened in ChR32. Our results indicate that the proper meiotic segregation of S.pombe minichromosomes is dependent upon the formation of a bivalent. S.pombe may not have the 'distributive segregation' found with Saccharomyces cerevisiae minichromosomes.  相似文献   

Slk19p is necessary to prevent separation of sister chromatids in meiosis I   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: A fundamental difference between meiotic and mitotic chromosome segregation is that in meiosis I, sister chromatids remain joined, moving as a unit to one pole of the spindle rather than separating as they do in mitosis. It has long been known that the sustained linkage of sister chromatids through meiotic anaphase I is accomplished by association of the chromatids at the centromere region. The localization of the cohesin Rec8p to the centromeres is essential for maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion through meiosis I, but the molecular basis for the regulation of Rec8p and sister kinetochores in meiosis remains a mystery. RESULTS: We show that the SLK19 gene product from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for proper chromosome segregation during meiosis I. When slk19 mutants were induced to sporulate they completed events characteristic of meiotic prophase I, but at the first meiotic division they segregated their sister chromatids to opposite poles at high frequencies. The vast majority of these cells did not perform a second meiotic division and proceeded to form dyads (asci containing two spores). Slk19p was found to localize to centromere regions of chromosomes during meiotic prophase where it remained until anaphase I. In the absence of Slk19p, Rec8p was not maintained at the centromere region through anaphase I as it is in wild-type cells. Finally, we demonstrate that Slk19p appears to function downstream of the meiosis-specific protein Spo13p in control of sister chromatid behavior during meiosis I. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that Slk19p is essential at the centromere of meiotic chromosomes to prevent the premature separation of sister chromatids at meiosis I.  相似文献   

Gross variations in the structure of the centromere of Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosome III (cen3) were apparent following characterization of this centromeric DNA in strain Sp223 and comparison of the structure with that of cen3 in three other commonly used laboratory strains. Further differences in centromere structure were revealed when the structure of the centromere of S. pombe chromosome II (cen2) was compared among common laboratory strains and when the structures of cen2 and cen3 from our laboratory strains were compared with those reported from other laboratories. Differences observed in cen3 structure include variations in the arrangement of the centromeric K repeats and an inverted orientation of the conserved centromeric central core. In addition, we have identified two laboratory strains that contain a minimal cen2 repeat structure that lacks the tandem copies of the cen2-specific block of K-L-B-J repeats characteristic of Sp223 cen2. We have also determined that certain centromeric DNA structural motifs are relatively conserved among the four laboratory strains and eight additional wild-type S. pombe strains isolated from various food and beverage sources. We conclude that in S. pombe, as in higher eukaryotes, the centromere of a particular chromosome is not a defined genetic locus but can contain significant variability. However, the basic DNA structural motif of a central core immediately flanked by inverted repeats is a common parameter of the S. pombe centromere.  相似文献   

Separation anxiety at the centromere   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During mitosis, replicated sister-chromatids must maintain cohesion as they attach to the mitotic spindle. At anaphase, cohesion is lost simultaneously along the entire chromosome, releasing sisters from one another and allowing them to segregate to opposite poles. During meiosis, sisters separate in a two-step process. At anaphase of meiosis I, cohesion is lost along the chromosome arms but is maintained at centromeric regions. Not until meiosis II are sister chromatids able to break the connection at the centromere and separate away from one another. Recent studies suggest that the centromere exhibits dynamics that are very different compared with those of the chromatid arms during both mitosis and meiosis. This review discusses the nature of the specialized chromatid cohesion seen at the centromere.  相似文献   

The DNA requirements for centromere function in fission yeast have been investigated using a minichromosome assay system. Critical elements of Schizosaccharomyces pombe centromeric DNA are portions of the centromeric central core and sequences within a 2.1-kilobase segment found on all three chromosomes as part of the K-type (K/K"/dg) centromeric repeat. The S. pombe centromeric central core contains DNA sequences that appear functionally redundant, and the inverted repeat motif that flanks the central core in all native fission yeast centromeres is not essential for centromere function in circular minichromosomes. Tandem copies of centromeric repeat K", in conjunction with the central core, exert an additive effect on centromere function, increasing minichromosome mitotic stability with each additional copy. Centromeric repeats B and L, however, and parts of the central core and its core-associated repeat are dispensable and cannot substitute for K-type sequences. Several specific protein binding sites have been identified within the centromeric K-type repeat, consistent with a recently proposed model for centromere/kinetochore function in S. pombe.  相似文献   

In meiosis I sister centromeres are unified in their polarity on the spindle, and this unique behavior is known to require the function of meiosis-specific factors that set some intrinsic property of the centromeres. The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, possesses complex centromeres consisting of repetitive DNA elements, making it an excellent model in which to study the behavior of complex centromeres. In mitosis, during which sister centromeres mediate chromosome segregation by establishing bipolar chromosome attachments to the spindle, the central core of the S. pombe centromere chromatin has a unique irregular nucleosome pattern. Deletion of repeats flanking this core structure have no effect on mitotic chromosome segregation, but have profound effects during meiosis. While this demonstrates that the outer repeats are critical for normal meiotic sister centromere behavior, exactly how they function and how monopolarity is established remains unclear. In this study we provide the first analysis of the chromatin structure of a complex centromere during meiosis. We show that the nature and extent of the unique central core chromatin structure is maintained with no measurable expansion. This demonstrates that monopolarity of sister centromeres, and subsequent reversion to bipolarity, does not involve a global change to the centromeric chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The POLO kinase is a key regulator of the release of sister chromatid cohesion at the onset of mitotic anaphase, as well as of other features of the mitotic and meiotic processes. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Clarke et al. show that POLO also regulates the function of the MEI-S332 protein, which plays a critical role in the maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion at the centromere during meiosis.  相似文献   

Cohesins, which have been characterized in budding yeast and Xenopus, are multisubunit protein complexes involved in sister chromatid cohesion. Regulation of the interactions among different cohesin subunits and the assembly/disassembly of the cohesin complex to chromatin are key steps in chromosome segregation. We previously characterized the mammalian STAG3 protein as a component of the synaptonemal complex that is specifically expressed in germinal cells, although its function in meiosis remains unknown. Here we show that STAG3 has a role in sister chromatid arm cohesion during mammalian meiosis I. Immunofluorescence results in prophase I cells suggest that STAG3 is a component of the axial/lateral element of the synaptonemal complex. In metaphase I, STAG3 is located at the interchromatid domain and is absent from the chiasma region. In late anaphase I and the later stages of meiosis, STAG3 is not detected. STAG3 interacts with the structural maintenance chromosome proteins SMC1 and SMC3, which have been reported to be subunits of the mitotic cohesin complex. We propose that STAG3 is a sister chromatid arm cohesin that is specific to mammalian meiosis I.  相似文献   

Replication of centromere II of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The centromeric DNAs of Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosomes resemble those of higher eukaryotes in being large and composed predominantly of repeated sequences. To begin a detailed analysis of the mode of replication of a complex centromere, we examined whether any sequences within S. pombe centromere II (cen2) have the ability to mediate autonomous replication. We found a high density of segments with such activity, including at least eight different regions comprising most of the repeated and unique centromeric DNA elements. A physical mapping analysis using two-dimensional gels showed that autonomous replication initiated within the S. pombe sequences in each plasmid. A two-dimensional gel analysis of replication on the chromosomes revealed that the K and L repeat elements, which occur in multiple copies at all three centromeres and comprise approximately 70% of total centromeric DNA mass in S. pombe, are both sites of replication initiation. In contrast, the unique cen2 central core, which contains multiple segments that can support autonomous replication, appears to be repressed for initiation on the chromosome. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of DNA replication and centromere function.  相似文献   

In somatic cells colchicine promotes the arrest of cell division at prometaphase, and chromosomes show a sequential loss of sister chromatid arm and centromere cohesion. In this study we used colchicine to analyse possible changes in chromosome structure and sister chromatid cohesion in prometaphase I-arrested bivalents of the katydid Pycnogaster cucullata. After silver staining we observed that in colchicine-arrested prometaphase I bivalents, and in contrast to what was found in control bivalents, sister kinetochores appeared individualised and sister chromatid axes were completely separated all along their length. However, this change in chromosome structure occurred without loss of sister chromatid arm cohesion. We also employed the MPM-2 monoclonal antibody against mitotic phosphoproteins on control and colchicine-treated spermatocytes. In control metaphase I bivalents this antibody labelled the tightly associated sister kinetochores and the interchromatid domain. By contrast, in colchicine-treated prometaphase I bivalents individualised sister kinetochores appeared labelled, but the interchromatid domain did not show labelling. These results support the notion that MPM-2 phosphoproteins, probably DNA topoisomerase IIalpha, located in the interchromatid domain act as "chromosomal staples" associating sister chromatid axes in metaphase I bivalents. The disappearance of these chromosomal staples would induce a change in chromosome structure, as reflected by the separation of sister kinetochores and sister axes, but without a concomitant loss of sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   

In meiosis, a physical attachment, or cohesion, between the centromeres of the sister chromatids is retained until their separation at anaphase II. This cohesion is essential for ensuring accurate segregation of the sister chromatids in meiosis II and avoiding aneuploidy, a condition that can lead to prenatal lethality or birth defects. The Drosophila MEI-S332 protein localizes to centromeres when sister chromatids are attached in mitosis and meiosis, and it is required to maintain cohesion at the centromeres after cohesion along the sister chromatid arms is lost at the metaphase I/anaphase I transition. MEI-S332 is the founding member of a family of proteins that protect centromeric cohesion but whose members also affect kinetochore behaviour and spindle microtubule dynamics. We compare the Drosophila MEI-S332 family members, evaluate the role of MEI-S332 in mitosis and meiosis I, and discuss the regulation of localization of MEI-S332 to the centromere and its dissociation at anaphase. We analyse the relationship between MEI-S332 and cohesin, a protein complex that is also necessary for sister-chromatid cohesion in mitosis and meiosis. In mitosis, centromere localization of 相似文献   

Shugoshin is a protein conserved in eukaryotes and protects sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres in meiosis. In our study, we identified the homologs of SGO1 and SGO2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that AtSGO1 is necessary for the maintenance of centromere cohesion in meiosis I since atsgo1 mutants display premature separation of sister chromatids starting from anaphase I. Furthermore, we show that the localization of the specific centromeric cohesin AtSYN1 is not affected in atsgo1, suggesting that SGO1 centromere cohesion maintenance is not mediated by protection of SYN1 from cleavage. Finally, we show that AtSGO2 is dispensable for both meiotic and mitotic cell progression in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Spatially controlled release of sister chromatid cohesion during progression through the meiotic divisions is of paramount importance for error-free chromosome segregation during meiosis. Cohesion is mediated by the cohesin protein complex and cleavage of one of its subunits by the endoprotease separase removes cohesin first from chromosome arms during exit from meiosis I and later from the pericentromeric region during exit from meiosis II. At the onset of the meiotic divisions, cohesin has also been proposed to be present within the centromeric region for the unification of sister centromeres into a single functional entity, allowing bipolar orientation of paired homologs within the meiosis I spindle. Separase-mediated removal of centromeric cohesin during exit from meiosis I might explain sister centromere individualization which is essential for subsequent biorientation of sister centromeres during meiosis II. To characterize a potential involvement of separase in sister centromere individualization before meiosis II, we have studied meiosis in Drosophila melanogaster males where homologs are not paired in the canonical manner. Meiosis does not include meiotic recombination and synaptonemal complex formation in these males. Instead, an alternative homolog conjunction system keeps homologous chromosomes in pairs. Using independent strategies for spermatocyte-specific depletion of separase complex subunits in combination with time-lapse imaging, we demonstrate that separase is required for the inactivation of this alternative conjunction at anaphase I onset. Mutations that abolish alternative homolog conjunction therefore result in random segregation of univalents during meiosis I also after separase depletion. Interestingly, these univalents become bioriented during meiosis II, suggesting that sister centromere individualization before meiosis II does not require separase.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cohesion is essential to maintain stable connections between homologues and sister chromatids during meiosis and to establish correct centromere orientation patterns on the meiosis I and II spindles. However, the meiotic cohesion apparatus in Drosophila melanogaster remains largely uncharacterized. We describe a novel protein, sisters on the loose (SOLO), which is essential for meiotic cohesion in Drosophila. In solo mutants, sister centromeres separate before prometaphase I, disrupting meiosis I centromere orientation and causing nondisjunction of both homologous and sister chromatids. Centromeric foci of the cohesin protein SMC1 are absent in solo mutants at all meiotic stages. SOLO and SMC1 colocalize to meiotic centromeres from early prophase I until anaphase II in wild-type males, but both proteins disappear prematurely at anaphase I in mutants for mei-S332, which encodes the Drosophila homologue of the cohesin protector protein shugoshin. The solo mutant phenotypes and the localization patterns of SOLO and SMC1 indicate that they function together to maintain sister chromatid cohesion in Drosophila meiosis.  相似文献   

There is an obvious difference between the regulation of sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres and along chromosome arms during meiosis, because centromeric cohesion, but not arm cohesion, persists throughout anaphase of the first meiotic division. This regional difference of sister chromatid cohesion is also observed during mitosis; the cohesion is much more robust at the centromere at metaphase, where it antagonizes the pulling force of spindle microtubules that attach to the kinetochores from opposite poles. Recent studies have illuminated the underlying molecular mechanisms that strengthen and protect centromeric cohesion in mitosis and meiosis, and the central role of a conserved protein, shugoshin.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division process through which chromosome numbers are reduced by half for the generation of gametes. Kinetochore, a multiprotein complex that connects centromeres to microtubules, plays essential role in chromosome segregation. Ctf19 is the key central kinetochore protein that recruits all the other non‐essential proteins of the Ctf19 complex in budding yeast. Earlier studies have shown the role of Ctf19 complex in enrichment of cohesin around the centromeres both during mitosis and meiosis, leading to sister chromatid cohesion and meiosis II disjunction. Here we show that Ctf19 is also essential for the proper execution of the meiosis I specific unique events, such as non‐homologous centromere coupling, homologue pairing, chiasmata resolution and proper orientation of homologues and sister chromatids with respect to the spindle poles. Additionally, this investigation reveals that proper kinetochore function is required for faithful chromosome condensation in meiosis. Finally, this study suggests that absence of Ctf19 affects the integrity of meiotic kinetochore differently than that of the mitotic kinetochore. Consequently, absence of Ctf19 leads to gross chromosome missegregation during meiosis as compared with mitosis. Hence, this study reports for the first time the differential impact of a non‐essential kinetochore protein on the mitotic and meiotic kinetochore ensembles and hence chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The different regulation of sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres and along chromosome arms is obvious during meiosis, because centromeric cohesion, but not arm cohesion, persists throughout anaphase of the first division. A protein required to protect centromeric cohesin Rec8 from separase cleavage has been identified and named shugoshin (or Sgo1) after shugoshin ("guardian spirit" in Japanese). It has become apparent that shugoshin shows marginal homology with Drosophila Mei-S332 and several uncharacterized proteins in other eukaryotic organisms. Because Mei-S332 is a protein previously shown to be required for centromeric cohesion in meiosis, it is now established that shugoshin represents a conserved protein family defined as a centromeric protector of Rec8 cohesin complexes in meiosis. The regional difference of sister chromatid cohesion is also observed during mitosis in vertebrates; the cohesion is much more robust at the centromere at metaphase, where it antagonizes the pulling force of spindle microtubules that attach the kinetochores from opposite poles. The human shugoshin homologue (hSgo1) is required to protect the centromeric localization of the mitotic cohesin, Scc1, until metaphase. Bub1 plays a crucial role in the localization of shugoshin to centromeres in both fission yeast and humans.  相似文献   

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