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Several studies based on the known three-dimensional (3-D) structures of proteins show that two homologous proteins with insignificant sequence similarity could adopt a common fold and may perform same or similar biochemical functions. Hence, it is appropriate to use similarities in 3-D structure of proteins rather than the amino acid sequence similarities in modelling evolution of distantly related proteins. Here we present an assessment of using 3-D structures in modelling evolution of homologous proteins. Using a dataset of 108 protein domain families of known structures with at least 10 members per family we present a comparison of extent of structural and sequence dissimilarities among pairs of proteins which are inputs into the construction of phylogenetic trees. We find that correlation between the structure-based dissimilarity measures and the sequence-based dissimilarity measures is usually good if the sequence similarity among the homologues is about 30% or more. For protein families with low sequence similarity among the members, the correlation coefficient between the sequence-based and the structure-based dissimilarities are poor. In these cases the structure-based dendrogram clusters proteins with most similar biochemical functional properties better than the sequence-similarity based dendrogram. In multi-domain protein families and disulphide-rich protein families the correlation coefficient for the match of sequence-based and structure-based dissimilarity (SDM) measures can be poor though the sequence identity could be higher than 30%. Hence it is suggested that protein evolution is best modelled using 3-D structures if the sequence similarities (SSM) of the homologues are very low.  相似文献   

Comparison of homologous tertiary structures of proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  



To discover remote evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between proteins, biologists rely on comparative sequence analysis, and when structures are available, on structural alignments and various measures of structural similarity. The measures/scores that have most commonly been used for this purpose include: alignment length, percent sequence identity, superposition RMSD and their different combinations. More recently, we have introduced the "Homologous core structure overlap score" (HCS) and the "Loop Hausdorff Measure" (LHM). Along with these we also consider the "gapped structural alignment score" (GSAS), which was introduced earlier by other researchers.  相似文献   

This paper describes a rapid, automated procedure which can be used for model building sidechains using (i) spatial information from sidechains in topologically equivalent positions as far as such a correlation is observed, and then (ii) most probable conformations of the sidechains in the respective secondary structure type. Analysis of topologically equivalent residues in the structurally conserved regions of a family of proteins implies that the spatial positions of the atoms in the sidechains rather than conformations should be considered when model building. Rules for the modelling of all 20 side-chains from each other in alpha-helical, beta-sheet and loop regions--a total of 1200--are established. Cluster analysis is used on positional data from the sidechain atoms of structurally equivalent residues in an homologous family to guide modelling. The most probable conformation for the sidechain is used for modelling atoms where no useful guidance is obtainable from equivalent sidechains of the homologous proteins. In order to test the procedure we have modelled the sidechains of the residues in the structurally conserved regions of myoglobin from four other globins. The automated procedure described here has been incorporated into the program COMPOSER.  相似文献   

Basic proteins were isolated from purified pea chloroplast nucleoids by acid extraction. Using RP-HPLC, the component composition of the basic proteins was studied. SDS-PAGE of major HPLC-fractions showed that the basic nucleoid proteins are heterogeneous with mol. masses of components from 17 to 30 kDa. One polypeptide with mol. mass of 28 kDa (P28) was obtained by RP-HPLC. The sequencing of three tryptic peptides of P28 (T6, T17, and T19) showed that they are homologous to the ribosomal protein L19 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The possible functional role of ribosomal proteins in chloroplast nucleoids is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate of polypeptide chain elongation is up to one order of magnitude faster in prokaryotic cells than in eukaryotes. Here we report that the rates of in vitro refolding of orthologous prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins correlate with their differential rates of biosynthesis. The mitochondrial and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferases of chicken and aspartate aminotransferase of Escherichia coli show pairwise sequence identities of 41-48% and nearly identical three-dimensional structures. Nevertheless, the prokaryotic enzyme refolded 6 times faster (at 25 degrees C) than the eukaryotic isoenzymes after denaturation in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride. Prokaryotic malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase also renatured faster than their orthologous eukaryotic counterparts, suggesting that evolutionary pressure has adapted the rate of folding to the rate of elongation of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

The folding mechanism of two closely related proteins in the intracellular lipid‐binding protein family, human bile acid‐binding protein (hBABP), and rat bile acid‐binding protein (rBABP) were examined. These proteins are 77% identical (93% similar) in sequence. Both of these single domain proteins fit well to a two‐state model for unfolding by fluorescence and circular dichroism at equilibrium. Three phases were observed during the unfolding of rBABP by fluorescence but only one phase was observed during the unfolding of hBABP, suggesting that at least two kinetic intermediates accumulate during the unfolding of rBABP that are not observed during the unfolding of hBABP. Fluorine NMR was used to examine the equilibrium unfolding behavior of the W49 side chain in 6‐fluorotryptophan‐labeled rBABP and hBABP. The structure of rBABP appears to be more dynamic than that of hBABP in the vicinity of W49 in the absence of denaturant, and urea has a greater effect on this dynamic behavior for rBABP than for hBABP. As such, the folding behavior of highly sequence related proteins in this family can be quite different. These differences imply that moderately sized proteins with high sequence and structural similarity can still populate quite different structures during folding. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clone encoding a novel 110 amino acid thylakoid protein has been sequenced. The in vitro synthesized protein is taken up by intact chloroplasts, inserted into the thylakoid membrane and the transit peptide is cleaved off during this process. The mature protein is predicted to contain 69 amino acids, to form one membrane-spanning -helix and to have its N-terminus at the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. The protein showed similarity to the LHC, ELIP and PsbS proteins of higher plants, but more pronounced to the high-light-inducible proteins (HLIPs) of cyanobacteria and red algae, to which no homologue previously has been detected in higher plants. As for HLIP and ELIP, high light increases the mRNA levels of the corresponding gene. Sequence comparisons indicate that the protein may bind chlorophyll and form dimers in the thylakoid membrane. The level of expression of the protein seems to be far lower than that of normal PSI and PSII subunits.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the three dimensional structure of rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein (ns-LTP), a 91 amino acid residue protein belonging to the broad family of plant ns-LTP. Sequence specific assignment was obtained for all but three HN backbone 1H resonances and for more than 95% of the 1H side-chain resonances using a combination of 1H 2D NOESY; TOCSY and COSY experiments at 293 K. The structure was calculated on the basis of four disulfide bridge restraints, 1259 distance constraints derived from 1H-1H Overhauser effects, 72 phi angle restraints and 32 hydrogen-bond restraints. The final solution structure involves four helices (H1: Cys3-Arg18, H2: Ala25-Ala37, H3: Thr41-Ala54 and H4: Ala66-Cys73) followed by a long C-terminal tail (T) with no observable regular structure. N-capping residues (Thr2, Ser24, Thr40), whose side-chain oxygen atoms are involved in hydrogen bonds with i + 3 amide proton additionally stabilize the N termini of the first three helices. The fourth helix involving Pro residues display a mixture of alpha and 3(10) conformation. The rms deviation of 14 final structures with respect to the average structure is 1.14 +/- 0.16 A for all heavy atoms (C, N, O and S) and 0.72 +/- 0.01 A for the backbone atoms. The global fold of rice ns-LTP is close to the previously published structures of wheat, barley and maize ns-LTPs exhibiting nearly identical pattern of the numerous sequence specific interactions. As reported previously for different four-helix topology proteins, hydrophobic, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic mechanisms of fold stabilization were found for the rice ns-LTP. The sequential alignment of 36 ns-LTP primary structures strongly suggests that there is a uniform pattern of specific long-range interactions (in terms of sequence), which stabilize the fold of all plant ns-LTPs.  相似文献   

Daugaard M  Rohde M  Jäättelä M 《FEBS letters》2007,581(19):3702-3710
The human heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) family contains at least eight homologous chaperone proteins. Endoplasmatic reticulum and mitochondria have their specific Hsp70 proteins, whereas the remaining six family members reside mainly in the cytosol and nucleus. The requirement for multiple highly homologous although different Hsp70 proteins is still far from clear, but their individual and tissue-specific expression suggests that they are assigned distinct biological tasks. This concept is supported by the fact that mice knockout for different Hsp70 genes display remarkably discrete phenotypes. Moreover, emerging data suggest that individual Hsp70 proteins can bring about non-overlapping and chaperone-independent functions essential for growth and survival of cancer cells. This review summarizes our present knowledge of the individual members of human Hsp70 family and elaborate on the functional differences between the cytosolic/nuclear representatives.  相似文献   

Alexander PA  Rozak DA  Orban J  Bryan PN 《Biochemistry》2005,44(43):14045-14054
To better understand how amino acid sequences specify unique tertiary folds, we have used random mutagenesis and phage display selection to evolve proteins with a high degree of sequence identity but different tertiary structures (homologous heteromorphs). The starting proteins in this evolutionary process were the IgG binding domains of streptococcal protein G (G(B)) and staphylococcal protein A (A(B)). These nonhomologous domains are similar in size and function but have different folds. G(B) has an alpha/beta fold, and A(B) is a three-helix bundle (3-alpha). IgG binding function is used to select for mutant proteins which retain the correct tertiary structure as the level of sequence identity is increased. A detailed thermodynamic analysis of the folding reactions and binding reactions for a pair of homologous heteromorphs (59% identical) is presented. High-resolution NMR structures of the pair are presented by He et al. [(2005) Biochemistry 44, 14055-14061]. Because the homologous but heteromorphic proteins are identical at most positions in their sequence, their essential folding signals must reside in the positions of nonidentity. Further, the thermodynamic linkage between folding and binding is used to assess the propensity of one sequence to adopt two unique folds.  相似文献   

An approach is described for modelling the three-dimensional structure of a protein from the tertiary structures of several homologous proteins that have been determined by X-ray analysis. A method is developed for the simultaneous superposition of several protein molecules and for the calculation of an 'average structure' or 'framework'. Investigation of the convergence properties of this method, in the case of both weighted and unweighted least squares, demonstrates that both give a unique answer and the latter is robust for an homologous family of proteins. Multi-dimensional scaling is used to subgroup of the proteins with respect to structural homology. The framework calculated on the basis of the family of homologous proteins, or of an appropriate subgroup, is used to align fragments of the known protein structures of high sequence homology with the unknown. This alignment provides a basis for model building the tertiary structure. Different techniques for using the framework to model the mainchain of various globins and an immunoglobulin domain in the structurally conserved regions are investigated.  相似文献   

The jellyfish (Aequorea victoria) green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its variants (CFP [cyan] and YFP [yellow]) were successfully used as a vital marker system for the transformation of hybrid poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba). Our results show that, in this woody plant, fluorescent proteins can be expressed: (i) transiently in protoplasts after PEG-mediated transformation, as well as in leaf cells after particle bombardment, and (ii) stably in callus cells and plants after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. For these studies, we constructed vectors permitting easy recloning of any promoter fragments of interest. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used both for visualization and differentiation between the different colours of the GFP variants and autofluorescence of chlorophyll and lignified xylem vessels. Peroxisomes were chosen as target organelles for GFP translocation via the peroxisomal targeting sequence PTS1 because this allowed us to concentrate the fluorochrome in the small volume of a few peroxisomes, giving a bright fluorescence over background noise.  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the conserved hypothetical protein TM0487 from Thermotoga maritima represents an alpha/beta-topology formed by the regular secondary structures alpha1-beta1-beta2-alpha2-beta3-beta4-alpha3- beta5-3(10)-alpha4, with a small anti-parallel beta-sheet of beta-strands 1 and 2, and a mixed parallel/anti-parallel beta-sheet of beta-strands 3-5. Similar folds have previously been observed in other proteins, with amino acid sequence identity as low as 3% and a variety of different functions. There are also 216 sequence homologs of TM0487, which all have the signature sequence of domains of unknown function 59 (DUF59), for which no three-dimensional structures have as yet been reported. The TM0487 structure thus presents a platform for homology modeling of this large group of DUF59 proteins. Conserved among most of the DUF59s are 13 hydrophobic residues, which are clustered in the core of TM0487. A putative active site of TM0487 consisting of residues D20, E22, L23, T51, T52, and C55 is conserved in 98 of the 216 DUF59 sequences. Asp20 is buried within the proposed active site without any compensating positive charge, which suggests that its pK(a) value may be perturbed. Furthermore, the DUF59 family includes ORFs that are part of a conserved chromosomal group of proteins predicted to be involved in Fe-S cluster metabolism.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of 10 blind predictions prepared for a recent conference, “Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction.”1 The sequences of these proteins are not detectably similar to those of any protein in the structure database then available, but we attempted, by a threading method, to recognize similarity to known domain folds. Four of the 10 proteins, as we subsequently learned, do indeed show significant similarity to then-known structures. For 2 of these proteins the predictions were accurate, in the sense that a similar structure was at or near the top of the list of threading scores, and the threading alignment agreed well with the corresponding structural alignment. For the best predicted model mean alignment error relative to the optimal structural alignment was 2.7 residues, arising entirely from small “register shifts” of strands or helices. In the analysis we attempt to identify factors responsible for these successes and failures. Since our threading method does not use gap penalties, we may readily distinguish between errors arising from our prior definition of the “cores” of known structures and errors arising from inherent limitations in the threading potential. It would appear from the results that successful substructure recognition depends most critically on accurate definition of the “fold” of a database protein. This definition must correctly delineate substructures that are, and are not, likely to be conserved during protein evolution. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A simplified protein surface cartography approach has been developed to assist in the analysis of surface features in homologous families, and thus to predict conservation or divergence of protein functions and protein-protein interaction patterns. A spherical approximation of protein surface was used, with a focus on charged and hydrophobic residues. The resulting surface map allows for qualitative analysis and comparison of surfaces of proteins, but can also be used to define a simple numerical measure of map similarity between two or more proteins. The latter was shown to be useful for function based classifications within large protein families.Surface map analysis was tested on several test cases: haemoglobins, death domains and TRAF domains. It was shown that surface map comparison allows a better function prediction than general sequence analysis methods and can reproduce known examples of functional variation within a divergent group of proteins. In another example, we predict novel, unexpected sets of common functional properties for seemingly distant members of a large group of divergent proteins. The method was also shown to be robust enough to allow using protein models from comparative modelling instead of experimental structures.  相似文献   

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