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Beggiatoa alba strain B18LD was grown in continuous culture under heterotrophic conditions on acetate or acetate and asparagine and under mixotrophic conditions on acetate plus either 1 mM sodium sulfide or 1 mM sodium thiosulfate. Considerable differences were observed between the yields and the cell compositions of heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultures at all dilution rates tested. The dry weight yield per gram acetate utilized was approximately three times higher in the acetate-sulfide mixotrophic culture than in the acetate heterotrophic culture, whereas the poly--hydroxybutyric acid and carbohydrate contents were much higher in the heterotrophic cultures. The high yields (0.52–0.75, corrected for the weight of the sulfur) obtained with the mixotrophic cultures imply that the acetate was utilized mainly for biosynthesis. Thus, the oxidation of sulfide supplied energy. The addition of catalase to the chemostat cultures increased yields slightly, but it was insufficient to explain the differences between the heterotrophic and the mixotrophic cultures.  相似文献   

In the presnet studies with whole cells and extracts of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata the rapid inhibition of nitrogenase dependent activities (i.e. N2-fixation acetylene reduction, or photoproduction of H2) by ammonia was investigated. The results suggest, that the regulation of the nitrogenase activity by NH 4 + in R. capsulata is mediated by glutamine synthetase (GS). (i) The glutamate analogue methionine sulfoximine (MSX) inhibited GS in situ and in vitro, and simultaneously prevented nitrogenase activity in vivo. (ii) When added to growing cultures ammonia caused rapid adenylylation of GS whereas MSX abolished the activity of both the adenylylated and unadenylylated form of the enzyme. (iii) Recommencement of H2 production due to an exhaustion of ammonia coincided with the deadenylylation of GS. (iv) In extracts, the nitrogenase was found to be inactive only when NH 4 + or MSX were added to intact cells. Subsequently the cells had to be treated with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). (v) In extracts the nitrogenase activity declined linearily with an increase of the ration of adenylylated vs. deadenylylated GS. A mechanism for inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonia and MSX is discussed.Abbreviations BSA bovin serum albumine - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - GOGAT l-glutamine: 2-oxoglutarate amino transferase - GS glutamine synthetase - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine  相似文献   

Beggiatoa alba B18LD was investigated for its pathways of ammonia assimilation. The increase in growth yields ofB. alba with excess acetate was linear from 0.1 to 2.0 mM ammonia.B. alba had strong glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activities, irrespective of the ammonia concentration in the medium. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was not found, and alanine dehydrogenase (aminating) was observed only whenB. alba was grown at high (2.0 mM) ammonia. Methionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GS, inhibited growth ofB. alba irrespective of the ammonia concentration in the medium. Thus it appears the primary pathway for ammonia assimilation inB. alba is via the GS-GOGAT pathway at both low and high ammonia concentrations. Preliminary experiments were unable to discern if theB. alba GS is modified by covalent modification.Non-standard abbreviations GS Glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamate-oxoglutarate aminotransferase - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - ADH alanine dehydrogenase - MSX methionine sulfoximine - GOT glutamate-oxaloacetate aminotransferase - GPT glutamate-pyruvate aminotransferase  相似文献   

The interaction of sulfide oxidation and protein synthesis by Beggiatoa alba B18LD was investigated using the incorporation of radiolabeled leucine to estimate protein synthesis. Leucine was assimilated into whole cells in the presence of 6.1 mM acetate at a rate of 0.6 nmol · min-1 · mg protein-1, 43% of which was incorporated into the protein fraction. Protein synthesis by B. alba was unaffected by 1 mM sulfide, whether or not the cells had been preincubated with sulfide. B. alba oxidized radioactive sulfide to sulfur within 30 s of addition of the label, whether or not the organism was preinduced by sulfide. Furthermore, chloramphenicol, which inhibited protein synthesis, did not significantly inhibit sulfide oxidation by sulfide-induced or uninduced B. alba. This indicates that sulfide oxidation is a constitutive process. Enrichments of sulfur inclusions from B. alba B18LD that were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated two enriched peptides with Mr values of 13,000 and 15,000. The 13,000 and 15,000 Mr peptide bands were more evident in cells grown in a medium containing sulfide than in cells from a medium lacking sulfide. Although sulfide did not increase the rate of overall protein synthesis, the synthesis of a few peptides was increased by the addition of sulfide to the growth medium. Among those, the 15,000 Mr peptide was one of the most distinctive.Non-standard abbreviations SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole - POPOP 1,4-bis [5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl]-benzene - BSS basal salts solution - BH Beggiatoa heterotrophic (medium) - BSO Beggiatoa sulfide oxidation (medium) - CM chloramphenicol - TCA trichloroacetic acid - Mr molecular mass  相似文献   

Three c-type cytochromes were purified from the filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacterium, Beggiatoa alba strain B18LD, by ammonium sulfate fractionation, flat bed isoelectric focusing and gel filtration. Two of the cytochromes; flavocytochrome c-554 and cytochrome c, were similar to cytochromes found in anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria. Flavocytochrome c-554 had an apparent molecular weight of 21,000, an isoelectric focusing point at pH 4.4, contained FMN as the flavin component and had absorption maxima at 410, 450 and 470 nm in the oxidized form and at 417, 523 and 554 nm in the dithionite-reduced from. Cytochrome c was also an acidic protein with a pI of 4.8 and an apparent molecular weight of 18,000. The absorption spectra maxima were at 400, 490 and 635 nm in the oxidized form, at 424 and 550 nm in the dithione-reduced form and at 415 and 555 nm in the dithionite-reduced plus CO form. The third cytochrome characterized, cytochrome c-553 had an apparent molecular weight of 13,000, an isoelectric point at pH 4.4 and showed absorption maxima at 411 nm in the oxidized form and at 418, 523 and 553 nm in the dithionite-reduced form. Cytochrome c-553 was also isolated as a complex with a non-heme protein with a molecular weight of 16,000. The non-heme protein altered the absorption spectra and isoelectric point of cytochrome c-553.Abbreviations IEF isoelectric focusing - M r molecular weight - pI isoelectric point  相似文献   

When Azotobacter chroococcum cells grown in batch culture under N2-fixing conditions were transferred to a medium lacking a nitrogen source, the cellular C/N ratio, the amount of alginic acid released into the external medium and the rate of endogenous respiration increased appreciably after 6 h to the exclusion of dinitrogen, whereas nitrogenase activity did not undergo any significant change. Nitrogen deficiency caused a decrease in the ammonium inhibition of nitrogenase activity from 95% inhibition at zero time to 14% after 6 h incubation under dinitrogen starvation, with no difference in the rate of ammonium utilization by N2-fixing and N2-starved cells being observed. This suggests that a balance of nitrogen and carbon assimilation is necessary for the ammonium inhibition of nitrogenase activity in A. chroococcum to take place.  相似文献   

Beggiatoa alba B18LD utilizes both nitrate and nitrite as sole nitrogen sources, although nitrite was toxic above 1 mM.B. alba coupledin vivo acetate oxidation, but not sulfide oxidation, with nitrate and nitrite reduction.B. alba could not, however, grow anaerobically with nitrate as the sole electron acceptor. Furthermore, the incorporation of acetate into macromolecules under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as the sole electron acceptor was less 10% of the incorporation with oxygen as the electron acceptor. The product of nitrate reduction byB. alba was ammonia; N2 or N2O were not produced. The nitrate reductase activity inB. alba was soluble and it utilized reduced flavins or methyl viologen and dithionite as electron donors. Pyrimidine nucleotides were not used as in vitro electron donors, either alone or with flavins in coupled assays. TheB. alba nitrate reductase activity was competitively inhibited with chlorate and was only mildly inhibited by azide and cyanide. Nitrate was not required for induction of theB. alba nitrate reductase, and neither oxygen nor ammonia repressed its activity. Thus,B. alba nitrate reductase appears to be an assimilatory nitrate reductase with unusual regulatory properties.Non-standard abbreviations MV Methyl viologen - DT dithionite - GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT glutamine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase - PPO 2-diphenyloxazole - POPOP 1,4-(bis)-[2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)] benzene - TCA trichloroacetic acid - CCCP carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone - FCCP carbonylcyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - TTFA thenoyltrifluoroacetone - PHEN 1,10-phenanthroline - HOQNO 2-heptyl 4-hydroxyquinoline-n-oxide - 8HQ 8-hydroxyquinoline  相似文献   

A strain ofBullera alba that secretes a killer toxin inhibitory (at pH values ranging from 3 to 7) to many ascomycetous and basidiomycetous yeast-like fungi was discovered. Its killer phenotype was incurable. The toxin was relatively thermostable and resistant to many proteases, and it was identified as a microcin. It inhibited the growth of some pathogenic yeasts and was the most active againstCryptococcus neoformans.  相似文献   

Ammonia inhibition of nitrogenase activity in purple and green bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ammonia reversibly inhibits the nitrogenase activity not only in purple nonsulfur bacteria but in purple (Thiocapsa roseopersicina) and green (Chlorobium limicola forma thiosulfatophilum) sulfur bacteria as well.The complete inhibition of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) is observed about 30 s after addition of NH 4 + (2.5×10-6 M) to cell suspensions. The pattern of ammonia inhibition of acetylene reduction in T. roseopersicina does not differ from the action of tetrabutylammonium and tetraphenylphosphonium (3 · 10-6-5·10-5 M) on nitrogenase activity of this bacterium.Simultaneously with the switch-off effect of NH 4 + a considerable increase of ATP in cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and C. limicola f. thiosulphatophilum was observed.  相似文献   

Growth and nitrogenase activity were studied in cultures ofAzotobacter vinelandii growing with dinitrogen, ammonium sulfate, aspartic acid or yeast extract. Nitrogenase activity was measured by means of the C2H2 reduction test.In the presence of ammonium sulfate nitrogenase is completely repressed. After exhaustion of ammonia its activity is restored following a diauxic lag period of 30 min. With aspartic acid nitrogenase activity is partially repressed, and growth yield is higher than in the culture growing with N2 only. This is due to simultaneous use of dinitrogen and aspartate. Fluctuations of nitrogenase activity occurring during exponential growth and the mechanism of their regulation are discussed.Abbreviations NA nitrogenase activity - BNF Burk's nitrogen free medium  相似文献   

Growth and nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of Azotobacter vinelandii in chemically defined N-free media were studied in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, p-coumaric, and ferulic acids at concentrations from 0.01 to 1% (w/v). Growth and nitrogenase activity were only detected when the microorganism was cultured on p-hydroxybenzoic acid either as sole carbon source or mixed with other phenolic acids, suggesting that p-hydroxybenzoic acid could be utilized as a carbon source by A. vinelandii for growing under certain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase in Chromatium vinosum was rapidly, but reversibly inhibited by NH 4 + . Activity of the Fe protin component of nitrogenase required both Mn2+ and activating enzyme. Activating enzyme from Rhodospirillum rubrum could replace Chromatium chromatophores in activating the Chromatium Fe protein, and conversely, a protein fraction prepared from Chromatium chromatophores was effective in activating R. rubrum Fe protein. Inactive Chromatium Fe protein contained a peptide covalently modified by a phosphate-containing molecule, which migrated the same in SDS-polyacrylamide gels as the modified subunit of R. rubrum Fe protein. In sum, these observations suggest that Chromatium nitrogenase activity is regulated by a covalent modification of the Fe protein in a manner similar to that of R. rubrum.Abbreviation HEPES N-2-hydroxyethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Nutritional factors controlling derepression of nitrogenase activity in Parasponia-Rhizobium strain ANU 289 were studied in stationary and agitated liquid cultures. Altering type and/or concentrations of the constituents of the derepression medium in respect of carbon and nitrogen sources influenced both derepression kinetics as well as the maximal level of activity. Hexose sugars and disaccharides stimulated nitrogenase activity three to six-fold compared to pentose sugars. Activity was also modulated by combining sugars with some organic acids such as succinate, fumarate and pyruvate but not with others (e.g. -ketoglutarate, malate, malonate). Of the range of nitrogen sources tested, either casamino acids (at 0.05%, but not at 0.1%), glutamate, proline or to a lesser extent histidine (each at 5 mM N) supported significant derepression of nitrogenase activity. Notably glutamine, urea, alanine, ammonium sulfate, nitrate, nitrite (each at 5 mM N) and yeast extract (0.05%) failed to derepress or support nitrogenase activity. Ammonium (5 mM) abolished established nitrogenase activity of rapidly agitated cultures within 15 h after addition. This inhibitory effect was alleviated by the addition of methionine sulfoximime (10 mM). Thus, in view of strong glutamine effects, ammonium repression appears to be mediated by glutamine and not by ammonium itself.Abbreviations HEPES [4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethane; sulfonic acid] - MOPS [3-(N-morpholino) propane sulphonic acid] - MSX Methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

F. Houwaard 《Plant and Soil》1980,54(2):271-282
Summary Addition of ammonium chloride or potassium nitrate to nodulated pea plants resulted in a decrease in acetylene-reducing activity. Both nodule growth and specific activity of the nodules were diminished. Acetylene-reducing activity of isolated bacteroids, treated with EDTA-toluene and supplied with ATP and dithionite, had not decreased after a 3-day treatment of the plants with NH4Cl or KNO3. The effect of combined nitrogen could be counteracted by raising the light intensity or by the addition of sucrose to the growth medium. The latter treatment reduced the nitrogen uptake by the plants. It is concluded that combined nitrogen affects symbiotic nitrogen fixation via the carbohydrate supply to the bacteroids.  相似文献   

Acetobacter diazotrophicus is a nitrogen-fixing bacterium that grows inside sugar cane plant tissue where the sucrose concentration is approximately 10%. The influence of high sugar content on nitrogenase was measured in the presence of oxygen and of nitrogen added in the form of ammonium and amino acids. In all parameters analyzed, 10% sucrose protected nitrogenase against inhibition by oxygen, ammonium, some amino acids, and also to some extent by salt stress. The oxygen concentration at which inhibition occurred increased from 2 kPa in 1% glucose or gluconic acid, to 4 kPa (0.4 atm) in 10% sucrose. Nitrogenase activity was partially inhibited by increased ammonium levels (2.0, 5.0, and 10.0 mM) in the presence of 1% sucrose, but the cells maintained their nitrogenase activity at 10% sucrose. This could be explained by the slow ammonium assimilation by the cells in the presence of high sucrose concentrations, i.e., independent of its concentration between 2 and 10 mM, the assimilation of ammonium was reduced to one-third in cells grown with 10% sucrose. Some amino acids were also tested in the presence of 1 and 10% sucrose. Cells grown in 1% sucrose had their nitrogenase activity reduced by 50–98% in the presence of glutamic acid, glutamine, alanine, asparagine, or threonine, whereas with 10% sucrose, nitrogenase activity was increased by glutamic acid and was reduced by only 61–73% by the other amino acids. The effect of NaCl concentrations (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1.0%) was also studied at the two concentrations of sucrose. Nitrogenase activity and growth of A. diazotrophicus, which was visualized by the pellicle formation in semi-solid medium, showed sensitivity even to low NaCl concentrations, which was somewhat relieved at the higher sucrose level. These observations indicate different osmotolerance mechanisms for sucrose and salt. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary The influence of seasonal variation on nitrogenase (N2-ase) activity of undisturbed soil-plant cores ofPanicum maximum var.trichoglume was measured using the C2H2 reduction assay. The largest N2-ase activity in the field, 14.7 g N ha−1 day−1, occurred in spring when soil moisture was high, soil temperature was low and nitrogenous fertiliser influence was at a minimum. The potential N2-ase activity of the cores, measured under controlled conditions, reached a maximum of 27.2 g N ha−1 day−1 and averaged 26.3 g N ha−1 day−1 over the 14 month sampling period. N2-ase activity was positively correlated (P=0.05) with field soil moisture and negatively correlated with field soil temperature (r=0.59 and −0.78 respectively). Multiple regression showed that 69% of the variation of N2-ase activity in the field was associated with the combined effects of soil moisture and soil temperature. Nitrogen fixing bacteria were isolated from the roots ofP. maximum and based upon morphology, biochemical tests and fluorescent antibody reaction, were found to be closely related toAzospirillum lipoferum.  相似文献   

The kinetics of asymbiotic nitrogenase activity in three strains of the actinomycete Frankia were studied. Decay rates for enzyme activity were determined by adding chloramphenicol to active acetylene-reducing cells and measuring the time required for all activity to cease. Synthesis rates were measured by bubbling oxygen through actively-reducing cells (which totally destroyed all activity) and then measuring the time required for activity to return to normal. Decay rates (t 1/2) for these three strains were approximately 30 to 40 min. Synthesis rates were slower and initial nitrogenase activities were recorded about 110 min (DDB 011610) or 210 min (DDB 020210 and WgCc1.17) after return to air-equilibrated cultures. Frankia strain WgCc1.17 showed a greater sensitivity to oxygen and nitrogenase activity was totally lost when cells were bubbled only with atmospheric concentrations of oxygen. The results presented here indicate that nitrogenase activity turnover time is relatively rapid, on the order of minutes rather than hours or days. However, regulation of nitrogenase activity will differ from one strain to another and asmmbiotic characterization will be useful for understanding nitrogenase regulation in the bacterial-plant symbiosis.Contribution no. 879 from the Battelle-Kettering Laboratory  相似文献   

Oxygen protection of nitrogenase in Frankia sp. HFPArI3   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
O2 protection of nitrogenase in a cultured Frankia isolate from Alnus rubra (HFPArI3) was studied in vivo. Evidence for a passive gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles was obtained by kinetic analysis of in vivo O2 uptake and acetylene reduction rates in response to substrate concentration. O2 of NH 4 + -grown cells showed an apparent K m O2 of approximately 1M O2. In N2-fixing cultures a second K m O2 of about 215 M O2 was observed. Thus, respiration remained unsaturated by O2 at air-saturation levels. In vivo, the apparent K m for acetylene was more than 10-fold greater than reported in vitro values. These data were inter oreted as evidence for a gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles but not vegetative filaments of Frankia sp. HFPArI3.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in the Gunnera Nostoc symbiosis is shown to respond dramatically to the addition of glucose. H2 can replace glucose in stimulating nitrogenase activity, but there is no H2 stimulation in the presence of excess glucose. Net hydrogen evolution is strongly stimulated by addition of glucose. We postulate that carbohydrate supply and uptake hydrogenase can moderate the apparent activity of nitrogenase by supplying reductant and/or ATP. The recycling of a large proportion of the electron flux in nitrogenase through uptake hydrogenase maintains a high level of potential nitrogenase ready to take advantage of an influx of carbohydrate.  相似文献   

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