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The central role of perilipin a in lipid metabolism and adipocyte lipolysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The related disorders of obesity and diabetes are increasing to epidemic proportions. The role of neutral lipid storage and hydrolysis, and hence the adipocyte, is central to understanding this phenomenon. The adipocyte holds the major source of stored energy in the body in the form of triacylglycerols (TAG). It has been known for over 35 years that the breakdown of TAG and release of free (unesterified) fatty acids and glycerol from fat tissue can be regulated by a cAMP-mediated process. However, beyond the initial signaling cascade, the mechanistic details of this lipolytic reaction have remained unclear. Work in recent years has revealed that both hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), generally thought to be the rate-limiting enzyme, and perilipin, a lipid droplet surface protein, are required for optimal lipid storage and fatty acid release. There are multiple perilipin proteins encoded by mRNA splice variants of a single perilipin gene. The perilipin proteins are polyphosphorylated by protein kinase A and phosphorylation is necessary for translocation of HSL to the lipid droplet and enhanced lipolysis. Hence, the surface of the lipid storage droplet has emerged as a central site of regulation of lipolysis. This review will focus on adipocyte lipolysis with emphasis on hormone signal transduction, lipolytic enzymes, the lipid storage droplet, and fatty acid release from the adipocyte.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of enhanced inositol phosphate metabolism during reperfusion. Inositol phosphate stores were prelabelled by perfusing isolated rat hearts for 1 h with [3H]inositol (1.5 microCi/ml). LiCl (10 mM) and prazosin (0.3 microM) were subsequently added 15 min before (i) 20 min control perfusion; (ii) 20 min normothermic ischaemic cardiac arrest (NICA); (iii) 20 min NICA followed by 1 min reperfusion. The ventricles were freeze-clamped before determination of isotopical incorporation of [3H]inositol into the inositol phosphates (Dowex anion exchange chromatography) and InsP3 levels (Amersham InsP3 assay system). In addition, noradrenaline release into the perfusate was also assessed (HPLC and electrochemical detection). The results showed: (i) increased noradrenaline release into the perfusate immediately after the onset of reperfusion; (ii) significant depression of [3H]inositol incorporation into inositol phosphates and InsP3 levels after 20 min NICA; (iii) reperfusion caused an immediate significant increase in isotopical incorporation of [3H]inositol into inositol phosphates as well as InsP3 levels; (iv) the alpha 1-adrenergic blocker, prazosin (0.3 microM), completely inhibited the reperfusion-induced increase in inositol phosphate metabolism. These observations suggested that increased alpha 1-adrenergic receptor stimulation by noradrenaline might be responsible for the stimulation of ventricular inositol phosphate metabolism during postischaemic reperfusion.  相似文献   

The postnatal mammalian heart uses mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) as the chief source of energy to meet the high energy demands necessary for pump function. Flux through the cardiac FAO pathway is tightly controlled in accordance with energy demands dictated by diverse physiologic and dietary conditions. In this report, we demonstrate that the lipid-activated nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), regulates the expression of several key enzymes involved in cardiac mitochondrial FAO. In response to the metabolic stress imposed by pharmacologic inhibition of mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid import with etomoxir, PPARa serves as a molecular 'lipostat' factor by inducing the expression of target genes involved in fatty acid utilization including enzymes involved in mitochondrial and peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathways. In mice lacking PPARalpha (PPARalpha-/- mice), etomoxir precipitates a cardiac phenotype characterized by myocyte lipid accumulation. Surprisingly, this metabolic regulatory response is influenced by gender as demonstrated by the observation that male PPARalpha-/- mice are more susceptible to the metabolic stress compared to female animals. These results identify an important role for PPARalpha in the control of cardiac lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Differential role of TNF receptors in cellular trafficking of intact TNF.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Although ligand signaling and degradation within the cell have received much attention, few studies have quantified the role of receptors on the transcytosis of ligand into and out of the cell in intact form. Accordingly, we determined the differential role of the two receptors for tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFR1, TNFR2) on cellular transcytosis. METHODS: TNFR1 and TNFR2 were overexpressed in HEK293 cells by transient transfection. Cell surface binding, endocytosis, and exocytosis of (125)I-TNF were quantified. Degradation was determined by acid precipitation and size-exclusion chromatography. RESULTS: TNFR1- mediated uptake of TNF was faster than TNFR2-mediated uptake of TNF. TNFR2, however, exhibited greater capacity, leading to a higher percentage release of TNF into the exocytosis medium. Rather than being degraded, most of the TNF inside the cell remained intact for 1 h. Both receptors exerted protective roles against degradation, but there was no cooperativity between them. CONCLUSION: The effects of TNFR1 and TNFR2 in shepherding TNF across the cell illustrate the differential roles of receptors on the cellular trafficking of the ligand in intact form so as to facilitate its biological effects.  相似文献   

Betula platyphylla var. japonica (Betulaceae) has been used traditionally in Asian countries for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. A recent study has reported a phenolic compound, platyphylloside from B. platyphylla, that shows inhibition on adipocyte differentiation and induces lipolysis in 3T3-L1 cells. Based on this finding, we conducted phytochemical analysis of the EtOH extract of the bark of B. platyphylla var. japonica, which resulted in the isolation of phenolic glycosides (14). Treatment of the isolated compounds (14) during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 mouse adipocytes resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of adipogenesis. In mature adipocytes, arylbutanoid glycosides (24) induced lipolysis related genes HSL and ATGL, whereas catechin glycoside (1) had no effect. Additionally, arylbutanoid glycosides (24) also induced GLUT4 and adiponectin mRNA expression, indicating improvement in insulin signaling. This suggests that the isolates from B. platyphylla var. japonica exert benefial effects in regulation of adipocyte differentiation as well as adipocyte metabolism.  相似文献   

Adrenergic regulation of adipocyte metabolism   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Adipocytes can be readily isolated from intact adipose tissue. In adipocytes from hamster and human white adipose tissue it is possible to demonstrate beta, alpha 1, and alpha 2 adrenoceptors. Alpha 2 adrenoceptor activation inhibits while beta adrenoceptor activation stimulates cyclic AMP accumulation and lipolysis. The effects of catecholamines on cyclic AMP accumulation are mediated through regulation of adenylate cyclase activity, which is activated through beta adrenoceptors and inhibited through alpha 2 adrenoceptors. Activation of alpha 1 adrenergic receptors has been shown to be associated with elevations of cytosol calcium and increased turnover of phosphatidylinositol. In white adipocytes, the only known alpha 1 adrenergic effects are inhibition of glycogen synthase and stimulation of glycogen phosphorylase via mechanisms distinct from those by which cyclic AMP produces similar end effects. In brown adipocytes, alpha 1 adrenoceptor activation stimulates respiration. Thyroid hormones primarily regulate the sensitivity of adipocytes to beta-adrenergic amines while having little effect on alpha adrenoceptor sensitivity.  相似文献   

The role of MAPKs in adipocyte differentiation and obesity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

A regulatory role for intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in adipocyte lipogenesis, lipolysis and triglyceride accumulation has been demonstrated. Compounds acting on the pancreatic sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) to increase (e.g., glibenclamide) or decrease (e.g., diazoxide) [Ca2+]i cause corresponding increases and decreases in weight gain. However, these weight gain and loss effects have been attributed to insulin release rather than to the primary effects of these compounds on the adipocyte SUR and its associated K(ATP) channel. Accordingly, we have evaluated the direct role of the human adipocyte SUR in regulating adipocyte metabolism. We used RT-PCR with primers for a highly conserved region of SUR1 to demonstrate that human adipocytes express SUR1. The PCR product was confirmed by sequence analysis and used as a probe to demonstrate adipocyte SUR1 expression by Northern blot analysis. Adipocytes exhibited glibenclamide dose-responsive (0-20 microM) increases in [Ca2+]i (P<0.05). Similarly, glibenclamide (10 microM) caused a 67% increase in adipocyte fatty acid synthase activity (P<0.001), a 48% increase in glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (P<0.01) and a 68% inhibition in lipolysis (P<0.01), whereas diazoxide (10 microM) completely prevented each of these effects. These data demonstrate that human adipocytes express a SUR that regulates [Ca2+]i and, consequently, exerts coordinate control over lipogenesis and lipolysis. Accordingly, the adipocyte SUR1 may represent an important target for the development of therapeutic interventions in obesity.  相似文献   

Presently an insufficient supply of long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acid is prevalent in Western populations leading to potential metabolic consequences. Based on this fact, this study deals mainly with various aspects of lipid metabolism in second generation female omega3-depleted rats. The parametrial fat and body weights were higher in omega3-depleted than control animals. This coincided with liver steatosis but did not alter heart triglyceride/phospholipid ratio. The net uptake of [U-14C] palmitate by adipocytes was also higher in omega3-depleted rats than in control animals. The uptake of D-[U- 4C] glucose or [1,2 (-14)C] acetate by adipocytes was lower, however in omega3-depleted than control animals and was unaffected by insulin in the former as distinct from latter animals. Despite comparable basal lipolysis, the increase in glycerol output from adipocytes provoked by theophylline was higher in omega3-depleted than control rats. The fatty acid pattern of lipids in adipose tissue was characterized in the omega3-depleted rats by a much lower omega3 content, higher apparent Delta 9-saturase and elongase activities, lower efficiency for the conversion of C18:2omega6 to C20:4omega6 and higher efficiency for the conversion of C18:3omega3 to C20:5omega3. These features were compared to those prevailing in liver and plasma lipids. The present study thus extends knowledge on the alteration of lipid metabolism resulting from a deficiency in long-chain polyunsaturated omega3 fatty acids.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) transfers cholesteryl ester (CE) and triglyceride (TG) between lipoproteins in plasma. However, short term suppression of CETP biosynthesis in cells alters cellular cholesterol homeostasis, demonstrating an intracellular role for CETP as well. The consequences of chronic CETP deficiency in lipid-storing cells normally expressing CETP have not been reported. Here, SW872 adipocytes stably expressing antisense CETP cDNA and synthesizing 20% of normal CETP were created. CETP-deficient cells had 4-fold more CE but an approximately 3-fold decrease in cholesterol biosynthesis. This phenotype of cholesterol overload is consistent with the observed 45% reduction in low density lipoprotein receptor and 2.5-fold increase in ABCA1 levels. However, cholesterol mass in CETP-deficient adipocytes was actually reduced. Strikingly, CETP-deficient adipocytes stored <50% of normal TG, principally reflecting reduced synthesis. The hydrolysis of cellular CE and TG in CETP-deficient cells was reduced by >50%, although hydrolase/lipase activity was increased 3-fold. Notably, the incorporation of recently synthesized CE and TG into lipid storage droplets in CETP-deficient cells was just 40% of control, suggesting that these lipids are inefficiently transported to droplets where the hydrolase/lipase resides. The capacity of cellular CETP to transport CE and TG into storage droplets was directly demonstrated in vitro. Overall, chronic CETP deficiency disrupts lipid homeostasis and compromises the TG storage function of adipocytes. Inefficient CETP-mediated translocation of CE and TG from the endoplasmic reticulum to their site of storage may partially explain these defects. These studies in adipocytic cells strongly support a novel role for CETP in intracellular lipid transport and storage.  相似文献   

The extracellular domain of the 55-kDa TNF receptor (rsTNFR beta) has been expressed as a secreted protein in baculovirus-infected insect cells and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)/dhfr- cells. A chimeric fusion protein (rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3) constructed by inserting the extracellular part of the receptor in front of the hinge region of the human IgG C gamma 3 chain has been expressed in mouse myeloma cells. The recombinant receptor proteins were purified from transfected cell culture supernatants by TNF alpha- or protein G affinity chromatography and gel filtration. In a solid phase binding assay rsTNFR beta was found to bind TNF alpha with high affinity comparable with the membrane-bound full-length receptor. The affinity for TNF beta was slightly impaired. However, the bivalent rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 fusion protein bound both ligands with a significantly higher affinity than monovalent rsTNFR beta reflecting most likely an increased avidity of the bivalent construct. A molecular mass of about 140 kDa for both rsTNFR beta.TNF alpha and rsTNFR beta.TNF beta complexes was determined in analytical ultracentrifugation studies strongly suggesting a stoichiometry of three rsTNFR beta molecules bound to one TNF alpha or TNF beta trimer. Sedimentation velocity and quasielastic light scattering measurements indicated an extended structure for rsTNFR beta and its TNF alpha and TNF beta complexes. Multiple receptor binding sites on TNF alpha trimers could also be demonstrated by a TNF alpha-induced agglutination of Latex beads coated with the rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 fusion protein. Both rsTNFR beta and rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 were found to inhibit binding of TNF alpha and TNF beta to native 55- and 75-kDa TNF receptors and to prevent TNF alpha and TNF beta bioactivity in a cellular cytotoxicity assay. Concentrations of rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 equimolar to TNF alpha were sufficient to neutralize TNF activity almost completely, whereas a 10-100-fold excess of rsTNFR beta was needed for similar inhibitory effects. In view of their potent TNF antagonizing activity, recombinant soluble TNF receptor fragments might be useful as therapeutic agents in TNF-mediated disorders.  相似文献   

X Z Su  D D Morris  R A McGraw 《Gene》1991,107(2):319-321
We report the molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the equine gene encoding tumor necrosis factor alpha. The 2610-bp genomic sequence was derived from three overlapping polymerase chain reaction products.  相似文献   

The incorporation of long-chain fatty acids into phospholipids has been detected in adipocyte ghosts that were incubated with [1-14 C] stearic, [1-14 C] linoleic or [1-14 C] arachidonic acid. Adrenaline and adenosine activated this incorporation within 15 s of exposure of the ghosts to the hormones and the response was dose dependent. Maximum incorporation of labelled linoleic acid occurred at 10(-5) M adrenaline and 10(-7) M adenosine. The alpha-agonist phenylephrine and the beta-agonist isoproterenol were also shown to stimulate the incorporation of fatty acid in a dose dependent manner. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol were each labelled preferentially with linoleic or arachidonic acid. p-Bromophenacylbromide, quinacrine and centrophenoxine inhibited the adrenaline-stimulated incorporation of fatty acids into ghost membrane phospholipids, and p-bromophenacylbromide also reduced the activation of adenylate cyclase by adrenaline. NaF, an activator of adenylate cyclase, like adrenaline, stimulated the incorporation of linoleic acid into ghost membrane phospholipids.  相似文献   

During the course of differentiation of preadipocytes into adipocytes, several differentiation-linked genes are activated synchronously with morphological changes. To follow this process we have used 3T3-F442A cells, known to undergo adipocyte conversion with high frequency. Accumulation of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm constitutes an easily visualized sign of the terminally differentiated phenotype. In this report we demonstrate that expression of the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) is an important factor in determining the ability to accumulate lipid droplets in terminally differentiated adipocytes. In one experiment we can suppress C/EBP expression through administration of hydrocortisone to differentiating 3T3-F442A cells, which is accompanied by an inability of the cells to accumulate lipid. In another experiment a C/EBP antisense expression vector has been stably introduced into 3T3-F442A cells and as compared with control cells, a 62% decrease of C/EBP mRNA (p less than 0.01) is demonstrated. This decrease of C/EBP mRNA is accompanied by a change in cellular morphology characterized by a reduced ability to form lipid droplets. We can also demonstrate a correlation between the degree of reduction of C/EBP mRNA and the amount of lipid present in the cells. These findings strongly support the view that C/EBP is a necessary component of terminal adipocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is a critical exchange center for complex energy transactions involving triacylglycerol storage and release. It also has an active endocrine role, releasing various adipose-derived cytokines (adipokines) that participate in complex pathways to maintain metabolic and vascular health. Here, we found D-dopachrome tautomerase (DDT) as an adipokine secreted from human adipocytes by a proteomic approach. DDT mRNA levels in human adipocytes were negatively correlated with obesity-related clinical parameters such as BMI, and visceral and subcutaneous fat areas. Experiments using SGBS cells, a human preadipocyte cell line, revealed that DDT mRNA levels were increased in an adipocyte differentiation-dependent manner and DDT was secreted from adipocytes. In DDT knockdown adipocytes differentiated from SGBS cells that were infected with the adenovirus expressing shRNA against the DDT gene, mRNA levels of genes involved in both lipolysis and lipogenesis were slightly but significantly increased. Furthermore, we investigated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling, which phosphorylates and inactivates enzymes involved in lipid metabolism, including hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), in DDT knockdown adipocytes. The AMPK phosphorylation of HSL Ser-565 and ACC Ser-79 was inhibited in DDT knockdown cells and recovered in the cells treated with recombinant DDT (rDDT), suggesting that down-regulated DDT in adipocytes brings about a state of active lipid metabolism. Furthermore, administration of rDDT in db/db mice improved glucose intolerance and decreased serum free fatty acids levels. In the adipose tissue from rDDT-treated db/db mice, not only increased levels of HSL phosphorylated by AMPK, but also decreased levels of HSL phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates HSL to promote its activity, were observed. These results suggested that DDT acts on adipocytes to regulate lipid metabolism through AMPK and/or PKA pathway(s) and improves glucose intolerance caused by obesity.  相似文献   

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