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Capsule Timing of breeding influenced wing-length at fledging, and egg size may be an indicator of fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks.

Aims To investigate chick growth, temporal patterns of chick food provisioning and the importance of indices of parental condition or quality, egg size and hatching date, to predict nestling body mass and wing-length at fledging, and compare breeding and chick feeding characteristics between colonies in the northeast Atlantic.

Methods A survey of Cory's Shearwater nests was carried out at Vila islet. A sample of 52 chicks, ringed and weighed at hatching, was selected to study chick growth and food provisioning.

Results Hatching success (51%) was much lower than fledging success (87%). Both hatching date and egg size contributed to explain wing-length at fledging, but hatching date, which was negatively correlated with wing-length at fledging, had the most important contribution (22%). There was some indication that egg size may explain variation in fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks. Food delivery and feeding frequency of chicks varied throughout the chick development stage and three phases were distinguished: (1) 0–29 days, the highest feeding frequency values and a linear increase in food delivery; (2) 30–69 days, an oscillation in food delivery and medium feeding frequencies; (3) 70–90+ days, a sharp decrease in both food delivery and feeding frequency.

Conclusion Variation in food availability did not seem sufficient to override the overall importance of indices of parental quality in determining reproductive measures and chick provisioning. Breeding and feeding characteristics were similar between colonies in the northeast Atlantic, with variability in chick provisioning higher further south.  相似文献   

An inverse relationship between larval density and adult body size has been reported for several mosquito species, affecting their survival and vector competence, response to repellents and other factors. Larvae of the floodwater mosquito Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus (Macquart) (Diptera: Culicidae) develop quickly in temporary pools, so intraspecific competition (for food or space) might regulate population abundance and affect the size of adult mosquitoes. We investigated the temporal variation of adult female wing-length (an index of body-size) in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus, using adults collected during each phase of the rainy season. The relationships between adult mosquito abundance, female wing-length, rainfall and temperature were analysed through simple regressions. Skewness of the frequency distribution of wing-lengths showed a strong negative relationship with mean wing-length. The distribution of wing-lengths varied seasonally and was correlated with rainfall 7-15 days previously as the major consequence of breeding site volume. Thus temporal variation of body size in natural populations of Ae. albifasciatus reflected density-dependent changes in the aquatic habitat where immature stages develop, influenced more by rainfall than by temperature or other environmental variables.  相似文献   

Lord  Medway 《Ibis》1970,112(2):184-198
Wintering Brown Shrikes frequent open lowland country, a habitat that is largely man-made in Malaya. Individuals are sedentary during the winter season, each occupying a restricted area and exhibiting territorial behaviour. The earliest observations each year in different parts of Southeast Asia indicate that the southward migratory journey is relatively rapid. In Malaya, migrants arrive from the first week of September to the third week of October. At a lowland netting station during 1964–68 a major part of the total catch was taken in the months of September and October. Only a small proportion of these early shrikes wintered in the netting area. No distant recoveries were reported, and the subsequent movements of birds that were not retrapped are unknown. Shrikes netted in September—October comprised 29% adults, 54% full grown (i.e. immatures plus poorly—characterized adults), and 17% juveniles. The mean wing-length was significantly longer among adults than among both other classes, which did not differ significantly. During the winter, all ages showed a progressive decline in wing-length until the flight feathers were renewed in a premigratory moult falling in February—early April. Moult recorded in four Brown Shrikes taken in October-November is interpreted as the completion of a post-nuptial moult, commenced on the breeding grounds before autumn migration. In April, after the premigratory moult, confirmed adults constituted 70% of the total trapped and apparent immatures 30%. The mean weight of September birds was lower than any other month except November. The low weight in November is partly correlated with the shorter mean wing-length of the sample; it may also reflect the seasonally unfavourable weather of this month. The mean weight in February was high, although all birds were moulting; the weather in this month is typically hot and dry. Highest weights were recorded in April, indicating the premigratory deposition of fat. Weights of birds trapped more than once at different intervals showed a small initial weight loss (2 g), followed by a recovery within four days and no long-term adverse effects. A comparison of September weights in Taiwan and Malaya provides a tentative basis for the calculation of fat reserves utilized on the migratory flight. The proportion of returns after one year was 11%, and after two years 1 % only. Most returning birds were present in the netting area during the latter part of the winter of initial ringing; it is suggested tentatively that imprinting of the wintering grounds may occur during this period. Ecologically in Malaya the Brown Shrike occupies a new habitat only gradually being filled by the resident Rufous-backed Shrike. There is no evidence of interaction between the two species.  相似文献   

DIETER RINKE 《Ibis》1989,131(2):238-249
On Eua, Red Shining Parrots Prosopeia tabuensis breed in the cool and dry season, i.e. from May to October. Climate is the main factor timing the breeding season, which gives additional evidence for an assumed origin of the genus from temperate regions. Two or three eggs are laid in cavities of forest trees; the incubation time is about 24 days. Only females were observed brooding and feeding the young. Nestlings were fed three times a day independently of age. Single nestlings and older siblings received almost twice as much food per feeding as younger siblings. Growth constants are presented for weight, the width of the upper mandible, and wing-length. The fledging age is reached after 7 weeks but none of the observed nests fledged young due to predation by man. Breeding success was calculated at more than 50% for those nestlings that would have fledged without human interference. The reproductive biology of the Red Shining Parrot does not, apparently, show island-specific adaptations such as a reduced clutch-size or a prolonged nestling period.  相似文献   

D. M. BRYANT 《Ibis》1978,120(3):271-283
Growth of nestling House Martins was studied in relation to (a) conditions in the external environment and (b) aspects of their breeding biology. The dependence of growth performance on (1) hatchling weights, (2) relative difference in hatchling weights within broods, (3) brood size,(4) season, (5) earliness of breeding in relation to other pairs in the colony, (6) timing of breeding in relation to the median breeding week of the colony and (7) aerial food abundance, was investigated by step-down multiple regression analysis. Up to the stage of the peak brood weight, early laying, small brood sizes and high hatchling weights were associated with higher nestling growth rates. Large relative differences in hatchling weights however tended to depress mean brood weights and increase weight differences (= size hierarchies) within broods. These differences in hatchling weights were considered to contribute significantly to 23% of all nestling deaths, because small, late hatching nestlings suffered very high mortality even when food was abundant. The nestlings which died showed a progressive reduction on growth rates and all succumbed before the 11th nestling day. Because these differences in hatchling weights can be linked to the food supply during laying rather than immediately prior to their death, it is considered that the mortality of these nestlings can ultimately be attributed to the low quality of eggs from which they hatched. There was a tendency for pre-hatching factors to diminish in importance throughout growth, while post-hatching factors increased in importance and, with one exception, were responsible for explaining all the significant variance in the growth characteristics of fledglings. The exception was that differences in wing-lengths in broods could be linked with weight differences at hatching. Food shortages lowered average brood weights prior to fledging. Because pairs breeding during the median breeding week had lighter young, it was inferred that competition for food during this peak of breeding activity had the effect of lowering nestling growth performance, although the overall effect was considered to be small. Early breeding pairs tended to have larger broods, and these large broods showed a lowered growth performance. However, early breeding pairs had relatively smaller weight and wing-length differences, in broods of a given size, than occurred in broods of late breeders. It was therefore concluded that early breeding pairs had some attribute which tended to minimize certain disadvantages of large broods. This effect appeared to be linked to the pair, rather than to season or food supply.  相似文献   

The growth and development of the endangered Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis) was monitored in a captive population at Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia. Video surveillance confirmed that the gestation period for this species was 16 days. Morphometric data and developmental milestones were recorded from 10 Mahogany Gliders from birth to weaning. Growth curves were developed for head length, ulna length, tail length, and body weight. Weekly inspections of female pouches revealed the young's eyelid margins were visible by Day 21, the first hair erupted on the bridge of the nose at Day 30, pigmentation of the body developed at Day 63, and they started detaching from the teat intermittently, and the body was covered in short fur by Day 70. The young were left in the nest alone from Days 84 to 87, their eyes opened between Days 84 and 94, and there was a rapid increase in length and density of fur from Day 98 onwards. At Days 101 to 105 of age the young left the nest box with its mother as back young. Weaning occurred from 184 to 187 days. Typically, the reproductive rate was two young per annum per pair, but one pair produced five young in 19 months. Females produced young from 12 months to 7 years of age, males up to 9.4 years of age. The average longevity of Mahogany Gliders in the studbook in 2018 was 11.6 years. This study provides data on the reproductive biology of the Mahogany Glider that will assist in its captive breeding, management, and conservation.  相似文献   

Data on growth of nestling Hamerkops Scopus umbretta were analysed with respect to year and season of hatching and to hatch sequence. Quantitative growth characters included weight, culmen, tarsus, tail, third outermost primary quill, standard wing-length and wing span. The growth constant K of weight was 0·179 and time t10t90 was 21·8 days. Least-squares analyses showed differences in weight gain, culmen-length and tarsus-length related to year and month but not to sequence of hatching. Predictive equations for character against age are provided for all linear measurements. Characters which attained apparent asymptotes before fledging were weight and culmen and tarsus-length whilst other characters varied between 80 and 90% of reported adult size. Qualitative indications of growth discussed are crest development, colouration and the disappearance of the egg-tooth. The rainy and post-rains seasons appear to offer the Hamerkop the best chances of successful breeding and maximum growth rates.  相似文献   

Charles van Riper  III 《Ibis》1980,122(4):462-475
The behavioural ecology and breeding biology of the endangered Palila Psittirostra bailleui was studied from 1971 to 1975. The most intensive breeding occurred from June to August, and coincided with peak production of mamane Sophora chrysophylla seeds, the bir?s major food source. The Palila was able to make adjustments in its breeding to compensate for yearly differentiation in the timing and abundance of this food supply. Sexual chasing and courtship feeding were the most frequently encountered pre-nesting behaviours. Territory was a mate-defended area, which later in the nesting sequence was confined to the nest site. A total of 26 nests was found; most were placed on larger branches of mamane trees. Nest construction occurred primarily in the morning hours and lasted up to 20 days. Both sexes took part in nest construction, albeit the male role was minimal. Unless the nest was placed in the terminal fork of a tree, it usually contained a large stick base. The modal clutch size was two; eggs were laid early in the morning and in all cases one per day. Incubation sometimes began with the first egg and lasted 15–16 days. Only the female incubated, and she covered the eggs for about 75% of the daylight hours and throughout the night. Egg hatching was asynchronous, with the first young emerging early in the morning and the second not until later that same day. Only the female brooded, and the rate declined until day 15 when essentially it stopped. Both parents fed the young by regurgitation, and the number of feedings per hour decreased slightly over the nestling period. It is thought that insects and finely masticated plant material formed the bulk of the nestling diet until about day 5 when mamane seeds became important. Helpers were found at one nest. Young developed slowly and did not leave the nest until 21–27 days old. It is believed that these prolonged nestling periods were able to evolve because of the (former) absence of ground predators. After fledging, young remained with their parents for at least 30 days. Productivity was regulated by small clutch size, low population numbers and by the length of an individual nesting sequence (in that a pair could potentially raise only one brood each year). The primary reason for the endangered status of this bird appears to be the effect of habitat alteration upon a specialist, coupled with the fact that the small effective breeding population and low dis-persability of the species may have resulted in decreased genetic fitness.  相似文献   

D. J. Pearson 《Ibis》1971,113(2):173-185
Between March 1966 and May 1968 Palaearctic passerines were mist-netted in thick bush and lightly wooded savannah habitats near Kampala, on the northern shore of Lake Victoria. This paper reports weights of the seven principal species involved. Most migrants appeared to be in a lean condition during the winter months, when weights were relatively low and varied little in each species. Birds were not particularly light on arrival. In fact, autumn Garden Warblers Sylvia borin and Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus were sometimes markedly heavy, and for the former species there was some evidence that the individuals concerned were passage migrants. Autumn weights of Swallows Hirundo rustica, Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava were similar to those recorded in winter. The mean weight of all species rose during late March or early April. Although most Garden Warblers and Willow Warblers trapped at the time of spring migration were within the normal winter weight range, many Acrocephalus warblers and the majority of Sand Martins Riparia riparia and Yellow Wagtails were rather heavy. Spring weights 40% or more above mean winter weight were not uncommon in the Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, but were recorded only occasionally in other species. Although most passerine migrants evidently left Kampala with substantial fat reserves, it was concluded that a considerable number of warblers departed at rather low weight. High spring weights were mainly confined to a period of two or three weeks in each of the warbler species. Locally wintering Acrocephalus warblers must have attained full premigratory weights within three weeks, and a number of spring retraps showed substantial gains at minimum mean rates of between 0–1 and 0–35 g per day. Most heavy Garden Warblers were probably on passage. Significant correlations between weight and wing-length were obtained for all species investigated, regressions of weight on wing-length being in the range 011-0-25 g/mm. Spring weights are briefly compared with data from Nigeria, and the northward migration of passerines from Lake Victoria is discussed.  相似文献   

Wood storks (Mycteria americana) are endangered throughout their breeding range in the United States. Because of this, researchers have had little opportunity to thoroughly examine the continental wood stork population for endoparasites. The blood protozoan Haemoproteus crumenium has been identified from several populations of wood storks in North America. However, there have been no reports of wood storks being infected with species of Plasmodium or Leucocytozoon. During 2003, 42 nestling wood storks were captured at sites in Georgia and 27 free-ranging wood storks were captured at postbreeding dispersal sites in Mississippi and Louisiana. Two thin blood smears were made from each bird, and they were examined for parasites. Haemoproteus crumenium was found in 5 wood storks (7.2%), whereas Leucocytozoon sp., Plasmodium sp., and microfilariae were not observed. Mean intensity of H. crumenium was 4.4 +/- 0.7 (SE) per 2,000 erythrocytes counted. All infected wood storks were subadult or adult and were from postbreeding dispersal sites in Mississippi.  相似文献   

The maturation and growth pattern of the fluvial eight-barbel loach Lefua sp. (Japanese name: nagare-hotoke-dojo), an endangered species, was investigated using an individual identification-recapture method from 1995 to 1998 in an upper reach of a headwater tributary of the Kako River, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Based on observations of the gonads through the abdominal skin, the loach was estimated to breed mostly from May to July. All the males matured by age 1+, and all the females matured by age 2+. Gamete release in all individuals of both males and females was predicted from recaptured loaches during each breeding season. The standard length of mature females was significantly larger than that of males, showing sexual size dimorphism (SSD). The maximum sizes recorded were 75.4 mm SL for females and 61.2 mm SL for males. Both males and females of immature specimens grew mainly from May to November, including the breeding season, with no significant differences in growth rates between them. After sexual maturity, both males and females grew mainly from July to October (or November), after the breeding season, and the females exhibited higher growth rates than males. Therefore, SSD of the species seems to be attributable to the different growth rates after maturity. The longevity of the loach was estimated to exceed ten years based on individual growth patterns of various sizes during the survey period. It is likely that the loach has an iteroparous life history, breeding every year, and moderate growth rates after maturity.  相似文献   

During late May 1995, 50 adult captive endangered Wyoming toads (Bufo baxteri) were brought out of hibernation. Approximately 3 to 10 days after hibernation emergence, all toads were hormonally induced to breed, and paired. Each pair was placed in their own breeding tank. Four toads developed clinical signs of disease which included lethargy and multiple (4 to 12) small (2 mm) raised hyperemic nodules with white fuzzy caps on the ventral skin. The condition progressively worsened until death occurred, within 3 to 6 days. Mycotic dermatitis caused by Mucor sp. was diagnosed in the four toads through histology and isolation of the organism. This is the first case report of a Mucor sp. causing a fatal dermatitis in an amphibian without significant inflammatory response and without systemic involvement.  相似文献   

Ladigesocypris ghigii (Gianferrari, 1927), commonly called gizani, is an endangered freshwater fish endemic to the Greek island of Rhodes. The spawning behaviour of gizani was studied in aquaria, to develop an artificial breeding technique for this endangered species. Spawning in captivity was recorded over 41 spawning days between 15 February and 14 July 2001, under constant temperature (18 or 21°C) and photoperiod 14L/10D. The number of spawning acts in a day was 82 ± 28. No aggressiveness and no territoriality were developed. The mating system of the fish was polygamous, with females spawning more than once. In captivity, eggs are laid either on aquatic plants or on gravel, while in nature fish spawn mainly on algae and plants. The latter suggests that, as far as breeding substrate is concerned, gizani is an opportunistic species using different substrates when necessary.  相似文献   

In the dance-fly Empis borealis (Diptera, Empididae), females form swarms to which males, carrying a nuptial gift, come for mating. We examined whether males or females were choosy and/or competed for mates. First, measurements of the size relationships between copulating males and females, nuptial gifts and the swarming females from different swarms were assessed. Second, male visiting time in differently sized female swarms was recorded. Larger (wing-length) females participated disproportionately in copulations in each swarm, but not for the population at large. Female mating status (virgin/non-virgin) or proximity to oviposition (egg size) did not influence the likelihood of copulation. No assortative mating pattern was found: male size and size of nuptial gift did not correlate with size of the mating female. The time spent by males in swarms increased with the number of females present and it took longer when males left a swarm without copulation than when doing so. Male visiting time per female was negatively correlated with number of females in swarms. Males more often left smaller than larger swarms without mating. We conclude that E. borealis males discriminate among females but find no evidence for male competition or for female choice. It is still a question to what degree females compete for males.  相似文献   

In Africa, birds inhabiting forested regions are less seasonal in their activities than those from open areas. In order to study annual cycles in forest regions of South western Nigeria, West African Thrushes (Turdus pelios) were mist-netted and banded during the last two weeks of each month. The nest is a cup-shaped structure built out of grasses, herbs, weeds, roots and earth laid out in a clockwise manner. Only the nesting tree and feeding sites were defended during the breeding period. The clutch size was 2.69 +/- 0.20 eggs with a mean incubation period of 14.11 +/- 0.26 days. The mean nestling period was 15 +/- 1.00 days. The nestlings were fed on a variety of plant and animal matter, of which grass seeds and insects were predominant. Moult was found to be protracted with a population moult period of 194 days and a much shorter individual moult period. Moult and breeding periods were spread out: moult period dovetailed into the breeding period. The birds were found to gain weight during the period but they attained their maximum weight in August after the moult period. The lowest weight was recorded in February, during the peak of the dry season, when food availability was lower.  相似文献   

Native and exotic fishes were collected from 29 sites across coastal and inland New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, using a range of techniques, to infer the distribution of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) and the host species in which it occurs. The distribution of B. acheilognathi was determined by that of its principal host, carp, Cyprinus carpio; it did not occur at sites where carp were not present. The parasite was recorded from all native fish species where the sample size exceeded 30 and which were collected sympatrically with carp: Hypseleotris klunzingeri, Hypseleotris sp. 4, Hypseleotris sp. 5, Phylipnodon grandiceps and Retropinna semoni. Bothriocephalus acheilognathi was also recorded from the exotic fishes Gambusia holbrooki and Carassius auratus. Hypseleotris sp. 4, Hypseleotris sp. 5, P. grandiceps, R. semoni and C. auratus are new host records. The parasite was not recorded from any sites in coastal drainages. The only carp population examined from a coastal drainage (Albert River, south-east Queensland) was also free of infection; those fish had a parasite fauna distinct from that of carp in inland drainages and may represent a separate introduction event. Bothriocephalus acheilognathi has apparently spread along with its carp hosts and is so far restricted to the Murray-Darling Basin. The low host specificity of this parasite is cause for concern given the threatened or endangered nature of some Australian native freshwater fish species. A revised list of definitive hosts of B. acheilognathiis presented.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of adult body size on the pre-gravid state and fecundity was studied in Anopheles gambiae Giles females hand-caught inside houses and virgin females collected as pupae in Tanzania. Blood-fed mosquitoes were kept for 2-3 days before dissection and examination for insemination and ovarian condition. Those females which did not develop eggs were classified as pre-gravid. The number of mature eggs in those mosquitoes which became gravid was counted. Virgin females were fed and kept for egg maturation in the laboratory. Wing-length of females was measured as an index of mosquito size. The overall pre-gravid rate in the resting An. gambiae population was found to be 21% and, of these, 66% had been inseminated. In the virgin females the pre-gravid rate was 92.6%. The mean wing-length of wild females which became gravid was significantly larger than those which remained pre-gravid. There was a positive correlation between fecundity and wing-length. Smaller females tended to require two or three bloodmeals to facilitate completion of the first gonotrophic cycle. The critical size permitting oviposition from the first blood-meal was a wing-length of 3 mm.  相似文献   

对分布于吉林白城地区草原生境中栗斑腹巫鸟的窝卵数、营巢成功率和繁殖成功率的初步研究结果表明 ,繁殖期栗斑腹巫鸟种群的平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 ;窝卵数与产卵期、出巢数与产卵期、窝卵数与卵大小之间呈负相关 ,产卵期与孵化率之间存在极显著的负相关关系 ,巢外径与窝卵数之间存在显著的正相关关系 ,巢的其余指标均与窝卵数呈正相关 ;平均孵化期为 12± 0 .4 9d ,孵化率为 36 .3% ,繁殖成功率为 11.11% ;7日龄以上的雏鸟群体大小为 2 .5 6± 1.5 3只 ,栗斑腹巫鸟的雏鸟存活率为 2 7.6 9% .  相似文献   

Data on growth of nestling Hamerkops Scopus umbretto were analysed with respect to year and season of hatching and to hatch sequence. Quantitative growth characters included weight, culmen, tarsus, tail, third outermost primary quill, standard wing-length and wing span. The growth constant K of weight was 0.179 and time t10-t90 was 21.8 days. Least-squares analyses showed differences in weight gain, culmenlength and tarsus-length related to year and month but not to sequence of hatching. Predictive equations for character against age are provided for all linear measurements. Characters which attained apparent asymptotes before fledging were weight and culmen and tarsus-length whilst other characters varied between 80 and 90% of reported adult size. Qualitative indications of growth discussed are crest development, colouration and the disappearance of the egg-tooth. The rainy and post-rains seasons appear to offer the Hamerkop the best chances of successful breeding and maximum growth rates.  相似文献   

The southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) is a seasonal breeding, burrowing marsupial adapted to a semi-arid environment and the closest relative of the endangered northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii). Females typically give birth to one to two young every 3 years with young weaned at 360-400 days. This study examined the occurrence of polyoestry in a wild population of southern hairy-nosed wombats, and in particular the ability of this species to produce additional offspring in the same breeding season if a young was prematurely lost or removed. Pouch young were removed during the breeding seasons of 1996/1997 and 2003. No females from the 1996 (n=3)/1997 (n=3) group gave birth to a second pouch young in the same breeding season. However, two females in this group gave birth to young the following season. In contrast, all the 2003 group of females (n=6) produced a second offspring in the same breeding season after removal of pouch young (RPY). The reason for the different response to RPY between the two groups is unknown. These studies confirm that southern hairy-nosed wombats are polyoestrus in the wild and are capable of producing more than one offspring in a single breeding season. Females that failed to return to oestrus in the breeding season that pouch young were removed bred again in the following season. Rapid replacement of southern hairy-nosed wombat pouch young in the same breeding season as RPY suggests that this procedure, linked to either hand-rearing or interspecific cross-fostering, should be seriously considered as a priority conservation action to increase the population size of the critically endangered sister species, the northern hairy-nosed wombat.  相似文献   

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