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Kikushima K  Yagi T  Kamiya R 《FEBS letters》2004,563(1-3):119-122
Dynein has four nucleotide binding sites, of which the functional significance is unknown except for the single catalytic site. To obtain clues to the function of non-catalytic nucleotide binding, we examined the effect of ADP on the in vitro motility of Chlamydomonas inner-arm dynein species 'a'. Upon continuous perfusion with ATP and ADP, microtubules glided on a dynein-coated glass surface with a velocity that gradually increased over a few minutes. The velocity increased faster at higher ADP concentrations. These results suggest that this dynein is activated by nucleotide binding to regulatory site(s) through an extremely slow process.  相似文献   

Flagellar dynein generates forces that produce relative shearing between doublet microtubules in the axoneme; this drives propagated bending of flagella and cilia. To better understand dynein's role in coordinated flagellar and ciliary motion, we have developed an in situ assay in which polymerized single microtubules glide along doublet microtubules extruded from disintegrated bovine sperm flagella at a pH of 7.8. The exposed, active dynein remain attached to their respective doublet microtubules, allowing gliding of individual microtubules to be observed in an environment that allows direct control of chemical conditions. In the presence of ATP, translocation of microtubules by dynein exhibits Michaelis-Menten type kinetics, with V(max) = 4.7 +/- 0.2 microm/s and K(m) = 124 +/- 11 microM. The character of microtubule translocation is variable, including smooth gliding, stuttered motility, oscillations, buckling, complete dissociation from the doublet microtubule, and occasionally movements reversed from the physiologic direction. The gliding velocity is independent of the number of dynein motors present along the doublet microtubule, and shows no indication of increased activity due to ADP regulation. These results reveal fundamental properties underlying cooperative dynein activity in flagella, differences between mammalian and non-mammalian flagellar dynein, and establish the use of natural tracks of dynein arranged in situ on the doublet microtubules of bovine sperm as a system to explore the mechanics of the dynein-microtubule interactions in mammalian flagella.  相似文献   

The ATPase (EC activity of 30 S dynein from Tetrahymena cilia was remarkably stimulated by porcine brain tubulin at pH 10. The activity increased with increasing concentration of tubulin until the molar ratio of tubulin dimer to 30 S dynein reached approx. 10. The optimum of the ATPase activity of 30 S dynein in the presence of tubulin was 1-2 mM for MgCl2 and 2 mM for CaCl2. Increasing ionic strength gradually inhibited the stimulation effects of tubulin. Activation energies of 30 S dynein in the presence and absence of tubulin were almost the same. At the temperatures beyond 25 degrees C stimulation effects of tubulin disappeared. ATP was a specific substrate even in the presence of tubulin. In kinetic investigations parallel reciprocal plots were observed in a constant ratio of divalent cations to ATP of 2, indicating that tubulin was less tightly bound to 30 S dynein in the presence of ATP than the absence. The similar results were obtained at pH 8.2. 14 S dynein and the 12 S fragment which have poor ability to recombine with outer fibers were also activated with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

This study considers the mechanism by which ODA based sliding is produced and the relationship of that mechanism to the determination of beat frequency. Two models of activity have been examined: a stochastic model, where ODA activity is random and a metachronal model, where activity is sequentially triggered along a doublet. Inactivation of a few ODAs would have virtually no effect on stochastic activity, but would completely block metachronal activity. We (Seetharam and Satir [2005]: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 60:96-103) previously demonstrated that ODAs produce high speed sliding of about 200 mum/s, followed by a pause. IDAs produce slow, 5 mum/s, continuous sliding. We have examined the effects of nM concentrations of vanadate on sliding, measuring velocity and extent of high speed sliding and pause distribution or sliding cessation. In 5 nM vanadate, where photocleavage experiments show about 16/270 ODAs per doublet are affected, no differences from control are seen, but at 10 and 25 nM vanadate, high speed velocity is greatly reduced and pause distribution changes. The results support a model, in which high speed sliding is produced by metachronal activity. Blockage of two or more heavy chains of one ODA or a small group of adjacent ODAs produces cessation of sliding, but cessation is only temporary, probably because IDA activity continues, allowing ODA activity re-initiation beyond the block. These conclusions are consistent with Sugino and Naitoh's [1982; Nature 295:609-611] proposal, whereby during each beat, every ODA along a doublet becomes activated in succession, with repetitive activation determining beat frequency.  相似文献   

Regulation of flagellar dynein by the axonemal central apparatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous studies indicate that the central apparatus, radial spokes, and dynein regulatory complex form a signaling pathway that regulates dynein activity in eukaryotic flagella. This regulation involves the action of several kinases and phosphatases anchored to the axoneme. To further investigate the role of the central apparatus in this signaling pathway, we have taken advantage of a microtubule-sliding assay to assess dynein activity in central apparatus defective mutants of Chlamydomonas. Axonemes isolated from both pf18 and pf15 (lacking the entire central apparatus) and from pf16 (lacking the C1 central microtubule) have reduced microtubule-sliding velocity compared with wild-type axonemes. Based on functional analyses of axonemes isolated from radial spokeless mutants, we hypothesized that inhibitors of casein kinase 1 (CK1) and cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA) would rescue dynein activity and increase microtubule-sliding velocity in central pairless mutants. Treatment of axonemes isolated from both pf18 and pf16 with DRB, a CK1 inhibitor, but not with PKI, a PKA inhibitor, restored dynein activity to wild-type levels. The DRB-induced increase in dynein-driven microtubule sliding was inhibited if axonemes were first incubated with the phosphatase inhibitor, microcystin. Inhibiting CK1 in pf15 axonemes, which lack the central pair as well as PP2A [Yang et al., 2000: J. Cell Sci. 113:91-102], did not increase microtubule-sliding velocity. These data are consistent with a model in which the central apparatus, and specifically the C1 microtubule, regulate dynein through interactions with the radial spokes that ultimately alter the activity of CK1 and PP2A. These data are also consistent with localization of axonemal CK1 and PP2A near the dynein arms.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the role of the inner arms of the axoneme in sperm flagellar movement, we prepared an ATPase fraction (12S) from the outer arm-depleted axonemes of sea urchin sperm flagella. When both arm-depleted axonemes were incubated with the 12S ATPase, they exhibited the sliding disintegration of outer doublet microtubules. Electron microscopy revealed that the ATPase rebound to the original inner arm sites of the axoneme. Therefore, it is quite likely that the 12S ATPase is one of the components of the inner arms. We referred to it as "inner arm dynein".  相似文献   

Cilia/flagella are conserved organelles that generate fluid flow in eukaryotes. The bending motion of flagella requires concerted activity of dynein motors. Although it has been reported that the central pair apparatus (CP) and radial spokes (RSs) are important for flagellar motility, the molecular mechanism underlying CP- and RS-mediated dynein regulation has not been identified. In this paper, we identified nonspecific intermolecular collision between CP and RS as one of the regulatory mechanisms for flagellar motility. By combining cryoelectron tomography and motility analyses of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella, we show that binding of streptavidin to RS heads paralyzed flagella. Moreover, the motility defect in a CP projection mutant could be rescued by the addition of exogenous protein tags on RS heads. Genetic experiments demonstrated that outer dynein arms are the major downstream effectors of CP- and RS-mediated regulation of flagellar motility. These results suggest that mechanosignaling between CP and RS regulates dynein activity in eukaryotic flagella.  相似文献   

Minoru Hoshino 《BBA》1977,462(1):49-62
The ATPase (EC activity of 30 S dynein from Tetrahymena cilia was remarkably stimulated by porcine brain tubulin at pH 10. The activity increased with increasing concentration of tubulin until the molar ratio of tubulin dimer to 30 S dynein reached approx. 10. The optimum of the ATPase activity of 30 S dynein in the presence of tubulin was 1?2 mM for MgCl2 and 2 mM for CaCl2. Increasing ionic strength gradually inhibited the stimulation effects of tubulin. Activation energies of 30 S dynein in the presence and absence of tubulin were almost the same. At the temperatures beyond 25 °C stimulation effects of tubulin disappeared. ATP was a specific substrate even in the presence of tubulin. In kinetic investigations parallel reciprocal plots were observed in a constant ratio of divalent cations to ATP of 2, indicating that tubulin was less tightly bound to 30 S dynein in the presence of ATP than in the absence. The similar results were obtained at pH 8.2. 14 S dynein and the 12 S fragment which have poor ability to recombine with outer fibers were also activated with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1683-1692
Genetic, biochemical, and structural data support a model in which axonemal radial spokes regulate dynein-driven microtubule sliding in Chlamydomonas flagella. However, the molecular mechanism by which dynein activity is regulated is unknown. We describe results from three different in vitro approaches to test the hypothesis that an axonemal protein kinase inhibits dynein in spoke-deficient axonemes from Chlamydomonas flagella. First, the velocity of dynein-driven microtubule sliding in spoke-deficient mutants (pf14, pf17) was increased to wild-type level after treatment with the kinase inhibitors HA-1004 or H-7 or by the specific peptide inhibitors of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) PKI(6-22)amide or N alpha-acetyl-PKI(6-22)amide. In particular, the peptide inhibitors of cAPK were very potent, stimulating half-maximal velocity at 12-15 nM. In contrast, kinase inhibitors did not affect microtubule sliding in axonemes from wild- type cells. PKI treatment of axonemes from a double mutant missing both the radial spokes and the outer row of dynein arms (pf14pf28) also increased microtubule sliding to control (pf28) velocity. Second, addition of the type-II regulatory subunit of cAPK (RII) to spoke- deficient axonemes increased microtubule sliding to wild-type velocity. Addition of 10 microM cAMP to spokeless axonemes, reconstituted with RII, reversed the effect of RII. Third, our previous studies revealed that inner dynein arms from the Chlamydomonas mutants pf28 or pf14pf28 could be extracted in high salt buffer and subsequently reconstituted onto extracted axonemes restoring original microtubule sliding activity. Inner arm dyneins isolated from PKI-treated axonemes (mutant strain pf14pf28) generated fast microtubule sliding velocities when reconstituted onto both PKI-treated or control axonemes. In contrast, dynein from control axonemes generated slow microtubule sliding velocities on either PKI-treated or control axonemes. Together, the data indicate that an endogenous axonemal cAPK-type protein kinase inhibits dynein-driven microtubule sliding in spoke-deficient axonemes. The kinase is likely to reside in close association with its substrate(s), and the substrate targets are not exclusively localized to the central pair, radial spokes, dynein regulatory complex, or outer dynein arms. The results are consistent with a model in which the radial spokes regulate dynein activity through suppression of a cAMP- mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanochemical coupling in actomyosin energy transduction, the sliding distance of an actin filament induced by one ATP hydrolysis cycle was obtained by using an in vitro movement assay that permitted quantitative and simultaneous measurements of (1) the movements of single fluorescently labeled actin filaments on myosin bound to coverslip surfaces and (2) the ATPase rates. The sliding distance was determined as (the working stroke time in one ATPase cycle, tws) x (the filament velocity, v). tws was obtained from the ATPase turnover rate of myosin during the sliding (kt), the ATP hydrolysis time (delta t) and the ON-rate at which myosin heads enter into the working stroke state when they encounter actin (kON); tws approximately 1/kt-delta t-1/kON. kt was estimated from the ATPase rates of the myosin-coated surface during the sliding of actin filaments. delta t has been determined as less than 1/100 per second, kON was estimated by analyzing the movements of very short (40 nm) filaments. The resulting sliding distance during one ATP hydrolysis cycle near zero load was greater than 100 nm, which is about ten times longer than that expected for a single attachment-detachment cycle between an actin and a myosin head. This leads to the conclusion that the coupling between the ATPase and attachment-detachment cycles is not determined rigidly in a one-to-one fashion.  相似文献   

We present here for the first time a 3D reconstruction of in situ axonemal outer dynein arms. This reconstruction has been obtained by electron tomography applied to a series of tilted images collected from metal replicas of rapidly frozen, cryofractured, and metal-replicated sperm axonemes of the cecidomid dipteran Monarthropalpus flavus. This peculiar axonemal model consists of several microtubular laminae that proved to be particularly suitable for this type of analysis. These laminae are sufficiently planar to allow the visualization of many dynein molecules within the same fracture face, allowing us to recover a significant number of equivalent objects and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstruction by applying advanced averaging protocols. The 3D model we obtained showed the following interesting structural features: First, each dynein arm has two head domains that are almost parallel and are obliquely oriented with respect to the longitudinal axis of microtubules. The two heads are therefore positioned at different distances from the surface of the A-tubule. Second, each head domain consists of a series of globular subdomains that are positioned on the same plane. Third, a stalk domain originates as a conical region from the proximal head and ends with a small globular domain that contacts the B-tubule. Fourth, the stem region comprises several globular subdomains and presents two distinct points of anchorage to the surface of the A-tubule. Finally, and most importantly, contrary to what has been observed in isolated dynein molecules adsorbed to flat surfaces, the stalk and the stem domains are not in the same plane as the head.  相似文献   

To study dynein arm activity at high temporal resolution, axonemal sliding was measured field by field for wild type and dynein arm mutants of Tetrahymena thermophila. For wt SB255 cells, when the rate of data acquisition was 60 fps, about 5x greater than previously published observations, sliding was observed to be discontinuous with very high velocity sliding (average 196 microm/sec) for a few msec (1 or 2 fields) followed by a pause of several fields. The sliding velocities measured were an order of magnitude greater than rates previously measured by video analysis. However, when the data were analyzed at 12 fps for the same axonemes, consistent with previous observations, sliding was linear as the axonemes extended several times their original length with an average velocity of approximately 10 microm/sec. The pauses or stops occurred at approximately 200 and 300% of the initial length, suggesting that dynein arms on one axonemal doublet were initially active to the limit of extension, and then the arms on the next doublet became activated. In contrast, in a mutant where OADs are missing, sliding observed at 60 fps was continuous and slow (5 microm/sec), as opposed to the discontinuous high-velocity sliding of SB255 and of the mutant at the permissive temperature where OADs are present. High-velocity step-wise sliding was also present in axonemes from an inner arm dynein mutant (KO6). These results indicate that the high-speed discontinuous pattern of sliding is produced by the mechanochemical activity of outer arm dynein. The rate of sliding is consistent with a low duty ratio of the outer arm dynein and with the operation of each arm along a doublet once per beat.  相似文献   

Axonemal dyneins are AAA(+) enzymes that convert ATP hydrolysis to mechanical work. This leads to the sliding of doublet microtubules with respect to each other and ultimately the generation of ciliary/flagellar beating. However, in order for useful work to be generated, the action of individual dynein motors must be precisely controlled. In addition, cells modulate the motility of these organelles through a variety of second messenger systems and these signals too must be integrated by the dynein motors to yield an appropriate output. This review describes the current status of efforts to understand dynein control mechanisms and their connectivity focusing mainly on studies of the outer dynein arm from axonemes of the unicellular biflagellate green alga Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

A model for the unidirectional movement of dynein is presented based on the structuralobservations and biochemical experimental results available.In this model,the binding affinity of dynein formicrotubule (MT) is independent of its nucleotide state and the change between strong and weak MT-bindingis determined naturally by the variation of relative orientation between the stalk and MT,as the stalk rotatesfollowing nucleotide-state transition.Thus the enigmatic communication from the adenosine triphosphate(ATP)-binding site in the globular domain to the far MT-binding site in the tip of the stalk,which is aprerequisite in conventional models,is not required.Using the present model,the previous experimentalresults such as the effect of ATP and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) bindings on dissociation of dynein fromMT,the movement of single-headed axonemal dyneins at saturating ATP concentration,the load dependenceof step-size for the movement of two-headed cytoplasmic dyneins and the dependence of stall force on ATPconcentration can be well explained.  相似文献   

Motile cilia and flagella are highly conserved organelles that play important roles in human health and development. We recently discovered a calmodulin- and spoke-associ-ated complex (CSC) that is required for wild-type motility and for the stable assembly of a subset of radial spokes. Using cryo-electron tomography, we present the first structure-based localization model of the CSC. Chlamydomonas flagella have two full-length radial spokes, RS1 and RS2, and a shorter RS3 homologue, the RS3 stand-in (RS3S). Using newly developed techniques for analyzing samples with structural heterogeneity, we demonstrate that the CSC connects three major axonemal complexes involved in dynein regulation: RS2, the nexin-dynein regulatory complex (N-DRC), and RS3S. These results provide insights into how signals from the radial spokes may be transmitted to the N-DRC and ultimately to the dynein motors. Our results also indicate that although structurally very similar, RS1 and RS2 likely serve different functions in regulating flagellar motility.  相似文献   

Microtubules are under the influence of forces mediated by cytoplasmic dynein motors associated with the cell cortex. If such microtubules are free to move, they are rapidly transported inside cells. Here we directly observe fluorescent protein–labeled cortical dynein speckles and motile microtubules. We find that several dynein complex subunits, including the heavy chain, the intermediate chain, and the associated dynactin subunit Dctn1 (also known as p150glued) form spatially resolved, dynamic speckles at the cell cortex, which are preferentially associated with microtubules. Measurements of bleaching and dissociation kinetics at the cell cortex reveal that these speckles often contain multiple labeled dynein heavy-chain molecules and turn over rapidly within seconds. The dynamic behavior of microtubules, such as directional movement, bending, or rotation, is influenced by association with dynein speckles, suggesting a direct physical and functional interaction. Our results support a model in which rapid turnover of cell cortex–associated dynein complexes facilitates their search to efficiently capture and push microtubules directionally with leading plus ends.  相似文献   

Flagellar dynein activity is regulated by phosphorylation. One critical phosphoprotein substrate in Chlamydomonas is the 138-kDa intermediate chain (IC138) of the inner arm dyneins (Habermacher, G., and Sale, W. S. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 136, 167-176). In this study, several approaches were used to determine that casein kinase I (CKI) is physically anchored in the flagellar axoneme and regulates IC138 phosphorylation and dynein activity. First, using a videomicroscopic motility assay, selective CKI inhibitors rescued dynein-driven microtubule sliding in axonemes isolated from paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spokes. Rescue of dynein activity failed in axonemes isolated from these mutant cells lacking IC138. Second, CKI was unequivocally identified in salt extracts from isolated axonemes, whereas casein kinase II was excluded from the flagellar compartment. Third, Western blots indicate that within flagella, CKI is anchored exclusively to the axoneme. Analysis of multiple Chlamydomonas motility mutants suggests that the axonemal CKI is located on the outer doublet microtubules. Finally, CKI inhibitors that rescued dynein activity blocked phosphorylation of IC138. We propose that CKI is anchored on the outer doublet microtubules in position to regulate flagellar dynein.  相似文献   

The Chlamydomonas outer dynein arm contains three distinct heavy chains (alpha, beta, and gamma) that exhibit different motor properties. The LC4 protein, which binds 1-2 Ca2+ with KCa = 3 x 10-5 m, is associated with the gamma heavy chain and has been proposed to act as a sensor to regulate dynein motor function in response to alterations in intraflagellar Ca2+ levels. Here we genetically dissect the outer arm to yield subparticles containing different motor unit combinations and assess the microtubule-binding properties of these complexes both prior to and following preincubation with tubulin and ATP, which was used to inhibit ATP-insensitive (structural) microtubule binding. We observed that the alpha heavy chain exhibits a dominant Ca2+-independent ATP-sensitive MT binding activity in vitro that is inhibited by attachment of tubulin to the structural microtubule-binding domain. Furthermore, we show that ATP-sensitive microtubule binding by a dynein subparticle containing only the beta and gamma heavy chains does not occur at Ca2+ concentrations below pCa 6 but is maximally activated above pCa 5. This activity was not observed in mutant dyneins containing small deletions in the microtubule-binding region of the beta heavy chain or in dyneins that lack both the alpha heavy chain and the motor domain of the beta heavy chain. These findings strongly suggest that Ca2+ binding directly to a component of the dynein complex regulates ATP-sensitive interactions between the beta heavy chain and microtubules and lead to a model for how individual motor units are controlled within the outer dynein arm.  相似文献   

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