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Based on predictions of the structure of proteinase 3C of poliovirus, mutations have been made at residues that are supposed to constitute the catalytic triad. Wild-type and mutant 3C were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and characterized by the ability to cleave a synthetic peptide substrate or an in vitro translated polypeptide consisting of part of the polyprotein of poliovirus. Additionally, the ability of autocatalytic processing of a precursor harboring wild-type or mutant 3C sequences was tested. Single substitutions of the residues His-40, Glu-71, and Cys-147 by Tyr, Gln, and Ser, respectively, resulted in an inactive enzyme. Replacement of Asp-85 by Asn resulted in an enzyme that was as active as wild-type enzyme in trans cleavage assays but whose autoprocessing ability was impaired. Our results are consistent with the proposal that residues His-40, Glu-71, and Cys-147 constitute the catalytic triad of poliovirus 3C proteinase. Furthermore, residue Asp-85 is not required for proper proteolytic activity despite being highly conserved between different picornaviruses. This indicates that Asp-85 might be involved in a different function of 3C.  相似文献   

To generate a collection of conditionally defective poliovirus mutants, clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3D was performed. Clusters of charged residues in the polymerase coding region were replaced with alanines by deoxyoligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of a full-length poliovirus cDNA clone. Following transfection of 27 mutagenized cDNA clones, 10 (37%) gave rise to viruses with temperature-sensitive (ts) phenotypes. Three of the ts mutants displayed severe ts plaque reduction phenotypes, producing at least 10(3)-fold fewer plaques at 39.5 degrees C than at 32.5 degrees C; the other seven mutants displayed ts small-plaque phenotypes. Constant-temperature, single-cycle infections showed defects in virus yield or RNA accumulation at the nonpermissive temperature for eight stable ts mutants. In temperature shift experiments, seven of the ts mutants showed reduced accumulation of viral RNA at the nonpermissive temperature and showed no other ts defects. The mutations responsible for the phenotypes of most of these ts mutants lie in the N-terminal third of the 3D coding region, where no well-characterized mutations responsible for viable mutants had been previously identified. Clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis (S. H. Bass, M. G. Mulkerrin, and J. A. Wells, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:4498-4502, 1991; W. F. Bennett, N. F. Paoni, B. A. Keyt, D. Botstein, J. J. S. Jones, L. Presta, F. M. Wurm, and M. J. Zoller, J. Biol. Chem. 266:5191-5201, 1991; and K. F. Wertman, D. G. Drubin, and D. Botstein, Genetics 132:337-350, 1992) is designed to target residues on the surfaces of folded proteins; thus, extragenic suppression analysis of such mutant viruses may be very useful in identifying components of the viral replication complex.  相似文献   

Isolation of poliovirus 2C mutants defective in viral RNA synthesis.   总被引:29,自引:24,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
J P Li  D Baltimore 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4016-4021
Two poliovirus mutants were isolated that contain an oligonucleotide linker insertion in the 2C-coding region of the viral genome. One, 2C-31, has a strongly temperature-sensitive phenotype and the other, 2C-32, forms small plaques on HeLa cell monolayers at all temperatures. Both mutants have a severe temperature-sensitive defect in viral RNA synthesis but little effect on the types of viral protein that are made. Temperature shift experiments showed that the 2C function is continuously required for viral RNA synthesis to proceed. The 2C mutants could be complemented in trans by mutants with mutations in other viral proteins. Protein 2C is also the locus of the guanidine resistance and dependence mutants, a drug whose action also affects viral RNA synthesis. Thus, protein 2C is one that is needed continually for viral RNA synthesis and, at least with these temperature-sensitive alleles, can be provided in trans.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding the 3CD proteinase (3CDpro) of poliovirus type 2 (Sabin), the precursor to proteinase 3Cpro and RNA polymerase 3Dpol, was expressed in bacteria by using a T7 expression system. Site-specific mutagenesis of the 3C/3D cleavage site was performed to generate active proteolytic precursors impaired in their ability to process themselves to 3Cpro and 3Dpol. Of these mutations, the exchange of the Thr residue at the P4 position of the 3C/3D cleavage site for a Lys residue (3CDpro T181K) resulted in a mutant polypeptide exhibiting the smallest amount of autoprocessing. This mutant was purified to 86% homogeneity and used for subsequent proteolytic studies. Purified 3CDproM (M designates the cleavage site mutant 3CDpro T181K) was capable of cleaving the P1 capsid precursor, a peptide representing the 2BC cleavage site, and the 2BC precursor polypeptide. Purified 3CDproM demonstrated the same detergent sensitivity in processing experiments with the capsid precursor as was observed by using P1 and crude extracts of poliovirus-infected HeLa cell lysates. Purified 3CDproM did not have any detectable RNA polymerase activity, whereas 3Dpol, separated from 3CDproM by gel filtration in the last step of purification, did. We conclude that 3CDproM can process both structural and nonstructural precursors of the poliovirus polyprotein and that it is active against a synthetic peptide substrate. Moreover, cleavage of 3CD to 3Dpol is needed to activate the 3D RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Properties of poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3Dpol) including optimal conditions for primer extension, processivity and the rate of dissociation from primer-template (koff) were examined in the presence and absence of viral protein 3AB. Primer-dependent polymerization was examined on templates of 407 or 1499 nt primed such that fully extended products would be 296 or 1388 nt, respectively. Maximal primer extension was achieved with low rNTP concentrations (50–100 µM) using pH 7 and low (<1 mM) MgCl2 and KCl (<20 mM) concentrations. However, high activity (about half maximal) was also observed with 500 µM rNTPs providing that higher MgCl2 levels (3–5 mM) were used. The enhancement observed with the former conditions appeared to result from a large increase in the initial level or active enzyme that associated with the primer. 3AB increased the number of extended primers at all conditions with no apparent change in processivity. The koff values for the polymerase bound to primer-template were 0.011 ± 0.005 and 0.037 ± 0.006 min–1 (average of four or more experiments ± SD) in the presence or absence of 3AB, respectively. The decrease in the presence of 3AB suggested an enhancement of polymerase binding or stability. However, binding was tight even without 3AB, consistent with the highly processive (at least several hundred nucleotides) nature of 3Dpol. The results support a mechanism whereby 3AB enhances the ability of 3Dpol to form a productive complex with the primer-template. Once formed, this complex is very stable resulting in highly processive synthesis.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis of cDNA clones expressing a poliovirus proteinase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The cleavage of poliovirus precursor polypeptides occurs at specific amino acid pairs that are recognized by viral proteinases. Most of the polio-specific cleavages occur at glutamine-glycine (Q-G) pairs that are recognized by the viral-encoded proteinase 3C (formerly called P3-7c). In order to carry out a defined molecular genetic study of the enzymatic activity of protein 3C, we have made cDNA clones of the poliovirus genome. The cDNA region corresponding to protein 3C was inserted into an inducible bacterial expression vector. This recombinant plasmid (called pIN-III-C3-7c) utilizes the bacterial lipoprotein promoter to direct the synthesis of a precursor polypeptide that contains the amino acid sequence of protein 3C as well as the amino- and carboxy-terminal Q-G cleavage signals. These signals have been previously shown to allow autocatalytic production of protein 3C in bacteria transformed with plasmid pIN-III-C3-7c. We have taken advantage of the autocatalytic cleavage of 3C in a bacterial expression system to study the effects of site-specific mutagenesis on its proteolytic activity. One mutation that we have introduced into the cDNA region encoding 3C is a single amino acid insertion near the carboxy-terminal Q-G cleavage site. The mutant recombinant plasmid (designated pIN-III-C3-mu 10) directs the synthesis of a bacterial-polio precursor polypeptide that is like the wild-type construct (pIN-III-C3-7c). However, unlike the wild-type precursor, the mutant precursor cannot undergo autocatalytic cleavage to generate the mature proteinase 3C. Rather, the precursor is able to carry out cleavage at the amino-terminal Q-G site but not at the carboxy-terminal site. Thus, we have generated an altered poliovirus proteinase that is still able to carry out at least part of its cleavage activities but is unable to be a suitable substrate for self-cleavage at its carboxy-terminal Q-G pair.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic analysis has been combined with an in vitro biochemical approach to define the functional interactions required for nucleotidyl protein formation during poliovirus RNA synthesis. A site-directed lesion into the hydrophobic domain of a viral membrane protein produced a mutant virus that is defective in RNA synthesis at 39 degrees C. The phenotypic expression of this lesion affects initiation of RNA synthesis, in vitro uridylylation of the genome-linked protein (VPg), and the in vivo synthesis of plus-strand viral RNAs. Our results support a model that employs a viral membrane protein as carrier for VPg in the initiation of plus-strand RNA synthesis. Our data also suggest that a separate mechanism could be used in the initiation of minus-strand RNA synthesis, thereby providing a means for strand-specific regulation of picornavirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

trans rescue of a mutant poliovirus RNA polymerase function.   总被引:18,自引:16,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A series of three-nucleotide insertions was engineered into the P2 and P3 coding regions of the T7 expression plasmid pT7(tau)-PV1, which encodes a full-length copy of poliovirus type 1 (Mahoney) cDNA. When RNA derived in vitro from these mutated templates was used to transfect HeLa cells, viable virus mutants were recovered. One mutant, Sel-3D-18, which contained a single amino acid insertion in the 3Dpol coding region, was temperature sensitive for growth at 39 degrees C and showed defects in both RNA synthesis and P1 protein processing at the nonpermissive temperature. The RNA replication defect in Se1-3D-18 was identified at the level of RNA chain elongation. A highly specific and sensitive method was developed for analyzing the ability of mutant RNA templates to replicate in the presence or absence of helper functions provided in trans. This approach was used to demonstrate that RNA synthesis in Se1-3D-18 can be rescued by helper functions provided in trans.  相似文献   

Picornaviruses, such as polio, translate their entire genome as a single polyprotein which must be proteolytically processed to produce the mature viral proteins. A majority of these cleavages are catalyzed by the virus-encoded cysteine proteinase, 3C. We report here the design and synthesis of a series of oligopeptide substrates, based upon native 3C cleavage sites, for an HPLC assay of poliovirus 3C proteinase activity. A similar series of peptides based upon human rhinovirus 3C cleavage sites was also examined. The enzyme shows a marked preference for those peptides with a proline in the P'2 position. A quenched fluorescent substrate suitable for continuous assay of 3C proteinase activity was also synthesized. Both the HPLC assay and the fluorescence assay were used to evaluate a number of potential 3C proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Using a hairpin primer/template RNA derived from sequences present at the 3' end of the poliovirus genome, we investigated the RNA-binding and elongation activities of highly purified poliovirus 3D polymerase. We found that surprisingly high polymerase concentrations were required for efficient template utilization. Binding of template RNAs appeared to be the primary determinant of efficient utilization because binding and elongation activities correlated closely. Using a three-filter binding assay, polymerase binding to RNA was found to be highly cooperative with respect to polymerase concentration. At pH 5.5, where binding was most cooperative, a Hill coefficient of 5 was obtained, indicating that several polymerase molecules interact to retain the 110-nt RNA in a filter-bound complex. Chemical crosslinking with glutaraldehyde demonstrated physical polymerase-polymerase interactions, supporting the cooperative binding data. We propose a model in which poliovirus 3D polymerase functions both as a catalytic polymerase and as a cooperative single-stranded RNA-binding protein during RNA-dependent RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The poliovirus RNA polymerase error frequency was measured in vivo at eight sites in the poliovirus genome. The frequency at which specific G residues in poliovirion RNA changed to another base during one round of viral RNA replication was determined. Poliovirion RNA uniformly labeled with 32Pi was hybridized to a synthetic DNA oligonucleotide that was complementary to a sequence in the viral genome that contained a single internal G residue. The nonhybridized viral RNA was digested with RNase T1, and the protected RNA oligonucleotide was purified by gel electrophoresis. The base substitution frequency at the internal G residue was measured by finding the fraction of this RNA oligonucleotide that was resistant to RNase T1 digestion. A mean value of 2.0 x 10(-3) +/- 1.2 x 10(-3) was obtained at two sites. A modification of the above procedure involved the use of 5'-end-labeled RNA oligonucleotides. The mean value of the error frequency determined at eight sites in the viral genome by using this technique was 4.1 x 10(-3) +/- 0.6 x 10(-3). Sequencing two of the RNase T1-resistant RNA oligonucleotides confirmed that the internal G was changed to a C, A, or U residue in most of these oligonucleotides. Thus, our results indicated that the polymerase had a high error frequency in vivo and that there was no significant variation in the values determined at the specific sites examined in this study.  相似文献   

A M Borman  F G Deliat    K M Kean 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(13):3149-3157
The 5' untranslated region of poliovirus RNA has been reported to possess two functional elements: (i) the 5' proximal 88 nucleotides form a cloverleaf structure implicated in positive-strand RNA synthesis during viral replication, and (ii) nucleotides 134 to at least 556 function as a highly structured internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) during cap-independent, internal initiation of translation. We show here that the IRES itself is bifunctional and contains sequences necessary for viral RNA synthesis per se. For this purpose, we used a dicistronic poliovirus RNA in which the translation of the viral non-structural (replication) proteins is uncoupled from the poliovirus IRES. In this system, RNA synthesis is readily detectable in transfected cells, even when the poliovirus IRES is inactivated by point mutation. However, deletion of the major part of the poliovirus IRES renders viral-specific RNA synthesis undetectable. Using the same system, we show that a three nucleotide deletion at position 500 in the 5' untranslated region drastically affects both translation efficiency and RNA synthesis. Furthermore, disruption of the secondary structure of the IRES around nucleotide 343 has minimal effects on IRES function, but dramatically reduces viral RNA replication. Taken together, these results provide direct evidence that sequences essential for viral RNA synthesis are located in the 3' region of the poliovirus IRES.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of ribonucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) to specific binding sites on the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been performed by ultraviolet irradiation and by reduction of oxidized nucleotide-protein complexes. The latter method approached a cross-linking efficiency of 1 NTP/molecule of enzyme. Nucleotide competition experiments suggested that the same binding site is occupied by all NTPs. Analysis of peptides produced by proteinase Glu-C and trypsin digestion and labeled with [32P]GTP indicated that a lysine residue between Met-189 and Lys-228 in the polymerase was cross-linked to NTP. Nucleotide binding was exploited for rapid purification of the enzyme by GTP-agarose affinity chromatography. In addition, a set of cloned, modified polymerase molecules with reduced or absent polymerization activity was analyzed for binding efficiency to a GTP-agarose column. Some mutations eliminated GTP binding, whereas others generated proteins with varying affinities for GTP. Incubation of the poliovirus polymerase with high concentrations of NTP, particularly GTP, resulted in a dramatic protection against heat denaturation and activity loss. These data suggest that nucleotide binding results in an alteration of the enzyme conformation or the stabilization of an ordered conformation.  相似文献   

To study the role of the RNA polymerase domain (3D) in the proteinase substrate recognition and RNA binding properties of poliovirus polypeptide 3CD, we generated recombinant 3C and 3CD polypeptides and purified them to near homogeneity. By using these purified proteins in in vitro cleavage assays with structural and non-structural viral polyprotein substrates, we found that 3CD processes the poliovirus structural polyprotein precursor (P1) 100 to 1000 times more efficiently than 3C processes P1. We also found that trans-cleavage of other 3CD molecules and sites within the non-structural P3 precursor is more efficiently mediated by 3CD than 3C. However, 3C and 3CD appear to be equally efficient in the processing of a non-structural polyprotein precursor, 2C3AB. Four mutated 3CD polyproteins with site-directed lesions in the 3D domain of the proteinase were analyzed for their ability to process viral polyprotein precursors and to form a ternary complex with RNA sequences encoded in the 5' terminus of the viral genome. Analysis of mutated 3CD polypeptides revealed that specific mutations within the 3D amino acid sequences of 3CD confer differential effects on 3CD activity. All four mutated 3CD proteins tested were able to process the P1 structural precursor with wild type or near wild type efficiency. However, three of the mutated enzymes demonstrated an impaired ability to process some sites within the P3 non-structural precursor, relative to wild type 3CD. One of the mutant 3CD polypeptides, 3CD-3DK127A, also displayed a defect in its ability to form a ternary ribonucleoprotein complex with poliovirus 5' RNA sequences.  相似文献   

Cleavage of synthetic peptides by purified poliovirus 3C proteinase   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Synthetic peptides, 14-16 residues in length, were used as substrates for purified recombinant poliovirus proteinase 3C. The sequences of the substrates correspond to the sequences of authentic cleavage sites in the poliovirus polyprotein, all of which contain Gln-Gly at the scissile bond. Specificity of cleavages was demonstrated by analysis of 3C digests of synthetic peptides. Relative rate constants for the cleavages were derived by competition experiments. The rate constants roughly correlated with the estimated half-life of the homologous precursor proteins detected in poliovirus-infected cells. The peptide most resistant to cleavage corresponded to the 3C/3D junction, a site known to be cleaved very slowly by 3C in vivo. Substitution of threonine for alanine in P4 position of this peptide, however, resulted in significant cleavage. This observation supports the hypothesis that the residue in P4 position, in addition to the Gln-Gly in P1 and P1', respectively, contributes to substrate recognition. Ac-Gln-Gly-NH2 was not a substrate for 3C.  相似文献   

Poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3D and viral protein 3AB are both thought to be required for the initiation of RNA synthesis. These two proteins physically associate with each other and with viral RNA replication complexes found on virus-induced membranes in infected cells. An understanding of the interface between 3D and 3AB would provide a first step in visualizing the architecture of the multiprotein complex that is assembled during poliovirus infection to replicate and package the viral RNA genome. The identification of mutations in 3D that diminish 3D-3AB interactions without affecting other functions of 3D polymerase is needed to study the function of the 3D-3AB interaction in infected cells. We describe the use of the yeast two-hybrid system to isolate and characterize mutations in 3D polymerase that cause it to interact less efficiently with 3AB than wild-type polymerase. One mutation, a substitution of leucine for valine at position 391 (V391L), resulted in a 3AB-specific interaction defect in the two-hybrid system, causing a reduction in the interaction of 3D polymerase with 3AB but not with another viral protein or a host protein tested. In vitro, purified 3D-V391L polymerase bound to membrane-associated 3AB with reduced affinity. Poliovirus that contained the 3D-V391L mutation was temperature sensitive, displaying a pronounced conditional defect in RNA synthesis. We conclude that interaction between 3AB and 3D or 3D-containing polypeptides plays a role in RNA synthesis during poliovirus infection.  相似文献   

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