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Summary Biochemical studies have been used to assess the quantitative changes in elastin and collagen in hypertensive vs. normotensive arteries. However, the relative distribution and organization of these fibrous proteins is likely to be equal in importance to their absolute amounts. In this study we have used scanning electron microscopy in association with selective digestion techniques to assess the organization of cellular and extracellular components of the tunica media of mesenteric arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Superior and small mesenteric arteries were digested with acid, alkali, or bleach to exposure cells, collagen, or collagen and elastin, respectively. We observed that hypertension does not cause a qualitative change in the 3-dimensional arrangement of cells, collagen, or elastin in spontaneously hypertensive arteries when compared to normotensive arteries. However, cells in the superior artery are significantly different in overall shape and surface features when compared to cells of small arteries. These differences in surface morphology of cells are present in hypertensive and normotensive vessels and suggest that superior and small mesenteric artery cells transmit load to the isotropic matrix in different ways. In the elasto-muscular superior artery, force is transmitted across digitations throughout the cell surface. In the muscular small artery, force is transmitted across the tapered, smooth cell surface.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of vasopressin, serotonin and angiotensin II in the endothelial cells of renal and mesenteric arteries was investigated using the pre-embedding peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for electron microscopy. Vasopressin-and serotonin-positive endothelial cells were present in both renal and mesenteric arteries while angiotensin II-positive cells were observed in the mesenteric artery exclusively. Both arteries showed less than 10% immunoreactive cells. The lack of angiotensin II in the endothelial cells of the renal artery suggests that there may be subtle physiological differences between the renal and mesenteric arteries with respect to the local control of blood flow.  相似文献   

Vascular smooth muscle cells are surrounded by a basal lamina containing an array of macromolecules: included among these are the laminins, a family of oligomeric glycoproteins composed of subunits encoded by different genes. In this study, we have used monoclonal antibodies to several of these subunits, including S-laminin, laminin B2, and laminin B1, to study these proteins in tail artery, superior mesenteric artery, and aorta of rats. In situ, immunostaining for the B2 and S chains was present in the basal lamina, between the smooth muscle cells, throughout the tunica media. In contrast, B1 chain immunostaining was concentrated around cells in the inner media. To investigate whether smooth muscle cells can produce S-laminin, laminin B2, and laminin B1, smooth muscle cells from the superior mesenteric artery were grown in culture and laminin subunit expression determined. In early culture (4 days), immunostaining showed abundant laminin B2 and less B1 synthesis and incorporation into the matrix. Staining for S-laminin was even less intense than for B1 and was localized to areas where cells were densely packed. The same pattern of S-laminin immunostaining was seen during early culture in cells grown on fibronectin, type IV collagen, or gelatin. Immunoblotting detected S-laminin in the conditioned medium from early cultured cells. In later culture (12 days), S-laminin incorporation into the matrix increased markedly compared to incorporation at 4 days. At this time, cells are much more densely packed and multilayered with extensive matrix accumulation. Cyclical stretching of cells in vitro did not increase immunostaining for S-laminin. Together these data show that S-laminin is a component of the arterial media in situ and that in vitro S-laminin is synthesized by smooth muscle cells. Increased incorporation of S-laminin into the matrix in later culture correlates with the presence of a more extensive matrix, suggesting that matrix organization may be critical to S-laminin incorporation.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of collagen fibrils in the rat sciatic nerve was studied by scanning electron microscopy after digestion of cellular elements by sodium hydroxide treatment, and by conventional transmission electron microscopy. The epineurium consisted mainly of thick bundles of collagen fibrils measuring about 10–20 m in width; they were wavy and ran slightly obliquely to the nerve axis. Between these collagen bundles, a very coarse meshwork of randomly oriented collagen fibrils was present. In the perineurium, collagen fibrils occupied the interspaces between the concentrically arranged perineurial cells; in each interspace, they formed a sheet of characteristic lacework elaborately interwoven by thin (about 3 m or less in width) bundles of collagen fibrils. In the subperineurial region, there was a distinct sheet of densely woven collagen fibrils between the perineurium and underlying endoneurial fibroblasts. In the endoneurium, collagen fibrils surrounded individual nerve fibers in two layers as scaffolds: the inner layer was made up of a delicate meshwork of very fine collagen fibrils, and the outer one consisted of longitudinally oriented bundles of about 1–3 m in width. The collagen fibril arrangement described above may protect the nerve fibers against external forces.  相似文献   

Summary Specific interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) in which they are embedded play a vital role in tissue organization. In recent years, many of the individual components of the extracellular matrix have been isolated and their molecular structures elucidated, but the detailed topography of most extracellular matrices, as they are deposited by cells, is still largely unknown. In this study, the insoluble extracellular matrix produced by cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells has been characterized morphologically using high-resolution electron microscopy of rotary platinum replicas. These cells grew as flat sheets in culture, secreting their matrix laterally and basally. The matrix was composed of a cross-linked fibrillar meshwork. Some fine fibers (10 to 15 nm in diameter) were naked, but most of the filamentous mesh was covered with coarse granular material. Limited digestion with trypsin or pancreatic elastase removed most of this coating, indicating that the granules were glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Another subset of matrix fibrils (20 to 40 nm in diameter) was identified as type I collagen by direct comparison with purified bovine skin collagen. In addition to exposing the underlying filamentous substructure of the matrix, protease treatment also revealed large, straight fiber bundles and globules of amorphous material suspended in the filamentous web. This novel view of a complex matrix promises to provide spatial information that will be useful in future studies of cell interactions with the ECM. These studies were supported in part by NIH Biomedical Research Support grant S07-RR-05684.  相似文献   

Summary The cytoarchitecture of the interstitial tissue of the rat kidney was studied by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The renal interstitium is composed of an elaborate network of stellate sustentacular cells. In the cortex, sustentacular cells radiate thin branching processes to form a fine reticulum, which supports intertubular spaces. In the medulla, these cells extend thick processes horizontally along the basal surfaces of the thin limbs or vasa recta, reinforcing their attenuate walls. The horizontal processes connect with each other at their terminals, compartmentalizing the interstitial space into thin layers. The medullary sustentacular cells contain abundant small lipid droplets. The network of sustentacular cells houses vasa recta, keeping them in parallel position to each other and to the tubules. The arterial vasa recta are accompanied by pericytes, which frequently contain lipid droplets larger in size than those in the sustentacular cells. Venous vasa recta extend numerous basal microvilli, which anchor the venous wall to adjacent tubules or vessels. Numerous free cells, round in shape, are found in the sustentacular cell network, especially in the cortex. They consist of macrophages and occasional lymphocytes. Some macrophages extend long pseudopodia, while others make intimate contact with lymphocytes, suggesting their high level of activity.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of extracellular matrix elements were determined to ascertain whether they play a role in the localization of lymphocytes in discrete T-cell, B-cell and dome antigen-processing domains within Peyer's patches. Antibodies against collagen types I, III and IV, laminin and fibronectin were applied to cryosections of mouse Peyer's patches and localized by direct or indirect immunoperoxidase methods. T-cell domains were identified with a monoclonal antibody against Thy-1.2. Labeled reticular fibers in distinctive patterns were more numerous in parafollicular and dome areas than within follicles. Germinal centers contained few such fibers. In parafollicular areas, fibers were oriented predominantly toward follicle domes; their distribution corresponded to T-cell zones and lymphocyte traffic areas, with their orientation being parallel to the migration pathways of lymphocytes from high endothelial venules to the antigen-processing domes. Subepithelial and subendothelial basal laminae were immunopositive for type-IV collagen, laminin and fibronectin. The dome subepithelial basal lamina had pore-like discontinuities through which lymphocytes migrated to and from the epithelium. The correspondence of the distribution patterns of extracellular matrix to specific functional domains of Peyer's patches suggests that this matrix provides a structural framework for lymphocyte migration and localization.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation showed that fully differentiated spherical adipocytes were embraced by a network of collagens and fibroblastic preadipocytes. The properties of both the collagen networks and the preadipocytes allow the adipocytes to be interconnected, forming a fat-cell cluster, which can anchor to the bottom of a culture dish. In this network structure, collagen fibrils and fibrillar bundles were closely arranged and stratified. We found that immunostained collagens appeared to form extracellular network structures, which can be observed by SEM. The extracellular network of fibronectin was the first to develop among the extracellular matrix (ECM) components, though it became degraded with the progress of adipocyte differentiation. The type I collagen network was the last to develop and remained well organized through the late stage of adipocyte differentiation. The extracellular networks of type III, V, and VI collagen developed by the mid-stage and remained in the late stage of adipocyte differentiation. The network structures of type IV collagen and laminin became degraded during the differentiation process and localized at the surface of spherical cells. In addition to these basement membrane components, types III, V, and VI collagens also showed pericellular spherical staining patterns. These results demonstrated that the constitution and distribution of the ECM are altered during adipocyte differentiation, suggesting that the organization of each ECM component into a suitable structure is a requirement for the differentiation and maintenance of unilocular adipocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The lymphatic organization and its relationship to the vascular system in the rat small intestine was studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts and freeze-fractured tissues, and by light microscopy of injected preparations. The villus possessed 3–10 or more central lacteals depending upon the villous width. The lacteals in each villus possessed interconnections between adjacent ones and were surrounded externally by the villous capillary network. At the villous base, the lacteals fused and formed a wide sinus, from which 2 or 3 lymphatics descended and led into the submucosal ones. In the muscularis externa there was a coarse lymphatic network which, together with the submucosal one, drained into collecting lymphatics continuous with the mesenteric ones. The central lacteals and the sinus were lined with thin endothelial cells with cytoplasmic leaves interdigitating with those of adjacent ones. There were tissue channels in the villous interstitial space, which opened through the gaps between the lymphatic endothelial cells into the central lacteals.The voluminous lacteals in the villi suggest their great potential for lymph formation. The existence of collecting lymphatics with valves in the muscularis externa suggests that contraction of the layer is involved in transporting lymph towards the efferent lymphatics.  相似文献   

Summary The interior of Bowman's capsules of rat kidneys has been examined by scanning electron microscopy, and a distinctive population of cells around the exposed vascular poles of glomerular tufts were identified. The cells were situated in the annular groove at the root of the glomerulus, between the parietal epithelial cells and the podocytes. These peripolar cells were dendritic cells with long processes embracing the glomerular arterioles. Up to three peripolar cells were present at each vascular pole and they were mainly distributed in the glomeruli of the outer third of the renal cortex. This first detailed study of the surface morphology of the glomerular peripolar cell supports the suggestion that changes in the diameter of the polar region of the glomerular tuft may cause variations in stretching of the cuff of peripolar cells, and hence modulation of their secretory activity.  相似文献   

Summary The entire microvascular architecture in rat foot-pads including that of eccrine sweat glands was studied by scanning electron microscopy using a vascular corrosion-cast replication technique. In the central roofs of the pads, particularly elaborate capillary networks were arranged in rows perpendicular to the long axis of the foot. In the marginal regions of the pads, simple networks of capillaries were arranged in lamellar sheets parallel to the surface of the sole of the foot. Complex spongy networks of vascular trees were observed in the subcutaneous layer of the pads. These vessels were supplied by the pad artery, and then, after forming capillary networks in the roofs of the pads, they drained into the metatarsal vein. Rod-shaped cages of capillaries were observed around the eccrine sweat glands. One descending arteriole, arising from a connecting arteriole, and a few venules were connected with these capillary cages at their upper and lateral sides. Occasional arterio-venous and veno-venous anastomoses were also observed around the eccrine sweat glands. This microvascular architecture may adjust well to the mechanical and physiological conditions encountered in the foot-pads. The relation of the microvascular architecture around the eccrine sweat glands with their development is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cysts of Myxobolus pendula from the gill arch of creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) were examined at various stages of development using light and electron microscopy. The subepithelial host connective tissue underwent dramatic changes, including degradation and remodelling of collagen and vascularisation, in response to the infection. Inflammatory cells lay in a fluid-filled space beneath the host's connective tissue and surrounded a distinctive parasite-derived matrix, composed of collagen fibril bundles embedded in cellular processes of the underlying secretory cells. This collagen matrix was resistant to degradation and invasion by leukocytes. Secretion of a matrix by M. pendula as a structural support, and a protective barrier against the host inflammatory cells is a novel observation for cyst-forming Myxosporea.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution in the peri-insular region of extracellular matrix, and in particular basement membrane, was investigated in a comparative study comprising pancreata of rat, dog, pig, and man. Basement membrane markers, collagen type-IV and laminin, were determined immunohistochemically. Additional information pertaining to the structural relationships between endocrine and exocrine pancreas, in particular cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix contacts, was obtained by electron microscopy. In pig, very little periinsular capsule is present, and the structural integration of the porcine islet in the exocrine pancreas almost exclusively depends on cell-to-cell adhesion. In the canine pancreas, the islets are almost completely encapsulated with very little direct exocrine-to-endocrine cell-to-cell contact. In rat and man, the situation is intermediate with a tendency towards predominance of cell-to-matrix adhesion. The intra-insular adhesion mechanisms depend largely on cell-to-cell adhesion in all four species. The ultrastructural results suggest that collagenase preparations employed in islet isolation procedures should be of high purity as to preserve the protease-sensitive intra-islet cell-to-cell adhesion. Under these conditions, however, the endocrine-to-exocrine cell-to-cell contacts will be conserved also, resulting in an exocrine-tissue contamination of the islets of Langerhans. Consequently, additional steps for the effective removal of exocrine tissue and the purification of islets are required.  相似文献   

Summary The peripolar cell is a unique cell type in the mammalian glomerulus. Peripolar cells are said to be identifiable during light microscopy by their cytoplasmic granules and by their position at the vascular pole; and during scanning electron microscopy by their distinctive surface morphology. We used both techniques to count peripolar cells in 6 normal rat kidneys. Scanning microscopy revealed that 55(±5)% of glomeruli contained at least one peripolar cell whereas light microscopy revealed granulated peripolar cells in only 4(±2)% of glomeruli. Vascular poles which contained peripolar cells previously identified by scanning were then examined by light and by transmission electron microscopy. Serial sections through these peripolar cells demonstrated the absence of cytoplasmic granules. Our observations suggest that the majority of peripolar cells in the rat contain no granules.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon can support high tension forces and may experience lesions. The damaged tissue does not regenerate completely, with the organization and mechanical properties of the repaired tendon being inferior to those of a healthy tendon. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in wound repair. We have examined the structural reorganization and repair in Achilles tendon after injury in rats treated with the NO synthase inhibitor L-NAME. The right Achilles tendon of male Wistar rats was partially transected. One group of rats was treated with L-NAME (~300 mg/kg per day, given in drinking water) for 4 days prior to tendon sectioning and throughout the post-operative period. Control rats received water without L-NAME. The tendons were excised at 7, 14, and 21 days post-injury and used to quantify hydroxyproline and for mechanical tests. Tendons were also processed for histomorphological analysis by polarized light microscopy, which showed that the collagen fibers were disorganized by day 7 in non-treated and L-NAME-treated rats. In non-treated rats, the organization of the extracellular matrix was more homogeneous by days 14 and 21 compared with day 7, although this homogeneity was less than that in normal tendon. In contrast, in injured tendons from L-NAME-treated rats, the collagen fibers were still disorganized on day 21. Tendons from treated rats had more hydroxyproline but lower mechanical properties compared with those from non-treated rats. Thus, NO modulates tendon healing, with a reduction in NO biosynthesis delaying reorganization of the extracellular matrix, especially collagen. T.C.T. and W.R.N were supported by studentships from CAPES, and S.H. was supported by a research fellowship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).  相似文献   

Summary Frozen sections of the rat and mouse testes were stained with either FITC-phalloidin or NBD-phallacidin and viewed with conventional fluorescence and confocal laser microscopes in order to demonstrate the arrangment of actin-filament bundles in myoid cells, Sertoli cells and tunica albuginea. Myoid cells are rich in actin-filament bundles crossing at right angles. These bundles running in different directions can also be visualized by means of electron microscopy. Nerve fibers occur in the vicinity of myoid cells, suggesting a neural control of the cell. At Sertoli cell junctions actin filaments occur at the circumference of the cell, where they show a honeycomb pattern. The ratio of the number of Sertoli cells per myoid cell can be calculated by means of confocal microscopy; this technique may provide a new parameter for determining spermatogenic activity. In the tunica albuginea of the juvenile mouse testis, actin filaments are arranged in an alternate fashion.  相似文献   

Summary Testicular macrophages and Leydig cells from adult animals are known to be functionally coupled. For example, secreted products from macrophages stimulate testosterone secretion by Leydig cells. In adult rat testes, structural coupling also exists between these cells. This coupling consists of cytoplasmic projections from Leydig cells located within cytoplasmic invaginations of macrophages. Although macrophages are known to exist in the testis in immature animals, it is not known when these digitations develop. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the time of their development coincides with known maturational events that occur in Leydig cells, particularly during the peripubertal period. Testes from rats at 20, 30 and 40-days-of-age as well as testes from mature rats weighing more than 500 gm were prepared for ultrastructural analysis. It was found that digitations form between 20 and 30-days-of-age. These structures varied from simple tubular projections to complicated branched structures, suggesting that digitations are more than simple invaginations of microvilli into coated vesicles as previously described. Subplasmalemmal linear densities were also observed within macrophages juxtaposed to Leydig cells. Collagen was commonly observed between macrophages and Leydig cells in animals 20 days old. These studies demonstrate that although macrophages are present in the testis in maximal numbers at 20 days-of-age, they do not form junctions with Leydig cells until day 30. This is just prior to the major increase in secretory activity of rat Leydig cells that occurs during puberty.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure of endothelial cells in the hepatic sinusoids of the rat was studied by application of light- and electron microscopy on Golgi-impregnated specimens. A number of endothelial cells could thus be individually delineated throughout the hepatic lobules. The cytoplasm, showing heavy silver deposits, consists of two distinct areas, a thick and thin portion. The thick portion, issuing from the region of the perikaryon, branches and tapers toward the cell periphery. The thin portion, occupying the remainder of the cytoplasm, consists largely of highly fenestrated sieve plates. Some intralobular variation can be noted; the thick portion of the endothelial cells is well developed in the periportal zone, while the cells in the centrilobular zone are relatively rich in thin portions. In addition, the area of distribution of an individual endothelial cell is larger in the centrilobular sinusoids than in the periportal zone. Some endothelial cells also possess unique cytoplasmic processes projecting into the intercellular space between hepatocytes and connecting the sinusoidal walls of neighboring sinusoids. These processes may anchor the endothelial cells to the hepatic plates.  相似文献   

Summary Fibroblasts from rat, mouse and chick embryos cultured on poly-lysine/fibronectin- or poly-lysine/laminin-coated dishes were stained with antibodies directed to extracellular matrix molecules. The staining showed that cells had migrated during culture and deposited extracellular matrix components along their migration trails. Depending on the antigen, the staining of the matrix revealed fibrils, spots or a diffuse smear along the migration pathways. The major matrix components were fibronectin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan; however, laminin nidogen, tenascin, glia-derived nexin (GDN) and chondroitin-4-sulfate proteoglycan were also found. The migration trails were also detectable by scanning electron microscopy. Here, the fibrils were the prominent structures. The deposition of matrix was independent from the substratum: fibronectin was deposited on laminin, plain poly-lysine, basal lamina and even on fibronectin. Functional assays using anti-fibronectin or an antiserum to embryonic pigment epithelium basement membrane disturbed the formation of matrix fibrils, but did not inhibit cell attachment and translocation. Likewise, heparin in the culture medium only partially inhibited cell migration, despite the fact that it disturbed the formation of proper matrix fibrils. Our results suggest that the deposition of extracellular matrix by cells may not be mandatory for attachment and translocation. However, the deposition of matrix along defined trails might be important for the pathfinding of cells or nerve fibers that appear later in development.  相似文献   

The earliest crystallites in dentine appear as chains of dots in ultra-thin sections viewed by transmission electron microscopy. These dots rapidly coalesce along the longitudinal directions of the collagen microfibrils to form needle-like structures that coalesce preferentially in lateral directions to form ribbon-like or plate-like crystallites. This morphological interpretation is supported by line-scans of the corresponding zero-loss filtered electron spectroscopic diffraction patterns, which demonstrate the crystalline structure of the dentine mineral (apatite). The intensity ratio of the Debye-Scherrer rings of the characteristic Bragg-reflections (002 to 300, together with 1 or 2 unresolved reflections) shows a maximum in the region of early chain-like and needle-like crystallites, decreasing with maturation of the dentine mineral to the ribbon-plate-like crystallites. Detailed investigations using line-scans of the zero-loss filtered electron spectroscopic diffraction patterns through the dentine zone show that the intensity ratio found near the mineralisation front is repeated 3–5 times at distances of about 10–20 m. This may represent a circadian pattern of mineralisation corresponding to light microscopically visible incremental lines in dentine.  相似文献   

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