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Mutation in the wound-induced peptide transporter gene AtPTR3 (At5g46050) of Arabidopsis thaliana has been shown to affect germination on media containing a high salt concentration. The heterologous expression in yeast was utilized to verify that the AtPTR3 protein transports di-and tripeptides. The T-DNA insert in the Atptr3-1 mutant in the Arabidopsis ecotype C24 revealed two T-DNA copies, the whole vector sequence, and the gus marker gene inserted in the second intron of the AtPTR3 gene. An almost identical insertion site was found in the Atptr3-2 mutant of the Col-0 ecotype. The AtPTR3 expression was shown to be regulated by several signalling compounds, most clearly by salicylic acid (SA), but also methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and abscisic acid. Real-time PCR experiments suggested that the wound-induction of the AtPTR3 gene was abolished in the SA and JA signalling mutants. The Atptr3 mutant plants had increased susceptibility to virulent pathogenic bacteria Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, and produced more reactive oxygen species when grown on media containing paraquat or rose bengal. Public microarray data suggest that the AtPTR3 expression was induced by Pseudomonas elicitors and by avirulent P. syringae pathovars and type III secretion mutants. This was verified experimentally for the hrpA mutant with real-time PCR. These results suggest that AtPTR3 is one of the defence-related genes whose expression is reduced by virulent bacterium by type III dependent fashion. Our results suggest that AtPTR3 protects the plant against biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Berberis buxifolia Lam., known as “Calafate”, is a plant native to Argentina that exhibits antimicrobial activity. This biological activity is attributed to the isoquinoline alkaloid berberine. The aim of this research was to test the antimicrobial properties of different extracts of this species, taking berberine as the reference molecule, and to examine if the expression of bacterial multidrug resistance (MDR) efflux pumps could be responsible for possible resistance mechanisms. To this end, a wild-type and a mutant strain of Staphylococcus aureus with a defective MDR efflux pump were used and the minimum inhibitory concentrations of the extracts were determined. The studies were carried out with infusions of in vivo shoots and “Calafate” commercial tea, as well as with the media derived from shoot cultures incubated with different plant growth regulators (thidiazuron, picloram, and jasmonic acid). As far as antimicrobial activity is concerned, all the extracts tested were significantly more effective than berberine standard. “Calafate” commercial tea and shoot tea had inhibitory concentrations similar to the one observed for ampicillin standard. The media from the shoot cultures, however, were significantly more effective than all the others, particularly the one derived from jasmonic acid, suggesting the presence of compounds that could be acting synergistically with berberine. There were no differences in antimicrobial activity against the wild-type and the mutant S. aureus; no definite conclusions could be drawn concerning the relationship between MDR pumps and possible pathogen resistance to extracts of B. buxifolia.  相似文献   

Natural variation of plant pathogen resistance is often quantitative. This type of resistance can be genetically dissected in quantitative resistance loci (QRL). To unravel the molecular basis of QRL in potato (Solanum tuberosum), we employed the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana for functional analysis of natural variants of potato allene oxide synthase 2 (StAOS2). StAOS2 is a candidate gene for QRL on potato chromosome XI against the oömycete Phytophthora infestans causing late blight, and the bacterium Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica causing stem black leg and tuber soft rot, both devastating diseases in potato cultivation. StAOS2 encodes a cytochrome P450 enzyme that is essential for biosynthesis of the defense signaling molecule jasmonic acid. Allele non-specific dsRNAi-mediated silencing of StAOS2 in potato drastically reduced jasmonic acid production and compromised quantitative late blight resistance. Five natural StAOS2 alleles were expressed in the null Arabidopsis aos mutant under control of the Arabidopsis AOS promoter and tested for differential complementation phenotypes. The aos mutant phenotypes evaluated were lack of jasmonates, male sterility and susceptibility to Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora. StAOS2 alleles that were associated with increased disease resistance in potato complemented all aos mutant phenotypes better than StAOS2 alleles associated with increased susceptibility. First structure models of ‘quantitative resistant’ versus ‘quantitative susceptible’ StAOS2 alleles suggested potential mechanisms for their differential activity. Our results demonstrate how a candidate gene approach in combination with using the homologous Arabidopsis mutant as functional reporter can help to dissect the molecular basis of complex traits in non model crop plants.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) and its glucoside (SAG) were detected in xylem sap of Brassica napus by HPLC–MS. Concentrations of SA and SAG in xylem sap from the root and hypocotyl of the plant, and in extracts of shoots above the hypocotyl, increased after infection with the vascular pathogen Verticillium longisporum. Both concentrations were correlated with disease severity assessed as the reduction in shoot length. Furthermore, SAG levels in shoot extracts were correlated with the amount of V. longisporum DNA in the hypocotyls. Although the concentration of SAG (but not SA) in xylem sap of infected plants gradually declined from 14 to 35 days post infection, SAG levels remained significantly higher than in uninfected plants during the whole experiment. Jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid (ABA) levels in xylem sap were not affected by infection with V. longisporum. SA and SAG extend the list of phytohormones potentially transported from root to shoot with the transpiration stream. The physiological relevance of this transport and its contribution to the distribution of SA in plants remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Dong HP  Yu H  Bao Z  Guo X  Peng J  Yao Z  Chen G  Qu S  Dong H 《Planta》2005,221(3):313-327
HrpN, a protein produced by the plant pathogenic bacterium Erwinia amylovora, has been shown to stimulate plant growth and resistance to pathogens and insects. Here we report that HrpN activates abscisic acid (ABA) signalling to induce drought tolerance (DT) in Arabidopsis thaliana L. plants grown with water stress. Spraying wild-type plants with HrpN-promoted stomatal closure decreased leaf transpiration rate, increased moisture and proline levels in leaves, and alleviated extents of damage to cell membranes and plant drought symptoms caused by water deficiency. In plants treated with HrpN, ABA levels increased; expression of several ABA-signalling regulatory genes and the important effector gene rd29B was induced or enhanced. Induced expression of rd29B, promotion of stomatal closure, and reduction in drought severity were observed in the abi1-1 mutant, which has a defect in the phosphatase ABI1, after HrpN was applied. In contrast, HrpN failed to induce these responses in the abi2-1 mutant, which is impaired in the phosphatase ABI2. Inhibiting wild-type plants to synthesize ABA eliminated the role of HrpN in promoting stomatal closure and reducing drought severity. Moreover, resistance to Pseudomonas syringae developed in abi2-1 as in wild-type plants following treatment with HrpN. Thus, an ABI2-dependent ABA signalling pathway is responsible for the induction of DT but does not affect pathogen defence under the circumstances of this study.Hong-Ping Dong and Haiqin Yu contributed equally to this study and are regarded as joint first authors.  相似文献   

The analysis of a group of seven trichome mutants in Arabidopsis, which all show distorted trichomes along with severe actin defects has revealed insight into the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell shape control. Four of the corresponding genes encode components of a protein complex, the ARP2/3 complex that stimulates the production of fine actin at active growth sites. In this study, we show that another member of the distorted group, KLUNKER (KLK), encodes the AtSRA1 homolog of Arabidopsis and that klk mutants show a similar range of cell shape defects to those of arp2/3 mutants. In animals, SRA1 regulates the activity of the ARP2/3-regulating WAVE-HSPC300 complex in a Rho-dependent manner. Our findings provide evidence that a Rho/ARP2/3 regulation pathway exists in plants.  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA) is a classical plant hormone involved in many aspects of plant growth and development. A family of five homologs called the DELLA proteins, comprised of GAI, RGA, RGL1, RGL2 and RGL3, were recently found to act as critical GA signal mediators in Arabidopsis. Reports have shown that GAI and RGA are coupled together to repress stem elongation growth whereas RGL2 is a major negative regulator of seed germination. GA down-regulates DELLA proteins through protein degradation likely via the proteasome pathway. The conserved and functionally important DELLA domain is responsible for protein stability in response to GA.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been associated with plant defense responses during microbial attack, and with induction and/or regulation of programmed cell death. Here, we addressed whether NO participates in wound responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.. Real-time imaging by confocal laser-scanning microscopy in conjunction with the NO-selective fluorescence indicator 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2 DA) uncovered a strong NO burst after wounding or after treatment with JA. The NO burst was triggered within minutes, reminiscent of the oxidative burst during hypersensitive responses. Furthermore, we were able to detect NO in plants (here induced by wounding) by means of electron paramagnetic resonance measurements using diethyldithiocarbamate as a spin trap. When plants were treated with NO, Northern analyses revealed that NO strongly induces key enzymes of jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis such as allene oxide synthase (AOS) and lipoxygenase (LOX2). On the other hand, wound-induced AOS gene expression was independent of NO. Furthermore, JA-responsive genes such as defensin (PDF1.2) were not induced, and NO induction of JA-biosynthesis enzymes did not result in elevated levels of JA. However, treatment with NO resulted in accumulation of salicylic acid (SA). In transgenic NahG plants (impaired in SA accumulation and/or signaling), NO did induce JA production and expression of JA-responsive genes. Altogether, the presented data demonstrate that wounding in Arabidopsis induces a fast accumulation of NO, and that NO may be involved in JA-associated defense responses and adjustments.Abbreviations AOS Allene oxide synthase - cPTIO Carboxy-2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazolinone-3-oxide-1-oxyl - DAF-2 DA 4,5-Diaminofluorescein diacetate - DETC Diethyldithiocarbamate - EPR Electron paramagnetic resonance - iNOS Inducible nitric oxide synthase - JA Jasmonic acid - JIP Jasmonic acid-induced protein - LOX2 Lipoxygenase 2 - NO Nitric oxide - OPR3 12-Oxophytodienoate reductase - PDF1.2 Plant defensin - ROS Reactive oxygen species - SA Salicylic acid - SNP Sodium nitroprusside  相似文献   

Birch J  Ellis SA 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(4):273-280
Natural killer cell responses are controlled to a large extent by the interaction of an array of inhibitory and activating receptors with their ligands. The mostly nonpolymorphic CD94/NKG2 receptors in both humans and mice were shown to recognize a single nonclassical MHC class I molecule in each case. In this paper, we describe the CD94/NKG2 gene family in cattle. NKG2 and CD94 sequences were amplified from cDNA derived from four animals. Four CD94 sequences, ten NKG2A, and three NKG2C sequences were identified in total. In contrast to human, we show that cattle have multiple distinct NKG2A genes, some of which show minor allelic variation. All of the sequences designated NKG2A have two tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs in the cytoplasmic domain and one putative gene has, in addition, a charged residue in the transmembrane domain. NKG2C appears to be essentially monomorphic in cattle. All of the NKG2A sequences are similar apart from NKG2A-01, which, in contrast, shares the majority of its carbohydrate recognition domain with NKG2-C. Most of the genes appear to generate multiple alternatively spliced forms. These findings suggest that the CD94/NKG2A heterodimers in cattle, in contrast to other species, are binding several different ligands. Because NKG2C is not polymorphic, this raises questions as to the combined functional capacity of the CD94/NKG2 gene families in cattle.  相似文献   

Calcium serves as a second messenger in various signal transduction pathways in plants. CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), which have a variety of functions, are involved in calcium signal transduction. Previous, the studies on CIPK family members focused on Arabidopsis and rice. Here, we present a comparative genomic analysis of the CIPK gene family in Arabidopsis and poplar, a model tree species. Twenty-seven potential CIPKs were identified from poplar using genome-wide analysis. Like the CIPK gene family from Arabidopsis, CIPK genes from poplar were also divided into intron-free and intron-harboring groups. In the intron-harboring group, the intron distribution of CIPKs is rather conserved during the genome evolutionary process. Many homologous gene pairs were found in the CIPK gene family, indicating duplication events might contribute to the amplification of this gene family. The phylogenetic comparison of CIPKs in combination with intron distribution analysis revealed that CIPK genes from both Arabidopsis and poplar might have an ancient origin, which formed earlier than the separation of these two eudicot species. Our genomic and bioinformatic analysis will provide an important foundation for further functional dissection of the CBL-CIPK signaling network in poplars. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We isolated the full-length cDNAs of engrailed and dpp-BMP2/4 orthologues from the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis and examined their expression patterns during development by the whole mount in situ hybridization. At the gastrula and trochophore stages, engrailed is expressed in the peripheral ectoderm of the presumptive and invaginating shell gland, corroborating its role in the shell formation that is widely conserved among molluscs. At the same stages, dpp-BMP2/4 is expressed in the right-hand side ectoderm of the shell gland and in the invaginating stomodaeum. Unlike in the gastropod Patella vulgata, our results suggested that dpp-BMP2/4 has a role in the shell formation, rather than in the regional specification and that it could be involved in the specification pathway of the left–right asymmetry of the developing shell in L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

Panchuk II  Zentgraf U  Volkov RA 《Planta》2005,222(5):926-932
Oxygen-free radicals are thought to play an essential role in senescence. Therefore, the expression patterns of the small gene family encoding the H2O2 scavenging enzymes ascorbate peroxidase (APX; EC were analyzed during senescence of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heinh. Applying real-time RT-PCR, the mRNA levels were quantified for three cytosolic (APX1, APX2, APX6), two chloroplastic types (stromal sAPX, thylakoid tAPX), and three microsomal (APX3, APX4, APX5) isoforms identified in the genome of Arabidopsis. The genes of chloroplastic thylakoid-bound tAPX and the microsomal APX4 exhibit a strong age-related decrease of mRNA level in leaves derived from one rosette as well as in leaves derived from plants of different ages. In contrast to the tAPX, the mRNA of sAPX was only reduced in old leaves of old plants. The microsomal APX3 and APX5, and the cytosolic APX1, APX2, and APX6 did not show remarkable age-related changes in mRNA levels. The data show that expression of the individual APX genes is differentially regulated during senescence indicating possible functional specialization of respective isoenzymes. The hydrogen peroxide levels seem to be controlled very precisely in different cell compartments during plant development.  相似文献   

SnRK2s are a large family of plant-specific protein kinases, which play important roles in multiple abiotic stress responses in various plant species. But the family in Gossypium has not been well studied. Here, we identified 13, 10, and 13 members of the SnRK2 family from Gossypium raimondii, Gossypium arboreum, and Gossypium hirsutum, respectively, and analyzed the locations of SnRK2 homologs in chromosomes based on genome data of cotton species. Phylogenetic tree analysis of SnRK2 proteins showed that these families were classified into three groups. All SnRK2 genes were comprised of nine exons and eight introns, and the exon distributions and the intron phase of homolog genes among different cotton species were analogous. Moreover, GhSnRK2.6 was overexpressed in Arabidopsis and upland cotton, respectively. Under salt treatment, overexpressed Arabidopsis could maintain higher biomass accumulation than wild-type plants, and GhSnRK2.6 overexpression in cotton exhibited higher germination rate than the control. So, the gene GhSnRK2.6 could be utilized in cotton breeding for salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play essential roles in development and disease. The characterisation of mitochondrial proteins is therefore of particular importance. The slowmo (slmo) gene of Drosophila melanogaster has been shown to encode a novel type of mitochondrial protein, and is essential in the developing central nervous system. The Slmo protein contains a conserved PRELI/MSF1p domain, found in proteins from a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms. However, the function of the proteins of this family is currently unknown. In this study, the evolutionary relationships between members of the PRELI/MSF1p family are described, and we present the first analysis of two novel Drosophila genes predicted to encode proteins of this type. The first of these, preli-like (prel), is expressed ubiquitously during embryonic development, whilst the second, real-time (retm), is expressed dynamically in the developing gut and central nervous system. retm encodes a member of a novel conserved subclass of larger PRELI/MSF1p domain proteins, which also contain the CRAL-TRIO motif thought to mediate the transport of small hydrophobic ligands. Here we provide evidence that, like Slmo, both the Prel and Retm proteins are localised to the mitochondria, indicating that the function of the PRELI/MSF1p domain is specific to this organelle.Edited by P. Simpson  相似文献   

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