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Plant regeneration by somatic embryogenesis was attempted with diploid (Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis) and triploid ('Grand Nain') bananas. Explants inoculated in vitro were, respectively, immature zygotic embryos and male flower bud primordia. An histological study showed that the embryogenic process involves a sequence of similar events for both species. A yellow-green compact callus was initiated, which consisted of an actively dividing meristematic zone surrounded by several layers of starchy cells. A white and friable callus, characterized by the presence of proembryonic cells, bicellular proembryos and proembryonal masses in its periphery gradually appeared, which finally gave rise to somatic embryos from which plants were recovered. Induction media contained 2,4-D (and also NAA and IAA for the triploid); zeatin and kinetin were necessary for embryo maturation and 6-BA and IAA were used for germination. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new species of wild banana, Musa bauensis Häkkinen & Meekiong, is described and illustrated. It is from the Bau limestone area, Sarawak, East Malaysia.  相似文献   

The relative importance of root system structure, plant carbon status and soil environment in the determination of lateral root diameter remains unclear, and was investigated in this study. Banana (Musa acuminata) plants were grown at various moderate levels of soil compaction in two distinct experiments, in a field experiment (FE) and in a glasshouse experiment (GE). Radiant flux density was 5 times lower in GE. The distribution of root diameter was measured for several root branching orders. Root diameters ranged between 0.09 and 0.52 mm for secondary roots and between 0.06 and 0.27 mm for tertiary roots. A relationship was found between the diameter of the parent bearing root and the median diameter of its laterals, which appears to be valid for a wide range of species. Mean lateral root diameter increased with distance to the base of the root and decreased with branching density [number of lateral roots per unit length of bearing root (cm(-1))]. Typical symptoms of low light availability were observed in GE. In this case, lateral root diameter variability was reduced. Although primary root growth was affected by soil compaction, no effects on lateral root diameter were observed.  相似文献   

Banana and pineapple fruit crops are widely cultivated in tropical areas where high amounts of fertilizers are applied, principally nitrogen. Over 200 kg N.ha-1.yr-1 is often applied to these crops. Nevertheless, developing countries face the problem of high costs of chemical fertilizers. As already demonstrated for other tropical crops, like sugar cane, the utilization of nitrogen-fixing bacteria may support the growth of these fruit plants. In this work, we demonstrate the association of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with banana and pineapple. Samples from roots, stems, leaves and fruits of different genotypes showed the occurrence of diazotrophic bacteria, when evaluated in semi-specific semi-solid media. These isolates could be separated into seven different groups according to their morphological and physiological characteristics. Additional, phylogenetic assignments were performed with group- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. Bacteria related to the groups of Azospirillum amazonense, Azospirillum lipoferum, Burkholderia sp. and a group similar to the genus Herbaspirillum could be detected in samples of both crops. However, Azospirillum brasilense and another two groups of Herbaspirillum-like bacteria were detected only in banana plants. Two isolates of the latter group were identified as Herbaspirillum seropedicae, whereas the other isolates may represent a new Herbaspirillum species.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO, EC, monophenol monooxygenase, and EC, o-diphenoloxidase) has been extensively studied in banana fruit for its role in enzymatic browning. Rapid discolouration of leaf, stem and root tissue after injury and strong pigmentation of tissue extracts indicate that PPO and phenolic compounds are ubiquitous in vegetative tissue of banana as well. They hamper biochemical and molecular studies in banana, as cumbersome adaptations of extraction protocols are required. On the other hand, PPO and phenolic compounds could be an important part of the plant's defence system against pests and diseases, including root parasitic nematodes. To facilitate future studies in this area, extraction and assay conditions for PPO from roots of banana (Musa acuminata AAA, Grande naine) were optimized. Highest enzyme activities were obtained in a 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 with 5% insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone and 0.25% Triton X-100. The lowest K(m) values were obtained for dopamine and D-catechin. Monophenolase activity was shown with p-cresol. Banana root PPO was strongly inhibited by dithiothreitol and sodium metabisulfite. In root sections, oxidation of dopamine strongly co-localized with aerenchyma in the cortex. The experiments revealed indications for the involvement of root PPO and dopamine in resistance of banana against the parasitic nematode Radopholus similis.  相似文献   

Traditional breeding methods are hindered in bananas due to the fact that major cultivars are sterile, parthenocarpic, triploid and thus clonally propagated. This has resulted in a narrow genetic base and limited resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses. Mutagenesis of in vitro propagated bananas is one method to introduce novel alleles and broaden genetic diversity. We previously established a method for the induction and recovery of single nucleotide mutations generated with the chemical mutagen EMS. However, officially released mutant banana varieties have been created using gamma rays, a mutagen that can produce large genomic insertions and deletions (indels). Such dosage mutations may be important for generating observable phenotypes in polyploids. In this study, we establish a low‐coverage whole‐genome sequencing approach in triploid bananas to recover large genomic indels caused by treatment with gamma irradiation. We first evaluated the commercially released mutant cultivar ‘Novaria’ and found that it harbours multiple predicted deletions, ranging from 0.3 to 3.8 million base pairs (Mbp). In total, predicted deletions span 189 coding regions. To evaluate the feasibility of generating and maintaining new mutations, we developed a pipeline for mutagenesis and screening for copy number variation in Cavendish bananas using the cultivar ‘Williams’. Putative mutations were recovered in 70% of lines treated with 20 Gy and 60% of the lines treated with 40 Gy. While deletion events predominate, insertions were identified in 20 Gy‐treated material. Based on these results, we believe this approach can be scaled up to support large breeding projects.  相似文献   

Pectate lyase (PEL) has been purified by hydrophobic, cation exchange and size exclusion column chromatographies from ripe banana fruit. The purified enzyme has specific activity of 680 +/- 50 pkat mg protein(-1). The molecular mass of the enzyme is 43 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The pI of the enzyme is 8 with optimum activity at pH 8.5. Analysis of the reaction products by paper and anion exchange chromatographies reveal that the enzyme releases several oligomers of unsaturated galacturonane from polygalacturonate. The K(m) values of the enzyme for polygalacturonate and citrus pectin (7.2% methylation) are 0.40 +/- 0.04 and 0.77 +/- 0.08 g l(-1), respectively. PEL is sensitive to inhibition by different phenolic compounds, thiols, reducing agents, iodoacetate and N-bromosuccinimide. The enzyme has a requirement for Ca(2+) ions. However, Mg(2+) and Mn(2+) can substitute equally well. Additive effect on the enzyme activity was observed when any two metal ions (out of Mg(2+), Ca(2+) and Mn(2+)) are present together. The banana PEL is a enzyme requiring Mg(2+), in addition to Ca(2+), for exhibiting maximum activity.  相似文献   

2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic anhydride, a component of the phytoalexin that has been isolated from the peel of unripe banana (Musa acuminata), was synthesized from 3-bromoacenaphthene.  相似文献   

从香蕉cDNA文库中克隆到了一个香蕉(Musa acuminata AAA subgroup)乙二醛酶(glyoxalase,GLO)基因(MaGLO14)。构建了带有MaGLO14的酵母表达载体PYES2-MaGLO14,转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株INVSC1,挑取转化子进行PCR和酶切鉴定,证实获得了转基因菌株。通过比较转基因菌株和非转基因菌株在NaCl、高温、低温、干旱、UV胁迫下的生长状况,证明转基因菌株在以上非生物胁迫条件下的存活菌落数均高于非转基因菌株。利用酿酒酵母初步证明MaGLO14具有增强酵母菌对非生物胁迫抵抗力的功能。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the acropetal initiation of lateral roots is a built‐in process specified as part of the general process of cell division and differentiation in the parent root tip. Conversely, it is commonly reported that root branching is essentially a variable feature. In the present study, the interlateral distance along the parent root has been investigated using three banana varieties (Musa spp.) grown in two substrates. The pattern of lateral root initiation was obscured by variations of root growth patterns and vascular structure among roots, genotypes and substrates. A framework model is formulated showing the influence of growth pattern and vascular structure on branching density. The model raises a distinction between growth components which should not affect the branching density (i.e. rate of cell division) and which may affect it (i.e. size of mature cells and number of transverse divisions performed by cells executing their trajectory in the meristem). It appears also that lateral root density and root growth rate might be independently modulated by appropriate changes of root growth patterns, in banana and presumably many other taxa.  相似文献   

Market crop wastes of banana (Musa acuminata) leaves and pseudo-stem sheaths, sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vines and Solanum aethiopicum (traditionally known as nakati) were collected from three major markets in Kampala (Uganda). The wastes were evaluated for chemical composition during the dry and wet seasons, rumen degradation using three cannulated indigenous mature ewes, and digestibility using 12 indigenous intact growing male goats, 4–6 months old and weighing 15.8 kg (S.D. 2.1). The goats in the digestibility study were kept in metabolism cages and fed the wastes as sole diets, either fresh or wilted.

Mean dry matter (DM) content was 97, 121, 197 and 216 g/kg for pseudo-stem sheaths, nakati, sweet potato vines and banana leaves, respectively. Crude protein (CP) was 34, 109, 112 and 114 g/kg DM for pseudo-stem sheaths, banana leaves, sweet potato vines and nakati, respectively. The chemical composition was similar among seasons and markets for the banana based wastes. However, for sweet potato vines and nakati, the wet season wastes had significantly higher CP and lower NDFom and ADFom. Chemical composition was different (P<0.05) among the markets for nakati. Effective degradability differed (P<0.05) between the wastes, averaging 0.43 (banana leaves), 0.47 (pseudo-stem sheaths) and 0.56 (nakati) to 0.69 g/g DM incubated (sweet potato vines). DM intake, N retention and digestibility were not significantly affected by wilting. Average DM intake was 176, 270 and 559 g/day; CP intake was 26, 30 and 63 g/day, while metabolizable energy (ME) intake was 1.3, 1.7 and 5.1 MJ/day for nakati, banana leaves and sweet potato vines, respectively. N retention (as a fraction of N intake) was −0.51 (banana leaves), 0.62 (nakati) and 0.39 (sweet potato vines). The organic matter (OM) and CP digestibilities of banana leaves were low, averaging 0.52 and 0.49, respectively. The high moisture content of nakati wastes resulted in low intake, whereas banana leaves had a low degradation rate and a low N retention. Market sweet potato vine wastes were sufficient to provide the CP and ME required by growing goats under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

Drought stress has become more common in recent years as a result of climate change impacts on the production of banana crops and other fruit trees. The growth and productivity of Musa spp are severely impacted by the gradual degradation of water resources and the erratic distribution pattern of annual precipitation amount. The aim of the work includes increased drought tolerance in light of water scarcity in the world as a result of the bananas’ being gluttonous for water needs. This investigation was carried out from 2019 to 2020 to study the effect of potassium silicate on morphological growth and biochemical parameters of Musa acuminata L under drought stress by PEG. As a result, drought stress reduced the morphological characteristics such as shoots number, shoot length, roots number, and survival percentage and biochemical characteristics such as chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, stomatal status, and RWC. While proline content increased in the leaf of M. acuminata L. Media complemented with K2SiO3 (2 to 6 mM) either individually or in combination with PEG led to an improvement in all morphological and biochemical characteristics. The activities of CAT, POD, and PPO enzymes increased signifi- cantly compared to control. Furthermore, the lowest PPO, CAT, and POD activity were achieved. Additionally, K2SiO3 treatments under drought stress successfully enhanced the leaf stomatal behavior. Our results suggest that K2SiO3 can help to maintain plant integrity in the tested cultivar under drought stress.  相似文献   

Phenylphenalenones, polycyclic aromatic natural products from some monocotyledonous plants, are known as phytoalexins in banana (Musa spp.). In this study, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)‐based metabolomics along with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to explore the chemical responses of the susceptible ‘Williams’ and the resistant ‘Khai Thong Ruang’ Musa varieties to the ascomycete fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the agent of the black leaf Sigatoka disease. Principal component analysis discriminated strongly between infected and non‐infected plant tissue, mainly because of specialized metabolism induced in response to the fungus. Phenylphenalenones are among the major induced compounds, and the resistance level of the plants was correlated with the progress of the disease. However, a virulent strain of M. fijiensis was able to overcome plant resistance by converting phenylphenalenones to sulfate conjugates. Here, we report the first metabolic detoxification of fungitoxic phenylphenalenones to evade the chemical defence of Musa plants.  相似文献   

Cao L  Qiu Z  You J  Tan H  Zhou S 《FEMS microbiology letters》2005,248(2):147-152
A total of 131 endophytic actinomycete strains were successfully isolated from surface-sterilized banana roots. These isolates belonged to Streptomyces (n=99), Streptoverticillium (n=28), and Streptosporangium (n=2) spp. The remaining 2 isolates were not identified. About 18.3% of the isolates inhibited the growth of pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on banana tissue extract medium. The most frequently isolated Streptomyces sp. strain S96 was similar to Streptomyces griseorubiginosus. About 37.5% of the S. griseorubiginosus strains were antagonistic to F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense. The antagonism of strain S96 was lost when FeCl(3) was introduced into the inhibition zone. In vivo biocontrol assays showed that the disease severity index (DSI) was significantly (P=0.05) reduced and mean fresh weight increased (P=0.001) in plantlets treated with strain S96 compared to those grown in the absence of the biocontrol strain. These findings indicate the potential of developing siderophore-producing Streptomyces endophytes for the biological control of fusarium wilt disease of banana.  相似文献   

Volatiles from banana (‘githumo’'cultivar) pseudostem were trapped using porapak S. The trapped volatiles were desorbed from porapak columns by elution with dichloromethane and analysed using GC and GC-MS. The volatile compounds identified included -pinene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene, -cubebene, -copaene, -cedrene, β-caryophyllene and -humulene.  相似文献   

The preparation of a highly purified antifertility factor from human seminal plasma is described, and some of its biochemical properties have been determined. Purification was achieved by ultracentrifugation of particle-free human seminal plasma, followed by chromatography of the precipitate using carboxymethyl cellulose, concanavalin A, and Sepharose 6B columns. An occasional contaminant was further removed by preparative isoelectric focusing. During the purification procedures, the activity of the fractions was monitored by mixing them with capacitated mouse spermatozoa for 20 min before adding an aliquot to intact mouse oocytes, and determining fertilization after 24 h. The I50 (amount causing a 50% reduction in fertilization as compared to the control) of the final purified factor was 45 micrograms protein. Purity was established by standard and sodium dodecyl sulfate disc gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and sedimentation analysis. These methods, as well as Sepharose gel filtration, were also used for the molecular weight estimations; good agreement was obtained between the various techniques. The factor appears to be a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of about 200,000. It consists of two subunits with molecular weights of about 125,000 and 72,000 and s-20,w of 6.2 s and 4.3 s. The factor contains relatively high amounts of aspartic acid and glutamic acid residues as well as leucine and serine, but only small amounts of tryptophan and no methionine was detected. The carbohydrate fraction is particularly rich in galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine but also contains mannose and N-acetylglucosamine and small amounts of fucose and sialic acid.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of striated flagellar roots from the Prasinophycean green alga Tetraselmis striata using sedimentation in gradients of sucrose and flotation on gradients of colloidal silica. PAGE in the presence of 0.1% SDS demonstrates that striated flagellar roots are composed of a number of polypeptides, the most predominant one being a protein of 20,000 Mr. The 20,000 Mr protein band represents approximately 63% of the Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining of gels of isolated flagellar roots. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing and SDS PAGE) resolves the major 20,000 Mr flagellar root protein into two components of nearly identical Mr, but of differing isoelectric points (i.e., pl's of 4.9 and 4.8), which we have designated 20,000-Mr-alpha and 20,000-Mr-beta, respectively. Densitometric scans of two-dimensional gels of cell extracts indicate that the 20,000-Mr-alpha and -beta polypeptides vary, in their stoichiometry, between 2:1 and 1:1. This variability appears to be related to the state of contraction or extension of the striated flagellar roots at the time of cell lysis. Incubation of cells with 32PO4 followed by analysis of cell extracts by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiography reveals that the more acidic 20,000-Mr-beta component is phosphorylated and the 20,000-Mr-alpha component contains no detectable label. These results suggest that the 20,000-Mr-alpha component is converted to the more acidic 20,000-Mr-beta form by phosphorylation. Both the 20,000-Mr-alpha and -beta flagellar root components exhibit a calcium-induced reduction in relative electrophoretic mobilities in two-dimensional alkaline urea gels. Antiserum raised in rabbits against the 20,000-Mr protein binds to both the 20,000-Mr-alpha and 20,000-Mr-beta forms of the flagellar root protein when analyzed by electrophoretic immunoblot techniques. Indirect immunofluorescence on vegetative or interphase cells demonstrate that the antibodies bind to two cyclindrical organelles located in the anterior region of the cell. Immunocytochemical investigations at ultrastructural resolution using this antiserum and a colloidal gold-conjugated antirabbit-IgG reveals immunospecific labeling of striated flagellar roots and their extensions. We conclude that striated flagellar roots are simple ion-sensitive contractile organelles composed predominantly of a 20,000 Mr calcium-binding phosphoprotein, and that this protein is largely responsible for the motile behavior of these organelles.  相似文献   

A 1369 bp DNA fragment (Sc) was isolated from a full-length clone of sugarcane bacilliform badnavirus (ScBV) and was shown to have promoter activity in transient expression assays using monocot (banana, maize, millet and sorghum) and dicot plant species (tobacco, sunflower, canola and Nicotiana benthamiana). This promoter was also tested for stable expression in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. These experiments showed that this promoter could drive high-level expression of the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in most plant cells. The expression level was comparable to the maize ubiquitin promoter in standardised transient assays in maize. In transgenic banana plants the expression levels were variable for different transgenic lines but was generally comparable with the activities of both the maize ubiquitin promoter and the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The Sc promoter appears to express in a near-constitutive manner in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. The promoter from sugarcane bacilliform virus represents a useful tool for the high-level expression of foreign genes in both monocot and dicot transgenic plants that could be used similarly to the CaMV 35S or maize polyubiquitin promoter.  相似文献   

 The nuclear genome of wild-type banana accessions was investigated for repetitive elements. We report here the occurrence, in the banana genome, of a sequence family of species-specific repetitive elements: Brep 1. This sequence family is distributed throughout the Musaceae with various copy numbers. The two species Musa acuminata and M. schizocarpa carry the highest copy numbers in contrast to M. balbisiana and tested representatives of different other sections. PCR primers were defined in the core consensus sequence for specific amplifications, which allow representatives of this sequence family to be easily detected in wild and cultivated banana clones. Sequence data were analysed and hypotheses on the evolution of banana cultivars from the wild-type banana clones are discussed. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted : 7 March 1997  相似文献   

An homogeneous fraction of structural glycoproteins (SGP) purified from the connective matrix of rabbit skin, exerts a strong inhibitory influence on the protein syntheses that occur in cultured fibroblasts both from rabbit and human skin. The effect is dose dependent from 0.7 to 8.4 × 10?6 M. The inhibition of collagen synthesis parallels that of the bulk of proteins.  相似文献   

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