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蛋白质PX结构域的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点介绍了近年不断发现的许多蛋白质结构中含有一个特异的结构域(hox homolog)-PX结构域。蛋白质通过PX结构域与膜肌醇磷脂结合靶蛋白质结合到细胞膜上,然后发挥蛋白质的各自功能。现已鉴定含PX结构域的蛋白质约有100多种,这些蛋白质参与蛋白质转运和信号转导。  相似文献   

蛋白质分子的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
讨论蛋白质分子的结构特征。蛋白质分子是由约20种氨基酸残基组成的多肽。蛋白质的分子结构有4个层次,即一级、二级、三级和四级结构。蛋白质分子高度有序的结构是其执行特定生理功能基础。  相似文献   

非蛋白质氨基酸的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人类基因组计划预计近两三年内即可完成,我们将会得到许多序列已知但未知功能的cDNA。本简单介绍利用互联网上信息资源分析cDNA序列和预测它所编码的蛋白质的结构和功能的方法和常用工具。  相似文献   

<正> 自然界除了组成蛋白质的20种氨基酸外,还存在许多非蛋白质氨基酸,现据统计已测分子结构的非蛋白氨基酸已多达400多种,其中在植物中发现的约有240多种、在动物中发现50多种,其余多存在微生物中,这些天然产物大都具有芳香或杂环的结构,存在于各种细胞或组织中,有的呈游离状,有的呈结合状,但并不存在于蛋白质中,它们大多数是蛋白质中存在的α-氨基酸的衍生  相似文献   

蛋白质结构与功能中的结构域   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
结构域是蛋白质亚基结构中的紧密球状区域.结构域作为蛋白质结构中介于二级与三级结构之间的又一结构层次,在蛋白质中起着独立的结构单位、功能单位与折叠单位的作用.在复杂蛋白质中,结构域具有结构与功能组件与遗传单位的作用.结构域层次的研究将会促进蛋白质结构与功能关系、蛋白质折叠机制以及蛋白质设计的研究.  相似文献   

蛋白质的结构转换   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许多不相关的蛋白质含有相同的短肽序列却形成不同的空间构象. 结构转换广泛存在于蛋白质折叠和功能过程中, 具有重要的生物学意义. 综述了Serpin和EF-Tu的失活、血细胞凝集素的激活、蛋白酶成熟、亚基装配和蛋白质淀粉样化等过程中肽链同源肽段的结构转换模式, 并讨论了它在理解蛋白质折叠机理和“构象病”病因中的应用.  相似文献   

辛德毕斯病毒蛋白质结构与功能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林巍  饶子和  梁国栋 《病毒学报》2000,16(4):383-384,F003
本文在中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所病毒基因工程国家重点实验室合作完成. 辛德毕斯病毒(Sindbis virus)属于披膜病毒科(Togaviridae)甲病毒属(Alphavirus).该病毒无论在病毒形态、病毒结构与病毒复制等方面均集中体现了动物病毒的许多具有普遍性的基本特性.因此对该病毒的研究,尤其是病毒功能蛋白质结构与功能的研究不仅能够回答该病毒本身的分子致病机理,而且从中得出的信息对于其它动物病毒的研究也具有借鉴意义[1].近年来,通过对辛德毕斯病毒各功能蛋白质的晶体结构的研究,对其结构与功能的关系积累了大量材料,取得重要进展,本文概述如下.  相似文献   

高通量的蛋白质互作数据与结构域互作数据的出现,使得在蛋白质组学领域内研究人类蛋白质结构互作网络,进一步揭示蛋白质结构与功能间的潜在关系成为可能.蛋白质上广泛分布的结构域被认为是蛋白质结构、功能以及进化的基本功能单元.然而,结合蛋白质的结构信息(例如蛋白质结构域数目、长度和覆盖率等)来研究这些表象后的内部机制仍然面临着挑战.将蛋白质分为单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,并进一步结合蛋白质互作信息与结构域互作信息构建了人类蛋白质结构互作网络;通过与人类蛋白质互作网络进行比较,研究了人类蛋白质结构互作网络的特殊结构特征;对于单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,分别进行了功能富集分析、功能离散度分析以及功能一致性分析等.结果发现,将结构域互作信息综合考虑进来后,人类蛋白质结构互作网络可以提供更多的单纯的蛋白质互作网络无法提供的细节信息,揭示蛋白质互作网络的复杂性.  相似文献   

Using a series of homologous calcium-binding proteins, a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR), log(1/Kd) = -18.986 - 1.6278(X1) + 0.7981(X2) + 0.2312(X3), has been established, which relates the calcium-binding affinities (1/Kd) of the regulatory proteins with (i) the net ligand charge (X1) of the two calcium binding loops, (ii) the hydrophobicity (X2) of the beta-sheet segment of the loops and (iii) the hydrophobicity (X3) of the four 'EF-hand' helices. It is found that the binding affinities are influenced by the 'EF-hand' pair rather than the individual 'EF-hands'. The QSAR, in addition to explaining satisfactorily the large variation in the observed calcium affinities, can predict the affinities of the 'EF-hand' pairs in other proteins from the amino acid sequence and can also account for the changes in the affinities caused by substitution in the hydrophobic and/or metal-coordinating residues. Thus, this relationship can be employed in protein design and engineering. The method is potentially useful in the development of similar relationships for the binding of other proteins to substrates, inhibitors, drugs and co-factors.  相似文献   

Mechanical unfolding of proteins using atomic force microscopy is becoming a routine biophysical technique. Mechanistic investigations in this rapidly evolving field are beginning to resolve the factors that contribute to the behaviour of biological macromolecules under force. Here we describe the force-mode apparatus, the experimental set-up, tractable systems of study, and the analysis of the resultant force data. Finally we summarise some of the recent achievements and limitations of this technique.  相似文献   

We compared the receptor binding, antigenicity, biological activation, and cell-mediated proteolytic degradation properties of mouse nerve growth factor (mNGF) and human NGF (hNGF). The affinity of hNGF toward human NGF-receptor is greater than that of mNGF, but the affinity of mNGF toward rat NGF-receptor is greater than that of hNGF. Thus, the specificity of the interaction between NGF and its receptor resides both on the NGF and on its receptor. Using a group of anti-NGF monoclonal antibodies that competitively inhibit the binding of NGF to receptor, sites differing between mNGF and hNGF were detected. Together, these results indicate that the sites on hNGF and mNGF, responsible for binding to NGF-receptor, are similar but not identical. In comparing the relative abilities of mNGF and hNGF to stimulate a biological response in PC12 cells, we observed that mNGF was better at stimulating neurite outgrowth than was hNGF, consistent with the differences observed for receptor binding affinity. However, the ED50 for biological activation is approximately 100-fold lower than theK d for receptor occupancy, and, thus, the dose-response curve is not consistent with a simple activation proportional to receptor occupancy. The data are consistent with a model requiring a low-level threshold occupancy of NGF-receptor (K d=10–9 M) in order to stimulate full biological activity. Finally, we observed the degradation of NGF by PC12 cells. We found that the NGF molecule is significantly degraded via a receptor-mediated uptake mechanism. Together, the data provide insight into regions of the NGF molecule involved in contacts with the receptor leading to formation of the NGF: NGF-receptor complex. Additionally, they establish the link between occupancy of receptor and biological activation and the requirement for receptor-mediated uptake in order to degrade NGF proteolytically in cultured PC12 cells.  相似文献   

The structure-function relationship of two kinds of hemoproteins, peroxidases and peroxygenase, is discussed and a tentative model for the active site (heme vicinity) structure of each hemoprotein is proposed. The mechanism of Compound I formation from peroxidases is presumed to involve an electrophilic attack of hydroperoxide, the electrophilicity of which is increased by forming a hydrogen bond to a distal acid group (with β-equatorial arrangement) on the heme iron, the basicity of which is being increased by electron donation from the anionic fifth ligand. On the other hand, the mechanism for peroxygenase is presumed to involve a nucleophilic attack of hydroperoxide, the nucleophilicity of which is increased by forming a hydrogen bond to a distal base group (with α-axial arrangement) to the heme iron ligating the neutral fifth ligand. It is presumed that Compound I of peroxidases, which consists of porphyrin π cation radical and ferryl iron, is stabilized by a π-π type charge transfer interaction between the radical, and stacking imidazolate group (not necessarily different from the distal group) which then ionizes, and by electron donation from the anionic fifth ligand. On the other hand, Compound I of peroxygenase, which is postulated to be an oxene complex, is presumed to be stabilized by an electrostatic interaction with a strongly negative environment, and by ionization of the fifth ligand, if such can happen.  相似文献   

Myomesin is the most prominent structural component of the sarcomeric M-Band that is expressed in mammalian heart and skeletal muscles. Like titin, this protein is an intracellular member of the Ig-fibronectin superfamily, which has a flexible filamentous structure and which is largely composed of two types of domain that are similar to immunoglobulin (Ig)-like and fibronectin type III (FNIII) domains. Several myomesin isoforms have been identified, and their expression patterns are highly regulated both spatially and temporally. Particularly, alternative splicing in the central part of the molecule gives rise to an isoform, EH (embryonic heart)-myomesin, containing a serine and proline-rich insertion with no well-defined secondary structure, the EH segment. EH-myomesin represents the major myomesin isoform at embryonic stages of mammalian heart and is rapidly down-regulated around birth, but it is re-expressed in the heart of patients suffering from dilated cardio-myopathy. Here, in order to facilitate a better understanding of the physiological, and possibly pathological, functions of myomesin proteins, we explore the mechanical stability, elasticity and force-driven structural changes of human myomesin's sub-molecular segments using single-molecule force spectroscopy and protein engineering. We find that human myomesin molecules are composed of modules (Ig and FNIII), that are designed to withstand force and we demonstrate that the human cardiac EH segment functions like an additional elastic stretch in the middle part of the EH-myomesin and behaves like a random coil. Consequently myomesin isoforms (proteins with or without the EH segment) have different elastic properties, the EH-myomesin being the more compliant one. These findings imply that the compliance of the M-band increases with the amount of EH-myomesin it contains. So, we provide the evidence that not only titin but also other sarcomeric proteins have complicated visco-elastic properties depending on the contractile parameters in different muscle types.  相似文献   

Bicelles are a novel form of long-chain/short-chain phospholipid aggregates, which are useful for biophysical and biochemical studies of membrane-associated biomolecules. In this work, we review the development of bicelles and their uses in structural characterization (primarily via NMR, circular dichroism, and fluorescence) of membrane-associated peptides. We also show that bicellar phospholipids are substrates for lipolytic enzymes. For this latter work, we employed a 31P NMR enzymatic assay system to examine the kinetic behavior of cobra venom phospholipase A(2) toward a variety of bicellar substrates. This enzyme hydrolyzed all bicelle lipids at rates comparable to those found for the enzyme action on traditional micellar substrates, which are the best substrates for this enzyme. In addition, we found that this PLA(2) showed no significant preference for long-chain or short-chain phospholipids when they were presented as mixtures in bicelles.  相似文献   

Arthrofactin (AF) and surfactin (SF) are the most effective cyclic lipopeptide biosurfactants ever reported. Linear AF and linear SF were prepared by saponification of lactone ring. The oil displacement activities decreased to one third of their respective original values. When residues of both an aspartic acid and a glutamic acid of SF were methylated or amidated, the activity increased by 20%, although their water solubility was lost. When these amino acid residues were modified by aminomethane sulfonic acid, the activity was drastically decreased probably owing to charge repulsion and structural distortion inhibiting micelle formation. Both AF and SF expressed higher activity under alkaline conditions than acidic conditions. AF was more resistant to acidic conditions than SF and it kept high activity even under pH 0.5. Although SF drastically reduced its activity under acidic conditions, surfactin-Asp/Glu-amido ester and surfactin-Asp/Glu-methyl ester retained similar activities irrespective of the pH change. A couple of conformers of SF prepared by reverse-phase HPLC showed the same oil displacement activity but different surface tension-reducing activity. AF was produced as a series of different fatty acid chain lengths (from C8 to C12). Among them, AF with fatty acid chain length of C10, which was the main product of the strain, showed the highest activity.  相似文献   

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