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We analyzed the two hypervariable segments HVS-Ⅰ and HVS-Ⅱ of 108 Chinese Tu ethnic minority group samples for forensic and population genetics purposes.Comparing with Anderson sequence,79 polymorphic loci in HVS-Ⅰ and 40 in HVS-Ⅱ were found in Chi-nese Tu ethnic minority group mtDNA sequences,and 90 and 64 haplotypes were then defined.Haplotype diversity and the mean pair-wise differences were 0.9903:±0.0013 and 5.7785 in HVS-Ⅰ,and 0.9777±0.0013 and 3.5819 in HVS-Ⅱ,respectively.By analyzing the hypervariable domain from nucleotide 1,6180 to 1,6193 in HVS-Ⅰ,we defined some new types of sequence variations.We also compared the relationship between Tu population and other populations using mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ sequences.According to Rst genetic distances,the phylogenetic tree showed that the Tu population,the Xi'an Han population,the Chinese Korean,and the Mongol ethnic group were in a clade.This indicated a close genetic relationship between them.There were far relations between the Tu population and other Chinese southern Han populations,Siberian,European,African,and other foreign populations.The results suggest that Tu population has a multi-origin and has also merged with other local populations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the two hypervariable segments HVS-Ⅰ and HVS-Ⅱ of 108 Chinese Tu ethnic minority group samples for forensic and population genetics purposes.Comparing with Anderson sequence,79 polymorphic loci in HVS-Ⅰ and 40 in HVS-Ⅱ were found in Chi-nese Tu ethnic minority group mtDNA sequences,and 90 and 64 haplotypes were then defined.Haplotype diversity and the mean pair-wise differences were 0.9903±0.0013 and 5.7785 in HVS-Ⅰ,and 0.9777±0.0013 and 3.5819 in HVS-Ⅱ,respectively.By analyzing the hypervariable domain from nucleotide 1,6180 to 1,6193 in HVS-Ⅰ,we defined some new types of sequence variations.We also compared the relationship between Tu population and other populations using mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ sequences.According to Rst genetic distances,the phylogenetic tree showed that the Tu population,the Xi'an Han population,the Chinese Korean,and the Mongol ethnic group were in a clade.This indicated a close genetic relationship between them.There were far relations between the Tu population and other Chinese southern Han populations,Siberian,European,African,and other foreign populations.The results suggest that Tu population has a multi-origin and has also merged with other local populations.  相似文献   


This article explores the practical and theoretical significance and long-term consequences of the failure to incorporate women’s interests in post-conflict negotiations by examining the case of Muslim women in India. Analyses of deeply divided societies must recognize that political competition and political violence do not affect all citizens equally. Also, the “larger picture” depicted by inter-community conflicts should not overshadow the effects of intra-community conflicts, which are no less important. Evident within each community conflict are the winners and the losers of the political accommodation process, in which the marginalized and weaker sections of each “side” of the conflict may be the real “losers”. Gendered analysis of ethnic conflicts and ethnic conflict resolution demands a reorientation of the concepts of conflict and security – Whose conflict is being solved and who is being secured?  相似文献   


Ethnic and religious minority identity is a subject of intense public debate and academic scrutiny. While assimilation theories anticipate convergence of identity across the generations, discussions of reactive ethnicity, transnational identification and religious revival suggest that there may be a deepening or shifting of minority identity in the second generation. Yet the empirical evidence in support of these different perspectives is far from conclusive. Drawing on a rich data source for the UK, this paper addresses the question of whether minority ethnic groups in Britain show identity assimilation in the second generation. It concludes that both public and private forms of identification with the majority increase across generations, and minority identities tend to become less salient. This is true across ethnic groups, although there are differences in underlying levels and patterns of identity, reflecting variation in contexts of reception and migration.  相似文献   

Morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of Morphidae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of 14 species of Morphidae have been investigated. Most of the scales of the iridescent species of Morphidae (Lepidoptera) present a very particular structure. The ground scales, responsible for the major part of the optical properties, are covered by a very regular set of longitudinal ridges. The ridges themselves are constituted by a superposition of lamellae that act locally as a multilayered structure. This very specific morphology leads to both interferences and diffraction effects. The first one is responsible of the brilliant blue coloration of the males, while the second one diffracts this colored light at a very large angle. These two phenomena give to the butterfly a very effective long-range communication system. The morphological characteristics of the scales of the various species are presented in detail. Two types of optical measurement were performed on the iridescent wings of 14 different species of Morphidae: spectroscopic measurements under various incidences and gonioscopic measurements for a given incidence angle and wavelength. The first allows a determination of the index of refraction of the cuticular material. The second leads to the drawing of spatial diffraction maps. It shows that most of the reflected light is diffracted laterally over a very large angle (90° 〈 0 〈 120°, according to the different species) and that this repartition depends of the polarization of incident light. As predicted by previous calculations, the dissymmetric structure of the ridge is responsible for the separation of the polarization modes in the various diffraction orders.  相似文献   

This paper is a methodological reflection on the experiences of a white Irish woman researching ethnicity in England. Ethnic identity is described as a performance between two social actors that requires the collusion of both parties in order to be socially accepted. The history and disputes around the white Irish ethnic group category in England are discussed. Through the use of fieldnotes and interview extracts, I discuss how I became aware that my ethnic identity was not always recognized by participants, and in some cases the distinction between white Irish and white British was denied. At the micro level, this affects my rapport with individual participants, while at the macro level it resonates with historical relationships between Ireland and England. I argue that such experiences can lead to an existential threat to a person’s ethnic identity and therefore that the status of white Irish identity in England can be fragile.  相似文献   

Using the 2002 All-Russian population census data, the parameters of differential fertility as a component of natural selection (Crow??s indices) have been calculated for women of seven age cohorts of the seven most numerous ethnic groups of the Republic of Dagestan. It has been shown that in the population of Dagestan in the second half of the 20th century the intensities of two types of selection tended to decrease, viz., intragroup selection relaxed in each ethnic group due to considerable reduction of interfamily variance in fertility and intergroup selection relaxed due to reduction of interethnic differences in fertility. A reduction of the average number of offspring (k) was observed in all ethnic groups, suggesting the spread of birth regulation practices (abortion and contraception). Nevertheless, all Muslim groups (aboriginal Dagestan ethnic groups and Azerbaijanis) are still characterized by an extended pattern of reproduction (2.7 < k < 3.3); in Russians k = 2.1. Interethnic differentials in natural reproduction rates, along with migration processes, account for the dynamics of the ethnic composition and gene-pool structure of the population of the Republic of Dagestan.  相似文献   

Quantum-chemical computations were used to investigate the structure-antioxidant parameter relationships of α-lipoic acid and its natural metabolites bisnorlipoic acid and tetranorlipoic acid in their oxidized and reduced forms. The enantiomers of lipoic and dihydrolipoic acid were optimized using the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p), B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ and MP2(full)/6-31+G(d,p) levels of theory as isolated molecules and in the presence of water. The geometries of the metabolites and the values of their antioxidant parameters (proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy, adiabatic ionization potential, spin density, and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy) were calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) level of theory. The results obtained reveal similarities between these structures: a pentatomic, nonaromatic ring is present in the oxidized forms, while an unbranched aliphatic chain (as found in saturated fatty acids) is present in both the oxidized and the reduced forms. Analysis of the spin density and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy revealed that the SH groups exhibited the greatest electron-donating activities. The values obtained for the proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy and adiabatic ionization potential indicate that the preferred antioxidant mechanisms for α-lipoic acid and its metabolites are sequential proton loss electron transfer in polar media and hydrogen atom transfer in vacuum.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of Ser and Thr on the structure of transmembrane helices we have analyzed a database of helix stretches extracted from crystal structures of membrane proteins and an ensemble of model helices generated by molecular dynamics simulations. Both complementary analyses show that Ser and Thr in the g? conformation induce and/or stabilize a structural distortion in the helix backbone. Using quantum mechanical calculations, we have attributed this effect to the electrostatic repulsion between the side chain Oγ atom of Ser and Thr and the backbone carbonyl oxygen at position i ? 3. In order to minimize the repulsive force between these negatively charged oxygens, there is a modest increase of the helix bend angle as well as a local opening of the helix turn preceding Ser/Thr. This small distortion can be amplified through the helix, resulting in a significant displacement of the residues located at the other side of the helix. The crystal structures of aquaporin Z and the β2-adrenergic receptor are used to illustrate these effects. Ser/Thr-induced structural distortions can be implicated in processes as diverse as ligand recognition, protein function and protein folding.  相似文献   



The metabolic syndrome (MetS) concept is widely used in public health and clinical settings without an agreed pathophysiology. We have re-examined the MetS in terms of body fuels, so as to provide a coherent cross-cultural pathogenesis.


National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2001-2) with n = 2254 and Taiwanese National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) sub-set for hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia assessment (TwSHHH 2002), n = 5786, were used to compare different ethnicities according to NCEP-ATPIII (NCEP-tw) criteria for METS. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using principal components (PC) was employed to differentiate and unify MetS components across four ethnicities, gender, age-strata, and urban-rural settings.


The first two factors from the PC analysis (PCA) accounted for from 55.2% (non-Hispanic white) to 63.7% (Taiwanese) of the variance. Rotated factor loadings showed that the six MetS components provided three clusters: the impaired energy regulation (IER) components (waist circumference, WC, fasting triglycerides, TG, and fasting plasma glucose, FPG), systolic and diastolic blood pressures (BPs), and HDL-cholesterol, where the IER components accounted for 25-26% of total variance of MetS components. For the three US ethnic subgroups, factor 1 was mainly determined by IER and HDL-cholesterol, and factor 2 was related to the BP components. For Taiwanese, IER was determinant for both factors, and BPs and HDL-cholesterol were related to factors 1 and 2 respectively.


There is a MetS core which unifies populations. It comprises WC, TG and FPG as a core, IER, which may be expressed and modulated in various second order ways.

We compared the cytotoxic activities of dietary epoxylignans and their stereoisomers and found (?)-verrucosin, which is (7S,7′R,8R,8′R)-7,7′-epoxylignan, to be the most cytotoxic epoxylignan against HeLa cells (IC50 = 6.6 μM). On the other hand, the activity was about a factor of 10 less against HL-60. In this research on the relationship between the structure and cytotoxic activity of (?)-verrucosin 13, the 7-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7′-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) derivative 60, for which the activity (IC50 = 2.4 μM) is three times greater than (?)-verrucosin 13, was discovered. The induction of apoptosis by caspase 3/7 was observed upon treatment with the (?)-verrucosin derivative.  相似文献   

A phylogenetically conserved RNA structure within the NS5B coding region of hepatitis C virus functions as a cis-replicating element (CRE). Integrity of this CRE, designated SL9266 (alternatively 5BSL3.2), is critical for genome replication. SL9266 forms the core of an extended pseudoknot, designated SL9266/PK, involving long distance RNA–RNA interactions between unpaired loops of SL9266 and distal regions of the genome. Previous studies demonstrated that SL9266/PK is dynamic, with ‘open’ and ‘closed’ conformations predicted to have distinct functions during virus replication. Using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and locked nucleic acids (LNA) complementary to defined domains of SL9266 and its interacting regions, we have explored the influence of this structure on genome translation and replication. We demonstrate that LNAs which block formation of the closed conformation inhibit genome translation. Inhibition was at least partly independent of the initiation mechanism, whether driven by homologous or heterologous internal ribosome entry sites or from a capped message. Provision of SL9266/PK in trans relieved translational inhibition, and mutational analysis implied a mechanism in which the closed conformation recruits a cellular factor that would otherwise suppresses translation. We propose that SL9266/PK functions as a temporal switch, modulating the mutually incompatible processes of translation and replication.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Søndergaard  M.  Kanstrup  E.  Petersen  B.  Eriksen  R. B.  Hammershøj  M.  Mortensen  E.  Jensen  J. P.  Have  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):15-30
The effects of nutrients on the biological structure of brackish and freshwater lakes were compared. Quantitative analysis of late summer fish, zooplankton, mysid and macrophyte populations was undertaken in 20–36 shallow brackish lakes of various trophic states and the findings compared with a similar analysis of shallow freshwater lakes based on either sampling (fish) or existing data (zooplankton, mysids and macrophytes). Special emphasis was placed on differences in pelagic top-down control. Whereas the fish biomass (CPUE, multiple mesh-size gill nets) rose with increasing P-concentration in freshwater lakes, that of brackish lakes was markedly reduced at P-concentrations above ca. 0.4 mg P l-1 and there was a concomitant shift to exclusive dominance by the small sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius); as a result, fish density remained relatively high. Mysids (Neomysis integer) were found at a salinity greater than 0.5 and increased substantially with increasing P-concentration, reaching levels as high as 13 ind. l-1. This is in contrast to the carnivorous zooplankton of freshwater lakes, which are most abundant at intermediate P levels. The efficient algal controller, Daphnia was only found at a salinity below 2 and N. integer in lakes with a salinity above 0.5. Above 2 the filter-feeding zooplankton were usually dominated by the less efficient algal controllers Eurytemora and Acartia. In contrast to freshwater lakes, no shift to a clearwater state was found in eutrophic brackish lakes when submerged macrophytes became abundant. We conclude that predation pressure on zooplankton is higher and algal grazing capacity lower in brackish eutrophic-hypertrophic lakes than in comparable freshwater lakes, and that the differences in trophic structure of brackish and freshwater lakes have major implications for the measures available to reduce the recovery period following a reduction in nutrient loading. From the point of view of top-down control, the salinity threshold dividing freshwater and brackish lakes is much lower than the conventionally defined 5.  相似文献   

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