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The O2 uptake capacity of Amphipnous cuchia has been determined in relation to standard temperature of 25 degrees C. The measurement of O2 uptake indicates nearly 75% of the oxygen demand to be met through the air breathing organs and 25% by the skin and vestigeal gill through water in a normal habitat. The total VO2 during aerial-aquatic gas exchange is 60.5 ml/kg/hr. The prevention of surfacing resulted in a lower O2 uptake rate (38.29 ml/kg/hr). During submergence, the utilisation of air sacs for extracting O2 by regular pumping of water in and out is peculiar to the fish. Under normal respiratory conditions (air + water), the slope for O2 uptake through air is 0.72, 0.23 for water and 0.57 for both air + water. The average ratio borne by the fish for aquatic/air breathing (ml/kg/min) is higher in fishes below 60 g body weight, and aquatic respiration predominates in fishes weighing less than 6.0 g.  相似文献   

Amphipnous cuchia is a rare fish in India with a spawning period confined down to peak summer. The fish lays its eggs in especially prepared nest-holes and keeps a guard on the developing young ones. The yolk reserve persists till about 22 to 24 days of development. Larvae respond to direct feeding even before yolk-absorption. The young ones feed actively on chironomus larvae. Surface breaking habit for aerial respiration apparently commences around 15th–16th day of larval life. Adult characters are almost attained in about a month's time.  相似文献   

Methyl methacrylate vascular corrosion replicas were used to examine the macrocirculation in the head region and the microcirculation of respiratory vessels in the air-breathing swamp eel Monopterus cuchia. Fixed respiratory tissue was also examined by SEM to verify capillary orientation. The respiratory and systemic circulations are only partially separated, presumably resulting in supply of mixed oxygenated and venous blood to the tissues. A long ventral aorta gives rise directly to the coronary and hypobranchial arteries. Two large shunt vessels connect the ventral aorta to the dorsal aorta, whereas the remaining ventral aortic flow goes to the respiratory islets and gills. Only two pairs of vestigial gill arches remain, equivalent to the second and third arches, yet five pairs of aortic arches were identified. Most aortic arches supply the respiratory islets. Respiratory islet capillaries are tightly coiled spirals with only a fraction of their total length in contact with the respiratory epithelium. Valve-like endothelial cells delimit the capillary spirals and are unlike endothelial cells in other vertebrates. The gills are highly modified in that the lamellae are reduced to a single-channel capillary with a characteristic three-dimensional zig-zag pathway. There are no arterio-arterial lamellar shunts, although the afferent branchial artery supplying the gill arches also supplies respiratory islets distally. A modified interlamellar filamental vasculature is present in gill tissue but absent or greatly reduced in the respiratory islets. The macro- and micro-circulatory systems of M. cuchia have been considerably modified presumably to accommodate aerial respiration. Some of these modifications involve retention of primitive vessel types, whereas others, especially in the microcirculation, incorporate new architectural designs some of whose functions are not readily apparent.  相似文献   

The blood volume of 10 male and 8 female Amphipnous cuchia (Ham.) were measured through dilution technique method using Evans blue and sodium citrate as anticoagulant. This method was established against heparin. The mean total blood volume and the blood volume per 100 g of body weight for all the weight groups in male were 9.73 +/- 2.45 and 3.10 +/- 0.66, and in female were 10.34 +/- 2.78 and 3.13 +/- 0.66 respectively. The total blood volume of male and female fishes increase as an exponential function of its total body weight.  相似文献   

The development of neuromasts was studied in two species of teleosts, Cirrhina mrigala Ham. Buch. and Ophicephalus punctatus Bloch, and the findings are presented and discussed. It has been discovered, in the course of this investigation, that a neuromast arises by a process of invagination — a fact hitherto not reported. The occurrence of the dorsal lateral line and the accessory lateral line of the trunk, in addition to the main lateral line, has also been reported for the first time for teleosts, although known for other bony fishes.  相似文献   

The structure of the air-breathing organs ofMonopterus (=Amphipnous)cuchia has been studied by using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and the morphological basis for buccopharyngeal respiration, aerial as well as aquatic has been established. Respiratory islets are well distributed over the surface of the buccopharynx, hypopharynx and branchial arches extending deep into the gill clefts but occupy only the anterior two-thirds of the air sacs, the remaining posterior one-third part seems to be non-respiratory in function and may serve as a reservoir for residual air. Arterioles penetrate deep into the epithelial region of air sacs and buccopharynx in spiral-like fashion to form the characteristic vascular papillae of the respiratory islets. In juvenile fish new respiratory islets develop in the non-vascular part of the air sac in between large older islets as sprout-like structures. The respiratory area, capillary loading, thickness of air-blood tissue barrier, and the diffusing capacity of the respiratory membrane of a 200 g fish were found to be 20 cm2, 2.72 cm3/m2, 0.72 × 10?4 cm, and 0.00165 ml O2/min/mmHg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

By employing the technique of induced ovulation for artificial fertilization, inter-specific hybrids between the threatened catfish species (Mystus cavasius x M. seenghala) were produced. Fertilization, hatching and survival were significantly different between control and hybrids. The hatching time of the hybrid was significantly lower than that of the control. The average performance viz., hatching time and viability of larvae of the control fish, was significantly better than that of the hybrids. In the hybrid cross, hatchlings were mostly deformed and abnormal and after yolk absorption ultimately succumbed.  相似文献   

A fish, Sparus datnia (Ham. Buch.), Sparidae, protandric, is one of the species, which has a diffusing intrahepatic pancreas. The gland is compound of two parts : the exocrine part (follow the branches of the portal vein), and the endocrine part (langerhans islets, more or less abundent in the external side of the endocrine part). Three kinds of granular cells are recognized in the endocrine islets.  相似文献   

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