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Type V collagen is a quantitatively minor fibrillar collagen comprised of different chain compositions in different tissues. The most widely distributed form, an alpha1(V)2alpha2(V) heterotrimer, regulates the physical properties of type I/V heterotypic collagen fibrils via partially processed NH2-terminal globular sequences. A less characterized alpha1(V)alpha2(V)alpha3(V) heterotrimer has a much more limited distribution of expression and unknown function(s). We characterized the biosynthetic processing of pro-alpha1(V)2pro-alpha2(V) procollagen previously and showed it to differ in important ways from biosynthetic processing of the major fibrillar procollagens I-III. Here we have successfully produced recombinant pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers. We use these, and mouse embryo fibroblasts doubly homozygous null for the Bmp1 gene, which encodes the metalloproteinase bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1), and for a gene encoding the closely related metalloproteinase mammalian Tolloid-like 1, to characterize biosynthetic processing of pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers, thus completing characterization of type V collagen biosynthetic processing. Whereas pro-alpha1(V) and pro-alpha2(V) processing in pro-alpha1(V)pro-alpha2(V)pro-alpha3(V) heterotrimers is similar to that which occurs in pro-alpha1(V)2pro-alpha2(V) heterotrimers, the processing of pro-alpha3(V) by BMP-1 occurs at an unexpected site within NH2-terminal globular sequences. We also demonstrate that, despite similarities in NH2-terminal domain structures, pro-alpha2(V) NH2-terminal globular sequences are not cleaved by ADAMTS-2, the metalloproteinase that cleaves the N-propeptides of the major fibrillar procollagen chains.  相似文献   

The amino terminal domain of collagen XI has a unique structure, which is believed to participate in the regulation of matrix assembly. Interestingly, several distinct isoforms of the amino terminal domain of alpha1(XI) and alpha2(XI) collagen chains exist as a result of alternative splicing. Here we report the analysis of the alternative splicing pattern of the mouse alpha1(XI) collagen gene (Col11a1). Like other vertebrate species, the mutually exclusive expression of exons 6A and 6B of Col11a1 results in the inclusion in the alpha1 chain of either an acidic peptide (pI 3.14) or a basic peptide (pI 11.66). Expression of these two exons was monitored in several tissues of the 16.5-day mouse embryo by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, with exon-specific cDNA probes and peptide-specific antibodies, respectively. The results documented that isoforms containing the exon 6B-encoded peptide accumulate predominantly in the vertebrae, skeletal muscles and intestinal epithelium. By contrast, exon 6A products were found to be most abundant in the smooth muscle cells of the intestine, aorta and lung. The results using in situ hybridization confirmed those using immunohistochemistry. Albeit correlative, the evidence suggests distinct contributions of the two peptides to the differential assembly of tissue-specific matrices.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA and genomic DNA clones corresponding to the chicken alpha 1 (XI) collagen gene were isolated and characterized. These recombinant DNA clones covered 2667 base pairs of the mRNA and encode 624 amino acids of the triple helical region plus the entire carboxyl-terminal propeptide. Northern blot analysis showed a major band of approximately 6.5 kilobases and a minor band of approximately 7.5 kilobases. A combination of Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses showed that, in addition to its presence in cartilage, this mRNA also is present in a wide variety of chicken noncartilaginous embryonic tissues including brain, heart, skeletal muscle, calvaria, and skin, but was not detected in liver. Type II collagen mRNA has also been detected at low levels in these same tissues. Also, similar to the mRNA for the alpha 1 chain for type II collagen, the alpha 1 (XI) collagen mRNA is detected in limb mesenchyme prior to condensation and differentiation of the core mesenchyme into cartilage.  相似文献   

To determine whether native bovine type XI collagen (BXI) is arthritogenic, five strains of inbred mice were immunized with BXI/CFA. Arthritis was not observed in any of these strains, though it was prevalent in DBA/1 and B10.RIII controls immunized with bovine type II collagen (BII). Antisera from BXI-immunized mice reacted with mouse type XI collagen (MsXI), weakly with the alpha-chains of BXI, and minimally with mouse type II collagen (MsII). However, antisera to BII reacted with MsII and MsXI, indicating antibodies to conformation-independent epitopes shared by alpha 1(II) and alpha 3(XI). Mice immunized with BXI containing a small amount of BII developed arthritis much like those immunized with BII; sera from these mice reacted with MsXI and MsII. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses differed from IgG responses, i.e., BXI elicited responses to alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II); BII, to alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) exclusively. To determine whether alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic, DBA/1J mice were immunized with each alpha-chain. Arthritis was seen in mice injected with alpha 3(XI) or alpha 1(II). Sera to both alpha-chains reacted similarly with MsII and peptide fragment alpha 1(II)-CB11. Epitope mapping using polyclonal and mAb to type II collagen revealed that all polyclonal and 11 of 14 mAb reacted with alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II), whereas three mAb reacted only with alpha 1(II). In conclusion, BXI is immunogenic but not arthritogenic in five strains of mice, whereas alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic and immunogenic in DBA/1 mice and share greater than or equal to 11 epitopes recognized by autoantibody.  相似文献   

Fibrillar collagens are the principal structural molecules of connective tissues. The assembly of collagen fibrils is regulated by quantitatively minor fibrillar collagens, types V and XI. A unique amino-terminal propeptide domain of these collagens has been attributed this regulatory role. The structure of the amino terminal propeptide has yet to be determined. Low sequence similarity necessitated a secondary structure-based method to carry out homology modeling based upon the determined structure of LNS family members, named for a common structure in the laminin LG5 domain, the neurexin 1B domain and the sex hormone binding globulin. Distribution of amino acids within the model suggested glycosaminoglycan interaction and calcium binding. These activities were tested experimentally. Sequence analyses of existing genes for collagens indicate that 16 known collagen alpha chains may contain an LNS domain. A similar approach may prove useful for structure/function studies of similar domains in other collagens with similar domains. This will provide mechanistic details of the organization and assembly of the extracellular matrix and the underlying basis of structural integrity in connective tissues. The absolute requirement for collagen XI in skeletal growth is indicated by collagen XI deficiencies such as chondrodystrophies found in the cho/cho mouse and in humans with Stickler syndrome.  相似文献   

We recently reported the isolation and sequencing of human cDNA clones corresponding to the alpha 3 chain of type VI collagen (Chu, M.-L., Zhang, R.-Z., Pan, T.-c., Stokes, D., Conway, D., Kuo, H.-J., Glanville, R., Mayer, U., Mann, K., Deutzmann, R., and Timpl, R. (1990) EMBO J. 9, 385-393). The study indicates that the amino-terminal globular domain of the alpha 3(VI) chain consists of nine repetitive subdomains of approximately 200 amino acid residues (N1-N9) and the gene appeared to undergo alternative splicing since some clones lacked regions encoding the N9 and part of the N3 subdomains. In the present study, we report the exon structure for the region encoding the amino-terminal globular domain of the human alpha 3(VI) chain. The nine repetitive subdomains are encoded by 10 exons spanning 26 kilobase pairs of genomic DNA. Eight of the repetitive subdomains (N2-N9) were found to be encoded by separate exons of approximately 600 base pairs each. The only exception is the N1 subdomain which is encoded by two exons of 417 and 146 base pairs. Characterization of the exon/intron structure showed that the cDNA variants were the result of splicing out of exon 9 (encoding the N9 subdomain) and part of exon 3 (encoding the N3 subdomain). Nuclease S1 analysis and the polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that exon 7 (N7 subdomain) was also subject to alternative splicing in normal skin fibroblasts. Examination of these splicing events by nuclease S1 analysis in normal fibroblasts, three different human tumor cell lines, and several human tissues showed that splicing out of exon 9 is much more efficient in normal as compared to tumor cells.  相似文献   

System L is a major nutrient transport system responsible for the transport of large neutral amino acids including several essential amino acids. We previously identified a transporter (L-type amino acid transporter 1: LAT1) subserving system L in C6 rat glioma cells and demonstrated that LAT1 requires 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) for its functional expression. Since its oncofetal expression was suggested in the rat liver, it has been proposed that LAT1 plays a critical role in cell growth and proliferation. In the present study, we have examined the function of human LAT1 (hLAT1) and its expression in human tissues and tumor cell lines. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes with human 4F2hc (h4F2hc), hLAT1 transports large neutral amino acids with high affinity (K(m)= approximately 15- approximately 50 microM) and L-glutamine and L-asparagine with low affinity (K(m)= approximately 1.5- approximately 2 mM). hLAT1 also transports D-amino acids such as D-leucine and D-phenylalanine. In addition, we show that hLAT1 accepts an amino acid-related anti-cancer agent melphalan. When loaded intracellularly, L-leucine and L-glutamine but not L-alanine are effluxed by extracellular substrates, confirming that hLAT1 mediates an amino acid exchange. hLAT1 mRNA is highly expressed in the human fetal liver, bone marrow, placenta, testis and brain. We have found that, while all the tumor cell lines examined express hLAT1 messages, the expression of h4F2hc is varied particularly in leukemia cell lines. In Western blot analysis, hLAT1 and h4F2hc have been confirmed to be linked to each other via a disulfide bond in T24 human bladder carcinoma cells. Finally, in in vitro translation, we show that hLAT1 is not a glycosylated protein even though an N-glycosylation site has been predicted in its extracellular loop, consistent with the property of the classical 4F2 light chain. The properties of the hLAT1/h4F2hc complex would support the roles of this transporter in providing cells with essential amino acids for cell growth and cellular responses, and in distributing amino acid-related compounds.  相似文献   

Rat monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) cDNA was cloned. A cDNA library was constructed from mRNA extracted from Con A-stimulated rat spleen cells. After 2 rounds of screening with a radiolabeled oligonucleotide probe and DNA sequencing from plasmid DNAs, one clone which encoded for MCP-1 was obtained. The cDNA clone comprises 665 base pairs with an open reading frame which encodes for 148 amino acid protein. Spleen cells expressed a significant amount of MCP-1 mRNA without stimulus. But higher expression was observed when cells were stimulated with Con A. MCP-1 mRNA was also expressed in tumor cell lines, although the amount of expressed MCP-1 mRNA was different among cell lines.  相似文献   

The expression of apoptosis genes in a commercial pre-designed low-density array from Applied Biosystems was evaluated in two human brain cancer cell models, LN-18 and Daoy (HTB-186?) in comparison to the reference human primary endothelial cells under basic conditions. Analysis of the gene expression in the cancer cell lines compared to the normal control revealed features reflecting anti-apoptotic and inflammatory characteristics of the former. There was an overall downregulation of apoptosis-stimulating genes in both cancer cell lines, along with an upregulation of certain apoptosis inhibitors. A number of genes demonstrated statistically significant changes in their expressions, including BAX (BCL2-associated X protein); the CARD4/NLR family, CARD domain containing 4; CASP10 (caspase 10, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase); DAP1 (death-associated protein kinase 1), and BIRC5 (baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5). Anti-apoptotic potential in both cell lines was demonstrated by changes in the Bax:Bcl-2 ratio and downregulation of the APAF1 gene in LN18 cells. There was also significant downregulation of extrinsic signals and the TNF/FADD/inflammatory cascade, and upregulation of caspase inhibitors (IAPs). These results provided a novel molecular characterization of important human cancer cell lines, which might provide a useful research tool for investigating the experimental model of the CNS cell.  相似文献   

The structural intron/exon organization of the cloned human aldolase A gene is reported. The gene is composed of twelve exons, including the coding and the 5' and 3' non-coding regions. Four mRNAs, different at the 5' non-coding region, are transcribed from this gene in a tissue-specific manner. The study of the expression of aldolase A gene in normal liver and neoplastic cell lines demonstrated the resurgence of foetal pattern of expression in all tumor liver cell lines and HeLa cells, thus supporting the foetalism theory for this gene system.  相似文献   

Consecutive exons 6A, 6B, 7 and 8 that encode the variable region of the amino-terminal domain (NTD) of the col11a1 gene product undergo a complex pattern of alternative splicing that is both tissue-dependent and developmentally regulated. Expression of col11a1 is predominantly associated with cartilage where it plays a critical role in skeletal development. At least five splice-forms (6B-7-8, 6A-7-8, 7-8, 6B-7 and 7) are found in cartilage. Splice-forms containing exon 6B or 8 have distinct distributions in the long bone during development, while in non-cartilage tissues, splice-form 6A-7-8 is typically expressed. In order to study this complex and tissue-specific alternative splicing, a mini-gene that contains mouse genomic sequence from exon 5 to 11, flanking the variable region of alpha1(XI)-NTD, was constructed. The minigene was transfected into chondrocytic (RCS) and non-chondrocytic (A204) cell lines that endogenously express alpha1(XI), as well as 293 cells which do not express alpha1(XI). Alternative splicing in RCS and A204 cells reflected the appropriate cartilage and non-cartilage patterns while 293 cells produced only 6A-7-8. This suggests that 6A-7-8 is the default splicing pathway and that cell or tissue-specific trans-acting factors are required to obtain pattern of the alternative splicing of alpha1(XI) pre-mRNA observed in chondrocytes. Deletional analysis was used to identify cis-acting regions important for regulating splicing. The presence of the intact exon 7 was required to generate the full complex chondrocytic pattern of splicing. Furthermore, deletional mapping of exon 6B identified sequences required for expression of exon 6B in RCS cells and these may correspond to purine-rich (ESE) and AC-rich (ACE) exonic splicing enhancers.  相似文献   

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