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Summary The auricle of the heart of Protopterus aethiopicus contains large numbers of chromaffin cells, often lying immediately adjacent to the endothelium and displaying a bright blue-white fluorescence characteristic for catecholamines after formaldehyde treatment (Falck and Owman 1965). These results combined with X-ray microanalysis after initial fixation with glutaraldehyde and subsequent treatment with dichromate established that these chromaffin cells are the storage site of primary catecholamines (Scheuermann 1978, 1979, 1980; Scheuermann et al. 1980). The aim of the present pilot study was to demonstrate in these cells noradrenaline (NA) or dopamine (DA), or a mixture of both. The evaluation of the excitation spectra of the catecholamine fluorophore transformed by treatment with HCl vapour (excitation maxima at 320 and 370 nm) and the excitation-peak ratio analysis (peak ratio 370/320 nm =1.05–1.5; and 320/280 nm >1.5) identify DA as the primary catecholamine stored in these chromaffin cells. The low fading rate of the monoamine fluorescence after acidification confirms the presence of DA. These microspectrofluorometric findings demonstrate that chromaffin cells in the auricle of the Protopterus heart, which are a part of the medullary homologue of the adrenal gland of higher vertebrates, contain a primary catecholamine, namely DA.  相似文献   

We report a morphologic study of the heart ventricle and outflow tract of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi. The ventricle is saccular and appears attached to the anterior pericardial wall by a thick tendon. An incomplete septum divides the ventricle into two chambers. Both the free ventricular wall and the incomplete ventricular septum are entirely trabeculated. Only a thin rim of myocardium separates the trabecular system from the subepicardial space. The outflow tract consists of proximal, middle, and distal portions, separated by two flexures, proximal and distal. The proximal outflow tract portion is endowed with a layer of compact, well-vascularized myocardium. This portion is homologous to the conus arteriosus observed in the heart of most vertebrates. The middle and distal outflow tract portions are arterial-like, thus being homologous to the bulbus arteriosus. However, the separation between the muscular and arterial portions of the outflow tract is not complete in the lungfish. A thin layer of myocardium covers the arterial tissue, and a thin layer of elastic tissue underlies the conus myocardium. Two unequal ridges composed of loose connective tissue, the spiral and bulbar folds, run the length of the outflow tract. They form an incomplete division of the outflow tract, but fuse at the distal end. The two folds are covered by endocardium and contain collagen, elastin, and fibroblast-like cells. They appear to be homologous to the dextro-dorsal and sinistro-ventral ridges observed during the development of the avian and mammalian heart. Two to three rows of vestigial arterial-like valves appear in the dorsal and ventral aspects of the conus. These valves are unlikely to have a functional role. The possible functional significance of the "gubernaculum cordis," the thick tendon extending between the anterior ventricular surface and the pericardium, is discussed.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide transport in African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus blood conformed to the typical vertebrate scheme, implying a crucial and rate-limiting role of erythrocyte Cl/HCO3 exchange. The rate coefficient for unidirectional Cl efflux via the anion exchanger ( k , s−1) increased with temperature in African lungfish, but values were well below those reported in other species. The erythrocytes of African lungfish were, however, very large (mean cellular volume = 6940 µm3), and the ratio of cell water volume to membrane surface area was high ( V w A m−1 = 1·89). Hence, the apparent Cl permeability ( P Cl =  kV w A m−1, µm s−1) was close to that in other vertebrates. The plot of ln P Cl against the inverse absolute temperature was left-shifted in the tropical African lungfish compared to the temperate rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , which supports the idea that P Cl is similar among animals when compared at their preferred temperatures. Also, Q 10 for anion exchange calculated from P Cl values in African lungfish was 2·0, supporting the idea that the temperature sensitivity of erythrocyte anion exchange matches the temperature sensitivity of CO2 production and transport in ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The distribution of glial intermediate filament molecular markers, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and vimentin, in the brain and spinal cord of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, was examined by light microscopy immunoperoxidase cytochemistry. Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity is clear and is evident in a radial glial system. It consists of fibers of different lengths and thicknesses that are arranged in a regular radial pattern throughout the central nervous system (CNS). They emerge from generally immunopositive radial ependymoglia (tanycytes), lining the ventricular surface, and are directed from the ventricular wall to the meningeal surface. These fibers give rise to endfeet that are apposed to the subpial surface and to blood vessel walls forming the glia limitans externa and the perivascular glial layer, respectively. GFAP-immunopositive star-shaped astrocytes were not found in P. annectens CNS. In the gray matter of the spinal cord, cell bodies of immunopositive radial glia are displaced from the ependymal layer. Vimentin-immunopositive structures are represented by thin fibers mostly localized in the peripheral zones of the brain and the spinal cord. While a few stained fibers appear in the gray matter, the ependymal layer shows no antivimentin immunostaining. In P. annectens the immunocytochemical response of the astroglial intermediate filaments is typical of a mature astroglia cell lineage, since they primarily express GFAP immunoreactivity. This immunocytochemical study shows that the glial pattern of the African lungfish resembles that found in tetrapods such as urodeles and reptiles. The glial pattern of lungfishes is comparable to that of urodeles and reptiles but is not as complex as that of teleosts, birds, and mammals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to elucidate how the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, ameliorated ammonia toxicity during 12 or 46 days of aestivation in air or in mud. Twelve days of aestivation in air led to significant increases in contents of urea, but not ammonia, in tissues of P. annectens. The estimated rate of urea synthesis increased 2.7-fold despite the lack of changes in the activities of hepatic ornithine–urea cycle enzymes, but there was only a minor change in the estimated rate of ammonia production. After 46 days of aestivation in air, the ammonia content in the liver decreased significantly and contents of urea in all tissues studied increased significantly, indicating that the fish shifted to a combination of increased urea synthesis (1.4-fold of the day 0 value) and decreased ammonia production (56% of the day 0 value) to defend against ammonia toxicity. By contrast, 12 days of aestivation in mud produced only minor increases in tissue urea contents, with ammonia contents remained unchanged. This was apparently achieved through decreases in urea synthesis and ammonia production (40 and 15%, respectively, of the corresponding day 0 value). Surprisingly, 46 days of aestivation in mud resulted in no changes in tissue urea contents, indicating that profound suppressions of urea synthesis and ammonia production (2.6 and 1.2%, respectively, of the corresponding day 0 value) had occurred. This is the first report on such a phenomenon, and the reduction in ammonia production was so profound that it could be the greatest reduction known among animals. Since fish aestivated in mud had relatively low blood pO2 and muscle ATP content, they could have been exposed to hypoxia, which induced reductions in metabolic rate and ammonia production. Consequently, fish aestivating in mud had a lower dependency on increased urea synthesis to detoxify ammonia, which is energy intensive, than fish aestivating in air.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the role of urea synthesis in the slender African lungfish Protopterus dolloi in detoxifying ammonia after feeding. There were significant increases in the rate of ammonia excretion in P. dolloi between hours 6 and 15 after feeding. Simultaneously, there were significant increases in urea excretion rates between hours 3 and 18. Consequently, the percentage of total nitrogen (N) excreted as urea N increased to ~60% between hours 12 and 21 post-feeding. Hence, after feeding, the normally ammonotelic P. dolloi became ureotelic. Approximately 41% of the N intake from food was excreted within 24 h by P. dolloi, 55% of which was in the form of urea N. At hour 12 post-feeding, the accumulation of urea N was greater than the accumulation of ammonia N in various tissues, which indicates that feeding led to an increase in the rate of urea synthesis. This is contrary to results reported previously on the infusion of ammonia into the peritoneal cavity of the marine dogfish shark, in which a significant portion of the exogenous ammonia was excreted as ammonia. In contrast, feeding is more likely to induce urea synthesis, which is energy intensive, because feeding provides an ample supply of energy resources and leads to the production of ammonia intracellularly in the liver. The capacity of P. dolloi to synthesize urea effectively prevented a postprandial surge in the plasma ammonia level as reported elsewhere for other non-ureogenic teleosts. However, there was a significant increase in the glutamine content in the brain at hour 24, indicating that the brain had to defend against ammonia toxicity after feeding.Communicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

Summary The presence of lutropin (LH)-like material in the pituitary gland of the South-American lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa, has been demonstrated by means of the unlabeled antibody-enzyme method, by use of rabbit antiovine LH as first antibody. The LH-like substance was revealed in a single PAS-positive cell type primarily located in the anterior part of the distal lobe. Dot blot tests as well as conventional liquid-phase absorption experiments indicate that the anti-ovine LH antibodies possess specificity against the oLH/gb subunit. These observations indicate that dipnoans (Lepidosiren) share a number of antigenic determinants with those of mammalian LH/gb and support the concept that mammalian LH/gb, or part of it, was established early in evolution. The exact nature and physiological function of the substance detected remains to be defined.  相似文献   

The West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) performs benthic, pelvic fin‐driven locomotion with gaits common to tetrapods, the sister group of the lungfishes. Features of P. annectens movement are similar to those of modern tetrapods and include use of the distal region of the pelvic fin as a “foot,” use of the fin to lift the body above the substrate and rotation of the fin around the joint with the pelvis. In contrast to these similarities in movement, the pelvic fins of P. annectens are long, slender structures that are superficially very different from tetrapod limbs. Here, we describe the musculoskeletal anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic fins of P. annectens with dissection, magnetic resonance imaging, histology and 3D‐reconstruction methods. We found that the pelvis is embedded in the hypaxial muscle by a median rostral and two dorsolateral skeletal projections. The protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the pelvic fin are fan‐shaped muscles that cup the femur. The skeletal elements of the fin are serially repeating cartilage cylinders. Along the length of the fin, repeating truncated cones of muscles, the musculus circumradialis pelvici, are separated by connective tissue sheets that connect the skeletal elements to the skin. The simplicity of the protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the fin is surprising, given the complex rotational movement those muscles generate. In contrast, the series of many repeating segmental muscles along the length of the fin is consistent with the dexterity of bending of the distal limb. P. annectens can provide a window into soft‐tissue anatomy and sarcopterygian fish fin function that complements the fossil data from related taxa. This work, combined with previous behavioral examination of P. annectens, illustrates that fin morphologies that do not appear to be capable of walking can accomplish that function, and may inform the interpretation of fossil anatomical evidence. J. Morphol. 275:431–441, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Growing oocytes of Protopterus, like those of some amphibians and teleosts, show an impressive development of the nucleolar apparatus. Numerous nucleolus-like bodies establish close spatial relationships with the nuclear envelope by extending pedicels and streams of finely dispersed material towards the inner membrane.At such contact points, gaps in the perinuclear cistern are more frequent than elsewhere along the nuclear boundary. Expansion of the outer nuclear membrane gives rise to blebs, with or without visible content, and these become pinched off to form small vesicles in the perinuclear cytoplasm.Small, electron dense aggregates, indistinguishable from nucleolar material occur on both sides of the nuclear envelope opposite to each other, some being connected by a slender portion of the same material within a nuclear pore. Such accumulations are interpreted as detached parts of nucleolar bodies in transit to cytoplasmic sites where they presumably participate in the biogenesis of ribosomes. At the height of nucleolar emission, nucleoplasm and perinuclear cytoplasm are so rich in small electron dense particles that they are almost indistinguishable from each other.At this stage of massive transport, the route provided by the nuclear pores seems to be insufficient and another, more spacious, gateway may be in operation. The latter involves direct passage of material across the nuclear membranes preferentially where these form blebs.This view is supported not only by the overt spatial relationships between nucleolar pedicels and blebs, but by the occurrence within perinuclear lacunae and blebs of particles that seem to be derived from nucleolar bodies. Furthermore, frequent interruptions in the nuclear membranes preferentially located where they expand into outpocketings suggest that at these sites temporary gateways may exist in the living cell that permit easy access of intranuclear components to the cytoplasm.Supported by grants AM-3984, NB-00840, and NB-05219 from the U.S.P.H.S.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the relationship between respiratory allocation (air vs. water) and the standard rate of metabolism (SMR) in the primitive air-breathing lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. Simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumed from both air and water were made to determine the SMR at ecologically relevant aquatic oxygen levels for juveniles 2 to 221 g. Total metabolic rate was positively correlated with body mass with a scaling exponent of 0.78. Aerial oxygen consumption averaged 98% (range=94% to 100%) of total respiratory allocation under low aquatic oxygen levels. Measurements of oxygen consumption made across a gradient of dissolved oxygen from normoxia to anoxia showed that P. aethiopicus maintains its SMR despite a change in respiratory allocation between water and air.  相似文献   

We describe the microstructure of the alimentary canal of the juvenile lungfish Protopterus annectens. Following the oesophagus, the gut is formed by a long segment that extends down to the pyloric valve. This segment, classically named stomach, is lined by a transitional epithelium but lacks all characteristics of the vertebrate stomach. It has been defined here as the intestinal vestibule. The spiral valve is divided into a first large chamber, which contains mucosal ridges, and a second smooth portion. The entire spiral valve is lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium that contains approximately six cell types: enterocytes, goblet cells, ciliated cells, leukocytes, dark pigment cells, and vascular cells. Enterocytes and goblet cells show a high number of cytoplasmic vacuoles. The number and size of the vacuoles, and the number of ciliated cells, decreases from the anterior toward the posterior end, suggesting that most of the digestive processes take place in the anterior part of the spiral valve. The epithelium overlies a lamina propria in the first large chamber and a vascular plexus in the smooth portion. The cloaca has a thick muscular wall covered by a transitional epithelium. An extensive lymphatic system formed by capillaries and lymphatic micropumps is present along the entire wall of the alimentary canal. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the brain and the pituitary region of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri is described from serial section reconstruction. The distal lobe has no direct arterial blood supply and receives blood solely from a pituitary portal system basically similar to that of other sarcopterygians. The primary capillary plexus of the median eminence receives its arterial blood from the infundibular arteries, which on their way distribute some small branches to the prechiasmatic region. The primary plexus also receives capillaries from the adjacent pial hypothalamic plexus. The primary capillary plexus of the median eminence comprises a rostral 'uncovered' and caudal 'covered' part which are not sharply delineated. Distinct portal vessels connect the 'uncovered' rostral part of the primary plexus with the secondary capillary plexus supplying the rostral subdivision of the pars distalis. The 'covered' caudal part of the primary plexus merges into the proximal subdivision of the pars distalis, apparently without formation of distinct portal vessels. The primary plexus has some connections with the plexus intermedius via a hypophysial stem capillary plexus. The plexus intermedius has a substantial arterial supply and gives off capillaries to the parenchyma of the pars intermedia. The adenohypophysis is drained into an unpaired hypophysial vein. The significance of the vascular pathways is discussed from comparative, functional, and evolutionary viewpoints.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to define at the light-microscopic level expression of prolactin and somatotropin material in the pituitary gland of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, by use of polyclonal antibodies against ovine prolactin (oPRL) and bovine somatotropin (bSTH). Substances immunologically related to mammalian oPRL as well as bSTH were detected in two morphologically different cell types in the distal lobe, corresponding to the acidophilic cells. The specificity of the antibodies was initially confirmed in a porcine tissue control system. First, our absorption studies confirm that in Neoceratodus the anti-oPRL identifies part of an oPRL-like molecule different from bSTH. Secondly, the anti-bSTH identifies both part of a bSTH-like molecule proper to bovine and Neoceratodus STH, and part of a bSTH-like molecule having antigenic determinants in common with both bSTH and oPRL. This part of the oPRL is, however, not shared with the Neoceratodus PRL as revealed by the anti-oPRL. Altogether these observations support the concepts: (1) that mammalian PRL and STH, or part of those, were established early in evolution, and (2) that dipnoans as living sarcopterygians have an ancestor in common with the early amphibians. The exact nature and physiological functions of the substances detected remain to be defined.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(6):791-800
African lungfish (Protopterus ) seem unique among osteognathostomes in possessing a potential vomeronasal organ homolog in form of accessory epithelial crypts within their nasal cavity. Many details regarding structural and functional properties of these crypts are still unexplored. In this study, we reinvestigate the issue and also present the first data on epithelial crypts in the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa . The nasal cavities of L. paradoxa and Protopterus annectens were studied using histology, scanning electron microscopy, and alcian blue and PAS staining. In both species, the epithelial crypts consist of a pseudostratified sensory epithelium and a monolayer of elongated glandular cells, in accordance with previously published data on Protopterus . In addition, we found a new second and anatomically distinct type of mucous cell within the duct leading into the crypt. These glandular duct cells are PAS positive, whereas the elongated glandular cells are stainable with alcian blue, suggesting distinct functions of their respective secretions. Furthermore, the two lungfish species show differently structured crypt sensory epithelia and external crypt morphology, with conspicuous bilaterally symmetrical stripes of ciliated cells in L. paradoxa . Taken together, our data suggest that stimulus transport into the crypts involves both ciliary movement and odorant binding mucus.  相似文献   

The population of lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus (Heckel)) was sampled by bottom trawling for 12 months from June 1984 to May 1985. A total of 576 lungfish were investigated. The sex ratio in the population was 1 male : 1 -98 females. Average size at maturity was found to be 960cm total length (TL) but the smallest matured male measured 72-9 cm and the female 840 cm TL. It was not possible to establish spawning times and reproductive activity trends either from the variation in relative condition factor ‘kn’ or from gonadosomatic index (GSI). Whereas male lungfish seem to show no further increase in GSI after gonadal maturity stage III, females exhibit GSI values that vary directly with oocyte maturation and ovarian weights. Fat deposited along the gonads was found to be a better basis for assessing maturation and spawning in lungfish. The potential spawning period was found to be from September to May. Absence of lungfish with spent gonads over the 12-month period and the presence of different egg sizes in ovaries, suggest that the fish is a multiple spawner. Fecundity was found to range from 705 eggs (in 84-cm TL fish) to 14,922 eggs (in 130-cm TL Fish).  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine pancreas of the Australian lungfish,Neoceratodus forsteri, was investigated immunocytochemically for the presence of polypeptide hormone-producing cells. Three cell types were identified, namely insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-immunoreactive elements. The insulin cells are confined solely to the center of the islets. Glucagon and somatostatin cells are distributed peripherally around the central mass of the insulin cells. Isolated cells or clusters of glucagon and somatostatin cells are also dispersed within the exocrine parenchyma. The immunoreactive cell types are compared with those staining with standard histological procedures. The spatial relationships of the different cell populations are examined.  相似文献   

The morphology of the retina of the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri was investigated by means of light- and electron microscopy, whilst immunocytochemical studies were performed to determine the cellular distributions of the major amino acid neurotransmitters and other amino acids. The distributions of glycine and GABA were similar to those previously described for teleost, amphibian and mammalian retinae. Labelling was abundant in amacrine cells, whilst GABA was also present in one layer of horizontal cells and some bipolar cells. Taurine was present in both rods and cones, but, unlike the mammalian or avian retina, was absent from other cellular structures, including glial elements. Unexpectedly, the photoreceptor terminals lacked an apparent content of the excitatory amino acid transmitter glutamate. The glutamate that was present in the rods and cones occupied a crescentic arc corresponding to the location of glycogen-rich paraboloids. Asparagine was also present in rods, albeit in the modified mitochondria that formed the elipsoids of the rod inner segments. Arginine, the precursor for formation of nitric oxide, was present in glial cells, and in the paraboloids of both rods and cones.  相似文献   

The translocation of the marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus into Lake Baringo created a new fishery for the local community, who capture them primarily in a bottom-set long line fishery. Its introduction, development and current fishery status in the lake are documented. Annual catch data were obtained from the District Fisheries Office, while catch and effort data of the long line fishery were recorded at one active fish-landing site between February and October 2001. Lungfish comprise a significant component of commercial landings, sometimes exceeding catches of the Baringo tilapia Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis as the most landed species by weight. Daily catch rates and effort varied considerably, ranging from 5.51–15.18kg day?1 and from 50–590 baited hooks day?1, respectively. Daily catch per fisher ranged from 0–35.72kg, while the overall mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) was only 0.003kg per hook-hour. This study provides the only baseline CPUE data for a lungfish long line fishery that the authors are aware of, for comparison with future studies in this or other lakes where lungfish are similarly exploited. Recommendations for improved management and the maintenance of a viable lungfish long line fishery in Lake Baringo are presented.  相似文献   

We examined the energy status, nitrogen metabolism and hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the African lungfish Protopterus annectens during aestivation in normoxia (air) or hypoxia (2% O(2) in N(2)), with tissues sampled on day 3 (aerial exposure with preparation for aestivation), day 6 (entering into aestivation) or day 12 (undergoing aestivation). There was no accumulation of ammonia in tissues of fish exposed to normoxia or hypoxia throughout the 12-day period. Ammonia toxicity was avoided by increased urea synthesis and/or decreased endogenous N production (as ammonia), but the dependency on these two mechanisms differed between the normoxic and the hypoxic fish. The rate of urea synthesis increased 2.4-fold, with only a 12% decrease in the rate of N production in the normoxic fish. By contrast, the rate of N production in the hypoxic fish decreased by 58%, with no increase in the rate of urea synthesis. Using in vivo (31)P NMR spectroscopy, it was demonstrated that hypoxia led to significantly lower ATP concentration on day 12 and significantly lower creatine phosphate concentration on days 1, 6, 9 and 12 in the anterior region of the fish as compared with normoxia. Additionally, the hypoxic fish had lower creatine phosphate concentration in the middle region than the normoxic fish on day 9. Hence, lowering the dependency on increased urea synthesis to detoxify ammonia, which is energy intensive by reducing N production, would conserve cellular energy during aestivation in hypoxia. Indeed, there were significant increases in glutamate concentrations in tissues of fish aestivating in hypoxia, which indicates decreases in its degradation and/or transamination. Furthermore, there were significant increases in the hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) amination activity, the amination/deamination ratio and the dependency of the amination activity on ADP activation in fish on days 6 and 12 in hypoxia, but similar changes occurred only in the normoxic fish on day 12. Therefore, our results indicate for the first time that P. annectens exhibited different adaptive responses during aestivation in normoxia and in hypoxia. They also indicate that reduction in nitrogen metabolism, and probably metabolic rate, did not occur simply in association with aestivation (in normoxia) but responded more effectively to a combined effect of aestivation and hypoxia.  相似文献   

The relative dependence on branchial and pulmonary organs was studied in the African lungfish P. annectens and in the catfish Clarias lazera. The frequency of pulmonary ventilation varied, in the normal state, with the activity and age of the fish and followed a circadian rhythm. Small specimens of both species exhibited a higher branchial ventilatory rate than older specimens and depended largely on aquatic O2 uptake (over 85% and 90% in Clarias and Protopterus respectively). The dependence on aerial respiration appeared to develop gradually with age in Clarias but occurred over a limited age-range (200–300 g) in Protopterus. In mature fish (over 400 g), pulmonary respiration constituted 50–60% of the total in Clarias and 80–85% in Protopterus. Partitioning of O2 uptake between air and water depended on the O2 content of the water and that of O2 and CO2 in the pulmonary organs. Protopterus and Clarias surfaced for air when the O2 content of the respiratory organs was reduced to 90% and 85% (of that immediately following an air-breath) respectively. An increase in the pulmonary O2 content lengthened the apnoeic period and reduced pulmonary respiration more markedly in Protopterus than in Clarias whereas an increase of that of CO2 produced the reverse effects.  相似文献   

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