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The conformations of two peptides produced by the combinations of a nuclear localization sequence and a sequence issued from the fusion protein gp41 of HIV 1 have been analyzed both in solution and in membranes or in membrane mimicking environments. Both are shown to be nonordered in water, α-helical when incorporated into SDS micelles where the helical domain concerns the hydrophobic part of the peptides. Interactions with lipids induce the formation of β-sheet and the lipid-peptide interactions are governed by the nature of the lipid polar headgroups. A monolayer study shows that replacement of the sequence separating the two sequences with an arginine favors the lipid-peptide interactions which may contribute to the understanding of the different, nuclear and membrane associated, cellular localizations of the peptides. Received: 10 October 1997/Revised: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

The genomic organization of the hsp83 gene of Drosophila auraria, a far-eastern endemic species belonging to the montium subgroup of the melanogaster species group, is presented here. Based on in situ hybridization on polytene chromosomes, cDNA and genomic clone mapping, nucleotide sequencing, and genomic Southern analysis, hsp83 is shown to be present as a single-copy gene at locus 64B on the 3L chromosome arm in D. auraria. This gene is organized into two exons separated by a 929-bp intron. The first exon represents the mRNA leader sequence and is not translated, while the coding region, having a length of 2,151 bp, is solely included in the second exon. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of D. auraria hsp83 with homologous sequences from other organisms show high conservation of the coding region (88–92% identity) in the genus Drosophila, in addition to the conserved genomic organization of two-exons–one-intron, of comparable size and arrangement. A phylogenetic tree based on the protein sequences of homologous genes from representative organisms is in accord with the accredited phylogenetic position of D. auraria. In the hsp83 gene region, a second case of long antiparallel coupled open reading frames (LAC ORFs) for this species was found. The antiparallel to the hsp83 gene ORF is 1,554 bases long, while the two ORFs overlap has a size of 1,548 bp. The anti-hsp83 ORF does not show significant homology to any known gene sequences. In addition, no similar LAC ORF structures were found in homologous gene regions of other organisms. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

The yeast Peptide Sensitive Channel (PSC), a cationic channel of the mitochondrial outer membrane closes with slow kinetics at potentials of either polarity. The properties of this inactivation closely resemble those of the Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC) slow kinetics closures. Addition of trypsin to one compartment suppresses the inactivation observed when this compartment is made positive, but does not affect the inactivation observed at potentials of reverse polarity. Both sides of the channel are sensitive. The reduced form of the Mast Cell Degranulating peptide (rMCD) increases the rate of inactivation, but only when the polarity of the compartment to which it is added is positive. The effect is not reversed by washing the peptide out, but is suppressed by trypsin. The peptide can bind to both sides of the membrane. The effect of rMCD on PSC closely resembles that of the ``modulator' on VDAC. The similarities between PSC and VDAC suggest that the former might be a cationic porin of the mitochondrial outer membrane possessing a structure closely related to that of VDAC. Received: 2 February 1996/Revised: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

The origin and evolutionary relationship of actin isoforms was investigated in chordates by isolating and characterizing two new ascidian cytoplasmic and muscle actin genes. The exon–intron organization and sequences of these genes were compared with those of other invertebrate and vertebrate actin genes. The gene HrCA1 encodes a cytoplasmic (nonmuscle)-type actin, whereas the MocuMA2 gene encodes an adult muscle-type actin. Our analysis of these genes showed that intron positions are conserved among the deuterostome actin genes. This suggests that actin gene families evolved from a single actin gene in the ancestral deuterostome. Sequence comparisons and molecular phylogenetic analyses also suggested a close relationship between the ascidian and vertebrate actin isoforms. It was also found that there are two distinct lineages of muscle actin isoforms in ascidians: the larval muscle and adult body-wall isoforms. The four muscle isoforms in vertebrates show a closer relationship to each other than to the ascidian muscle isoforms. Similarly, the two cytoplasmic isoforms in vertebrates show a closer relationship to each other than to the ascidian and echinoderm cytoplasmic isoforms. In contrast, the two types of ascidian muscle actin diverge from each other. The close relationship between the ascidian larval muscle actin and the vertebrate muscle isoforms was supported by both neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses. These results suggest that the chordate ancestor had at least two muscle actin isoforms and that the vertebrate actin isoforms evolved after the separation of the vertebrates and urochordates. Received: 20 June 1996 / Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

The influence of varying concentrations of a transmembrane peptide, gramicidin A (gA), and cholesterol (Chol) on the passive permeation of p-methylhippuric acid (MHA) and α-carbamoyl-p-methylhippuric acid (CMHA) across egg-lecithin membranes (EPC) has been investigated in vesicle efflux experiments. Incorporation of 0.25 volume fraction of gA in its nonchannel conformation increased the permeability coefficient (P m ) for CMHA by a factor of 6.0 ± 1.8 but did not alter P m for MHA, a more lipophilic permeant. In contrast, incorporation of 0.26 volume fraction Chol with no added protein decreased the P m values for both CMHA and MHA by similar factors of 4.2 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 1.2, respectively. A quantitative structure-transport model has been developed to account for the dependence of P m on the membrane concentrations of gA and Chol in terms of induced changes in both membrane chain ordering and hydrophobicity. Chain ordering is assumed to affect P m for both permeants similarly since they are comparable in molecular size, while changes in P m ratios in the presence of gA or Chol are attributed to alterations in membrane hydrophobicity. Changes in lipid chain ordering were detected by monitoring membrane fluidity using fluorescence anisotropy of 1-[4-(trimethylamino)phenyl]-6-phenylhexa-1,3,5-triene incorporated into the membranes. The influence of additives on membrane hydrophobicity, which governs P m ratios through effects on solute partitioning into the barrier domain, were rationalized within the framework of regular solution theory using solubility parameters as a measure of membrane hydrophobicity. Fits of the P m ratios using the theoretical model yielded solubility parameters for gA and Chol in EPC membranes of 13.2 and 7.7 (cal/ml)1/2, respectively, suggesting that gA decreases the barrier domain hydrophobicity while Chol has a minimal effect on barrier hydrophobicity. After correcting for barrier domain hydrophobicity, permeability decrements due to membrane ordering induced by gA or Chol were found to exhibit a strong correlation with membrane order as predicted by free-surface-area theory, regardless of whether gA or Chol is used as the ordering agent. Received: 20 December 1999/Revised: 21 June 2000  相似文献   

The peptide bond formation of alanine (ala), ala + glycine (gly), ala + diglycine (gly2), and ala + gly cyclic anhydride (cyc-gly2) in drying/wetting cycles at 80°C was studied. Silica, alumina, and representative smectites—montmorillonite and hectorite—were used as catalysts, and the dependence of reaction yields on the available amount of water in the reaction systems was evaluated. Silica and alumina catalyze the formation of oligopeptide mainly in temperature fluctuation experiments, whereas higher amounts of water in the reaction system support clay-catalyzed reactions. Silica and alumina are much more efficient for amino acid dimerization than clays. Whereas only 0.1% of ala oligomerized on hectorite and no reaction proceeded on montmorillonite, about 0.9 and 3.8% alanine converted into its dimer and cyclic anhydride on silica and alumina, respectively. Clay minerals, on the other hand, seem to more efficiently catalyze peptide chain elongation than amino acid dimerization. The reaction yields of ala-gly-gly and gly-gly-ala from ala + gly2 and ala + cyc-gly2 reached about 0.3% on montmorillonite and 1.0% on hectorite. The possible mechanisms of these reactions and the relevance of the results for prebiotic chemistry are discussed. Received: 15 December 1996 / Accepted: 1 May 1997  相似文献   

When divergence between viral species is large, the analysis and comparison of nucleotide or protein sequences are dependent on mutation biases and multiple substitutions per site leading, among other things, to the underestimation of branch lengths in phylogenetic trees. To avoid the problem of multiply substituted sites, a method not directly based on the nucleic or protein sequences has been applied to retroviruses. It consisted of asking questions about genome structure or organization, and gene function, the series of answers creating coded sequences analyzed by phylogenic software. This method recovered the principal retroviral groups such as the lentiviruses and spumaviruses and highlighted questions and answers characteristic of each group of retroviruses. In general, there was reasonable concordance between the coded genome methodology and that based on conventional phylogeny of the integrase protein sequence, indicating that integrase was fixing mutations slowly enough to marginalize the problem of multiple substitutions at sites. To a first approximation, this suggests that the acquisition of novel genetic features generally parallels the fixation of amino acid substitutions. Received: 18 May 2001 / Accepted: 7 September 2001  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship of muscle and nonmuscle actin isoforms in deuterostomia was studied by the isolation and characterization of two actin genes from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum and two from the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii The Branchiostoma genes specify a muscle and a nonmuscle actin type, respectively. Together with earlier results on muscle actins from vertebrates and urochordates, a N-terminal sequence signature is defined for chordate muscle actins. These diagnostic amino acid residues separate the chordates from the echinoderms and other metazoa. Although the two Saccoglossus actins characterized so far lack the diagnostic residues, in line with the presumptive phylogenetic position of hemichordates outside the chordates, a definitive conclusion can only be expected once the full complement of actin genes of Saccoglossus is established. Comparison of the intron patterns of the various deuterostomic actin genes shows that intron 330-3, which is present in all vertebrate genes, is conspicuously absent from nonvertebrate genes. The possible origin of this intron is discussed. Received: 4 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 August 1997  相似文献   

We previously sequenced two regions around the centromeric end of HLA class I and the boundary between class I and class III. In this paper we analyze the two regions of about 385 kb and confirm, giving a new line of evidence, that the following two pairs of the genomic segments were duplicated in evolution: (i) a 43-kb genomic segment including the HLA-B gene showing the highest polymorphism among the classical HLA class I loci (class Ia) and a 40-kb segment including the HLA-C locus showing the lowest polymorphism and (ii) a 52-kb segment including the MIC (MHC class I chain related gene) B and a 35-kb segment including MICA. We also found that repetitive elements such as SINEs, LINEs, and LTRs occupy as much as 47% of nucleotides in this 385-kb region. This unusually high content of repetitive elements indicates that repeat-mediated rearrangements have frequently occurred in the evolutionary history of the HLA class Ia region. Analysis of LINE compositions within the two pairs of duplicated segments revealed that (i) LINEs in these regions had been dispersed prior to both the duplication of the HLA-B and -C loci and the duplication of the MICB and MICA loci, and (ii) the divergence of the HLA-B and -C loci occurred prior to the duplication of the MICA and MICB loci. To find novel genes responsible for HLA class I-associated or other diseases, we performed computer analysis applying GenScan and GRAIL to GenBank's dbEST. As a result, at least five as yet uncharacterized genes were newly mapped on the HLA class I centromeric region studied. These novel genes should be analyzed further to determine their relationships to diseases associated with this region. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

The lactate and malate dehydrogenases comprise a complex protein superfamily with multiple enzyme homologues found in eubacteria, archaebacteria, and eukaryotes. In this study we describe the sequence and phylogenetic relationships of a malate dehydrogenase (MDH) gene from the amitochondriate diplomonad protist, Giardia lamblia. Parsimony, distance, and maximum-likelihood analyses of the MDH protein family solidly position G. lamblia MDH within a eukaryote cytosolic MDH clade, to the exclusion of chloroplast, mitochondrial, and peroxisomal homologues. Furthermore, G. lamblia MDH is specifically related to a homologue from Trichomonas vaginalis. This MDH topology, together with published phylogenetic analyses of β-tubulin, chaperonin 60, valyl-tRNA synthetase, and EF-1α, suggests a sister-group relationship between diplomonads and parabasalids. Since these amitochondriate lineages contain genes encoding proteins which are characteristic of mitochondria and α-proteobacteria, their shared ancestry suggests that mitochondrial properties were lost in the common ancestor of both groups. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

Based on sequence analyses of 17 complete centromeric DNA monomers from ten different deer species, a model is proposed for the genesis, evolution, and genomic organization of cervid satellite I DNA. All cervid satellite I DNA arose from the initial amplification of a 31-bp DNA sequence. These 31-bp subrepeats were organized in a hierarchical fashion as 0.8-kb monomers in plesiometacarpalia deer and 1-kb monomers in telemetacarpalia deer. The higher-order repeat nature of cervid centromeric satellite DNA monomers accounts for their high intragenomic and intraspecific sequence conservation. Such high intraspecific sequence conservation validates the use of a single cervid satellite I DNA monomer from each deer species for interspecific sequence comparisons to elucidate phylogenetic relationships. Also, a specific 0.18-kb tandem duplication was observed in all 1-kb monomers, implying that 1-kb cervid satellite I DNA monomers arose from an unequal crossover event between two similar 0.8-kb ancestral DNA sequences. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

Veratridine, an alkaloid isolated from the rhizome of V. album, binds and slows the inactivation of the brain sodium channels. The synthetic pentapeptide KIFMK causes a voltage- and use-dependent open-channel block of the RIIA (rat brain type IIA) sodium channel (Eaholtz, Scheuer & Catterall, 1994). Our studies on the RIIA sodium channel expressed in CHO cells reveal that the fraction of veratridine modified sodium channels decreases linearly with increasing KIFMK concentration. However, the time constant for dissociation of veratridine from the channel remains unchanged in the presence of a high concentration of KIFMK, as opposed to that in the presence of QX314 where the dissociation appears to be more complex. These data are consistent with mutually exclusive binding of the open channel blocking peptide and veratridine to the brain sodium channel. Received: 19 November 1996/Revised: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

Planar asymmetric glycolipid/phospholipid bilayer membranes were used as a reconstitution model of the lipid matrix of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria to study complement (C) activation by various bacterial surface glycolipids with the aim of defining the C activation pathway. As glycolipids the lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella enterica serovar Minnesota R mutant strains R595 (Re LPS) and R4 (Rd2 LPS), pentaacyl lipid A from the LPS of the Escherichia coli Re mutant F515, and glycosphingolipid GSL-1 of Sphingomonas paucimobilis IAM 12576 were used. Methylester and carboxyl-reduced derivatives of GSL-1 were used to elucidate the role of the carboxyl group as common functional group of LPS and GSL-1 for C activation. The formation of lytic pores was monitored via the measurement of changes in membrane current. For all glycolipids we observed a considerable increase in membrane current soon after addition of whole human serum due to the formation of lytic pores in the membranes. Pore formation was dependent on the presence of C9, indicating that the observed current changes were due to C activation. We found that in our reconstitution system of the outer membrane lipid A, Re LPS, and Rd2 LPS activated the classical pathway, the activation being independent of specific anti-LPS antibodies. In contrast, GSL-1 and the methylester derivative of GSL-1 activated the alternative pathway even at the low serum concentrations used in this study (about 0.2% v/v). Interestingly, the carboxyl reduced GSL-1 activated the classical pathway. Received: 16 July 1998/Revised: 28 October 1998  相似文献   

A reexamination of the genetic code suggests a rule of conjugates which captures the observed quartet degeneracies without exception. Adenine is the conjugate of cytosine and uracil is the conjugate of guanine. Further analysis reveals that the rule of conjugates is a macrolevel manifestation of the molecular-level hydrogen-bonding and base-stacking interactions at the decoding site. This new perspective is of significance to evolutionary discussions of nucleic acid bases, genetic code, and interactions involving RNAs. Received: 29 November 1996 / Accepted: 8 June 1997  相似文献   

A long repetitive DNA sequence (OtY8) has been cloned from male chinook salmon and its genomic organization has been characterized. The repeat has a unit length of 8 kb and is present approximately 300 times per diploid male nucleus. All internal fragments within the 8-kb repeat segregate from father to son, suggesting that the entire repeat unit is located on the Y chromosome. The organization of this sequence into an 8-kb repeat unit is restricted to the Y chromosome, as are several male-specific repeat subtypes identified on the basis of restriction-site variation. The repeat possesses only weak internal sequence similarities, suggesting that OtY8 has not arisen by duplication of a smaller repeat unit, as is the case for other long tandem arrays found in eukaryotes. Based on a laddered pattern arising from partial digestion of genomic DNA with a restriction enzyme which cuts only once per repeat unit, this sequence is not dispersed on the Y chromosome but is organized as a head-to-tail tandem array. Pulse-gel electrophoresis reveals that the direct-tandem repeats are organized into at least six separate clusters containing approximately 12 to 250 copies, comprising some 2.4 Mb of Y-chromosomal DNA in total. Related sequences with nucleotide substitutions and DNA insertions relative to the Y-chromosomal fragment are found elsewhere in the genome but at much lower copy number and, although similar sequences are also found in other salmonid species, the amplification of the repeat into a Y-chromosome-linked tandem array is only observed in chinook salmon. The OtY8 repetitive sequence is genetically tightly associated with the sex-determination locus and provides an opportunity to examine the evolution of the Y chromosome and sex determination process in a lower vertebrate. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

In the course of investigating mitochondrial genome organization in Crypthecodinium cohnii, a non-photosynthetic dinoflagellate, we identified four EcoRI fragments that hybridize to a probe specific for cox1, the gene that encodes subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase. Cloning and sequence characterization of the four fragments (5.7, 5.1, 4.1, 3.5 kilobase pairs) revealed that cox1 exists in four distinct but related contexts in C. cohnii mtDNA, with a central repeat unit flanked by one of two possible upstream (flanking domain 1 or 2) and downstream (flanking domain 3 or 4) regions. The majority of the cox1 gene is located within the central repeat; however, the C-terminal portion of the open reading frame extends into flanking domains 3 and 4, thereby creating two distinct cox1 coding sequences. The 3′-terminal region of one of the cox1 reading frames can assume an elaborate secondary structure, which potentially could act to stabilize the mature mRNA against nucleolytic degradation. In addition, a high density of small inverted repeats (15–22 base pairs) has been identified at the 5′-end of cox1, further suggesting that hairpin structures could be important for gene regulation. The organization of cox1 in C. cohnii mtDNA appears to reflect homologous recombination events within the central repeat between different cox1 sequence contexts. Such recombining repeats are a characteristic feature of plant (angiosperm) mtDNA, but they have not previously been described in the mitochondrial genomes of protists. Received: 21 December 2000 / Accepted: 30 January 2001  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein(a), a risk factor for heart disease, has over 80% sequence identity to plasminogen. Plasminogen contains five distinct kringle domains plus a catalytic protease subunit. Human apo(a) consists of multiple copies (the number varies in individuals) of a domain resembling kringle 4, a single copy of a domain resembling kringle 5, and a protease-like domain. The recently cloned hedgehog version of apolipoprotein(a), which contains 31 nearly identical copies of plasminogen kringle 3 and lacks a protease domain, has prompted us to investigate the evolutionary history of the apolipoprotein (a) gene in mammals. Our analysis supports the nonfunctionality of the human apolipoprotein(a) protease domain, and a single (or multiple) duplication of plasminogen gene before mammal radiation, which originated apolipoprotein(a) in mammals. Received: 26 February 1996 / Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

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