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The effects of irradiance, temperature, thermal‐ and chilling‐light sensitivities on the photosynthesis of a temperate alga, Sargassum macrocarpum (Fucales) were determined by a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)‐chlorophyll fluorometer and dissolved oxygen sensors. Oxygenic photosynthesis–irradiance curves at 8, 20, and 28°C revealed that the maximum net photosynthetic rates (NP max) and saturation irradiance were highest at 28°C, and lowest at 8°C. Gross photosynthesis and dark respiration determined over a range of temperatures (8–36°C) at 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1 revealed that the maximum gross photosynthetic rate (GPmax) occurred at 27.8°C, which is consistent with the highest seawater temperature in the southern distributional limit of this species in Japan. Additionally, the maximum quantum yields of photosystem II (F v/F m) during the 72‐h temperature exposures were stable at 8–28°C, but suddenly dropped to zero at higher temperatures, indicative of PSII deactivation. Continuous exposure (12 h) to irradiance of 200 (low) and 1000 (high) μmol photons m?2 s?1 at 8, 20, and 28°C revealed greater declines in their effective quantum yields (Φ PSII) under high irradiance. While Φ PSII under low irradiance were very similar with the initial F v/F m under 20 and 28°C, values rapidly decreased with exposure duration at 8°C. At this temperature, F v/F m did not recover to initial values even after 12 h of dark acclimation. Final F v/F m of alga at 28°C under high irradiance treatment also did not recover, suggesting its sensitivity to photoinhibition at both low and high temperatures. These photosynthetic characteristics reflect both the adaptation of the species to the general environmental conditions, and its ability to acclimate to seasonal changes in seawater temperature within their geographical range of distribution.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic responses to temperature and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were investigated on the heteromorphic life history stages (macroscopic and microscopic stages) of an edible Japanese brown alga, Cladosiphon okamuranus from the Ryukyu Islands. Measurements were carried out by using optical dissolved oxygen sensors and a pulse‐amplitude modulated fluorometer. Maximum net photosynthetic rates and other parameters of the Photosynthesis – PAR curves at 28°C were somewhat similar in both life history stages, without characteristic photoinhibition at 1000 μmol photons m?2 s?1. Results of oxygenic gross photosynthesis and dark respiration experiments over a temperature range of 8–40°C revealed similar temperature optima for both stages (29.7°C, macroscopic stage; 30.3°C, microscopic stage), which support their observed occurrences in the habitat during summer. Maximum quantum yields of photosystem II (PSII ) (F v /F m ) were relatively stable at low temperatures with the highest at 15.1°C for the macroscopic stage and at 16.5°C for the microscopic stage; but dropped at higher temperatures especially above 28°C. Continuous exposures (6 h) to 200 and 1000 μmol photons m?2 s?1 at 8, 16, and 28°C revealed greater depressions in effective quantum yields of PSII (Φ PSII ) of the microscopic stage at 8°C, as well as its F v /F m that barely increased after 6 h of dark acclimation. Whereas post‐dark acclimation F v /F m of both stages exposed to low PAR fairly recovered at 28°C, suggesting their photosynthetic tolerance to such high temperature. Under natural conditions, both heteromorphic stages of C. okamuranus may persist throughout the year in this region. Beyond its northern limit of distribution, the microscopic stage of this species may suffer from photodamage, as enhanced by low winter temperatures; hence, its restricted occurrence.  相似文献   

The responses of photochemical efficiency to desiccation and salinity gradients in an intertidal edible brown macroalga, Sargassum fusiforme (Harvey) Setchell (Sargassaceae, Fucales), were determined using a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)-chlorophyll fluorometer. The effective quantum yields (ΔF/Fm'; = ΦPSII) of photosystem II (PSII) dropped to zero after 360-min aerial exposure under low irradiance (20 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and 120-min exposure under high irradiance (700 μmol photons m−2 s−1) for this species at 20°C and 50% relative humidity. Under these conditions, ΔF/Fm' failed to recover to initial levels even after 1-day rehydration in seawater. In general, ΔF/Fm' decreased as desiccation reduced the absolute water content (AWC, %). Nevertheless, when AWC was above ca. 20%, ΔF/Fm' was mostly restored to initial levels after 1-day rehydration in seawater, suggesting strong tolerance to dehydration. Furthermore, S. fusiforme appeared to tolerate a broad range of salinity (i.e. 15–50 psu) during six days of culture; however, ΔF/Fm' declined when salinity was <10 and 60 psu. Strong tolerance to dehydration and salinity stress likely provides S. fusiforme an advantage that allows it to flourish in the intertidal habitat.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiance and temperature on the photosynthesis of the red alga, Pyropia tenera, was determined for maricultured gametophytes and sporophytes collected from a region that is known as one of the southern limits of its distribution in Japan. Macroscopic gametophytes were examined using both pulse‐amplitude modulated fluorometry and/or dissolved oxygen sensors. A model of the net photosynthesis–irradiance (P‐E) relationship of the gametophytes at 12°C revealed that the net photosynthetic rate quickly increased at irradiances below the estimated saturation irradiance of 46 μmol photons m?2 s?1, and the compensation irradiance was 9 μmol photons m?2 s?1. Gross photosynthesis and dark respiration for the gametophytes were also determined over a range of temperatures (8–34°C), revealing that the gross photosynthetic rates of 46.3 μmol O2 mgchl‐a?1 min?1 was highest at 9.3 (95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI): 2.3–14.5)°C, and the dark respiration rate increased at a rate of 0.93 μmol O2 mgchl‐a?1 min?1°C?1. The measured dark respiration rates ranged from ?0.06 μmol O2 mgchl‐a?1 min?1 at 6°C to ?25.2 μmol O2 mgchl‐a?1 min?1 at 34°C. The highest value of the maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) for the gametophytes occurred at 22.4 (BCI: 21.5–23.3) °C and was 0.48 (BCI: 0.475–0.486), although those of the sporophyte occurred at 12.9 (BCI: 7.4–15.1) °C and was 0.52 (BCI: 0.506–0.544). This species may be considered well‐adapted to the current range of seawater temperatures in this region. However, since the gametophytes have such a low temperature requirement, they are most likely close to their tolerable temperatures in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The chronological change of photosynthetic efficiency in a frozen storage treatment of the Japanese Nori cultivation industry was examined in the cultivated red alga, Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (Saga‐#5 Strain, Bangiales) by using pulse‐amplitude fluorometry. During the desiccation process that was conducted after the nursery cultivation season in November, the maximum quantum yield (F v/F m) of the gametophytic sporelings growing on the Nori‐net decreased monotonically with decreasing absolute water content (AWC), and was around 0.1 at 20% AWC. During frozen storage of the Nori‐net, the F v/F m of the frozen gametophyte was low but stable, and ranged between 0.10 ± 0.02 SD and 0.14 ± 0.05 SD. The magnitude of F v/F m for the gametophyte of the freezing treatment, after 10 min and 3 h of immersion in seawater, recovered quickly. After 10 min and 3 h of immersion, these values were 0.29 ± 0.12 SD and 0.47 ± 0.05 SD during the 14 days of freezing treatment, and 0.15 ± 0.02 SD and 0.29 ± 0.04 SD after 71 days of freezing treatment, and suggest that the ability to recover gradually decreased as the storage duration increased. The response of F v/F m from general cultivation (i.e., directly cultivated from the nursery cultivation season) and those after 47 days of freezing were almost identical, suggesting that the current Nori net frozen storage period (6 or 7 weeks) was not detrimental to the gametophyte.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of irradiance and temperature on the photosynthesis of two heteromorphic life‐history stages of an endangered freshwater red alga, Thorea gaudichaudii (Thoreales) by laboratory and field measurements. Net oxygenic photosynthesis–irradiance models of macroscopic and microscopic life‐history stages revealed similar low irradiance‐adapted responses, with a compensation irradiance (Ec) of 6.71 and 2.56 μmol photons m?2 s?1 (4.30–9.13 and 0.13–7.19, 95% Bayesian prediction interval, BPI) and saturating irradiance (Ek) of 26.6 and 30.0 μmol photons m?2 s?1 (19.0–37.4 and 12.1–63.0, BPI), respectively. A temperature‐dependent model of net photosynthesis and dark respiration in macroscopic and microscopic stages also showed similar temperature responses, and the gross photosynthetic rate (GPmax), 3.54 and 6.34 μg O2 gww?1 min?1 (3.10–3.99 and 5.31–8.21, BPI), was highest at 32.1 and 35.7°C (29.8–34.0 and 29.5–48.6, BPI). The maximum quantum yields (F v/F m) in macroscopic and microscopic stages were also similar in response with respect to temperature; however, it was somewhat steady at low temperatures with the highest value of 0.54 and 0.62 (0.54–0.55 and 0.61–0.63, BPI) at 17.8 and 15.0°C (16.7–18.8 and 12.3–17.1, BPI). The effective quantum yield (Φ PSII) in macroscopic and microscopic stages was also negatively correlated with irradiance, which decreased after 12 h of continuous exposure to 50 (low) and 1000 (high) μmol photons m?2 s?1 at 12 and 22°C. Large declines of Φ PSII and subsequent failure of F v/F m recovery were particularly enhanced at high irradiance, signifying photoinhibition. Diurnal change of Φ PSII and incident irradiance of the macroscopic stage under the field measurement revealed the midday depression of Φ PSII; however, there was little direct sunlight due to shading by the trees, and algae were occurring in the shaded locations in the freshwater spring.  相似文献   

Knowledge concerning the effects of several abiotic factors on the physiology of carrageenophytes is essential both in ecological and economic standpoints, to ensure their sufficient supply for the sustainability of seaweed‐based industries. This paper presents the photosynthetic characteristics of farmed carrageenophytes, E ucheuma denticulatum and K appaphycus alvarezii [brown (BRN) and green (GRN) color morphotypes] from Sulawesi Utara (Sulawesi Island), Indonesia, as determined by examining their photosynthetic response across different temperatures and irradiances using dissolved oxygen measurements and pulse‐amplitude modulated fluorometer. Net photosynthesis–irradiance ( P E ) curves at 26°C revealed that net photosynthetic rates of the three seaweeds gradually increased until the estimated saturation irradiances ( E k ) of 58 μmol photons m? 2 s?1 (49–68 μmol photons m? 2 s?1, 95% Bayesian prediction intervals; BPI) for E . denticulatum, and 158 and 143 μmol photons m? 2 s?1 (134–185 and 99–203 μmol photons m? 2 s?1, 95% BPI) for BRN and GRN K . alvarezii, respectively; and that no photoinhibition was observed at the highest irradiance of 1000 μmol photons m? 2 s?1. All seaweed samples exhibited photosynthetic tolerance to high PAR as shown by their recovery in maximum quantum yields (Fv / Fm ) following chronic exposures; as well as tolerance over a broad range of temperature, which is from 19 to 33°C for E . denticulatum, 20–29°C for BRN K . alvarezii, and 17–32°C for GRN K . alvarezii. Temperature responses of these carrageenophytes indicated that they were well‐adapted to the annual seawater temperatures in the cultivation site; however, they are also likely close to threshold levels for thermal inhibition, given the decline in Fv / Fm above 30°C.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature, light-spectrum, desiccation and salinity gradients on the photosynthesis of a Japanese subtidal brown alga, Sargassum macrocarpum (Fucales), was determined using a pulse amplitude modulation-chlorophyll fluorometer and dissolved oxygen sensors. Temperature responses of the maximum (Fv/Fm in darkness) and effective (ΔF/Fm at 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1; = ΦPSII) quantum yields during 6-day culture (4–36°C) remained high at 12–28°C, but decreased at higher temperatures. Nevertheless, ΔF/Fm also dropped at temperatures below 8°C, suggesting light sensitivity under chilling temperatures because Fv/Fm remained high. Photosynthesis–irradiance responses at 24°C under red (660 nm), green (525 nm), blue (450 nm) and white light (metal halide lamp) showed that maximum net photosynthesis under blue and white light was greater than under red and green light, indicating the sensitivity and photosynthetic availability of blue light in the subtidal light environment. In the desiccation experiment, samples under aerial exposure of up to 8 h under dim-light at 24°C and 50% humidity showed that ΔF/Fm quickly declined after more than 45 min of emersion; furthermore, ΔF/Fm also failed to recover to initial levels even after 1 day of rehydration in seawater. Under the emersion state, the ΔF/Fm remained high when the relative water content (RWC) was greater than 50%; in contrast, it quickly dropped when the RWC was less than 50%. When the RWC was reduced below 50%, ΔF/Fm did not return to initial levels, regardless of subsequent re-hydration, suggesting a low capacity of photosynthesis to recover from desiccation. The stenohaline response of photosynthesis under 3-day culture is evident, given that ΔF/Fm declined when salinity was beyond 20–40 psu. Adaptation to subtidal environments in temperate waters of Japan can be linked to these traits.  相似文献   

  • The impact of global warming on seed dormancy loss and germination was investigated in Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), a common woodland/hedgerow plant in Eurasia, considered invasive in North America. Increased temperature may have serious implications, since seeds of this species germinate and emerge at low temperatures early in spring to establish and grow before canopy development of competing species.
  • Dormancy was evaluated in seeds buried in field soils. Seedling emergence was also investigated in the field, and in a thermogradient tunnel under global warming scenarios representing predicted UK air temperatures through to 2080.
  • Dormancy was simple, and its relief required the accumulation of low temperature chilling time. Under a global warming scenario, dormancy relief and seedling emergence declined and seed mortality increased as soil temperature increased along a thermal gradient. Seedling emergence advanced with soil temperature, peaking 8 days earlier under 2080 conditions.
  • The results indicate that as mean temperature increases due to global warming, the chilling requirement for dormancy relief may not be fully satisfied, but seedling emergence will continue from low dormancy seeds in the population. Adaptation resulting from selection of this low dormancy proportion is likely to reduce the overall population chilling requirement. Seedling emergence is also likely to keep pace with the advancement of biological spring, enabling A. petiolata to maintain its strategy of establishment before the woodland canopy closes. However, this potential for adaptation may be countered by increased seed mortality in the seed bank as soils warm.

 The more than 200 wild and cultivated species relatives of potato (Solanum sect. Petota) present a valuable germplasm base for cultivar improvement. However, species boundaries and interrelationships within sect. Petota are controversial, inhibiting the efficient organization of the many germplasm collections of these species. One controversy involves questions of species boundaries and interrelationships of S. astleyi and S. boliviense. Solanum boliviense is narrowly endemic to two Departments in southern Bolivia, and S. astleyi is known only from one site entirely within the range of this species, where they co-occur. Both species are diploid and morphologically very similar. Artificial hybrids between them are fully fertile, and the species putatively hybridize naturally. These data have been interpreted to designate them as separate species or as S. astleyi an ecotype of S. boliviense. Putative progenitors of S. astleyi are S. boliviense, S. megistacrolobum subsp. megistacrolobum, and S. megistacrolobum subsp. toralapanum. We evaluated interrelationships among these species with random amplified polymorphic DNA’s (RAPDs) generated for 2 accessions of S. astleyi and 14 accessions of S. boliviense. These represent the entire geographic range of the former species and nearly the entire range of the latter. We also analyzed 1 accession each of S. acaule subsp. acaule, S. acaule subsp. aemulans, S. albicans, S. berthaultii, S. megistacrolobum subsp. megistacrolobum, S. megistacrolobum subsp. toralapanum, S. raphanifolium, S. sogarandinum, and S. sparsipilum. Phenetic analyses of the RAPD data show S. astleyi and S. boliviense to form two distinct groups and to be more similar to each other than to any of the other species investigated, suggesting that S. astleyi and S. boliviense are sister taxa. The divergence of S. astleyi and S. boliviense relative to other species examined suggests that they are worthy of taxonomic recognition at the subspecies, rather than species level, and we propose the new combination S. boliviense subsp. astleyi. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

 Five water monitor lizards, Varanus salvator salvator, and four clouded monitor lizards, Varanus bengalensis nebulosus, were caught on Tioman island in Malaysia. A radio-thermistor transmitter was implanted into the buccal cavity of each animal, and they were released into an enclosure measuring 5.5 × 6.5 metres. The lizards were observed for 9 and 8 days, respectively, before and after the parietal eye was covered with aluminium foil. With uncovered parietal eye, both species showed a clear diurnal rhythm, being active only during day time. After covering the parietal eye, the mean locomotor activity of five V. s. salvator decreased from 791 to 107 min · day–1 but remained unchanged around 850 min · day–1 for V. b. nebulosus. The mean duration of locomotor activity decreased in V. s. salvator and V. b. nebulosus after the parietal eye was covered, but V. b. nebulosus maintained its locomotor activity by increasing the number of locomotor bouts. The water monitor spent very little time on thermoregulation. Its body temperature ranged between 26.3 and 28.4 °C, which decreased after the parietal eye was covered. The clouded monitor thermoregulated around 28.8–36.0 °C, which remained unchanged after the parietal eye was covered. In both species, there was a strong correlation between body temperature and ambient temperature. Behavioural abnormalities were recorded among V. s. salvator with covered parietal eye. They were often observed to be active by night and often slept outside a burrow. The circadian rhythm of V. b. nebulosus appeared unaffected by shielding of its parietal eye. Captivity combined with shielded parietal eye induced agonistic behaviour in both species. Accepted: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

Jane M. Bowes  Peter Horton 《BBA》1982,680(2):127-133
Fluorescence induction curves in 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-inhibited Photosystem (PS) II particles isolated from the blue-green alga Phormidium laminosum have been analysed as a function of redox potential. Redox titration of the initial fluorescence indicated a single component with Em,7.5 = +30 mV (n = 1) (Bowes, J., Horton, P. and Bendall, D.S. (1981) FEBS Lett. 135, 261–264). Despite this simplified electron acceptor system and the small number of chlorophylls per reaction centre, a sigmoidal induction curve was nevertheless seen. Sigmoidicity decreased as Q was reduced potentiometrically prior to induction such that the induction was exponential when the ratio FiFm = 0.64. These particles also showed a slow (β) phase of induction which titrated with an Em value slightly more positive than that of the major quencher. It is concluded that the sigmoidal shape of the fluorescence induction curve observed in Phormidium PS II particles is not a consequence of a requirement for two photons to close the PS II reaction centre, but is generated as a result of energy transfer between photosynthetic units comprising one reaction centre per approx. 50 chlorophylls. Also, the existence of PS II heterogeneity (PS IIα, PS IIβ centres) does not require a structurally differentiated chloroplast, but may only indicate the extent of aggregation of PS II centres.  相似文献   

In our recent work, a series of dendritic chiral stationary phases (CSPs) were synthesized, in which the chiral selector was L‐2‐(p‐toluenesulfonamido)‐3‐phenylpropionyl chloride (selector I), and the CSP derived from three‐generation dendrimer showed the best separation ability. To further investigate the influence of the structures of dendrimer and chiral selector on enantioseparation ability, in this work, another series CSPs ( CSPs 1‐4 ) were prepared by immobilizing (1S,2R)‐1,2‐diphenyl‐2‐(3‐phenylureido)ethyl 4‐isocyanatophenylcarbamate (selector II) on one‐ to four‐generation dendrimers that were prepared in previous work. CSPs 1 and 4 demonstrated the equivalent enantioseparation ability. CSPs 2 and 3 showed the best and poorest enantioseparation ability respectively. Basically, these two series of CSPs exhibited the equivalent enantioseparation ability although the chiral selectors were different. Considering the enantioseparation ability of the CSP derived from aminated silica gel and selector II is much better than that of the one derived from aminated silica gel and selector I, it is believed that the dendrimer conformation essentially impacts enantioseparation. Chirality, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

G. Renger  H.J. Eckert 《BBA》1981,638(1):161-171
The role of the protein matrix embedding the functionally active redox components of Photosystem II reaction centers has been studied by investigating the effects of procedures which modify the structure of proteins. In order to reduce the influence of the electron transport involving secondary donor and acceptor components, Triswashed chloroplasts were used which are completely deprived of their oxygen-evolving capacity. The functional activity was detected via absorption changes, reflecting at 334 and 690 or 834 nm the turnover of the primary plastoquinone acceptor, X320, and of the photochemically active chlorophyll a complex, Chl aII, respectively, and at 520 nm the transient formation of a transmembrane electric potential gradient. Under repetitive flash excitation of Tris-washed chloroplasts it was found that: (a) The relaxation kinetics at 690 nm become significantly accelerated in the presence of external electron donors. (b) Trypsin treatment blocks to a high degree the turnover of Chl aII and X320 unless exogenous acceptors are present, which directly oxidize X320?, such as K3Fe(CN)6. (c) In the presence of K3Fe(CN)6 the recovery kinetics of Chl aII and X320 are retarded markedly by trypsin, followed by a progressive decline in the extent thereof. (d) 2-(3-Chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)anilino-3,5-dinitrothiophene (ANT 2p), known to reduce the lifetime of S2 and S3 in normal chloroplasts, significantly accelerates the recovery of Chl aII. 10 μs kinetics are observed which correspond with the electron-transfer rate from D1 to Chl a+II. ANT 2p simultaneously retards the decay kinetics of X320? and of the electrochromic absorption changes. (e) The kinetic pattern of the electrochromic absorption changes is also affected by the salt content of the suspension. Under dark-adapted conditions, the 10 μs relaxation kinetics of the 834 nm absorption change due to the first flash are hardly affected by mild trypsinization of 5–10 min duration, whereas the amplitude decreases by approx. 30%. The data obtained in Tris-washed chloroplasts could consistently be interpreted as a modification of the back reaction between X320? and Chl a+II which is caused solely by a change in the reactivity of X320 due to trypsin-induced degradation of the native X320-B apoprotein. Furthermore, ADRY agents are inferred to stimulate cyclic electron flow, which leads to reduction of D+1 between the flashes. A simplified scheme is discussed which describes the functional organization of the reaction center complex.  相似文献   

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