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Volinsky CT  Raftery AE 《Biometrics》2000,56(1):256-262
We investigate the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for variable selection in models for censored survival data. Kass and Wasserman (1995, Journal of the American Statistical Association 90, 928-934) showed that BIC provides a close approximation to the Bayes factor when a unit-information prior on the parameter space is used. We propose a revision of the penalty term in BIC so that it is defined in terms of the number of uncensored events instead of the number of observations. For a simple censored data model, this revision results in a better approximation to the exact Bayes factor based on a conjugate unit-information prior. In the Cox proportional hazards regression model, we propose defining BIC in terms of the maximized partial likelihood. Using the number of deaths rather than the number of individuals in the BIC penalty term corresponds to a more realistic prior on the parameter space and is shown to improve predictive performance for assessing stroke risk in the Cardiovascular Health Study.  相似文献   

Pan Z  Lin DY 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1000-1009
We develop graphical and numerical methods for checking the adequacy of generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). These methods are based on the cumulative sums of residuals over covariates or predicted values of the response variable. Under the assumed model, the asymptotic distributions of these stochastic processes can be approximated by certain zero-mean Gaussian processes, whose realizations can be generated through Monte Carlo simulation. Each observed process can then be compared, both visually and analytically, to a number of realizations simulated from the null distribution. These comparisons enable one to assess objectively whether the observed residual patterns reflect model misspecification or random variation. The proposed methods are particularly useful for checking the functional form of a covariate or the link function. Extensive simulation studies show that the proposed goodness-of-fit tests have proper sizes and are sensitive to model misspecification. Applications to two medical studies lead to improved models.  相似文献   

Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes graphical models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Saville BR  Herring AH 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):369-376
Summary .  Deciding which predictor effects may vary across subjects is a difficult issue. Standard model selection criteria and test procedures are often inappropriate for comparing models with different numbers of random effects due to constraints on the parameter space of the variance components. Testing on the boundary of the parameter space changes the asymptotic distribution of some classical test statistics and causes problems in approximating Bayes factors. We propose a simple approach for testing random effects in the linear mixed model using Bayes factors. We scale each random effect to the residual variance and introduce a parameter that controls the relative contribution of each random effect free of the scale of the data. We integrate out the random effects and the variance components using closed-form solutions. The resulting integrals needed to calculate the Bayes factor are low-dimensional integrals lacking variance components and can be efficiently approximated with Laplace's method. We propose a default prior distribution on the parameter controlling the contribution of each random effect and conduct simulations to show that our method has good properties for model selection problems. Finally, we illustrate our methods on data from a clinical trial of patients with bipolar disorder and on data from an environmental study of water disinfection by-products and male reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

Salway R  Wakefield J 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):620-626
Summary .   This article considers the modeling of single-dose pharmacokinetic data. Traditionally, so-called compartmental models have been used to analyze such data. Unfortunately, the mean function of such models are sums of exponentials for which inference and computation may not be straightforward. We present an alternative to these models based on generalized linear models, for which desirable statistical properties exist, with a logarithmic link and gamma distribution. The latter has a constant coefficient of variation, which is often appropriate for pharmacokinetic data. Inference is convenient from either a likelihood or a Bayesian perspective. We consider models for both single and multiple individuals, the latter via generalized linear mixed models. For single individuals, Bayesian computation may be carried out with recourse to simulation. We describe a rejection algorithm that, unlike Markov chain Monte Carlo, produces independent samples from the posterior and allows straightforward calculation of Bayes factors for model comparison. We also illustrate how prior distributions may be specified in terms of model-free pharmacokinetic parameters of interest. The methods are applied to data from 12 individuals following administration of the antiasthmatic agent theophylline.  相似文献   

Kinney SK  Dunson DB 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):690-698
We address the problem of selecting which variables should be included in the fixed and random components of logistic mixed effects models for correlated data. A fully Bayesian variable selection is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to estimate the exact model-averaged posterior distribution. This approach automatically identifies subsets of predictors having nonzero fixed effect coefficients or nonzero random effects variance, while allowing uncertainty in the model selection process. Default priors are proposed for the variance components and an efficient parameter expansion Gibbs sampler is developed for posterior computation. The approach is illustrated using simulated data and an epidemiologic example.  相似文献   

In a linear mixed effects model, it is common practice to assume that the random effects follow a parametric distribution such as a normal distribution with mean zero. However, in the case of variable selection, substantial violation of the normality assumption can potentially impact the subset selection and result in poor interpretation and even incorrect results. In nonparametric random effects models, the random effects generally have a nonzero mean, which causes an identifiability problem for the fixed effects that are paired with the random effects. In this article, we focus on a Bayesian method for variable selection. We characterize the subject‐specific random effects nonparametrically with a Dirichlet process and resolve the bias simultaneously. In particular, we propose flexible modeling of the conditional distribution of the random effects with changes across the predictor space. The approach is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to identify subsets of fixed effects and random effects to be included in the model. Simulations are provided to evaluate and compare the performance of our approach to the existing ones. We then apply the new approach to a real data example, cross‐country and interlaboratory rodent uterotrophic bioassay.  相似文献   

Ando  Tomohiro 《Biometrika》2007,94(2):443-458
The problem of evaluating the goodness of the predictive distributionsof hierarchical Bayesian and empirical Bayes models is investigated.A Bayesian predictive information criterion is proposed as anestimator of the posterior mean of the expected loglikelihoodof the predictive distribution when the specified family ofprobability distributions does not contain the true distribution.The proposed criterion is developed by correcting the asymptoticbias of the posterior mean of the loglikelihood as an estimatorof its expected loglikelihood. In the evaluation of hierarchicalBayesian models with random effects, regardless of our parametricfocus, the proposed criterion considers the bias correctionof the posterior mean of the marginal loglikelihood becauseit requires a consistent parameter estimator. The use of thebootstrap in model evaluation is also discussed.  相似文献   

A hybrid estimator in nonlinear and generalised linear mixed effects models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cai B  Dunson DB 《Biometrics》2006,62(2):446-457
The generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), which extends the generalized linear model (GLM) to incorporate random effects characterizing heterogeneity among subjects, is widely used in analyzing correlated and longitudinal data. Although there is often interest in identifying the subset of predictors that have random effects, random effects selection can be challenging, particularly when outcome distributions are nonnormal. This article proposes a fully Bayesian approach to the problem of simultaneous selection of fixed and random effects in GLMMs. Integrating out the random effects induces a covariance structure on the multivariate outcome data, and an important problem that we also consider is that of covariance selection. Our approach relies on variable selection-type mixture priors for the components in a special Cholesky decomposition of the random effects covariance. A stochastic search MCMC algorithm is developed, which relies on Gibbs sampling, with Taylor series expansions used to approximate intractable integrals. Simulated data examples are presented for different exponential family distributions, and the approach is applied to discrete survival data from a time-to-pregnancy study.  相似文献   

This paper reviews methods for nearest neighbour analysis that adjust for local trend in one dimension. Such methods are commonly used in plant breeding and variety testing. The focus is on simple differencing methods, including first differences and the Papadakis method. We discuss mixed model representations of these methods on the scale of the observed data. Modelling observed data has a number of practical advantages compared to differencing, for example the facility to conveniently compute adjusted cultivar means. Most models considered involve a linear variance-covariance structure and can be represented as state-space models. The reviewed methods and models are exemplified using three datasets.  相似文献   

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