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Genetic discrimination and insurance underwriting.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Genetic discrimination and the law.   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The use of genetic tests can lead to genetic discrimination, discrimination based solely on the nature of an individual's genotype. Instances of the discriminatory uses of genetic tests by employers and insurance companies have already been reported. The recently enacted Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), together with other federal and state laws, can be used to combat some forms of this discrimination. In this article we define and characterize genetic discrimination, discuss the applicability of the various relevant federal and state laws, including the ADA, in the areas of employment and insurance discrimination, explore the limitations of these laws, and, finally, suggest some means of overcoming these limitations.  相似文献   

Gevers S 《Bioethics》1993,7(2-3):126-134
In this paper, I will say first of all a few words on what is novel in the potential exclusionary use of genetic information in the domains of work or insurance and to what extent legal protection specifically relating to genetic discrimination may be justified. Subsequently, I will briefly examine some of the proposed restrictions on the collection of genetic information for purposes of selection and the scope for international consensus on the issue; in doing so, I will deal separately with employment and private insurance. Finally, I will raise the question whether these issues require international handling and which international steps could be envisaged.  相似文献   

Life is risky, and insurance provides one of the best developed ways of controlling risks. By pooling, and so transferring risks, those who turn out to suffer antecedently uncertain harms can be assured in advance that they will be helped if those harms arise; they can then plan their lives and activities with confidence that they are less at the mercy of ill fortune. Both publicly organized and commercial insurance can organize the pooling of risk in ways that are beneficial for all concerned. They provide standard ways of securing fundamental ethical values such as solidarity and mutuality. Although policy holders do not know or contract with one another, each benefits from the contribution of others to a shared scheme for pooling and so controlling risk. Although there is a limit to the degree to which commercially-based insurance, where premiums depend on risk level, can go beyond mutuality towards solidarity, in practice it too often achieves a measure of solidarity by taking a broad brush approach to pooling risk. However, the ordinary practices of insurance, and in particular of commercial insurance, also raise ethical questions. These may be put in simple terms by contrasting the way in which an insurance market discriminates between different people, on the basis of characteristics that (supposedly) determine their risk level, and our frequent abhorrence of discrimination, in particular on the basis on religious, racial and gender characteristics. Are the discriminations on which insurance practice relies upon as standard acceptable or not? The increasing availability of genetic information, which testing (of individuals) and screening (of populations) may provide, could lend urgency to these questions. Genetic information may provide a way of obtaining more accurate assessment of individual risks to health and life. This information could be used to discriminate more finely between the risk levels of different individuals, and then to alter the availability and the costs of health, life and unemployment insurance to them. Since all of these forms of insurance bear very directly on the way most people live, it will matter to them how (if at all) insurers take account of genetic information. Will use of this information improve or damage the capacity of insurance to provide confidence in the face of uncertain harms, and help if they happen? Will it discriminate in acceptable or in unacceptable ways? Will it support or damage the sorts of mutuality and solidarity various sorts of insurance schemes have successfully institutionalized?  相似文献   

Barash CI 《Genetic testing》2000,4(2):213-218
Any two people on earth, save for identical twins, share in common roughly 99.9% of their genetic make-up. That 0.1% difference represents not just what, on a molecular level, distinguishes us from one another, but also has reportedly served as a basis for excluding individuals from insurance, employment, adoption, educational opportunities, family relations, as well as perceived life options. The first federal study of genetic discrimination, discrimination based on genotype as opposed to phenotype, included treated hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) as one of only five genotypes possibly providing a basis for discrimination. HH was selected because if a successfully treated condition that is nonetheless genetic but which, if properly managed, leaves affected individuals at no greater morbidity or mortality risk than the general population, then genotype independent of phenotype apparently provided a basis for exclusions. Since the publication of those results, much more is known about the genotypic and phenotypic variation of affected individuals. This paper discusses what is presently known about HH and genetic discrimination.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic variation in gas-exchange physiology were analyzed in a 15-year-old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation that contains 25 populations grown from seed collected from across the natural distribution of the species. Seed was collected from 33°30 to 53°12 north latitude and from 170 m to 2930 m above sea level, and from the coastal and interior (Rocky Mountain) varieties of the species. Carbon isotope discrimination () ranged from 19.70() to 22.43() and was closely related to geographic location of the seed source. The coastal variety (20.50 (SE=0.21)) was not significantly different from the interior variety (20.91 (0.15)). Instead, most variation was found within the interior variety; populations from the southern Rockies had the highest discrimination (21.53 (0.20)) (lowest water-use efficiency). Carbon isotope discrimination (), stomatal conductance to water vapor (g), the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration (ci/ca), and intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/g) were all correlated with altitude of origin (r=0.76, 0.73, 0.74, and –0.63 respectively); all were statistically significant at the 0.01 level. The same variables were correlated with both height and diameter at age 15 (all at P0.0005). Observed patterns in the common garden did not conform to our expectation of higher WUE, measured by both A/g and , in trees from the drier habitats of the interior, nor did they agree with published in situ observations of decreasing g and with altitude. The genetic effect opposes the altitudinal one, leading to some degree of homeostasis in physiological characteri tics in situ.  相似文献   

Life insurance is a key element of the UK social structure in terms of family protection and house purchase; it thus needs to be viewed in this broad context, rather than solely as a commercial activity. Insurers have not so far actively requested genetic tests for life insurance, but have insisted on knowing of and being able to act on existing genetic test information. The main reason given for this has been to avoid serious adverse selection; however, this has never been adequately estimated. Review of the different major categories of Mendelian genetic disorders suggests that the scope for adverse selection is extremely limited and that insurers would lose little, and possibly gain more, by foregoing the disclosure and use of this information in relation to life insurance policies of ''normal'' size and nature. The likely future use in service of genetic tests based on susceptibility or population screening makes it especially important that the issue is rapidly resolved for Mendelian disorders; so far there is no sign that insurers are willing to achieve this.  相似文献   

The increased availability of genetic tests poses new challenges to society. Here, we address the wider implications of genetic testing, with an emphasis on the markets for insurance. It also considers issues such as confidentiality, patient autonomy and fear of discrimination and the doctor-patient relationship.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of opportunities for genetic testing has been accompanied by complex questions about the appropriate relationships between providers, patients, and insurers. Some of these questions involve large public-policy decisions, such as whether the government should guarantee access to health care for all citizens. Universal access to health care, without regard to past, present, or future risk of disease, could eliminate risk-oriented underwriting in health-care coverage. A positive response to that question will ameliorate other problems. Until universal access is reality, genetic testing and genetic diagnosis will raise important issues for the practicing geneticist. How much does a client need to know about insurance implications before consenting to a genetic test? Should patients be counseled to purchase insurance before being tested? Should genetic information be excluded from medical records before their release to insurance companies for routine reimbursements or underwriting? What are the ethical and legal responsibilities of the geneticist?  相似文献   

Carbon isotope discrimination () has been suggested as a selection criterion to improve transpiration efficiency (W) in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Cultivars Chinese Spring with low A (high W) and Yecora Rojo with high (low W) were crossed to develop F1, F2, BC1, and BC2 populations for genetic analysis of and other agronomic characters under well-watered (wet) and water-stressed (dry) field conditions. Significant variation was observed among the generations for only under the wet environment. Generation x irrigation interactions were not significant for . Generation means analysis indicated that additive gene action is of primary importance in the expression of under nonstress conditions. Dominance gene action was also detected for , and the direction of dominance was toward higher values of . The broad-sense and the narrow-sense heritabilities for were 61 % and 57% under the wet conditions, but were 48% and 12% under the draughted conditions, respectively. The narrow-sense heritabilities for grain yield, above-ground dry matter, and harvest index were 36%, 39%, and 60% under the wet conditions and 21%, 44%, and 20% under dry conditions, respectively. The significant additive genetic variation and moderate estimate of the narrow-sense heritability observed for indicated that selection under wet environments should be effective in changing in spring bread wheat.  相似文献   

Influential Upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties are those that have the higher genetic contributions to modern Upland cultivars than other germplasms. Our previous research has shown significant differences in general combining ability (GCA) effects for yield, yield components, and fiber properties among ten influential cotton varieties. In this study, we used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data to evaluate DNA variation of these ten varieties. Of 86 random decamer primers screened for their capability of amplifying DNA via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 63 generated a total of 312 DNA fragments. Forty two bands were polymorphic, which showed a low percentage (13.5%) of DNA variation among these influential varieties. Genetic similarities among the ten varieties based on RAPD data were from 92.7% to 97.6%. All of the varieties were individually identified by variety specific markers in genetic fingerprinting. One primer, UBC-149, amplified a 1,430-bp DNA fragment that was absent in five varieties and present in the other five varieties. This RAPD marker had significant negative relationships with GCA-effect estimates for seed cotton yield, lint yield, number of bolls per plant and micronaire, and significant positive relationships with GCA effects for boll size and seed index. This finding, for the first time, identifies a DNA fragment in cotton that is a potential DNA marker linked to a yield gene(s) or a yield-related gene(s).  相似文献   

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