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Summary Givetian to early Carboniferous sediments of South China are characterized by carbonates. Middle and Late Devonian strata are best developed in the Guilin area. Reefs and organic shoals are recorded by various lithofacies types indicating the existence of an extended carbonate platform and a change of the composition of reef communities in time. Starting in the late Devonian, stromatoporoids and corals were replaced by algae that subsequently played an important role together with stromatoporoids, receptaculitids and fasciculate rugose corals in reef communities. In Houshan, 5 km west of Guilin, a coral-bafflestone reef occurs in the Frasnian strata, situated near an offshore algal-stromatoporoid reef. The coral reef was formed in a back-reef area adjacent to the inner platform margin. The coral-bafflestone reef is unique among the late Devonian reefs of South China with regard to the biotic composition. The reef is composed of fasciculate colonies ofSmithiphyllum guilinense n. sp. embedded within in packstones and wackestones. The height of colonies reaches 1 m. The community is low-diverse. The species ofSmithiphyllum occurring in the Frasnian reef complexes of Guilin exhibit a distinct facies control:Smithiphyllum guilinense occurs in or near to margin facies and formed bafflestone, constituting a coral reef whereasSmithiphyllum occidentale Sorauf, 1972 andSmithiphyllum sp.—characterized by small colonies with thin corallites—are restricted to the back-reef and marginal slope facies. The bush-like coral colonies baffled sediments. Algae and stromatoporoids (mainlyStachyodes) are other reef biota. Reef-dwelling organisms are dominated by brachiopods. The reefs are composed from base to top of five lithofacies types: 1) cryptalgal micrite, 2) peloidal packstone, 3) stromatactis limestone, 4) coral-bafflestone, and 5) pseudopeloidal packstone. The reef complex can be subdivided into back-reef subfacies, reef flat and marginal subfacies, and marginal fore-slope subfacies. The Houshan coral-bafflestone reef is not a barrier reef but a coral patch reef located near the inner margin of a carbonate platform.  相似文献   

The Viséan succession of the Jerada Massif contains a relatively diverse rugose coral fauna, which comprises 12 genera. Only two of these (Siphonodendron and Lithostrotion) are reported to include more than one species. Most taxa show distinctive facies dependencies. Small solitary corals are found in shaly environments of the Oued Es-Sassi Formation. On the northern flank a coral patch reef formed on an oolitic shoal in the Koudiat Es-Senn Formation. Its core mainly consists of Lithostrotion vorticale colonies, whereas in its surroundings literally hundreds of specimens of Siphonophyllia samsonensis occur. Associated with these dominant taxa occur colonial and further large solitary taxa (Palaeosmilia, Dibunophyllum). Tizraia and Pareynia are restricted to microbial-dominated buildup facies. Their presence might be strongly controlled by the development of this buildup type, because further occurrences in Algeria, Morocco, and Belgium are all in the same facies. The coral fauna at Jerada is a typical Late Viséan assemblage for the Western European Province. The Eastern Moroccan Meseta may be an important pathway within the province for the connection between the Central Saharan basins and NW Europe. The biostratigraphic ages of the coral fauna partly contradict ages based on carbonate microfossils; the coral ages are slightly older and typical Brigantian coral taxa are absent.  相似文献   

Rock and sediment cores reveal that a well-developed fringing reef in Golfo Dulce, Pacific Costa Rica, up to 9 m thick was established on Cretaceous basalt about 5500 y BP. It is presently being smothered with fine sediments and is almost completely dead. This reef is made up of three main facies that are represented by comparable extant reef zones: reef-flat branching coral, fore-reef slope massive coral, and fore-reef talus sediment facies. Reef growth began with the establishment of small patch reefs dominantly formed by the branching coral Pocillopora damicornis. P. damicornis spread across the basalt bench and massive colonies of Porites lobata grew on the outer slopes, eventually blocking the seaward transport of Pocillopora fragments to the fore-reef talus sediments. The reef flourished until 500 years ago. Lower accumulation rates during the past 500 years may be due to deteriorating environmental conditions rather than slower growth after the reef reached sea level. Present-day reef communities are severely degraded with less than 2% living coral cover. The increased turbidity associated with the final stage of degradation of this reef is probably related to human activity on the adjacent shores, including deforestation, mining, and road construction.  相似文献   

Stemann, T. A. & Johnson, K. G. 1992 07 15: Coral assemblages, biofacies. and ecological zones in the mid-Holocene reef deposits of the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic. A large, subaerially exposed mid-Holocene reef in the Enriquillo Valley (southwest Dominican Republic) provides an excellent opportunity to examine the relationship between reefal ecology and reefal deposits. Coral species richness and diversity in the Enriquillo reef are comparable to that found in the recent of the Caribbean, and ecological zonation comprised of a shallow-water branching coral zone and a deeper water mixed-coral zone is apparent. Similar zonation and diversity patterns have been recognized on living Caribbcan reefs with moderate wave exposure. Three statistically discrete biopdcies can be discriminated in the Enriquillo deposits using quadrat point-counting techniques commonly used to census modern reefs. They include a facies dominated by Acropora cervicornis, a low diversity assemblage with abundant, large colonies of Siderastrea siderea and Stephanocoenia intersepta, and a higher diversity assembbdge composed of various taxa including Montastraea spp., Colpophyllia spp., and Agaricia spp. Each facies can be recognized at scales of 1–3 m2, though in some cases they extend for more than 20 m2. In general, the A. cervicornis facies is spatially segregated from the other two biofacies. although neither the shallow nor the deep-water ecological zone is comprised of a single reef biofacies. Rather, the biofacies described here appear to represent distinct micro-environments resulting from ecological variation at a subzonal scale. Micro-environments of similar scale are most likely preserved in other reef deposits. Recognition of these subzonal biofacies may have important consequences for the stratigraphical and paleoccological interpretation of fossil reefs. Corals, biofacies, reef zonation, coral communities, fossil reefs.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of coral reefs is attributable to the many invertebrate groups which live in symbiotic relationships with other reef organisms, particularly those which associate with the living coral habitat. However, few studies have examined the diversity and community structure of coral-dwelling invertebrates and how they vary among coral species. This study quantified the species richness and composition of animals associated with four common species of branching corals (Acropora nasuta, A. millepora, Pocillopora damicornis, and Seriatopora hystrix) at Lizard Island in the northern Great Barrier Reef. One hundred and seventy-eight nominal species from 12 different phyla were extracted across 50 replicate colonies of each coral host. A single coral colony, approximately 20 cm in diameter, harbored as many as 73 individuals and 24 species. There were substantial differences in invertebrate species composition among coral hosts of different families as well as genera. Twenty-seven species (15% of all taxa collected) were found on only one of the four different coral species, which may potentially indicate some level of specialization among coral hosts. The distinct assemblages on different coral species, and the presence of potential specialists, suggests invertebrate communities will be sensitive to the differential loss of branching coral species resulting from coral reef degradation.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   


Tropical cyclones have been a major cause of reef coral decline during recent decades, including on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). While cyclones are a natural element of the disturbance regime of coral reefs, the role of temporal clustering has previously been overlooked. Here, we examine the consequences of different types of cyclone temporal distributions (clustered, stochastic or regular) on reef ecosystems. We subdivided the GBR into 14 adjoining regions, each spanning roughly 300 km, and quantified both the rate and clustering of cyclones using dispersion statistics. To interpret the consequences of such cyclone variability for coral reef health, we used a model of observed coral population dynamics. Results showed that clustering occurs on the margins of the cyclone belt, being strongest in the southern reefs and the far northern GBR, which also has the lowest cyclone rate. In the central GBR, where rates were greatest, cyclones had a relatively regular temporal pattern. Modelled dynamics of the dominant coral genus, Acropora, suggest that the long-term average cover might be more than 13 % greater (in absolute cover units) under a clustered cyclone regime compared to stochastic or regular regimes. Thus, not only does cyclone clustering vary significantly along the GBR but such clustering is predicted to have a marked, and management-relevant, impact on the status of coral populations. Additionally, we use our regional clustering and rate results to sample from a library of over 7000 synthetic cyclone tracks for the GBR. This allowed us to provide robust reef-scale maps of annual cyclone frequency and cyclone impacts on Acropora. We conclude that assessments of coral reef vulnerability need to account for both spatial and temporal cyclone distributions.


Summary The shallow marine subtropical Northern Bay of Safaga is composed of a complex pattern of sedimentary facies that are generally rich in molluscs. Thirteen divertaken bulk-samples from various sites (reef slopes, sand between coral patches, muddy sand, mud, sandy seagrass, muddy seagrass, mangrove channel) at water depths ranging from shallow subtidal to 40m were investigated with regard to their mollusc fauna >1mm, which was separated into fragments and whole individuals. Fragments make up more than 88% of the total mollusc remains of the samples, and their proportions correspond to characteristics of the sedimentary facies. The whole individuals were differentiated into 622 taxa. The most common taxon,Rissoina cerithiiformis, represented more than 5% of the total mollusc content in the samples. The main part of the fauna consists of micromolluscs, including both small adults and juveniles. Based on the results of cluster-, correspondence-, and factor analyses the fauna was grouped into several associations, each characterizing a sedimentary facies: (1) “Rhinoclavis sordidula—Corbula erythraeensis-Pseudominolia nedyma association” characterizes mud. (2) “Microcirce sp.—Leptomyaria sp. association” characterizes muddy sand. (3)”Smaragdia spp.-Perrinia stellata—Anachis exilis—assemblage” characterizes sandy seagrass. (4) “Crenella striatissima—Rastafaria calypso—Cardiates-assemblage” characterizes muddy seagrass. (5) “Glycymeris spp.-Parvicardium sueziensis-Diala spp.-assemblage” characterizes sand between coral patches. (6) “Rissoina spp.-Triphoridae —Ostreoidea-assemblage” characterizes reef slopes. (7) “Potamides conicus—Siphonaria sp. 2—assemblage” characterizes the mangrove. The seagrass fauna is related to those of sand between coral patches and reef slopes with respect to gastropod assemblages, numbers of taxa and diversity indices, and to the muddy sand fauna on the basis of bivalve assemblages and feeding strategies of bivalves. The mangrove assemblage is related to those of sand between coral patches and the reef slope with respect to taxonomic composition and feeding strategies of bivalves, but has a strong relationship to those of the fine-grained sediments when considering diversity indices. Reef slope assemblages are closely related to that of sand between coral patches in all respects, except life habits of bivalves, which distincly separates the reef slope facies from all others.  相似文献   

Summary This study documents the facies and fauna of Late Jurassic (Middle Oxfordian) coral reefs in England. Sedimentological and palaeoecological analysis of these reefs distinguishes three generic reef types: (1) small reef patches and thickets associated with siliciclastic deposits; (2) small reef patches and thickets associated with siliciclastic-free bioclastic grainstones and packstones; and (3) biostromal units associated with deep water facies. The depositional environments of these reef types are discussed. Two coral assemblages are identified: (1) the microsolenid assemblage; and (2) theThamnasteria, Isastraea, Fungiastraea andThecosmilia assemblage (Thamnasteria assemblage). TheThamnasteria assemblage developed in all shallow water environments in the study area, regardless of local environmental conditions. The fauna is very eurytopic,r-selected and can tolerate significant environmental fluctuations on short temporal scales (sub-seasonal). The main control on the development of the microsolenid assemblage was low light intensity, low background sedimentation rates and low hydrodynamic energy levels.  相似文献   

Summary Anin situ Oxfordian patch reef from the Süntel hills (florigemma-Bank, Korallenoolith, NW-Germany) is described. It is composed of an autochthonous reef core overlain by a ‘parautochthonous’ biostrome. The exposed reefal area amounts to about 20 m in lateral and up to 4 m in vertical direction. Nearly all major marine reefal fossil associations from the Tethyal realm are present. In the reef core two facies can be distinguished: (1)Thamnasteria dendroidea thicket facies and (2) thrombolite facies. The first facies is composed of a thin branched autochthonous coral thicket mainly constructed ofTh. dendroidea colonies with only a minor portion ofStylosmilia. Frequently, theTh. dendroidea branches laterally coalesce bridge-like forming a delicate initial framework which was subsequently reinforced by thick microbial coatings, that make up approximately 80% of the rock volume. This facies is an excellent example for microbialite binding in reefal architecture. Additionally, several generations of micromorphic and partly cryptic encrusting organisms settled on theTh. dendroidea branches and microbialite crusts. They successively overgrow each other and fill the space between the coral branches in the thicket forming a characteristic community replacement sequence. Initial colonization of theThamnasteria dendroidea took place on an oncoidic/bioclastic hardground. During this early phase of reefal development, microbialites also played an important role in stabilizing and binding the reef body. The thrombolite facies (2) occupying nearly the same volume of the reef body as facies type (1) consists of a thrombolitic microbialitic limestone which fills the interstice between the coral colonies. It shows a considerably lower faunal diversity than theTh. dendroidea facies. Numerous cavities are interspersed in the thrombolithe and are almost completely filled with dolomitized allomicrite. In contrast, microbialite and allomicrite adjacent to the reef core rarely reveal any dolomitized areas. Above the reef core, mostly toppledSolenopora jurassica thalli occur together with a few massiveIsastrea colonies forming a parautochthnous biostrome. They are inhabited by a low diverse assemblage of encrusting organisms. Microbialites are only rarely present in this biostromal unit. The patch reef is developed within a lagoonal limemud facies both separated by a sharp interface. In contrast, continuous facies transition exists between theSolenopora biostrome and adjacent deposits which are characterized by micritic to pelmicritic limestone sometimes with lenses of oncoids. Debris derived from the patch reef is only sporadically intercalated in the reef surrounding lagoonal sediments. Gastropods, bivalves, and dasycladalean algae dominate the lagoonal biota. Up-section following theSolenopora biostrome nerinean gastropods become the most abundant species amounting to a ‘Nerinea-bed’. This horizon moderately elevates above the patch reef indicating, that is arose above the surrounding sea floor forming a relief. The patch reef established on a secondary hardground probably released by a minor transgression and a nondepositional regime. It grew up on a well-illuminated sea floor only a few meters below sea level. Only a low background sedimentation rate and modest water circulation are assumed during reefal growth. These features characterize an open marine lagoon. A subsequent shallowing upwards trend caused emergence of the early lithifiedflorigemma-Bank sediments. In the following erosional phase the reef core,Solenopora biostrome and ‘Nerinea-bed’ were sharply cut. Paleokarst phenomena (karst solution of the rocks, selective leaching of the aragonitic corals) truncate the surface of theflorigemma-Bank. Released by a transgressive sea level, the paleokarst surface is densely inhabited by marine boring and encrusting organisms (oysters, serpulids). Karst cavities are filled with an oncoid-bearing bioclastic limestone with a large portion of siliciclastics. Theflorigemma-Bank is overlain by the reddish bioclastic sandstone of the ‘Zwischenfl?zregion’.  相似文献   

 Coral communities were investigated in the northern Red Sea, in the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, for their framework building potential. Five types of coral frameworks were differentiated: Acropora reef framework, Porites reef framework, Porites carpet, faviid carpet, and Stylophora carpet. Two non-framework community types were found: the Stylophora-Acropora community, and soft coral communities. Reef frameworks show a clear ecological zonation along depth and hydrodynamic exposure gradients, with clear indicator communities for each zone. By definition, coral carpets build a framework but lack distinct zonation patterns since they grow only in areas without pronounced gradients. In the northern Red Sea they show a gradual change with depth from Porites to faviid dominance. A Stylophora carpet is restricted to shallow water in the northern Gulf of Suez. Although growth rates of carpets may be somewhat less than those of reefs, the carbonate accumulation is considered to be higher in carpet areas due to their significantly higher areal extension. In addition, reefs and carpets have different sediment retention characteristics – the carpet retains, the reef exports. The in situ fossilization potential of coral carpets is expected to be higher than that of reef frameworks. Accepted: 25 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary An integrated study of the early Messinian reef complex cropping out along the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula (southern Italy), including stratigraphy, facies analysis and paleoecological aspects, is here presented. Fourteen facies types belonging to three main facies associations (back reef and shelf, shelf-edge, slope) have been recognized. They document a wide spectrum of depositional environments, reef building organisms and growth fabrics, in response to depth and other environmental factors in different parts of the reef complex. The biotic structure of the reef is also described and discussed in detail. It consists of different types of reef building organisms and of their bioconstructions (mainlyPorites coral reefs,Halimeda bioherms and vermetidmicrobial “trottoirs”), that differ in composition and structure according to their position on the shelf edge-toslope profile. Results indicate that the reef complex of the Salento Peninsula has strong similarities with the typical early Messinian reefs of the Mediterranean region. However, the recognition of some peculiar features, i.e. the remarkable occurrence ofHalimeda bioherms and of vermetid-microbial “trottoirs”, gives new insights for better understanding reef patterns and development of the reef belt during the Late Miocene in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

This study examined within‐reef distributions for 19 species of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and compared spatial patterns of abundance among species with contrasting diets. Spatial variation in abundance of butterflyfishes was most prominent among physiognomic reef zones mainly due to significant zonation of eight species, including four obligate hard‐coral feeders (Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon baronessa, Chaetodon plebeius and Chaetodon lunulatus) and four generalist species (Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon citrinellus, Chaetodon kleinii and Chaetodon rafflesi). Distributions of obligate hard‐coral feeders were closely associated with spatial variation in percentage cover of scleractinian corals, but no more restricted compared with facultative hard‐coral feeders or non‐coral feeders. Species with highest dietary specialization (C. trifascialis and C. baronessa), however, exhibited the most pronounced zonation patterns and were restricted to habitats with greatest abundance of their preferred prey. While there are conspicuous links between dietary specialization v. spatial patterns in abundance of butterflyfishes, it remains unclear whether dietary specialization is the cause or consequence of more restricted distributions.  相似文献   

Mass spawning of corals provides a large seasonal pulse of high-energy prey that potentially benefits reef fish that are capable of capturing and digesting coral propagules. This study examines the range of fish species that consume coral propagules and also tests whether reef fish experience a significant increase in physiological condition when feeding on coral propagules. Thirty-six species of diurnal reef fish were seen to consume coral propagules released during mass coral spawning. Stomach content analyses of three reef fish species (Pomacentrus moluccensis, Abudefduf whitleyi, and Caesio cunning) revealed that both P. moluccensis and A. whitleyi feed almost exclusively on coral propagules during mass coral spawning. Fish feeding extensively on coral propagules also amassed considerable lipid stores, which could greatly improve the quality and survivorship of their progeny. In contrast, C. cunning consumed only very small quantities of coral propagules, and showed no detectable change in lipid stores during the course of the study. This study provides the first direct evidence that reef fish benefit from mass coral spawning, and reveals a potentially significant trophic link between scleractinian corals and reef fish. Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   


The existence of coral reef ecosystems critically relies on the reef carbonate framework produced by scleractinian corals and calcareous crusts (i.e., crustose coralline algae). While the Red Sea harbors one of the longest connected reef systems in the world, detailed calcification data are only available from the northernmost part. To fill this knowledge gap, we measured in situ calcification rates of primary and secondary reef builders in the central Red Sea. We collected data on the major habitat-forming coral genera Porites, Acropora, and Pocillopora and also on calcareous crusts (CC) in a spatio-seasonal framework. The scope of the study comprised sheltered and exposed sites of three reefs along a cross-shelf gradient and over four seasons of the year. Calcification of all coral genera was consistent across the shelf and highest in spring. In addition, Pocillopora showed increased calcification at exposed reef sites. In contrast, CC calcification increased from nearshore, sheltered to offshore, exposed reef sites, but also varied over seasons. Comparing our data to other reef locations, calcification in the Red Sea was in the range of data collected from reefs in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific; however, Acropora calcification estimates were at the lower end of worldwide rates. Our study shows that the increasing coral cover from nearshore to offshore environments aligned with CC calcification but not coral calcification, highlighting the potentially important role of CC in structuring reef cover and habitats. While coral calcification maxima have been typically observed during summer in many reef locations worldwide, calcification maxima during spring in the central Red Sea indicate that summer temperatures exceed the optima of reef calcifiers in this region. This study provides a foundation for comparative efforts and sets a baseline to quantify impact of future environmental change in the central Red Sea.


Long-term (millennial timescale) records of coral community structure can be developed from the analysis of corals preserved in radiometrically dated reef cores. Here, we present such a record (based on six cores) from Lugger Shoal, a turbid zone, nearshore reef on the inner-shelf of the central Great Barrier Reef. Lugger Shoal initiated growth ~800 cal yBP. It is constructed of large in situ Porites bommies, between which a framework of coral rubble (dominated by Acropora pulchra, Montipora mollis, Galaxea fascicularis and Cyphastrea serailia) has accumulated. Reef accretion occurred under conditions of net long-term fine-grained, terrigenous sediment accumulation, and with a coral community dominated throughout by a consistent, but low diversity, suite of coral taxa. This dataset supports recent suggestions that nearshore coral communities that establish themselves under conditions that are already close to the thresholds for coral survival may be resilient to water quality deteriorations associated with human activities.  相似文献   

The submarine reef terraces (L1–L12) of the Maui Nui Complex (MNC—the islands of Lanai, Molokai, Maui and Kahoolawe) in Hawaii provide a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of climate and sea level change on coral reef growth by examining changes in reef development through the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (900–800 ka). We present an analysis of the biological and sedimentary composition of the reefs that builds directly on recently published chronological and morphological data. We define nine distinct limestone facies and place them in a spatial and stratigraphic context within 12 reef terraces using ROV and submersible observations. These include oolitic, two coral reef, two coralline algal nodule, algal crust, hemi-pelagic mud, bioclastic and peloidal mud facies. These facies characterise environments from high energy shallow water coral reef crests to low energy non-reefal deep-water settings. Combining the bottom observations and sedimentary facies data, we report a shift in the observed sedimentary facies across the submerged reefs of the MNC from dominant shallow coral reef facies on the deep reefs to coralline algae dominated exposed outcrop morphology on the shallower reefs. We argue that this shift is a reflection of the change in period and amplitude of glacioeustatic sea level cycles (41 kyr and 60–70 m to 100 kyr and 120 m) during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT, ~ 800 ka), coupled with a slowing in the subsidence rate of the complex. The growth of stratigraphically thick coral reef units on the deep Pre-MPT reefs was due to the rapid subsidence of the substrate and the shorter, smaller amplitude sea level cycles allowing re-occupation and coral growth on successive cycle low-stands. Longer, larger amplitude sea level cycles after the MPT combined with greater vertical stability at this time produced conditions conducive to deep-water coralline algae growth which veneered the shallower terraces. Additionally, we compare reef development both within the MNC, and between the MNC and Hawaii. Finally we suggest that climatic forcings such as sea-surface temperature and oceanographic currents may also have influenced the distribution of coral species within the sample suite, e.g., the disappearance of the Acropora genus from the Maui Nui Complex in the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Using the same methodology and identical sites, we repeat a study dating from 1973 and quantify cover of hard coral species, soft corals, sponges, hard substratum and soft substratum, and density of a commercially important reef fish species, the graysby Cephalopholis cruentata, along a depth-gradient of 3–36 m on the coral reefs of Curaçao. The objective was to determine the multi-decade change in benthic coral reef cover and structural complexity, and their effect on densities of an associated reef fish species. Total hard coral cover decreased on average from 52% in 1973 to 22% in 2003, representing a relative decline of 58%. During this time span, the cover of hard substratum increased considerably (from 11 to 58%), as did that of soft corals (from 0.1 to 2.2%), whereas the cover of sponges showed no significant change. Relative decline of hard coral cover and of reef complexity was greatest in shallow waters (near the coast), which is indicative of a combination of anthropogenic influences from shore and recent storm damage. Cover of main reef builder coral species (Agaricia spp., Siderastrea siderea, Montastrea annularis) decreased more than that of other species, and resulted in a significant decrease in reef complexity. Although density of C. cruentata was highly correlated to cover of Montastrea and Agaricia in 1973, the loss of coral cover did not show any effect on the total density of C. cruentata in 2003. However, C. cruentata showed a clear shift in density distribution from shallow water in 1973 to deep water in 2003. It can be concluded that the reefs of Curaçao have degraded considerably in the last three decades, but that this has had no major effect on the population size of one commercially important coral-associated fish species.  相似文献   

Carsten Helm  Immo Schülke 《Facies》2006,52(3):441-467
Small reefal bioconstructions that developed in lagoonal settings are widespread in a few horizons of the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) succession of the Korallenoolith Formation, exposed southwest of Hannover, Northwest Germany. Especially the florigemma-Bank Member, “sandwiched” between oolite shoal deposits, exposes a high variety of build-ups, ranging from coral thrombolite patch reefs, to biostromes and to coral meadows. The reefs show a distribution with gradual facies variations along an outcrop belt that extends about 30 km from the Wesergebirge in the NW to the Osterwald Mts in the SE.The patch reefs from the Deister Mts locality at the “Speckhals” are developed as coral-chaetetid-solenoporid-microbialite reefs and represent a reef type that was hitherto unknown so far north of its Tethyan counterparts. They are mainly built up by coral thickets that are preserved in situ up to 1.5 m in height and a few metres in diameter. They contain up to 20 coral species of different morphotypes but are chiefly composed of phaceloid Stylosmilia corallina and Goniocora socialis subordinately. The tightly branched Stylosmilia colonies are stabilized by their anastomosing growth. The coral branches are coated with microbial crusts and micro-encrusters reinforcing the coral framework. Encrusters and other biota within the thicket show a typical community replacement sequence: Lithocodium aggregatum, Koskinobullina socialis and Iberopora bodeuri are pioneer organisms, whereas the occurrence of non-rigid sponges represents the terminal growth stage. The latter are preserved in situ and seem to be characteristic so far poorly known constituents of the Late Jurassic cryptobiont reef dweller community. The distance and overall arrangement of branches seems to be the crucial factor for the manifestation of a (cryptic) habitat promoting such community replacement sequences. Widely spaced branches often lack any encrusting and/or other reef dwelling organisms, whereas tightly branched corals, as is St. corallina, stimulate such biota. Hence, such reefs are well suited for research on coelobites and community sequences of encrusting and cavity dwelling organisms.  相似文献   

This study examined the dietary habits and functional composition of butterflyfishes in the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean. Eighteen species of butterflyfishes were recorded in Chagos, including six obligate corallivores (Chaetodon bennetti, Chaetodon guttatissimus, Chaetodon meyeri, Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon trifasciatus and Chaetodon zanzibarensis), five facultative corallivores (Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon falcula, Chaetodon interruptus, Chaetodon kleinii and Chaetodon madagaskariensis), two non‐corallivores (Chaetodon lunula and Chaetodon xanthocephalus) and a further five species (Chaetodon citrinellus, Chaetodon lineolatus, Heimitaurichthys zoster, Heniochus monoceros and Forcipiger flavissimus), for which local dietary habits were not studied. There were marked differences in the abundance of butterflyfishes among sites and between reef zones, mostly associated with variation in abundance of scleractinian corals. Obligate coral‐feeding species (mostly C. trifascialis) dominated across all sites. This study suggests that coral feeding and high levels of dietary specialization contribute to high population‐level fitness among coral reef butterflyfishes. Despite being more vulnerable to habitat disturbances and coral loss, it appears likely that specialist coral‐feeding butterflyfishes are also much more resilient to occasional disturbances, and therefore dominate in a wide range of coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

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