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1. The reaction pathway for the carboxylation of pyruvate, catalysed by pig liver pyruvate carboxylase, was studied in the presence of saturating concentrations of K(+) and acetyl-CoA. 2. Free Mg(2+) binds to the enzyme in an equilibrium fashion and remains bound during all further catalytic cycles. MgATP(2-) binds next, followed by HCO(3) (-) and then pyruvate. Oxaloacetate is released before the random release, at equilibrium, of P(i) and MgADP(-). 3. This reaction pathway is compared with the double displacement (Ping Pong) mechanisms that have previously been described for pyruvate carboxylases from other sources. The reaction pathway proposed for the pig liver enzyme is superior in that it shows no kinetic inconsistencies and satisfactorily explains the low rate of the ATP[unk][(32)P]P(i) equilibrium exchange reaction. 4. Values are presented for the stability constants of the magnesium complexes of ATP, ADP, acetyl-CoA, P(i), pyruvate and oxaloacetate.  相似文献   

The reaction pathway catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase was re-examined by using two independent experimental approaches not previously applied to this enzyme. To avoid the variable stoicheiometry associated with oxaloacetate formation, the reaction rate was measured by following release of Pi. Initial velocities, when plotted as a function of varying concentrations of either MgATP2- or HCO3-, at fixed concentrations of pyruvate, gave in double-reciprocal-form families of straight intersecting lines. Further, when the reaction velocity was determined as a function of varying MgATP2- concentrations by using pyruvate, 3-fluoropyruvate and 2-oxobutyrate as alternative carboxyl-acceptor substrates, the slopes of the double-reciprocal plots were significantly different. Both results support a sequential reaction pathway.  相似文献   

1. Pyruvate carboxylase was purified to apparent homogeneity from pig liver mitochondria and shown to be free of all kinetically contaminating enzymes. 2. The enzyme has a mol. wt. of 520000 and is composed of four subunits, each with a mol. wt. of 130000. 3. The enzyme can exist as the active tetramer, dimer and monomer, although the tetramer appears to be the form in which the enzyme is normally assayed. 4. For every 520000g of the enzyme there are 4mol of biotin, 3mol of zinc and 1mol of magnesium. No significant concentrations of manganese were detected. 5. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates three polypeptide chains per monomer unit, each with a mol. wt. of 47000. 6. The amino acid analysis, stoicheiometry of the reaction and the activity of the enzyme as a function of pH are also presented. 7. The enzyme is activated by a variety of univalent cations but not by Tris(+) or triethanolamine(+). 8. The activity of the enzyme is dependent on the presence of acetyl-CoA; the low rate in the absence of added acetyl-CoA is not due to an enzyme-bound acyl-CoA. The dissociation constant for enzyme-bound acetyl-CoA is a marked function of pH.  相似文献   

The keto form of oxaloacetate (OAA), a product of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity, can undergo various nonenzymatic conversions which make conventional methods of assaying the enzyme difficult, because the products may either act as inhibitors or go undetected. In studies with PEPC isolated from leaves of maize, an assay coupled with reduction of OAA to malate was compared with product analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography and an assay based on Pi release. The results show that activity of the enzyme in the assay coupled to malate dehydrogenase is underestimated, to varying extents, depending on magnesium concentration, buffer, and pH. In the assay coupled to malate dehydrogenase, inaccuracies occur due to conversion of the keto form of OAA to the enol form, which is not utilized as a substrate, and due to loss of OAA by decarboxylation to pyruvate. The assay based on Pi formation is considered to give the true rate of catalysis. With this assay the pH optimum is 7.8, compared to 8.3-8.5 for the assay coupled to malate dehydrogenase. The metal enol complex of oxaloacetate (M-OAAenol) is an inhibitor of PEPC and conditions which are favorable for forming this tautomer, high pH with divalent metal ions or high concentrations of Tris buffer at a pH below its pKa value, limit catalysis. Glycine stimulates enzyme activity, and it may have its effect by preventing the formation of the hydrated M-OAAenol complex and maintaining more of the OAA in the keto form. This interpretation is consistent with glycine stimulation of malate synthesis in the assay of PEPC coupled to malate dehydrogenase, with glycine stimulation of the decarboxylation of OAA, and with a reduction in the level of the M-OAAenol complex in the presence of glycine.  相似文献   

Natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra have been obtained for samples of a variety of native collagens by use of cross-polarization (CP) techniques which permit high resolution natural abundance 13C nmr spectra of solids to be obtained with high sensitivity. The CP 13C nmr spectra of lyophilized skin and tendon collagens consisted of two broad resonance envelopes spanning a five kHz range. Hydrated tendon collagen gave rise to a CP spectrum very similar to that obtained for the lyophilized sample, indicating that it retains its solid-like properties. In contrast, hydrated skin collagen became denatured under the conditions of the CP experiment and subsequently gave rise to a conventional high-resolution Fourier transform (FT) nmr spectrum. The CP 13C nmr spectrum of ivory was similar to those of lyophilized skin and tendon collagens, demonstrating the solid-like character of the collagen in dentine, whereas the CP spectrum of bovine nasal cartilage reflected the presence of highly mobile proteoglycan components in addition to relatively rigid collagen molecules. In the case of ivory, the resolution of the CP spectrum was enhanced by “magic angle” spinning to a degree approaching that of conventional FT 13C nmr spectra of denatured collagen in solution. Because of its ability to probe the dynamic properties of solid-like biological molecules, CP 13C nmr spectroscopy should be a valuable investigative tool for future studies.  相似文献   

Deuterium and 13C isotope effects for the enzymic decarboxylation of oxalacetate showed that both deuterium- and 13C-sensitive steps in the reaction are partially rate limiting. A normal alpha-secondary effect of 1.2 per deuterium was calculated for the reaction in which pyruvate-d3 was the substrate, suggesting that the enolate of pyruvate was an intermediate in the reaction. The large normal alpha-secondary deuterium isotope effect of 1.7 when oxalacetate-d2 was the substrate suggests that the motions of the secondary hydrogens are coupled to that of the primary hydrogen during the protonation of the enolate of pyruvate. The reduction in the magnitude of the 13C isotope effect for the oxamate-dependent decarboxylation of oxalacetate from 1.0238 to 1.0155 when the reaction was performed in D2O (primary deuterum isotope effect = 2.1) clearly indicates that the transfer of the proton and carboxyl group between biotin and pyruvate does not occur via a single concerted reaction. Mechanisms in which biotin is activated to react with CO2 (prior to transfer of the proton on N-1) by bond formation between the sulfur and the ureido carbon, or in which the sequence of events is decarboxylation of oxalacetate, proton transfer from biotin to enolpyruvate, and carboxylation of enolbiotin, predict that the 13C isotope effect in D2O should be substantially lower than the observed value. A stepwise mechanism that does fit the data is one in which a proton is removed from biotin by a sulfhydryl group on the enzyme prior to carboxyl transfer, as long as the sulfhydryl group has an abnormally low pK.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human protein C is the precursor of a serine proteinase in plasma which contains nine 4-carboxyglutamic acid residues and functions as a potent anticoagulant. It is activated by thrombin in the presence of an essential endothelial-cell-membrane glycoprotein cofactor, thrombomodulin. In a purified human system, vitamin K-dependent proteins such as factor X, prothrombin and prothrombin fragment 1 were able to inhibit protein C activation by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex, using either detergent-solubilized thrombomodulin or thrombomodulin reconstituted into vesicles consisting of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (1:1, w/w). Factors VII and IX and protein S were much less efficient. Prothrombin fragment 1 behaved as a non-competitive inhibitor with apparent Ki values of 4 microM in the absence, and of 2-2.5 microM in the presence, of phospholipids. Heat decarboxylation of fragment 1 abolished its ability to interfere in protein C activation, and high phospholipid concentrations could attenuate its inhibitory effect and were responsible for a gradual loss of the non-competitive character. Fragment 1 also inhibited the activation of 4-carboxyglutamic acid-domainless protein C, a proteolytic derivative of protein C lacking the 4-carboxyglutamic acid residues, without any influence from phospholipids. At high thrombin concentrations, with respect to thrombomodulin, the inhibitory effect of fragment 1 was diminished. Fragment 1, at 3.8 microM, inhibited by 50% the activation of protein C (0.1 or 0.3 microM) by thrombin. These results suggest that the 4-carboxyglutamic acid domain of vitamin K-dependent proteins can act as a modulator of the protein C anticoagulant pathway through two distinct types of interaction. The functional 4-carboxyglutamic acid domain would be necessary to allow the enhancement of protein C activation in the presence of anionic phospholipids and it could recognize a phospholipid-independent binding site on the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex.  相似文献   

Immunochemical techniques have been utilized to study the effect of thyroid status on the content and rates of synthesis and degradation of pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase in rat liver. Liver from hyperthyroid rats had twice the pyruvate carboxylase activity of normal rats while thyroidectomized rats had about two-thirds of normal activity. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity was unchanged in the hyperthyroid state but was significantly reduced (by a third) in hypothyroid rats. Changes in catalytic activity during altered thyroid status were by immunochemical means to be closely related to the amount of the hepatic enzymes present. Isotopic studies showed that the changes in the content of pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase reflected alterations in the rate of the synthesis of the enzymes with the degradation rates little affected by thyroid status. The half-life for pyruvate carboxylase was 4.6 days, and that for pyruvate dehydrogenase, 8.1 days. In both cases, the turnover time was slower than that of the average mitochondrial protein (t1/2 = 3.8 days) for the control animals.  相似文献   

The effect of inert coordination complexes of chromium (III) with various nucleotides on the catalytic activity of rat liver pyruvate carboxylase was determined. The chromium nucleotides are effective initial inhibitors of pyruvate carboxylase and the inhibition becomes more severe with time. The initial rate decreases for several minutes, reaching a new slower rate that is then maintained until considerable net reaction occurs. Incubation of the enzyme with chromium nucleotides in the presence of Mg2+ and HCO3- causes maximal inhibition of the reaction and linear initial rates are then observed. This effect is similar to that found with yeast hexokinase (Dannenberg, K.D., and Cleland, W.W. (1975) Biochemistry 14, 28-39). The specificity of the carboxylase toward the nucleotide complexes suggests that the alpha and beta nucleotide phosphates are as important as the gamma phosphate in binding to the enzyme. A stable pyruvate carboxylase chromium nucleotide complex was not observed. These results are quite different from those found with yeast hexokinase where a stable complex between CrATP, sugar, and enzyme is found and hexokinase appears to be specific toward the beta, gamma phosphates of its nucleotide substrates.  相似文献   

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