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The culture medium of the strain CK-8 of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum contains a cell-fusion induction factor. Cells of the two opposite mating type strains NC-4 and HM1 of Dictyostelium discoideum were treated to induce cell fusion with the diluted fraction of CK-8 cultures, F2, which contains the factor and consequently numerous multinuclear cells were produced. NC-4 and HM1 usually fuse in the sexual cycle and form large multinuclear cells, called giant cells, which develop into macrocysts. These cells are very similar in morphology to the multinuclear cells produced following F2 treatment, however, the latter cells did not develop into macrocysts. In the sexually formed multinuclear cells, only two haploid nuclei fused to form a diploid nucleus and all others degenerate as previously reported. However, in the artificially produced multinuclear cells, no nuclear-fusion and degeneration took place. They stayed as heterokaryons and seem to lyse within 20 h incubation.  相似文献   

While vegetative cells of the cellular slime mold Dictyosteliumdiscoideum engage in active phagocytosis, cells isolated frommigrating slugs of this organism were found to be almost lackingin this activity. However, when incubated under sparsely populatedconditions, these cells regained the phagocytic ability as theylost prespore specific antigen and dedifferentiated. Changesin phagocytic activity during the development were quantitativelyexamined. After cessation of feeding, phagocytic activity ofcells first increased but shortly afterward decreased rapidly,together with the initiation of aggregation. The loss of phagocyticability of a cell was accompanied by a change in cell shapefrom an isodiametric to an elongate form, as the cell becameaggregation competent. During such a transition, polystyrenebeads which had been ingested and retained by the cell wereexocytized. 1 This paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Joji Ashida. (Received December 17, 1982; Accepted February 18, 1983)  相似文献   

beta-Glucosidase of Dictyostelium discoideum is inhibited by purines in the following order: adenine greater than adenosine greater than 6-methylaminopurine greater than hypoxanthine greater than inosine greater than purine greater than guanosine. Adenine inhibits activity by 50% at 1 to 2 mM. The kinetics are complex because the enzyme is stimulated by substrate and inhibited by glucose.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Dictyostelium discoideum to nucleic acid analogues   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

The movement responses of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum to multiple stimuli were investigated. The responses were found to differ depending on the developmental stage of the organism. A novel response, positive gravitaxis, was found in Dictyostelium slugs but not in amoebae. In the presence of a simultaneous light stimulus, gravitaxis is effective only at low fluence rates. Slugs showed positive thermotaxis in a thermal gradient (0.2 °C cm?1) and ignored the simultaneous light stimulus at low fluence rates (< 10?3 W m?2), while at higher fluence rates they moved toward the light source. With a combination of a thermal gradient and gravity Dictyostelium slugs clearly oriented thermotactically ignoring the gravistimulus.  相似文献   

Human leucocyte cell cultures were stimulated to initiate DNA synthesis by phytohemagglutinin and mercuric chloride. Both mitogens enhanced the accumulation of β2-microglobulin in the medium, which was synthesized by lymphocytes. Mercuric chloride promoted the accumulation of this protein optimaly with a concentration (1 × 10?5M) to produce the maximum stimulation of DNA synthesis. Combined use of phytohemagglutinin (50 μg/ml) and mercuric chloride (1 × 10?5M) produced additive effect on both DNA synthesis and β2-microglobulin accumulation. These findings suggest that mercuric ion causes the proliferative response of lymphocytes by a mechanism different from that for the stimulation by phytohemagglutinin.  相似文献   

A barrier to diffusion in pseudoplasmodia of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several enzymatic activities have been reported to be preferentially localized in the anterior portions of pseudoplasmodia of Dictyostelium discoideum. Since anterior cells are responsible for formation of the stalk during fruiting body construction, it has been suggested that accumulation of these enzymes may direct the cells toward stalk differentiation. However, the evidence for enzyme localization has come only from histochemical studies. We have assayed for succinoxidase and several dehydrogenase activities in cell free extracts of isolated anterior and posterior fragment and found no significant differences in specific activities, although by histochemical techniques each is apparently localized in the anterior cells. The preferential staining appears to be a consequence of a barrier to diffusion that is more effective at the back than at the front in limiting entry of the histochemical chromogen into pseudoplasmodia. The barrier appears to be the glycoprotein surface sheath that surrounds the pseudoplasmodium. The consequences of a barrier to diffusion of compounds into and out of pseudoplasmodia are discussed in relation to a mechanism that could give cells information concerning their position in this organism.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(6):1559-1565
Postvegetative Dictyostelium discoideum cells react chemotactically to gradients of cAMP, folic acid, and pterin. In the presence of a constant concentration of 10(-5) M cAMP cells move at random. They still are able to respond to superimposed gradients of cAMP, although the response is less efficient than without the high background level of cAMP. Cells which are accommodated to 10(-5) M cAMP do not react to a gradient of cAMP if the mean cAMP concentration is decreasing with time. This indicates the involvement of adaptation in the detection of chemotactic gradients: cells adapt to the mean concentration of chemoattractant and respond to positive deviations from the mean concentration. Cells adapted to high cAMP concentrations react normally to gradients of folic acid or pterin. Adaptation to one of these compounds does not affect the response to the other attractants. This suggests that cAMP, folic acid, and pterin are detected by different receptors, and that adaptation is localized at a step in the transduction process before the signals from these receptors coincide into one pathway. I discuss the implications of adaptation for chemotaxis and cell aggregation.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that a panel of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit both developmental gene expression and terminal cell differentiation in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Incubation of developing cells with a number of these drugs also prevents the accumulation in the cells of two lipid species which have chromatographic properties similar to authentic eicosanoids. The results raise the possibility that Dicytostelium cells synthesize eicosanoid-like lipids which are required for normal development.  相似文献   

Cells of D. discoideum mutant Fr-17 were allowed to form multicellular aggregates and develop undisturbed through 12 h (out of 18 required for terminal morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation). Then the cells were disaggregated and redeposited at densities so low as to preclude further sustained cell contacts and were incubated in the presence of certain diffusible metabolites. In this condition they transformed into spores and stalk cells with normal timing and, in the case of the spores, in proportions approaching those observed in undisturbed fruiting bodies. In contrast, mutant cells dispersed from aggregates at earlier stages or wild type cells dispersed from aggregates at any stage, remained as amoebae under the same conditions.
The completion of cytodifferentiation by the isolated cells was found to require threshold concentrations of diffusible, dialysable metabolites. A part of this requirement could be satisfied by addition of 10 mM NH4Cl particularly in conjunction with an amino acid mixture. At least one metabolite, however, had to be supplied by feeder cells separated from the test cells by a dialysis membrane or by increasing the population density of the test cells themselves.  相似文献   

Single phagocytic events of cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum were studied by the method of particle tracking. A 2-microm polystyrene bead, which had been covalently coated with folate, was attached to the advancing edge of a Dictyostelium ameba with the aid of an optical trap. The bead was transported backward on the cell surface. Forty-five percent of the transported beads were internalized. The bead motion was analyzed by determining every 33 ms the x-y coordinate of the centroid of the phase-contrast image of the bead. The x(t) and y(t) traces were smoothed over 1 s and the difference between the smoothed (x(t) and y(t)) and the original traces, delta(x) identical with x(t) - x(t) and delta(y) identical with y(t) - y(t), were calculated, which represented relatively rapid components of the bead motion. The plot of delta(2) = (delta(x)(2) + delta(y)(2)) against time could be divided into three phases on the basis of the variance of delta(2). Comparison of the plot with the video sequence indicated that the first phase corresponded to the transport, the second phase to the internalization, and the third phase to the postinternalization process (intracellular movement). Cytochalasin A at 5 microM completely inhibited phagocytosis without affecting the binding of bead to the cell surface, indicating the importance of actin cytoskeleton in all the phases. At 1 microM cytochalasin A the variance of the postinternalization process decreased, and the duration of the transport phase increased. At 0.25 microM cytochalasin A the duration of the internalization phase exhibited a significant increase, but other parameters did not change appreciably. The complex and differential effects of cytochalasin A on the parameters characterizing the three phases in the phagocytic process indicate that various aspects of actin dynamics are involved in the individual process of phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Sugars such as glucose, maltose, and trehalose, which are metabolized by Dictyostelium discoideum and which enhance vegetative growth, inhibit the development of the slime mold at concentrations which stimulate growth maximally. They block the acquisition of aggregation competence as well as aggregation. The same sugars also inhibit the degradation of preformed glycogen ribonucleic acid, and protein, which is characteristic of development and which occurs when the amoebas are starved by incubation in dilute phosphate buffer.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum is one of the simplest organisms to form a multicellular structure, and it offers several advantages as a model. In order to understand the genetic basis of the multicellular development, a comprehensive analysis of cDNAs is being performed. To date, about 75,000 ESTs have been collected at different stages of development. They have been assembled into about 6,400 independent sequences that represent 70-80% of all of the expected genes in D. discoideum. The results are available on the Internet. In addition to structural analyses, functional analyses of the temporal and spatial expression patterns and gene targeting are being carried out. Furthermore, there are plans to combine the information that is obtained from the cDNA, Genome, and Proteome Projects, as well as the published results, into an integrated database, DictyBase.  相似文献   

Spindle and kinetochore morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The metaphase spindle of haploid Dictyostelium discoideum (n = 7) is 2 mum long. It consists of some 20 microtubules which seem continuous between the spindle pole bodies and there are about 20 chromosomal microtubules at each end of the spindle. During anaphase the central spindle elongates and the chromosomal microtubules shorten. The spindle length and structure at this stage suggests that lengthening is caused by elongation as well as parallel sliding of the nonchromosomal microtubules. The nuclear envelope remains mostly intact during mitosis, and nuclear separation through medial constriction takes place when the spindle is 6 mum long. Cytokinesis occurs when the spindle is 10 mum long. At that time the kinetochores double in size. During interphase, the spindle pole body separates from the nucleus to a distance of 0.7 mum, and it returns at the onset of the next prophase when it becomes functionally double, thereby starting the formation of a central spindle. When comparing mitosis in the cellular slime molds Polysphondylium violaceum and D. discoideum, several similarities and some differences are apparent.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium mucoroides -7 (Dm7) and a mutant (MF1) derived from it exhibit homothallic macrocyst formation in the sexual process. As previously shown, the zygote formation during macrocyst formation is induced by a potent plant hormone, ethylene. The present work was undertaken to know if ethylene is also involved in heterothallic and homothallic macrocyst formation in D. discoideum. In heterothallic macrocyst formation between NC4 and V12M2 cells, ethionine, an analogue of methionine, inhibits macrocyst formation through arresting specifically the acquisition process of fusion competence. Such an inhibitory effect of ethionine was almost completely cancelled by co-application of ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid), the immediate precursor of ethylene. Essentially the same effects of ethionine and ACC were also noticed on homothallic macrocyst formation in D. discoideum AC4. Thus it seems most likely that ethylene is required for the acquisition of fusion competence during macrocyst formation, and that in a variety of strains examined there is a common mechanism regulated by ethylene, beyond the difference of sexual modes.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase is the critical enzyme in the chemotactic signal relay mechanism of the slime mold amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum. However, few studies examining the regulation of this enzyme have been performed in vitro due to the instability of enzyme activity in crude lysates. For studies presented in this communication, a membrane preparation has been isolated that exhibits a high specific activity adenylate cyclase that is stable during storage at -70 degrees C and under assay conditions at 27 degrees C. The enzyme was activated by micromolar concentrations of MnCl2. GTP and its non-hydrolyzable analog, guanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imino)triphosphate, inhibited the enzyme non-competitively in the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+. However, this inhibition was more pronounced in the presence of Mn2+. Since guanylate cyclase activity in the D. discoideum membranes was less than 10% of the adenylate cyclase activity, there could not be a significant contribution by guanylate cyclase toward the production of cyclic AMP. Experiments indicate that D. discoideum adenylate cyclase was also regulated by adenosine analogs. The enzyme was inhibited by 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine and 2'-deoxyadenosine and inhibition was augmented by the presence of Mn2+. However, the inhibition was not entirely consistent with that which would be expected for the P-site of eukaryotic systems because some purine-modified adenosine analogs also inhibited the enzyme. Guanine nucleotides had no effect on the inhibition by either purine-modified or ribose-modified adenosine analogs. The binding of cyclic AMP to its receptor on the D. discoideum membranes was not affected by either MnCl2 or adenosine analogs.  相似文献   

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