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Measurement of the transverse water proton relaxation rate has been used to study the effect of pH, carbamylation, and other hemoglobins on the aggregation of deoxyhemoglobin S inside intact erythrocytes. Upon complete deoxygenation, cyanate-treated (SS) erythrocytes and erythrocytes heterozygous with respect to hemoglobin S (AS, CS, and SD) have high transverse water proton relaxation rates very similar to the values obtained with homozygous (SS) erythrocytes. These results suggest extensive intermolecular interactions between deoxyhemoglobin S molecules and a resultant increase in the correlation time for the small fraction of “irrotationally bound” water. When the transverse relaxation rate in deoxygenated (SS) erythrocytes was measured as a function of pH, the maximum rate was observed between pH 7.0 and 7.5. Upon increasing the pH beyond this range the observed relaxation rate decreases as does the number of sickled cells. Upon decreasing the pH, the observed transverse relaxation rate also decreases but the ratio of values from deoxyoxy (SS) erythrocytes remains in the normal range of 4–6 and the number of sickled cells does not change. Therefore, the deoxyhemoglobin S aggregate inside sickled erythrocytes, as observed by water proton relaxation rates, is not altered by carbamylation or by the presence of nongelling hemoglobins. In addition, the enhancement of the relaxation rates as a function of pH is consistent with the number of sickled forms observed.  相似文献   

The solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S increases markedly after exposure to hexamethylenetetramine. It has been determined that even at neutral pH hexamethylenetetramine undergoes a slow and slight decomposition into ammonia and formaldehyde. These decomposition products are shown to be responsible for the increase in the solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S. Formaldehyde cross-links the protein and ammonia increases the pH of the buffered hemoglobin solution. The hydrolysis equilibrium between HCHO, NH3, and hexamethylenetetramine is shifted towards decomposition by the presence of hemoglobin and the reaction is facilitated by reducing agents. Red cells are shown to be readily permeable to hexamethylenetetramine and the potential of this relatively nontoxic chemical for sickle cell disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The longitudinal and transverse water proton relaxation rates of oxygenated and deoxygenated erythrocytes from both normal adults and individuals with sickle cell disease were measured as a function of temperature at two different frequencies. The simplest model which fits all of the data consists of three different environments for water molecules. The majority of the water (98%) has a correlation time indistinguishable from bulk water (3 × 10?11 sec). Secondly, there is a small amount of water (1.3–1.5%) present which has a correlation time of 2–4 × 10 ?9 sec and is apparently independent of the erythrocyte sample studied. Presumably this water is the hydration sphere around the hemoglobin molecules and its correlation time is significantly slower than bulk water. The third environment contains approximately 0.2% of the water present and has a correlation time≥ 10?7 sec. This third environment is considered tightly bound to the hemoglobin because the water proton correlation time is very similar to the expected rotational correlation time for the hemoglobin molecules. The value of the transverse relaxation rate, fb(T2b)?1, for the tightly bound water fraction decreases in oxy (SS), deoxy (AA), and oxy (AA) erythrocyte samples as the temperature is increased as expected for a rotational correlation time process. In dramatic contrast,fb (T2b)?1 increases almost linearly as the temperature is increased over the whole 4 ° to 37 °C temperature range in samples of deoxy (SS) erythrocytes. The observation suggests a continual increase in the formation of deoxyhemoglobulin S polymers rather than a sudden transition from a homogeneous solution of deoxyhemoglobin S molecules to a solid gel.  相似文献   

A roving tower concept was used to compare a semi-arid grassland site in Inner Mongolia (China), which was fenced in 1979 and ungrazed thereafter (UG79) with differently grazed semi-arid steppe ecosystems. The study was conducted during three consecutive years characterised by contrasting precipitation. The different grazing intensities included continuously and moderately grazed (CG), winter grazed (WG), and heavily grazed (HG). Here, we compare the energy fluxes and surface parameters that characterise the differently managed plots. The main focus is on sensible heat flux (H), available energy (AE), surface temperature (T ( s )), and surface albedo (alpha). Systematic errors were excluded by a side-to-side intercomparison of the instruments, and systematic climatic differences were minimised by the close distance between the fixed and the roving eddy covariance tower. Statistically, AE and T ( s ) were always significantly different between two simultaneously measured grazing intensities. Whereas AE was higher at UG79 in all years (mean difference of about 19Wm(-2)), T ( s ) was typically lower at UG79 (mean differences of 0.4 degrees C to about 2 degrees C). The exception was the end of the vegetation period in 2004 when T ( s ) was 0.6 degrees C higher at UG79 compared to CG. At UG79 alpha was typically significantly lower, and H was typically significantly higher. Consequently, latent heat fluxes (both as energy balance residual and directly measured) do not differ much between the different grazing intensities. It is concluded, that (1) the roving tower concept is able to detect differences due to grazing, (2) differences between the sites can be attributed to real surface differences, and (3) differences due to grazing intensities are small compared to interannual differences in surface fluxes.  相似文献   

Fibers of deoxyhemoglobin S obtained directly from lysed sickled red blood cells have been compared with fibers from chromatographically pure deoxyhemoglobin S solutions of known chemical composition. Electron micrographs of negatively stained specimens reveal that the molecular packing within the fibers remains largely invariant with changes in pH, ionic strength, Mg2+ concentration, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration, temperature or the method of deoxygenation.When solutions of chromatographically pure deoxyhemoglobin S are stirred, the fibers align into well defined fascicles. After several hours of stirring, long needles and twisted ribbons develop and in a relatively short time replace the fascicles in solution. With continued stirring all forms are replaced by small crystals. By use of electron microscopy and low-angle X-ray diffraction we have found these crystals to have cell parameters indistinguishable from those of crystals grown in polyethylene glycol and citrate/phosphate buffer at pH 5 to 6 (Wishner et al., 1975a).Our evidence indicates that crystal formation in stirred solutions of deoxyhemoglobin S is the result of a progressive alignment and fusion of the fibers, and that the molecular arrangement within the fibers is closely related to that within the crystal. The remarkable pH invariance of the molecular packing within the fiber and crystal structures is consistent with the dominance of hydrophobic bonding between molecules. The β6-valine contact observed by Wishner et al. (1975b) is apparently the pathological contact responsible for the polymerization of deoxyhemoglobin S in vivo. On the basis of our observations and knowledge of the crystal structure we propose that the deoxyhemoglobin S fiber consists of eight molecular double strands, four of which run in each direction along the length of the fiber.  相似文献   

Studies on the aggregation of deoxy-Hb S in concentrated phosphate buffer revealed the formation of three types of polymers, the difference depending on the method employed for polymerization: 1) random or linear polymers without birefringence, 2) helical polymers with birefringence, and 3) crystals. Random or linear polymers were formed when oversaturated deoxy-Hb S was polymerized by the so-called salting out or isothermal method. Helical polymers were formed when oversaturated deoxy-Hb S (120% of the solubility) was polymerized by the temperature jump method. Crystals were formed preferentially by agitation of the sample during the polymerization below 12 degrees C. The solubilities of deoxy-Hb S measured after preparation of these three types of polymers were different, as were the activation energies for the formation of the three polymers. When a mixture of deoxy- and CO-Hb S was crystallized, the crystalline phase did not contain CO-Hb S molecules. To study the relationship among these three types of polymers and red cell sickling, the morphology of erythrocytes was studied after deoxygenation by several different methods. When erythrocytes were prepared by deoxygenation with 2% sodium dithionite at 30 degrees C, a condition similar to that for the isothermal method, red cells did not form the typical sickle shape but rather an irregular shape. In contrast, with the same experiments carried out by using the temperature jump method, typical sickle-shaped cells were formed. These data suggest that the morphological difference may be attributed to the different types of polymers formed inside erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The transverse water proton relaxation times (T2) of erythrocytes homozygous and heterozygous for hemoglobin S have been measured as a function of oxyhemoglobin concentration at 37 °C. An immediate decrease in T2 is observed in S/S erythrocytes as the amount of oxyhemoglobin is decreased and the maximum change is observed at 50% deoxyhemoglobin S. In heterozygous erythrocytes, the T2 remains unchanged until a critical level of deoxyhemoglobin is attained. The critical level of deoxyhemoglobin is a function of the percentage of hemoglobin S in the heterozygous erythrocytes. A Hill plot of the data obtained from S/S erythrocytes gives an n value of around 2.4. These results suggest that the measurement of T2 is sensitive to the very early stages of the polymerization process. This suggestion is supported by calculations; our T2 measurements are sensitive to a range of correlation times expected for hemoglobin monomers at one extreme and linear polymers of seven hemoglobin molecules at the other extreme.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of deoxyhemoglobin S fiber cross sections provide an end-on view of the fiber whose appearance is sensitive to small changes in orientation. We have developed a procedure to exploit this sensitivity in order to determine the hand of these particles. In a sickle hemoglobin fiber the hemoglobin molecules form long pitch helical strands which twist about the particle axis with a pitch of about 3000 A. Tilting a 400-A-thick cross section by a few degrees aligns one of the long pitch helices so that it is nearly parallel to the direction of view. When a strand of hemoglobin molecules in a fiber is aligned in this manner it appears as a strongly contrasted bright spot. It is this spot, rather than the fiber axis, which appears to be the apparent center of rotation of the cross section. The direction of the displacement of the spot from the particle axis depends upon the particle hand and tilt direction. We have used this property to determine that sickle hemoglobin fibers are right-handed particles. This method may be applicable to other particles with long pitch helices as well.  相似文献   

We have used the "osmotic stress" method to determine the phase diagram of deoxyhemoglobin S polymerization. This method involves equilibration, through a semipermeable membrane, of the protein with solutions of inert polymers of known osmotic pressure. With deoxyhemoglobin A and S solutions, in which we have demonstrated achievement of equilibrium, plots of osmotic pressure versus concentration initially agree closely with the results of other methods of measurement of colligative properties. However, once the known solubility value is exceeded for the deoxyhemoglobin S solutions at various temperatures, there is a rapid rise in hemoglobin concentration over a narrow osmotic pressure range and then a more gradual increase in concentration. We believe that these two regions correspond, respectively, to the onset of the polymerization process, and of subsequent continuing growth and compression or alignment of polymer. We derive the thermodynamic values for these processes and show that the behavior of the deoxyhemoglobin S system is analogous to the phase transition for a simple chemical system. These results are relevant to understanding the intracellular polymerization of deoxyhemoglobin S in sickle cell disease, and these concepts are applicable to other protein assembly systems.  相似文献   

The nonselective and selective longitudinal relaxation rates were measured for procaine protons in the presence of model lipid membranes, biological membranes and whole cells. Unlike the nonselective relaxation rates, the selective rate was shown to be particularly sensitive in detecting binding interactions with macromolecular cell constituents. It was shown that the aromatic moiety of procaine is involved in binding the cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Careful experiments on the measurement of the intensity of the deuterium NMR signal for 2H2O in muscle and in its distillate were performed, and they showed that all 2H2O in muscles is “NMR visible.”The spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of the water protons in the muscle and liver of mice and in egg white has been studied at six frequencies ranging from 4.5 to 6.0 MHz over the temperature range of +37 to −70°C. T1 values of deuterons in 2H2O of gastrocnemius muscle and liver of mice have been measured at three frequencies (4.5, 9.21 and 15.35 MHz) over the temperature range of +37 to −20°C. Calculations on T1 for both proton and deuteron have been made and compared with the experimental data. It is suggested that the reduction of the T1 values compared to pure water and the frequency dependence of T1 are due to water molecules in the hydration layer of the macromolecules, and that the bulk of water molecules in the biological tissues and egg white undergoes relaxation like ordinary liquid water.  相似文献   

The effect of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate on the solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although highly charged polyanions, such as inositol hexaphosphate, have been clearly shown to decrease the solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S, the effect of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), the endogenous allosteric effector within the red cell, has been more controversial. In this work we have compared the effect of DPG on the solubility of native deoxyhemoglobin S and a derivative in which the DPG binding site is blocked by cross-linking the two beta 82 lysine residues. At pH 6.6 and 30 degrees C the solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S was found to be decreased by 15% (i.e., from 18.8 to 16.0 g/dl) in the presence of saturating concentrations of DPG. Under the same conditions DPG had no effect on the solubility of the cross-linked derivative. This result establishes unequivocally that the binding of DPG within the beta cleft directly facilitates the polymerization of deoxyhemoglobin S. Under physiological conditions, the solubility of deoxyhemoglobin S was found to be decreased by 6% in the presence of an equimolar concentration of DPG. A solubility decrease of this magnitude is sufficient to enhance the tendency of SS cells to sickle and may exacerbate the clinical symptoms of sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Careful experiments on the measurement of the intensity of the deuterium NMR signal for 2-H2 O in muscle and in its distillate were performed, and they showed that all 2-H2 O muscle is "NMR visible". The spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of the water protons in the muscle and liver of mice and in egg white has been studied at six frequencies ranging from 4.5 to 6.0 MHz over the temperature range of +37 to --70 degrees C. T1 values of deuterons in 2H2 O of gastrocnemius muscle and liver of mice have been measured at three frequencies (4.5, 9.21 and 15.35 MHz) over the temperature range of +37 to --20 degrees C. Calculations on T1 for both proton and deuteron have been made and compared with the experimental data. It is suggested that the reduction of the T1 values compared to pure water and the frequency dependence of T1 are due to water molecules in the hydration layer of the macromolecules, and that the bulk of water molecules in the biological tissues and egg white undergoes relaxation like ordinary liquid water.  相似文献   

High-field (270 MHz) 1H-NMR has been employed to study the solution conformation of glycophorin A, a sialoglycoprotein which spans the human erythrocyte membrane. Glycophorin A is one of the most fully characterized integral membrane proteins known, making it an excellent model for the study of membrane-bound proteins. This protein consists of three distinct domains: a glycosylated extracellular N-terminus, a hydrophobic intramembranous segment, and a polar cytoplasmic C-terminus. These domains contain aromatic residues which serve as convenient 1H-NMR conformational probes. The aromatic region of the NMR spectrum of glycophorin A in 2H2O shows single, well-resolved His and Tyr resonances. No resonances are observed, however, for the Phe residues which are located in or near the hydrophobic domain. These observations suggest that considerable heterogeneity with respect to segmental motions exists within the protein. This is consistent with circular dichroism data showing the intramembranous segment to be completely helical with the extremities of the protein being predominantly random coils. The helix of the hydrophrobic domain is remarkably resistant to conventional denaturing conditions including variations in pH, and temperature, and treatment with guanidine hydrochloride. However, in trifluoroacetic acid, which strongly solvates peptide backbones, there is extensive reversible unfolding of the helical structure as evidenced by the appearance of Phe resonances. Solvent titration experiments indicate that approximately a 1 : 1 volume ratio of trifluoroacetic acid to 2H2O is required to initiate unfolding of the helix.  相似文献   

The water permeability of erythrocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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