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Feedback repression of the genes encoding the low density lipoprotein receptor and several enzymes of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway is mediated by 25-hydroxycholesterol and other oxysterols. In this study, we have cloned a rabbit cDNA encoding an oxysterol-binding protein that may play a role in this regulation. The predicted amino acid sequence revealed a protein of 809 amino acids with two distinctive features: 1) a glycine- and alanine-rich region (63% of 80 residues) at the NH2 terminus, and 2) a 35-residue leucine zipper motif that may mediate the previously observed oligomerization of the protein. When transfected into simian COS cells, the rabbit cDNA produced a protein that exhibited the same affinity and specificity for sterols as the previously purified hamster liver protein. Immunoblotting analysis showed that the rabbit cDNA encodes both the 96- and 101-kilodalton forms of the oxysterol-binding protein that were previously observed. The availability of an expressible cDNA for the oxysterol-binding protein should help elucidate its role in sterol metabolism.  相似文献   

A leucine zipper protein of mitochondrial origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Morii T  Sato S  Hagihara M  Mori Y  Imoto K  Makino K 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2177-2183
We have employed a structure-based design to construct a small folding domain from the F-actin bundling protein villin that contains the amino acids necessary for the DNA binding of the basic leucine zipper protein GCN4 and have compared its DNA binding with GCN4. The monomeric motif folds into a stable domain and binds DNA in a rigid-body mechanism, while its affinity is not higher than that of the basic region peptide. The addition of the leucine zipper region to the folded domain restored its sequence-specific DNA binding comparable to that of GCN4. Unlike the monomeric folded domain, its leucine zipper derivative undergoes a conformational change upon DNA binding. CD spectral and thermodynamic studies indicate that the DNA-contacting region is folded in the presence or absence of DNA and suggest that the junction between the DNA-contacting and the leucine zipper regions transits to a helix in the presence of DNA. These results demonstrate that the structural transition outside the direct-contacting region, which adjusts the precise location of the DNA-contacting region, plays a critical role in the specific complex formation of basic leucine zipper proteins.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ) is expressed in both epithelial and immune tissues and modulates a variety of cellular functions, including proliferation and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) activity. A number of reports have described various GILZ activities, focusing on a single isoform with molecular mass of approximately 17 kDa, now termed GILZ1. In GILZ immunoblots using a newly developed antiserum, we detected multiple species in extracts from cultured kidney cells. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that one of these represented a previously uncharacterized distinct isoform of GILZ, GILZ2. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends was used to clone cDNAs corresponding to four isoforms, which, in addition to GILZ1 and GILZ2, included new isoforms GILZ3 and GILZ4. Heterologous expression of these four GILZ isoforms in cultured cells revealed striking functional differences. Notably, GILZ1 was the only isoform that significantly stimulated ENaC-mediated Na+ current in a kidney collecting duct cell line, although GILZ2 and GILZ3 also stimulated ENaC surface expression in HEK 293 cells. GILZ1 and GILZ3, and to a lesser extent GILZ2, inhibited ERK phosphorylation. Interestingly, GILZ4, which had no effect on either ENaC or ERK, potently suppressed cellular proliferation, as did GILZ1, but not GILZ2 or GILZ3. Finally, rat and mouse tissues all expressed multiple GILZ species but varied in the relative abundance of each. These data suggest that multiple GILZ isoforms are expressed in most cells and tissues and that these play distinct roles in regulating key cellular functions, including proliferation and ion transport. Furthermore, GILZ inhibition of ERK appears to play an essential role in stimulation of cell surface ENaC but not in inhibition of proliferation.  相似文献   

Kashef K  Lee CM  Ha JH  Reddy EP  Dhanasekaran DN 《Biochemistry》2005,44(43):14090-14096
Scaffolding proteins play a critical role in conferring specificity and fidelity to signaling pathways. The JNK-interacting leucine zipper protein (JLP) has been identified as a scaffolding protein involved in linking components of the JNK signaling module. Galpha(12) and Galpha(13), the alpha-subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins G12 and G13, respectively, stimulate the JNK module in diverse cell types. Here, we report that Galpha(13) physically interacts with JLP, and this interaction enhances Galpha(13)-mediated JNK activation. We also demonstrate endogenous interaction between JLP and Galpha(13) in MCF-7 cells. JLP interaction is specific to the G12 family of alpha-subunits via its C-terminal domain (termed GID-JLP), spanning amino acids 1165-1307, and this interaction is more pronounced with the mutationally or functionally activated form of Galpha(13) compared to that of wild-type Galpha(13). The presence of a ternary complex consisting of Galpha(13), JLP, and JNK suggests a role for JLP in tethering Galpha(13) to the signaling components involved in JNK activation. Coexpression of GID-JLP disrupts ternary complex formation in addition to attenuating Galpha(13)-stimulated JNK activity. These findings identify JLP as a novel scaffolding protein in the Galpha(13)-mediated JNK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The leucine zipper is a dimeric coiled-coil structural motif consisting of four to six heptad repeats, designated (abcdefg)(n). In the GCN4 leucine zipper, a position 16 in the third heptad is occupied by an Asn residue whereas the other a positions are Val residues. Recently, we have constructed variants of the GCN4 leucine zipper in which the a position Val residues were replaced by Ile. The folding and unfolding of the wild-type GCN4 leucine zipper and the Val to Ile variant both adhere to a simple two-state mechanism. In this study, another variant of the GCN4 leucine zipper was constructed by moving the single Asn residue from a position 16 to a position 9. This switch causes the thermal unfolding of the GCN4 leucine zipper to become three state. The unfolding pathway of this variant was determined by thermal denaturation, limited proteinase K digestion, and sedimentation equilibrium analysis. Our data are consistent with a model in which the variant first unfolds from its N terminus and changes the oligomerization specificity from a native dimer to a partially unfolded intermediate containing a mixture of dimers and trimers and then completely unfolds to unstructured monomers.  相似文献   

Evidence for leucine zipper motif in lactose repressor protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Amino acid sequence homology between the carboxyl-terminal segment of the lac repressor and eukaryotic proteins containing the leucine zipper motif with associated basic DNA binding region (bZIP) has been identified. Based on the sequence comparisons, site-specific mutations have been generated at two sites predicted to participate in oligomer formation based on the three-leucine heptad repeat at positions 342, 349, and 356. Leu342----Ala, Leu349----Ala, and Leu349----Pro have been isolated and their oligomeric state and ligand binding properties evaluated. These mutant proteins do not form tetramers but exist as stable dimers with inducer binding comparable with the wild-type protein. Apparent operator affinities for lac repressor proteins with mutations in the proposed bZIP domain were significantly lower than the corresponding wild-type values. For these dimeric mutant proteins, the monomer-dimer equilibrium is linked to the apparent operator binding constant. The values for the monomer-monomer binding constant and for the intrinsic operator binding constant for the dimer cannot be resolved from measurements of the observed Kd for operator DNA. Further studies on these proteins are in progress.  相似文献   

Structure of the leucine zipper.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In the basic-region leucine-zipper domain, flexible DNA-binding arms are juxtaposed by a two-stranded, parallel coiled-coil motif called the leucine zipper. Genetic, physical and structural studies of the leucine zipper identify interactions that help determine the stability and specificity of dimerization and DNA binding.  相似文献   

Ion pairs are ubiquitous in X-ray structures of coiled coils, and mutagenesis of charged residues can result in large stability losses. By contrast, pKa values determined by NMR in solution often predict only small contributions to stability from charge interactions. To help reconcile these results we used triple-resonance NMR to determine pKa values for all groups that ionize between pH 1 and 13 in the 33 residue leucine zipper fragment, GCN4p. In addition to the native state we also determined comprehensive pKa values for two models of the GCN4p denatured state: the protein in 6 M urea, and unfolded peptide fragments of the protein in water. Only residues that form ion pairs in multiple X-ray structures of GCN4p gave large pKa differences between the native and denatured states. Moreover, electrostatic contributions to stability were not equivalent for oppositely charged partners in ion pairs, suggesting that the interactions between a charge and its environment are as important as those within the ion pair. The pH dependence of protein stability calculated from NMR-derived pKa values agreed with the stability profile measured from equilibrium urea-unfolding experiments as a function of pH. The stability profile was also reproduced with structure-based continuum electrostatic calculations, although contributions to stability were overestimated at the extremes of pH. We consider potential sources of errors in the calculations, and how pKa predictions could be improved. Our results show that although hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding have dominant roles, electrostatic interactions also make significant contributions to the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that KML1-7 cells cloned from a lupus-prone MRL/l mouse produced a soluble factor that preferentially expanded anti-DNA antibody production across the H-2 barrier. We purified this factor, a 55 kD protein that we termed nucleobindin (Nuc), and obtained its cDNA clone. Although the gene for Nuc encodes a signal peptide and, in fact, Nuc was identified as a secreted protein, Nuc had a DNA-binding property. The putative polypeptide predicted from the cDNA sequence featured a signal peptide, a leucine zipper structure and a basic amino acid-rich region. The DNA-binding property of Nuc was destroyed by deletion of either the leucine zipper structure or the basic amino acid-rich region. The amino acid sequences of Nuc are highly conserved between mouse and human. We discuss the possible role of Nuc in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Coiled coil is a ubiquitous structural motif in proteins, with two to seven alpha helices coiled together like the strands of a rope, and coiled coil folding and assembly is not completely understood. A GCN4 leucine zipper mutant with four mutations of K3A, D7A, Y17W, and H18N has been designed, and the crystal structure has been determined at 1.6 Å resolution. The peptide monomer shows a helix trunk with short curved N‐ and C‐termini. In the crystal, two monomers cross in 35° and form an X‐shaped dimer, and each X‐shaped dimer is welded into the next one through sticky hydrophobic ends, thus forming an extended two‐stranded, parallel, super long coiled coil rather than a discrete, two‐helix coiled coil of the wild‐type GCN4 leucine zipper. Leucine residues appear at every seventh position in the super long coiled coil, suggesting that it is an extended super leucine zipper. Compared to the wild‐type leucine zipper, the N‐terminus of the mutant has a dramatic conformational change and the C‐terminus has one more residue Glu 32 determined. The mutant X‐shaped dimer has a large crossing angle of 35° instead of 18° in the wild‐type dimer. The results show a novel assembly mode and oligomeric state of coiled coil, and demonstrate that mutations may affect folding and assembly of the overall coiled coil. Analysis of the formation mechanism of the super long coiled coil may help understand and design self‐assembling protein fibers.  相似文献   

The protein folding problem has long been a formidable challenge. Here we present a synthetic natural motif approach that exploits small preexisting structural models for the dissection of forces important in protein folding. An example for this approach is shown in the modification of a 31-residue leucine zipper peptide with the helix-breaking amino acid glycine and the hydrogen bond-breaking imino acid sarcosine. Circular dichroism and NMR experiments have shown that the glycine-modified leucine zipper peptide adopts a stable helical conformation similar to the native conformation while the sarcosine-modified leucine zipper peptide adopts a random coil conformation. These results provide valuable insight into the current controversy over the relative importance of long-range side chain-side chain interactions versus local backbone interactions in protein structure and suggest that the natural motif strategy may represent a useful model to study protein folding.  相似文献   

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