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Extrachromosomal circular DNAs from murine hemopoietic tissue cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Extrachromosomal circular DNA complexes from cells of murine hemopoietic organs, bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes were examined by mica-press-adsorption method (H. Yamagishi, T. Kunisada, and T. Tsuda, 1982, Plasmid 8, 299-306). They showed wide size distribution, from 0.3 to 10 micron. The large-size DNAs of more than 1 micron (3.1 kb) in contour length were more abundant in bone marrow and thymus than they were in spleen and lymph nodes. The appearance of the large size DNAs was examined on splenocytes of athymic nude mice during ontogeny. The large-size DNAs first became detectable after 2 weeks of age and the amount increased thereafter until 9 weeks of age. It appears that large-size circular DNAs appear during differentiation from the hemopoietic stem cells into several descendent cells. Possible immunological implications for the appearance of extrachromosomal circular DNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

Covalently closed circular DNA can be isolated rapidly from cell lysates in a two-step process. Hydroxylapatite chromatography to prepurify the plasmid DNA from contaminating protein and RNA is followed by a step gradient elution of covalently closed circular (CCC) plasmid DNA from an acridine yellow affinity column. This procedure results in CCC DNA of a purity comparable to that obtained from ethidium bromide-CsCl gradients without lengthy centrifugation and free of contaimination by intercalating dye. Up to 250 μg of CCC pBR 322 can be isolated from 500 ml of bacterial culture in 4–6 h.  相似文献   

Thirteen ColE plasmids representing the E2-E7 types have been compared by restriction mapping. Over 80% of their restriction sites were found to be similarly positioned, indicating that these plasmids share a common structure. Three variants are ColE2-CA42 and ColE7-K317, both of which contain 1.8-kb DNA segments in place of a 2.5-kb segment common to the other plasmids, and ColE6-CT14, which has an additional 5.0-kb DNA segment compared to the other plasmids. The colicin (col), immunity (imm), and colicin release (hic) genes of these plasmids have been localized to regions corresponding to those known for ColE3-CA38 and ColE2-P9, with the imm and hic genes adjacent to the 3' end of the col gene. Active colicin is produced from hybrid col genes containing 5' and 3' ends from different E-type plasmids. The 3'-termini of the fused col genes specify the colicin type.  相似文献   

An improved procedure is presented for the binding to filter paper and subsequent purification of DNA from plasmid-containing bacterial colonies. The procedure includes treatments with NaOH, enzymatic digestion, and organic solvent extraction of the filter-bound DNA. This method allows isolation of DNA in a reusable form from thousands of colonies in several hours. Double-labeling experiments with [3H]thymidine and [14C]proline indicated that (i) during purification the DNA:protein ratio is increased several hundredfold; (ii) little or no DNA is lost during the procedure; (iii) the resultant purified DNA is tenaciously bound to the paper. Thus, the final filter-bound DNA allows multiple sequential hybridizations of different probes to one filter.  相似文献   

Small circular DNA complexes in eucaryotic cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A small number of eucaryotic cells (100 to 1000 cells) were pressed by mica sheet; then the extruded contents were adsorbed on mica and processed for electron microscopy. In the absence of divalent cation, small polydisperse circular DNA molecules bound to proteins or membrane material were preferentially adsorbed. The small circular DNA complexes have been found in every eucaryotic cell, primary lymphoid tissue cells of bursa and thymus, primary cell lines of retina and liver, and established cultured cell lines of embryonal teratocarcinoma, F9 and PCC3, HeLa and 3T6. Size distribution of these DNA complexes varies, depending on the cell source. The circles less than 1 μm in contour length predominate in cultured cell lines and the larger ones in primary cell lines and cells in situ. Polydisperse covalently closed circular DNAs were recovered from thymus lymphocytes by the conventional dye-CsCl buoyant density method. Their size distribution was similar to that of the small circular DNA complexes detected by the mica-press-adsorption method. They are present in several tens to hundreds of copies per cell representing, at a maximum, 0.02% of the total cellular DNA. The possibility that small circular DNA complexes may result from gene rearrangement as well as from replicon “misfiring” (A. Varshavsky, 1981, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 78, 3673–3677) are discussed.  相似文献   

For determination of the cellular location of small polydisperse circular DNA complexes, rat myoblastic L6 cells, HeLa cells, and mouse L cells were enucleated and processed by the micapress-adsorption method for electron microscopy (H. Yamagishi, T. Kunisada, and T. Tsuda, 1982, Plasmid8, 299–306). Small circular DNA complexes from intact cells showed a heterogeneous size distribution of from 0.1 to more than 2 μm with a mean contour length of 0.6 to 0.8 μm, like that of covalently closed circular DNAs. Cells contained 400 to 1200 copies. The size distribution in the cytoplasts was narrow and the number-average length was 0.3 to 0.4 μm, whereas that in L6 karyoplasts was wide and the average length was 0.9 μm. The longer circular complexes appeared to be absent from the cytoplasts. The origin and biological functions of these complexes are discussed in relation to the cellular locations of the complexes.  相似文献   

A modification of the rapid boiling method for the preparation of bacterial plasmids allows it to be readily used in conjunction with standard CsCl-ethidium bromide density centrifugation for the isolation of purified plasmids.  相似文献   

For the first time, endogenous amounts of Leu-enkephalin are measured in brain tissue with a technique preserving integrity of the entire molecular structure of the neuropeptide. Field-desorption mass spectrometry enables measurement of picomole amounts of endogenous, chemically underivatized Leu-enkephalin in canine caudate nuclei and hypothalami. The optimal sensitivity and resolution of high-performance liquid chromatography is coupled with maximal molecular specificity of field-desorption mass spectrometry to measure enkephalins in caudate nuclei and hypothalami from dog brains. This novel combination of two recent instrumental methodologies provides a firm molecular basis for calibrating the radioimmunoassay measurement of endogenous levels of biologically active brain neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Myelin from developing rat brains was separated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient into subfractions of two different densities, i.e. light and heavy myelin. Electron photomicrographs showed that heavy myelin consisted primarily of large compacted multilamellar structures with a distinct intraperiod line characteristic of myelin in situ. Light myelin, on the other hand, was composed of small vesicles having a unilamellar structure. Similar to whole myelin, both membrane subfractions were highly enriched in 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide-3′-phosphohydrolase. The specific activity of the enzyme, however, showed no developmental trend. Both subfractions contained all of the four major proteins characteristic of the whole myelin membrane. There were, however, quantitative differences in the relative distribution of these proteins between light and heavy myelin. Basic protein accounted for 55 % and proteolipid protein for 46 % of the total myelin proteins of light and heavy myelin, respectively. DM-20 (Agrawal, H. C., Burton, R. M., Fishman, M. A., Mitchell, R. F. and Prensky, A. L. (1972) J. Neurochem. 19, 2083–2089) exhibited a developmental “switch” between light and heavy myelin. Light myelin appeared to contain more DM-20 in 15- to 20-day-old rat brain, whereas the concentration of this protein was higher in heavy myelin at subsequent ages studied.  相似文献   

Four β-glucosidase enzymes were extensively purified from the culture filtrates of Sclerotium rolfsii and some of their physicochemical properties studied. All the enzymes showed a single protein band in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and in disc gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9 and 4.3. The purified β-glucosidases were free of endoglucanase (carboxymethyl cellulose viscosity-lowering activity). All the enzymes are glycoproteins and are composed of one polypeptide chain. The molecular weight of the four β-glucosidases varies between 90,000 and 107,000. The pH and temperature optima of the four β-glucosidases are 4.2 and 68 °C with p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucoside and 4.5 and 65 °C with cellobiose as substrate. The isoelectric points for the enzymes are 4.10, 4.55, 5.10, and 5.55, respectively. The specific activities of the enzymes with cellobiose as substrate are 55, 78, 175, and 51 μmol glucose released per minute per milligram protein, respectively. The enzymes are inhibited by the reaction product glucose, and by glucono-δ-lactone and nojirimycin. A carboxylate group is implicated in the catalysis of β-glucosidase.  相似文献   

A total of 54 ovariectomized female guinea pigs were divided into three groups and tested six times at 2-week intervals for their responsiveness to exogenous ovarian hormones (3 days of 4 micrograms/kg estradiol benzoate plus 1 day of 0.4 mg/kg progesterone) or control injections (0.2 ml oil vehicle). Two weeks after ovariectomy, treatment with estradiol significantly reduced food intake and body weight, and also produced vaginal membrane rupture in 98.1% of the females. When tested for sexual behavior at 4, 6, and 8 hr after the progesterone injection, 29 of the subjects (53.7%) displayed lordosis in response to manual stimulation. Twelve weeks after ovariectomy, the effects of estradiol on food intake, body weight, and vaginal membrane condition had not diminished. However, the overall proportion of females from which lordosis could be elicited declined to 27.8%. Biweekly injections of estradiol benzoate plus progesterone to one of the groups of females did not prevent this decline in the sexual response. Based on these results, it was concluded that the observed reduction in behavioral lordosis does not represent a general decline in the responsiveness of ovariectomized guinea pigs to estrogenic stimulation, but may involve changes in their responsiveness to progesterone or in other mechanisms more specifically associated with sexual behavior.  相似文献   

This paper describes the interaction of apamin, the bee venom neurotoxin, with its receptor in the guinea pig colon. The pharmacological activity of the toxin was assayed by measuring its contracting effect on guinea pig colon preparations that had been previously relaxed by neurotensin. The IC50 value of apamin in this in vitro bioassay is 7 nM. These pharmacological data are compared to the binding properties of apamin to smooth muscle membranes prepared from guinea pig colon. The highly radiolabeled monoiododerivative of apamin binds to its colon receptor with a dissociation constant Kd1 = 36 pM. The maximal binding capacity of colonic membranes is 30dfmol/mg of protein. The dissociation constant of the unmodified toxin is 23 pM. The difference between the toxin concentrations that produce half-maximal effects in the binding and pharmacological studies arises from the different experimental conditions used for the two assays.  相似文献   

Calcitroic acid: biological activity and tissue distribution studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calcitroic acid was recently identified as a major metabolite of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Esvelt, Schnoes, and DeLuca, Biochemistry 18, 3977, 1979). The metabolite was found to have little, although significant, activity in healing rickets, and causing bone mineral mobilization but elicited no significant elevation in intestinal calcium transport. The compound showed little affinity for either the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D binding protein or the intestinal cytosol receptor for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Various tissues of the rat were examined for the presence of calcitroic acid following a 120-ng dose of 1,25-dihydroxy-[3α-3H]vitamin D3. The metabolite was detected in liver, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, and blood with livers and mucosa containing the highest concentrations. In each of these tissues the calcitroic acid content increased during the period between 4 and 12 h after the dose. The presence of calcitroic acid in femurs was indicated but could not be confirmed. Bile duct cannulation reduced but did not abolish the intestinal calcitroic acid content. In addition to calcitroic acid, other polar metabolites of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were detected in these experiments.  相似文献   

In the first of two experiments 28 multiparous sows were allocated to one of the following treatments 2 days after weaning at approximately 35 days post partum: (1) untreated; (2) i.m. injection 10 μg oestradiol benzoate (OB)/kg body weight (b.wt.); and (3) i.m. injection 20 μg OB/kg b.wt. Sows were bred at first post-weaning oestrus and ovulation rate assessed at slaughter. The mean interval from weaning to oestrus in each group was: (1) 5.6 ± 0.2; (2) 4.7 ± 0.2; and (3) 4.7 ± 0.2 days; the mean ovulation rates in groups 1 and 2 (18.7 ± 0.6 and 17.4 ± 1.8, respectively) were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than that of 12.0 ± 1.7 for treatment 3 sows. Two untreated and one each of the treated sows were not cycling at slaughter.In the second experiment 75 multiparous sows weaned at 28 ± 3 days post partum (day 0) were evenly allocated with respect to parity to one of four treatment groups: (1) untreated; (2) i.m. injection 10 μg OB/kg b.wt. on day 2; (3) PG600 (400 iu PMSG + 200 iu hCG) injection subcutaneous day 0; and (4) combined PG600/OB treatment as in (2) and (3) above. Sows were bred naturally at the first post-weaning oestrus and fertility assessed at farrowing. Control animals had a significantly longer (P < 0.05) weaning to oestrus interval (4.53 ± 0.25 days) compared to treatment 2 (4.03 ± 0.13) treatment 3 (3.97 ± 0.12) and treatment 4 (3.81 ± 0.07) sows. Sows treated with PG600 alone showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) in numbers born live compared to pre-treatment values. A smaller and non-significant increase in numbers born live in control sows (probably related to increasing parity) was not observed in either OB- or PG600/OB-treated animals.These results suggest that with further modification of the treatments, a system may be developed for introducing fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) or mating as a means of controlling the reproductive performance of the weaned sow.  相似文献   

The main hemoglobin (Hb) found in Shumway (embryonic) stage 25 bullfrogs is that which we have designated Td-4. The other major tadpole Hbs (Td-1, 2, and 3) predominate during Taylor and Kollros (larval) stages I-XVIII. We propose that Td-4 is an embryonic Hb, whereas Td-1, 2, and 3 are larval (fetal-like) Hbs. Embryonic Hb Td-4 continues to be synthesized during the larval stages. During the larval period, the average peripheral blood Hb profile changes very little with morphological stage or general growth. However, there is great heterogeneity in the embryonic:larval Hb ratio among individual tadpoles of a given stage or weight, apparently due to differential Hb and red cell production by the two active erythropoietic sites, mesonephric kidneys (Td-4), and liver (Td-1, 2, 3).  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the chemical shift of the inorganic phosphate (Pi) inside mitochondria observable by 31P nmr has been examined and used for the measurement of the internal pH. The pH gradient and the Pi concentration gradient were in the simple relation expected for the neutral exchange process of H2PO4? and OH?. This Pi distribution across the mitochondrial membrane was not influenced by the cross-membrane electrical potential. Both the Pi, distribution and the pH titration curve of the internal Pi indicate that the activity of the internal Pi can be well represented by the concentration of Pi measured by 31P nmr peak intensity. The present results give a sound base for applying 31P nmr to study bioenergetics and cell metabolism.  相似文献   

The binding and biological activities of neurotensin and two analogues, [Trp11]-neurotensin and xenopsin, in which a tryptophan replaces the neurotensin residue Tyr11, were compared in rat and guinea-pig. The binding activity of the three peptides was measured as their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]neurotensin to rat and guinea-pig brain synaptic membranes. Their biological activities were measured as their effects on the contractility of rat and guinea-pig ileal smooth muscle preparations. In binding as well as biological assays, it was found that [Trp11]-neurotensin and xenopsin were as potent as neurotensin in the rat. In contrast, the two analogues were about 10 times less potent than neurotensin in the guinea-pig. These findings reveal differences between rat and guinea-pig neurotensin receptors. Such species-related differences in neurotensin receptors should be considered when comparing the activity of neurotensin analogues in assays using tissue preparations from various animal species.  相似文献   

Transposon-insertion mutants with vir? Ti plasmids were characterized and then used in complementation experiments. One of the mutants (LBA 1517) had a mutation in a newly discovered vir locus called virF. The virF mutation led to a strongly diminished virulence on tomato and tobacco, but not on certain other plant species. Also a mutant (LBA 1505) was isolated with a mutation somewhere in the bacterial genome but outside the octopine Ti plasmid that caused a restriction in host range for tumor induction. Introduction of a nopaline Ti plasmid or an Ri plasmid into LBA 1505 did not restore normal virulence, showing that the vir gene affected in LBA 1505 determines a factor which is essential for normal tumor induction both by different types of Ti plasmids and by the Ri plasmid. The introduction of R primes containing part or all of the octopine Ti plasmid virulence region led to a restoration of virulence in strains with a vir? nopaline Ti plasmid. Also the transfer of an Ri plasmid to a large number of different vir? octopine or nopaline Ti plasmid mutants rendered these strains virulent. These results indicate that the octopine Ti plasmid, the nopaline Ti plasmid, and the Ri plasmid each have a similar virulence system which can mediate the transfer of T-DNA to plant cells from different types of Ti or Ri plasmids. In complementation experiments between vir? octopine Ti plasmid mutations and vir? nopaline Ti plasmid mutations it was found that equivalent functions are determined by the areas of DNA homology in the virulence regions of these two types of Ti plasmids. The previously defined octopine Ti plasmid virC locus appeared to consist of two different loci. One of these loci was found to be in a region of the octopine Ti plasmid which does not share DNA homology with the nopaline Ti plasmid, and was therefore called virO (octopine Ti plasmid specific). For the other locus the name virC was retained. Whereas mutations in the virC locus were avirulent on all plant species tested, mutations in virO were avirulent on tomato and pea, but virulent on sunflower and Nicotiana rustica. VirO? mutants produced rooty tumors on Kalanchoë tubiflora.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice were injected with 50 or 100 μg of the synthetic progestin 19-nor-17α-ethynyltestosterone (NET) on Days 14 through 17 of gestation. Others received only the vehicle or were left undisturbed. Exposure to NET during the prenatal period increased anogenital distance of the female offspring as measured on Day 60 but did not influence the duration of adult testosterone (T) exposure required to activate male-like intraspecific fighting behavior. In a second experiment, female mice were exposed to NET either prenatally, postnatally (Day 1), or pre- and postnatally. Exposure during both pre- and postnatal periods increased anogenital distance but only the exposure during the postnatal period enhanced later behavioral sensitivity to the aggression-activating property of T. Thus, NET is similar to testosterone in its ability to virilize morphology and behavior, although, at the dosages administered, behavioral alternation only occurred as a result of treatment during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

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