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Summary The effects of soil acidification (pH values from 6.5 to 3.8), and subsequent leaching, on levels of extractable nutrients in a soil were studied in a laboratory experiment. Below pH 5.5, acidification resulted in large increases in the amounts of exchangeable Al in the soil. Simultaneously, exchangeable cations were displayed from exchange sites and Ca, Mg, K and Na in soil solution increased markedly. With increasing soil acidification, increasing amounts of cations were leached; the magnitude of leaching loss was in the same order as the cations were present in the soil: Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Na+. Soil acidification appeared to inhibit nitrification since in the unleached soils, levels of NO 3 clearly declined below pH 5.5 and at the same time levels of NH 4 + increased greatly. Significant amounts of NH 4 + and larger amounts of NO 3 , were removed from the soil during leaching. Concentrations of NaHCO3-extractable phosphate remained unchanged between pH 4.3 and 6.0 but were raised at higher and lower pH values. No leaching losses of phosphate were detected. For the unleached soils, levels of EDTA-extractable Mn and Zn increased as the soil was acidified whilst levels of extractable Fe were first decreased and then increased greatly and those for Cu were decreased slightly between pH 6.5 and 6.0 and then unaffected by further acidification. Significant leaching losses of Mn and Zn were observed at pH values below 5.5 but losses of Fe were very small and those of Cu were not detectable.  相似文献   

Summary Trunk circumferences were measured on apple trees which had been grown for 5 to 10 years on land previously in apple orchard. Soil beneath each tree was analysed for soil acidity characteristics and basic cations. Tree growth (trunk circumference), was generally retarded but highly variable, but correlated well with the soil measurements in four of the six orchards investigated. Size of Delicious, Tydeman and Rome Beauty cultivars correlated positively with soil pH and negatively with 0.02M CaCl2-soluble Al and Mn, while that of McIntosh grown adjacent to the Delicious and Tydeman trees in two of those orchards correlated little or not at all with these soil acidity characteristics. However, in the three orchards where McIntosh trees were grown, their size correlated (r=0.72**, 0.71**, 0.54**) well with exchangeable soil Mg. The effects of soil acidity and associated nutrient deficiencies on growth of young apple trees is discussed.Contribution No. 602.  相似文献   

Summary This experiment employed a factorial design combining 4 soil pH levels, 3 soil moisture levels, with and without the addition ofPhytophthora cinnamomi to the soil to evaluate the conditions that lead to Phytophthora root rot of avocado.An inverse relation between soil pH and leaf production (and root-weight) was observed in nondiseased plants. In soil infested withP. cinnamomi, plant growth and root weights were much depressed by low soil pH, and especially by low soil pH coupled with high soil moisture contents. These interactions were statistically highly significant. Root weights in pots withP. cinnamomi were closely related to the incidence of disease. A disease index was used to visually assess the conditions of roots. Isolation of the pathogen from diseased plant roots confirmed the accuracy of the disease index.A process of elimination suggsts that favorable soil Ca level and not high pHper se was responsible for disease suppression and that the devastating effects of low soil pH was produced by high Mn (and possibly Al) and associated low levels of Ca and P in soil solutions, which led to breakdown of biological control mechanisms.Journal Series No. 2801, Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of increasing rates of lime and phosphorus addition on concentrations of available nutrients in soil and on P, Al and Mn uptake by two pasture legumes, lotus (Lotus pedunculatus Cav.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), were studied in a pot experiment using a highly leached acid (pH 4.2) soil.Liming resulted in an increase in exchangeable Ca and thus in percentage base saturation, with concomitant decreases in levels of exchangeable Al, Fe and Mn. The relationship between exchangeable Ca and Al was linear and negative with a gradient of almost unity. Liming had no consistent effect on measured CEC values. Increasing lime rates significantly reduced concentrations of Mg, K and Na in saturation paste extracts but had no effect on exchangeable Mg, K and Na levels.With increasing lime additions, available phosphate indicesviz water soluble, resin-, Morgan-and Williams-extractable all decreased significantly, Truog-extractable was unaffected, while Brayextractable generally increased. Fractionation revealed that lime additions caused a decrease in easily soluble, Fe-bound and to a lesser extent Ca-bound phosphate fractions, had no effect on reductant soluble phosphate, but resulted in an increase in the Al-bound fraction. P uptake and yield of both legumes increased with lime and P additions.Correlations between available phosphate indices and yield of both legumes were weak or nonsignificant. However, high, significant positive correlation coefficients were found between available phosphate and plant uptake of P. Indices of available Al and Mn were not generally significantly correlated with plant uptake of Al or Mn but significant negative correlations were found between available Al and Mn and yield of both species.  相似文献   

The model presented takes into account the interaction between the negatively charged membranes and macromolecules and the cations. A central postulate is that a constant average surface charge density (σ) as well as a constant average surface potential (Ψ) is conserved under different ionic conditions. The model makes it possible to predict the size of σ and Ψ from measurements of Na, K, Mg and Ca content in plant tissues of the same age but grown under two different ionic conditions (e.g. high and low K+). Assumptions were made about the relative amounts of free and bound Ca2+ and σ and Ψ were calculated from values in the literature. In all cases σ (and Ψ) are predicted to be higher for shoot (−29 to −96 mC m−2) than for root membranes (−14 to −27 mC m−2). In most cases the predicted σ falls within the range determined experimentally for biological membranes.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium, potassium and calcium on salt-stressed barley   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We grew barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. CM 72) for a 28-day period and sequentially harvested plants every 3 or 4 days. Plants were salt-stressed with either NaCl or KCl (125 m M ) with or without supplemental Ca (10 or 0.4 m M final concentration, respectively). We determined tissue concentrations of Na, Ca, Mg, K. S, P, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn for each harvest date by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. Uptake (specific absorption rate) was calculated from the element content and growth rates. Salinity had significant effects on the uptake and concentrations of most elements. Mg and Mn concentrations declined with time. The concentrations of all other elements determined increased over time. Element uptake on a root dry weight basis declined with time. Three variables were significantly affected by salinity and correlated with growth; 1) the Ca concentration, 2) the total sum of the cation concentration (TC), and 3) the Mn concentration of the shoot. Salinity reduced Ca uptake and concentrations. Supplemental Ca increased Ca concentrations and was positively correlated with growth during salt stress. Salinity doubled TC, which was negatively correlated with relative growth rate (RGR). Relative growth rate declined at TC values above 150 m M . Salinity reduced the uptake and concentration of Mn. Manganese concentrations in the shoot were highly correlated with RGR. Relative growth rate declined at Mn concentrations below 50 nmol (g fresh weight)−1.  相似文献   

The effects of the presence or absence of Mg in the nutrient solution and of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) on the content and partitioning of Ca, K and P between root and shoot of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) seedlings were examined under greenhouse conditions using soil as basal medium. Mg content of the soil was 14.95 µmol/g dry soil. The infection percentages after inoculation of VAMF were 66.0% and 55.5%, respectively, on application of –Mg and +Mg nutrient solution. Ca content of both roots and shoots did not change by these treatments; but a highly significant decrease in shoots was recorded on –Mg and +VAMF treatment. K content of root was significantly elevated by –Mg and +VAMF treatment but no changes were observed in shoots. P content of both roots and shoots increased significantly with +VAMF regardless of the presence or absence of Mg.  相似文献   

The current cropping system of excessive tillage and stubble removal in the northwestern Loess Plateau of China is clearly unsustainable. A better understanding of tillage and stubble management on surface soil structure is vital for the development of effective soil conservation practices in the long term. Changes in surface soil structure and hydraulic properties were measured after 4 years of stubble management (stubble retained vs. stubble removed) under contrasting tillage practices (no-tillage vs. conventional tillage) in a silt loam soil (Los Orthic Entisol) in Dingxi, Gansu, the northwestern Loess Plateau, China. Our results indicated that after 4 years small but significant changes in soil properties were observed amongst the different tillage and stubble treatments. Surface soil (0–5 cm) under no-tillage with stubble retention had the highest water stability of macroaggregates (>250 μm), soil organic carbon (SOC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Significant correlation was found between water stable macro-aggregates and soil organic carbon content, indicating the importance of the latter on soil structural stability. The improvement in soil structure and stability was confirmed by higher soil hydraulic conductivity measurements. Consistently higher Ksat was detected in the no tillage with stubble retained soil compared to other treatments. Therefore, no-tillage with stubble retention practice is an effective management technique for improving physical quality of this fragile soil in the long term.  相似文献   

The current cropping system of excessive tillage and stubble removal in the northwestern Loess Plateau of China is clearly unsustainable. A better understanding of tillage and stubble management on surface soil structure is vital for the development of effective soil conservation practices in the long term. Changes in surface soil structure and hydraulic properties were measured after 4 years of stubble management (stubble retained vs. stubble removed) under contrasting tillage practices (no-tillage vs. conventional tillage) in a silt loam soil (Los Orthic Entisol) in Dingxi, Gansu, the northwestern Loess Plateau, China. Our results indicated that after 4 years small but significant changes in soil properties were observed amongst the different tillage and stubble treatments. Surface soil (0–5 cm) under no-tillage with stubble retention had the highest water stability of macroaggregates (>250 μm), soil organic carbon (SOC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Significant correlation was found between water stable macro-aggregates and soil organic carbon content, indicating the importance of the latter on soil structural stability. The improvement in soil structure and stability was confirmed by higher soil hydraulic conductivity measurements. Consistently higher Ksat was detected in the no tillage with stubble retained soil compared to other treatments. Therefore, no-tillage with stubble retention practice is an effective management technique for improving physical quality of this fragile soil in the long term.  相似文献   

Tillage and groundcover are the two mainly used management practices in orchard. Only small portion of orchard has been treated with groundcover in China, which would restrict our understanding of the scientific management of apple orchard. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different groundcover treatments on the plant growth of groundcover species and soil properties in an apple orchard near Beijing, northern China. Six commonly used groundcover species were chosen to grow underground. Our results showed that groundcover species had significant greater maximum photosynthesis rate (Pmax) than weeds in control plots. Meanwhile, groundcover treatments could largely improve the microclimate of orchard compared with tillage treatment. Among all the groundcover species, alfalfa was proven to be the most appropriate species grown underground in apple orchard for its high Pmax and high above-ground biomass. Groundcover treatments had little impact on soil bulk density, soil porosity and surface soil organic carbon (SOC) content. However, significantly greater deep soil organic carbon contents were found in two grass species, and significantly higher soil available nitrogen (N) contents were found in two leguminous species respectively. Our results indicated that groundcover treatment would be a sustainable management practice for apple orchard in northern China.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of increasing rates of lime (0, 900, 1725, and 3000 kg Ca(OH)2/ha producing soil pH of 4.0, 4.7, 5.1 and 5.6) and P (50, 150, 250 and 350 kg P/ha) on top and root yield, root morphology and chemical composition of lotus (Lotus pedunculatus Cav.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), were studied, using an acid soil in a greenhouse experiment. Increasing rates of applied lime and phosphate resulted in substantial increases in top yields of both species but concomitant increases in root yield were small. In the unlimed soil, lotus out-yielded (tops and roots) white clover at all P levels. However, in the three limed treatments, white clover clearly out-yielded lotus. Yield response curves to applied P levelled off at the two highest lime rates for lotus but not for white clover. Nodulation and N content of white clover increased significantly with increasing lime applications, but for lotus there was a significant decrease in nodulation at the highest lime rate. Increased P rates had a small stimulatory effect on nodulation in both species. Of the total root weight, the percentage contribution of the tap and primary lateral root fractions was smaller and that of the secondary plus tertiary lateral roots was greater for lotus than for white clover although root length per unit weight tended to be larger for white clover at the two highest lime rates. Furthermore, lotus possessed longer and more numerous root hairs than white clover. Lime applications significantly decreased the percentage contribution of the tap and primary lateral roots to the total root weight and increased the percentage contribution of the secondary plus tertiary lateral roots. Al and Mn contents of tops and roots of both species decreased with increasing lime rates. There was a highly significant negative correlation between relative yield and Al content of lotus and white clover tops. In comparison with the limed treatments, in the unlimed treatments a greater percentage of total P, Al, Mn and N content accumulated in the roots of both species. In addition, lotus accumulated a much greater percentage Al in its roots than white clover.  相似文献   

No tillage (NT) has been proposed as a practice to reduce the adverse effects of tillage on contaminant (e.g., sediment and nutrient) losses to waterways. Nonetheless, previous reports on impacts of NT on nitrate ( NO 3 ) leaching are inconsistent. A global meta-analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis that the response of NO 3 leaching under NT, relative to tillage, is associated with tillage type (inversion vs non-inversion tillage), soil properties (e.g., soil organic carbon [SOC]), climate factors (i.e., water input), and management practices (e.g., NT duration and nitrogen fertilizer inputs). Overall, compared with all forms of tillage combined, NT had 4% and 14% greater area-scaled and yield-scaled NO 3 leaching losses, respectively. The NO 3 leaching under NT tended to be 7% greater than that of inversion tillage but comparable to non-inversion tillage. Greater NO 3 leaching under NT, compared with inversion tillage, was most evident under short-duration NT (<5 years), where water inputs were low (<2 mm day−1), in medium texture and low SOC (<1%) soils, and at both higher (>200 kg ha−1) and lower (0–100 kg ha−1) rates of nitrogen addition. Of these, SOC was the most important factor affecting the risk of NO3 leaching under NT compared with inversion tillage. Globally, on average, the greater amount of NO3 leached under NT, compared with inversion tillage, was mainly attributed to corresponding increases in drainage. The percentage of global cropping land with lower risk of NO3 leaching under NT, relative to inversion tillage, increased with NT duration from 3 years (31%) to 15 years (54%). This study highlighted that the benefits of NT adoption for mitigating NO 3 leaching are most likely in long-term NT cropping systems on high-SOC soils.  相似文献   

In nutrient impoverished landscapes in southwest Australia, terrestrial litter appears to be important in phosphorus (P) turnover and in the gradual accumulation of P in wetland systems. Little is known about the fate of P leached from litter during the wet season and the associated effects of soil microclimate on microbial activity. The effects of temperature, moisture, and litter leaching on soil microbial activity were studied on a transect across a seasonal wetland in southwestern Australia, after the onset of the wet season. Heterotrophic respiration (CO2 efflux) was higher in the dried lakebed and riparian areas than in upland soils, and higher during the day than at night. There were significant variations in CO2 efflux with time of sampling, largely caused by the effect of temperature. The addition of litter leachate significantly increased CO2 efflux, more significantly in soils from upland sites, which had lower moisture and nutrient contents. There was a difference in response of microbial respiration between upland soils and wetland sediments to litter leachate and wetter, warmer conditions. In general, the litter leachate enhanced heterotrophic microbial respiration, and more significantly at warmer conditions (31 °C). The relative fungal to bacterial ratio was 2.9 – 3.2 for surface litter and 0.7–1.0 for soils, suggesting a fungal dominance in heterotrophic respiration of surface litter, but increased bacterial dominance in soils, especially in exposed sediments in the lakebed.  相似文献   

Jörg Brunet 《Plant and Soil》1994,161(2):157-166
The influence of base cation concentrations on pH and aluminium sensitivity of the woodland grasses Bromus benekenii and Hordelymus europaeus was studied in flowing solution culture experiments. Plants were exposed to low pH (3.9, experiment 1) and Al concentrations of 19 and 37 M (experiment 2) at two base cation (Ca+Mg+K) levels, all within the ranges measured in natural forest soil solutions. Elevated base cation concentrations ameliorated both H and Al toxicity, as indicated by increased root and shoot growth. In the third experiment, interactions between pH (4.3 and 4.0) and Al (0 and 19 M) were investigated. It was shown that the combined toxicity effects of H and Al were not greater than the separate H or Al effects. Tissue concentrations of base cations and Al increased with increasing concentrations in the solution, but were also influenced by the base cation : Al ratio. Relating the experimental evidence with the composition of forest soil solutions suggests an important role of soil pH and Al in controlling the distribution of the two species. Growth conditions also differ at various soil depths. Concentrations of free cationic Al were higher and base cation concentrations lower at 5–10 cm than at 0–5 cm soil depth. Increasing base cation concentrations may protect roots from both H and Al injury during periods of drought when concentrations of most elements increase in the soil solution, whereas molar ratios between base cations, H and Al remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibition of the respiration rate by the heavy metals, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn was investigated in five Dutch soil types in relation to the length of time these heavy metals were present in the soil. The amounts of heavy metal added as chloride salts to the soils were 0, 55, 150, 400, 1000, 3000 and 8000 g·g–1, respectively. The measurements were carried out both immediately after the addition of the heavy metals and approximately 18 months later. The inhibition during the first two to eight weeks was not obscured by an extra nutrient flush to drying. During the 18 months, the toxicity decreased but was still significant. Inhibition was greatest in the sandy soil and least in the clay soil. In a loam soil and in a sandy peat soil, the inhibiting effects were intermediate, but distinct. The main abiotic factors responsible for these different degrees of inhibition were the clay fraction for Cd, the Fe content for Cu, Pb and Zn and the pH for Ni. Although clay, Fe, and Mn together with the organic matter fraction, determine the total cation exchange capacity of soil, their contribution to the toxicity of heavy metals may be antagonistic. The latter may increase the mobility due to chelation and therefore possibly increase the toxicity, while the other factors may bind the heavy metals and therefore decrease the toxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of some gangliosides on active uptake of nonmetabolizable alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) and Na+, K+-ATPase and Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase activities in superior cervical ganglia (SCG) and nodose ganglia (NG) excised from adult rats were examined during aerobic incubation at 37 degrees C for 2 h. In NG, amino acid uptake was greatly accelerated with the addition of galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-[N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosylgluc osyl ceramide (GM1) (85%) and also with N-acetylgalactosaminyl-[N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl ceramide (GM2) or [N-acetylneuraminyl]-galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-[N-acetyl- neuraminyl]-galactosylglucosyl ceramide (GD1a) (43% each) compared with a nonaddition control at a 5 nM concentration. Under identical conditions, Na+, K+-ATPase activity was strongly stimulated with GM1 (180%) and GD1a (93%), whereas Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase activity showed no change. In SCG, on the other hand, AIB uptake was apparently inhibited (-27%) by addition of GM1, with a slight decrease in Na+, K+-ATPase but no change in Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase activity in the tissue. Both asialo-GM1, in which N-acetylneuraminic acid is deficient, and Forssman glycolipid, which is not present in nervous tissue, failed to produce any significant increase in both SCG and NG not only in amino acid uptake, but also in Na+, K+-ATPase activity. A kinetic study of active AIB uptake showed that GM1 ganglioside produced an increase in Km with no change in Vmax in SCG, whereas it caused a decrease in Km with a slight increase in Vmax in NG. Treatment of NG and SCG with neuraminidase from Vibrio cholerae, an enzyme that split off sialic acid from polysialoganglioside, leaving GM1 intact, caused little inhibition of the amino acid uptake.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

刘爽  王雅  刘兵兵  刘海龙  刘勇 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4376-4389
晋西北丘陵区受干旱大风气候以及人为活动的影响,土壤肥力较低,土壤质量退化严重,不同的土地利用和管理方式,因植被覆被、人为活动等不同,对土壤质量产生影响不同。为了更好地了解晋西北地区不同土地管理方式对土壤质量的影响,于山西省北部忻州市五寨县,研究不同管理方式对土壤肥力、土壤酶活性、微生物群落结构及多样性的影响,以及微生物与土壤环境因子的关系,为晋西北地区土地管理和生态建设提供参考。研究中设置4种土地管理方式:苜蓿样地(MX)、免耕样地(MG)、翻耕样地(FG)和荒地(HD),采用野外采集土壤样品、室内测定和分析的研究方法,其中土壤pH值利用电位法测定,土壤有机碳(OC)采用重铬酸钾氧化-分光光度法测定;土壤硝态氮、铵态氮利用全自动间断化学分析仪测定,其原理为紫外分光光度和靛酚蓝比色法。土壤过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶和磷酸酶活性分别采用KMnO_4滴定法、3,5-二硝基水杨酸法、苯酚钠-次氯酸钠比色法、磷酸苯二钠比色法测定,采用高通量测序测定土壤细菌和真菌的群落组成,利用统计分析软件SPSS和Canoco以及QIIME、USEARCH和Uclust生物信息软件分析不同土地管理方式对土壤质量的影响。结果表明,不同土地管理方式对土壤化学性质、土壤酶活性、细菌和真菌的群落结构及多样性均有影响。苜蓿和免耕2种土地管理方式可显著提高表层土壤养分并增加土壤酶活性;4种土地管理方式共有9个细菌门和11个真菌门,细菌相对丰度较大的为变形菌门、放线菌门和酸杆菌门,真菌的子囊菌门相对丰度最大;苜蓿和免耕样地土壤细菌和真菌群落丰富度和多样性都较高,荒地土壤细菌和真菌群落丰富度较低,但多样性较高;RDA分析结果表明,土壤pH、NH~+_4-N和NO~-_3-N含量和过氧化氢酶活性对细菌群落影响较大,pH、有机碳含量、蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性对真菌群落影响最大。苜蓿和免耕2种土地管理方式能够提高土壤质量,是晋西北地区较为适宜的管理措施。  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis to quantify the impact of changing agricultural land use and management on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage under moist and dry climatic conditions of temperate and tropical regions. We derived estimates of management impacts for a carbon accounting approach developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, addressing the impact of long-term cultivation, setting-aside land from crop production, changing tillage management, and modifying C input to the soil by varying cropping practices. We found 126 articles that met our criteria and analyzed the data in linear mixed-effect models. In general, management impacts were sensitive to climate in the following order from largest to smallest changes in SOC: tropical moist>tropical dry>temperate moist>temperate dry. For example, long-term cultivation caused the greatest loss of SOC in tropical moist climates, with cultivated soils having 0.58 ± 0.12, or 58% of the amount found under native vegetation, followed by tropical dry climates with 0.69 ± 0.13, temperate moist with 0.71 ± 0.04, and temperate dry with 0.82 ± 0.04. Similarly, converting from conventional tillage to no-till increased SOC storage over 20 years by a factor of 1.23 ± 0.05 in tropical moist climates, which is a 23% increase in SOC, while the corresponding change in tropical dry climates was 1.17 ± 0.05, temperate moist was 1.16 ± 0.02, and temperate dry was 1.10 ± 0.03. These results demonstrate that agricultural management impacts on SOC storage will vary depending on climatic conditions that influence the plant and soil processes driving soil organic matter dynamics.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass C and N, and anaerobically mineralizable-N, were measured in the litter and mineral soil (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm depth) of Pinus radiata plantations in two trials on a nitrogen-deficient coastal sand. The trials comprised (a) stands of different age (1 to 33 years), with five of the seven stands studied being second rotation, and (b) a harvest-management trial, with stands established after different harvesting treatments of the first-rotation trees and understorey development controlled by manual weeding and chemical sprays. The harvest-management stands were sampled in the fifth year after the second-rotation establishment.In the stands of different age, the levels of microbial biomass C and N, and also mineralizable-N, in the litter and mineral soil showed no relationship with tree age and were similar to those in the oldest (33 years) stands of P. radiata. In the harvesting trial, five years after establishment of the second rotation, levels of microbial N and mineralizable-N in the litter and mineral soil were generally lowest where whole trees and the original forest floor had been removed; they were higher in associated plots in which the original forest floor had been removed but fertilizer N was regularly applied. No marked differences were then found between the other harvest treatments, viz. whole-tree harvest, stem-only harvest with slash remaining on site, and stem-only harvest plus extra added slash materials. In each trial, levels of microbial C and N and mineralizable-N were closely related to total C, and especially total N, in 0–10 cm depth mineral soil, but not generally in litter. Respiratory measurements strongly suggest that the microbial populations in mineral soil had a high metabolic activity.On an area basis in the harvest-management trial, total tree N and microbial N in the litter and mineral soil were lowest in stands where the original forest floor had been removed. In this particular treatment, microbial N in the litter plus mineral soil (0–20 cm depth) after five years of second-rotation growth comprised 7.3% of the total ecosystem N; values in the other treatments ranged between 5.6 and 6.0%.Our results emphasise the importance of slash and litter, and probably volunteer shrubs and herbaceous under-storey species, in conserving pools of potentially available N during the early stages of tree development.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the most important crop plants grown in the Mediterranean region. Varying levels of hormones, sugars and mineral nutrient are thought to influence flower bud formation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in endogenous sugar, mineral nutrition and hormone levels in leaf, node and fruit samples of Memecik olive during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods in on (bearing) and off (non-bearing) years. Leaf, node and fruit samples of mature 15-year-old Memecik olive were used. The samples were taken during the induction, initiation and differentiation periods of olive in on (2000) and off (2001) years. Sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose), mineral nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) and hormone [abscisic acid (ABA), indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3, GA4) and zeatin (Z)] levels were determined in on and off years. Hormone and sugar levels were measured by gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu levels were quantified by an atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl procedure, and P by a spectrophotometric method. The differences in any of the sugar concentrations, with the exception of fructose, were not significant in on and off years. Hormone levels, however, were significantly different in on and off years. Glucose had the highest concentrations in both years, followed by sucrose and fructose, respectively. The highest macro and micro element concentrations were found to be Ca and Fe, respectively. Thus, the results suggest that carbohydrates and mineral nutrients may not have a direct effect to induce flower initiation. However, high GA3 level exhibited an inhibitory effect on floral formation during the induction and initiation periods. On the other hand, the high concentrations of GA4, ABA and certain cytokinin levels may have a positive effect on flower formation in olive during the induction and initiation periods.  相似文献   

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