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A polymerase chain reaction/oligonucleotide probe method was developed for the specific identification of the Gram-positive bacterium Aerococcus viridans. Primers for the enzymatic amplification reaction were designed from specific sequences within the 16S rRNA. The method was also highly sensitive and 10 cfu of A. viridans could be detected in 5 h although the reliability of detection was poor in mixed cultures with Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

A set of oligonucleotides has been developed to study the competitivity of two Frankia strains in the nodulation of the roots of two host plant species: Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana. Two 20 mer-oligonucleotides, complementary to highly conserved sequences inside the nifH gene, were used as primers for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system in order to amplify microsymbiont DNA extracted from actinorhizae. PCR products were analyzed using two strain-specific 15-mer oligonucleotides identified in the amplified region. Hybridization data indicate that strain ACoN24d is more competitive than train ArI3 in the nodulation of both hosts.  相似文献   

An identification method by PCR, specific to the Carnobacterium genus, was optimised by testing it on 28 bacterial strains. Primers from the literature were tested to differentiate Carnobacterium strains present among various bacterial species. The DNA of Carnobacterium species (C. alterfunditum, C. divergens, C. funditum, C. gallinarum, C. inhibens, C. maltaromaticum, C. mobile, C. viridans), specifically amplified by the Cb1-Cb2R primer couple at a hybridization temperature of 69 degrees C, gave only one band of 340 bp. The validation of this technique was carried out on a French soft cheese made with pasteurised milk inoculated with C. maltaromaticum LMA 28. Using classical PCR, detection was not possible for decimal dilutions of the cheese above 1 g L(-1). With Sybr Green I real time PCR, the specificity of the reaction was confirmed by the T(m) value. The standard curve constructed using the main threshold cycle and various concentrations of C. maltaromaticum LMA 28 (ranging from 10(0) to 10(8) cfu mL(-1)) showed good linearity and a sensitivity limit of > or = 10(4) cfu g(-1) of cheese. This technique was applied on commercially available cheeses made from raw cow's milk. The Sybr Green I real time PCR method constitutes an effective and easy-to-perform method to quantify Carnobacterium sp. in cheese.  相似文献   

Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the amplification of multiple targets in a single reaction, presents a new set of challenges that further complicate more traditional PCR setups. These complications include a greater probability for nonspecific amplicon formation and for imbalanced amplification of different targets, each of which can compromise quantification and detection of multiple targets. Despite these difficulties, multiplex PCR is frequently used in applications such as pathogen detection, RNA quantification, mutation analysis, and (recently) next generation DNA sequencing. Here we investigated the utility of primers with one or two thermolabile 4-oxo-1-pentyl phosphotriester modifications in improving multiplex PCR performance. Initial endpoint and real-time analyses revealed a decrease in off-target amplification and a subsequent increase in amplicon yield. Furthermore, the use of modified primers in multiplex setups revealed a greater limit of detection and more uniform amplification of each target as compared with unmodified primers. Overall, the thermolabile modified primers present a novel and exciting avenue for improving multiplex PCR performance.  相似文献   

Current real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) data analysis methods implement linear least squares regression methods for primer efficiency estimation based on standard curve dilution series. This method is sensitive to outliers that distort the outcome and are often ignored or removed by the end user. Here, robust regression methods are shown to provide a reliable alternative because they are less affected by outliers and often result in more precise primer efficiency estimators than the linear least squares method.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine whether Y-bearing porcine spermatozoa could be detected by in situ hybridization using a digoxigenin (Dig)-labelled DNA probe specific to the Y chromosome produced by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A conventional PCR (with Dig-dUTP) was performed using a set of oligonucleotide primers (5′-AAGTGGTCAGCGTGTCCATA-3′ and 5′-TTTCTCCTGTATCCTCCTGC-3′) for 236 bp fragment of porcine male-specific DNA sequence and 1.25 × 104 template white blood cells obtained from a boar. When fluorescence in situ hybridization with the Dig-labelled DNA probe was applied to the metaphase chromosome spreads prepared from both boar and gilts, the fluorescein signal was only detected on the long arm of the Y chromosome. In addition, immunocytochemical detection with the Dig-labelled DNA probe and alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti-Dig was applied to both sperm nuclei pretreated with dithiothreitol and white blood cells; 51% of sperm nuclei and 96% of white blood cells obtained from boar were labelled, whereas none of white blood cells obtained from gilts were labelled with the Dig-labelled DNA probe. The results indicated that in situ hybridization with porcine male-specific DNA probe produced by PCR made possible the direct visualization of Y-bearing porcine spermatozoa by in situ hybridization. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dried Anopheles gambiae mosquito head + thorax portions, infected with Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, were processed by the polymerase chain reaction. The PCR product was hybridized to an oligonucleotide probe (known as 114R or AW34) diagnostic for Plasmodium . The detection level by autoradiography was ten sporozoites per mosquito. Head + thorax of mosquitoes that contained mature P.falciparum oocysts, without sporozoites, gave no positive signal, indicating that the test detects only infective mosquitoes. This test can be applied to wild mosquito specimens collected, prepared and processed at different time intervals. The technique is convenient, highly sensitive, and could be used with a non-radioactive detection system and specific probes to differentiate Plasmodium spp.  相似文献   

Allele-specific epigenetic modifications are crucial for several important biological functions, including genomic imprinting and X-inactivation in mammals. Consequently, an ever increasing number of investigations requires accurate quantification of the relative abundance of parental alleles of a specific sequence in a DNA sample. Here, combining the use of polymorphic restriction sites with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, we describe a simple and quantitative assay to measure allele ratios. The efficiency of the assay was assessed on genomic DNA for several polymorphic restriction sites located in the mouse Igf2/H19 imprinted locus. The assay was also successfully applied to quantify allele ratio in cDNA samples. In addition, we provide an experimental procedure for detection and correction of potential PCR amplification bias which significantly extends the range of application of the assay.  相似文献   

Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) also known as Nagana is a devastating disease among domestic animals in large parts of Sub-Saharan Africa causing loses in milk and meat production as well as traction power. However, there is currently no commercial vaccine against AAT. The parasites have also developed resistance to some of the drugs in use. Moreover, the use of affordable computer-aided wet bench methods in the search for vaccine and/or new drug targets against this disease have not yet been fully explored in developing countries. This study, therefore, explored the use of PCR to screen a freshly prepared bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei brucei (T. b. brucei) expression library for coding sequences followed by bioinformatics analyses specifying the functions and importance of these proteins to parasite survival. Eleven protein coding sequences were identified from twenty nine purified clones. The putative retro transposon hot spot protein 4 (RHSP 4) was the only protein with a fully annotated DNA sequence. All the others were hypothetical or had partial or unqualified annotations. RHSP 4 and pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component, alpha sub-unit (PDE1α) are involved in aerobic respiration whereas succinyl-Co A-3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase mitochondrial precursor (SKTMP) is predicted to be involved in ketone body catabolism. Cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) and alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase (αMT) have been predicted in cysteine biosynthesis and vesicular transport respectively. The functions of the hypothetical proteins encountered have neither been experimentally determined nor predicted. We hypothesize that both CBS and PDE1α are good drug targets. Overall, about 300 plates are required to PCR screen the entire Trypanosoma brucei genome in approximately eight months. This method is therefore, applicable and affordable in the search for new drug targets under conditions of limited resources among developing countries.  相似文献   

Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with on-line fluorescence detection has become an important technique not only for determination of the absolute or relative copy number of nucleic acids but also for mutation detection, which is usually done by measuring melting curves. Optimum assay conditions have been established for a variety of targets and experimental setups, but only limited attention has been directed to data evaluation and validation of the results. In this work, algorithms for the processing of real-time PCR data are evaluated for several target sequences (p53, IGF-1, PAI-1, Factor VIIc) and compared to the results obtained by standard procedures. The algorithms are implemented in software called SoFAR, which allows fully automatic analysis of real-time PCR data obtained with a Roche LightCycler instrument. The software yields results with considerably increased precision and accuracy of quantifications. This is achieved mainly by the correction of amplification-independent signal trends and a robust fit of the exponential phase of the signal curves. The melting curve data are corrected for signal changes not due to the melting process and are smoothed by fitting cubic splines. Therefore, sensitivity, resolution, and accuracy of melting curve analyses are improved.  相似文献   

Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) depends on precise temperature control of the sample during cycling. In the current study, we investigated how temperature variation in plate-based qPCR instruments influences qPCR results. Temperature variation was measured by amplicon melting analysis as a convenient means to assess well-to-well differences. Multiple technical replicates of several SYBR Green I-based qPCR assays allowed correlation of relative well temperature to quantification cycle. We found that inadequate template denaturation results in an inverse correlation and requires increasing the denaturation temperature, adding a DNA destabilizing agent, or pretreating with a restriction enzyme. In contrast, inadequate primer annealing results in a direct correlation and requires lowering the annealing temperature. Significant correlations were found in 18 of 25 assays. The critical nature of temperature-dependent effects was shown in a blinded study of 29 patients for the diagnosis of Prader–Willy and Angelman syndromes, where eight diagnoses were incorrect unless temperature-dependent effects were controlled. A method to detect temperature-dependent effects by pairwise comparisons of replicates in routine experiments is presented and applied. Systematic temperature errors in qPCR instruments can be recognized and their effects eliminated when high precision is required in quantitative genetic diagnostics and critical complementary DNA analyses.  相似文献   

A subtraction hybridization technique was employed to make a library enriched for Pseudomonas solanacearum-specific sequences. One cloned fragment, PS2096, hybridized under stringent conditions to DNA of 82 P. solanacearum strains representing all subgroups of the species. Other plant-associated bacteria, including closely related species such as Pseudomonas capacia, Pseudomonas picketti, or Pseudomonas syzygii, did not hybridize to PS2096. A minimum number of between 4 x 10(5) and 4 x 10(6) P. solanacearum cells could routinely be detected with PS2096 labelled either with [32P]dCTP or with digoxigenin-11-dUTP. To improve the sensitivity of detection, PS2096 was sequenced to allow the construction of specific oligonucleotide primers to be used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. After 50 cycles of amplification, 5 to 116 cells, depending on the strain, could reproducibly be detected by visualization of a 148-bp PCR product on an agarose gel. A preliminary field trial in Burundi with the probe and PCR primers has confirmed that they are sensitive tools for specifically detecting low-level infections of P. solanacearum in potato tubers.  相似文献   

A subtraction hybridization technique was employed to make a library enriched for Pseudomonas solanacearum-specific sequences. One cloned fragment, PS2096, hybridized under stringent conditions to DNA of 82 P. solanacearum strains representing all subgroups of the species. Other plant-associated bacteria, including closely related species such as Pseudomonas capacia, Pseudomonas picketti, or Pseudomonas syzygii, did not hybridize to PS2096. A minimum number of between 4 x 10(5) and 4 x 10(6) P. solanacearum cells could routinely be detected with PS2096 labelled either with [32P]dCTP or with digoxigenin-11-dUTP. To improve the sensitivity of detection, PS2096 was sequenced to allow the construction of specific oligonucleotide primers to be used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. After 50 cycles of amplification, 5 to 116 cells, depending on the strain, could reproducibly be detected by visualization of a 148-bp PCR product on an agarose gel. A preliminary field trial in Burundi with the probe and PCR primers has confirmed that they are sensitive tools for specifically detecting low-level infections of P. solanacearum in potato tubers.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of the present investigation was to assess the salivary levels of Streptococcus anginosus in periodontitis patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: The salivary levels of Strep. anginosus were assessed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Streptococcus anginosus was detected in 28 of 37 (75.6%) of periodontitis patients and in three of the 20 (15%) healthy subjects. The mean values for bleeding on probing and probing depth in positive patients were statistically higher than those in negative patients. A significant decrease in Strep. anginosus levels was observed after periodontal treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Although the levels of Strep. anginosus are extremely low, they may reflect the status of periodontal health. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Real-time PCR is a useful method for obtaining the relative quantities of Strep. anginosus from saliva samples and for monitoring the effect of therapy.  相似文献   

Abstract: A molecular method for the detection of Paenibacillus azotofixans in soil and the wheat rhizosphere was developed. The system consisted of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of part of the variable V1 to V4 regions of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene, followed by hybridization with a specific oligonucleotide probe homologous to part of the intervening region. In vitro specificity tests showed that the detection system worked specifically for P. azotofixans strains, and did not detect other Paenibacillus species or species of other bacterial genera. Vegetative cells of a rifampicin resistant P. azotofixans derivative were trackable in Flevo silt loam (FSL) soil in 24 h experiments using both selective plating and most probable number (MPN)-PCR combined with probing, and plate counts parallelled MPN-PCR estimations of numbers of specific targets. MPN-PCR allowed for the detection of down to 102 introduced cells per g of dry soil. Introduced P. azotofixans spores did not form colonies on selective plates, but were detectable via PCR. The P. azotofixans populations introduced into the silt loam soil suffered a slow decline of the detectable plate count over a period of 14 days. MPN-PCR revealed a similar decline of the number of specific DNA targets. Greater numbers of targets were found in wheat rhizosphere from Flevo silt loam soil, and these numbers persisted throughout the experiment. Soil drying resulted in enhanced persistence of the target sequences, whereas in a constantly moist soil the numbers of target sequences declined. Rewetting of dried soil resulted in declining target sequence numbers. The MPN-PCR detection method is adequate to assess the impact of stress conditions affecting P. azotofixans in FSL and probably other soils, since it abolishes the need for culturing or specific markers and is direct and unambiguous due to its high specificity.  相似文献   

A series of sequence-specific oligonucleotides (SSOs) have been used to type alleles at the HLA-DRB1 locus. Genomic DNA was amplified to high copy number by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridizations of the dot-blotted, amplified DNA to a series of 14 SSOs enabled the identification of the major specificities DR1-DRw14. Certain alleles (DR3 and DR4) could be rapidly and accurately identified by running the products of allele-specific amplification of genomic DNA on agarose gels. This approach facilitated the typing of serological specificities such as subtypes of DR3 (DRw17 and DRw18) as well as alleles previously detected by the mixed lymphocyte reaction including subtypes of DR4 (Dw4, Dw10, Dw13, Dw14, and Dw15). The HLA-DR types obtained by SSO probing conformed to rules of Mendelian inheritance when they were applied to a series of 75 families. A full DR type could be obtained from many individuals simultaneously without needing to separate or store viable lymphocytes. Thus, this technique may have considerable implications for the analysis of disease associations with HLA class II alleles, particularly in circumstances where facilities for the initial preparation and storage of the samples may be limited.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to detect fungal spores in dust samples collected from internal surfaces of air-conditioning ducts. The method is based on the utilization of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers for fungal species. PCR amplification is carried out directly in boiled samples avoiding time-consuming DNA preparation steps. The presence of bovine serum albumin in the reaction mixture overcame the inhibitory effect of the humic acids present in the dust.  相似文献   

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