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We present the results of 2-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a hexameric bundle of Alm helices in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer. These simulations explore the dynamic properties of a model of a helix bundle channel in a complete phospholipid bilayer in an aqueous environment. We explore the stability and conformational dynamics of the bundle in a phospholipid bilayer. We also investigate the effect on bundle stability of the ionization state of the ring of Glu18 side chains. If all of the Glu18 side chains are ionised, the bundle is unstable; if none of the Glu18 side chains are ionized, the bundle is stable. pKA calculations suggest that either zero or one ionized Glu18 is present at neutral pH, correlating with the stable form of the helix bundle. The structural and dynamic properties of water in this model channel were examined. As in earlier in vacuo simulations (Breed et al., 1996 .Biophys. J. 70:1643-1661), the dipole moments of water molecules within the pore were aligned antiparallel to the helix dipoles. This contributes to the stability of the helix bundle.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of ion channel peptides alamethicin and melittin, solvated in methanol at 27 degrees C, were run with either regular alpha-helical starting structures (alamethicin, 1 ns; melittin 500 ps either with or without chloride counterions), or with the x-ray crystal coordinates of alamethicin as a starting structure (1 ns). The hydrogen bond patterns and stabilities were characterized by analysis of the dynamics trajectories with specified hydrogen bond angle and distance criteria, and were compared with hydrogen bond patterns and stabilities previously determined from high-resolution NMR structural analysis and amide hydrogen exchange measurements in methanol. The two alamethicin simulations rapidly converged to a persistent hydrogen bond pattern with a high level of 3(10) hydrogen bonding involving the amide NH's of residues 3, 4, 9, 15, and 18. The 3(10) hydrogen bonds stabilizing amide NH's of residues C-terminal to P2 and P14 were previously proposed to explain their high amide exchange stabilities. The absence, or low levels of 3(10) hydrogen bonds at the N-terminus or for A15 NH, respectively, in the melittin simulations, is also consistent with interpretations from amide exchange analysis. Perturbation of helical hydrogen bonding in the residues before P14 (Aib10-P14, alamethicin; T11-P14, melittin) was characterized in both peptides by variable hydrogen bond patterns that included pi and gamma hydrogen bonds. The general agreement in hydrogen bond patterns determined in the simulations and from spectroscopic analysis indicates that with suitable conditions (including solvent composition and counterions where required), local hydrogen-bonded secondary structure in helical peptides may be predicted from dynamics simulations from alpha-helical starting structures. Each peptide, particularly alamethicin, underwent some large amplitude structural fluctuations in which several hydrogen bonds were cooperatively broken. The recovery of the persistent hydrogen bonding patterns after these fluctuations demonstrates the stability of intramolecular hydrogen-bonded secondary structure in methanol (consistent with spectroscopic observations), and is promising for simulations on extended timescales to characterize the nature of the backbone fluctuations that underlie amide exchange from isolated helical polypeptides.  相似文献   

F Fraternali 《Biopolymers》1990,30(11-12):1083-1099
Molecular dynamics simulations on the transmembrane antibiotic peptide alamethicin have been performed in the NVT ensemble (i.e., the number of particles N, the volume V, and the temperature T of the system are kept constant). Results on the structure and conformational flexibility of this molecule are discussed and compared with previous experimental CD, x-ray, nmr data and theoretical computations on fragments analogues. An extensive study of structural and dynamic properties from H-bonding pattern analysis is presented. Evidences for a largely alpha-helix structure with some extent of freedom in the C-terminal region are found. Further, a partition of the molecule into three regions on the base of structural features and dynamic behavior has been proposed, and the correlation among the motions of the three regions is described.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of alamethicin in methanol were carried out with either a regular alpha-helical conformation or the x-ray crystal structure as starting structures. The structures rapidly converged to a well-defined hydrogen-bonding pattern with mixed alpha-helical and 3(10)-helical hydrogen bonds, consistent with NMR structural characterization, and did not unfold throughout the 1-ns simulation, despite some sizable backbone fluctuations involving reversible breaking of helical hydrogen bonds. Bending of the helical structure around residues Aib10-Aib13 was associated with reversible flips of the peptide bonds involving G11 (Aib10-G11 or G11-L12 peptide bonds), yielding discrete structural states in which the Aib10 carbonyl or (rarely) the G11 carbonyl was oriented away from the peptide helix. These peptide bond reversals could be accommodated without greatly perturbing the adjacent helical structure, and intramolecular hydrogen bonding was generally maintained in bent states through the formation of new (non-alpha or 3[10]) hydrogen bonds with good geometries: G11 NH-V9 CO (inverse gamma turn), Aib13 NH-Aib8 CO (pi-helix) and, rarely, L12 NH- Q7 NH (pi-helix). These observations may reconcile potentially conflicting NMR structural information for alamethicin in methanol, in which evidence for conformational flexibility in the peptide sequence before P14 (G11-Aib13) contrasts with the stability of backbone amide NH groups to exchange with solvent. Similar reversible reorientation of the Thr11-Gly12 peptide bond of melittin is also observed in dynamics simulations in methanol (R. B. Sessions, N. Gibbs, and C. E. Dempsey, submitted). This phenomenon may have some role in the orientation of the peptide carbonyl in solvating the channel lumen in membrane ion channel states of these peptides.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins from Gram-negative bacteria possess a common architecture, comprised of two domains linked by a hinge region, a fold which they share with the neurotransmitter-binding domains of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs). Glutamine-binding protein (GlnBP) is one such protein, whose crystal structure has been solved in both open and closed forms. Multi-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations have been used to explore motions about the hinge region and how they are altered by ligand binding. Glutamine binding is seen to significantly reduce inter-domain motions about the hinge region. Essential dynamics analysis of inter-domain motion revealed the presence of both hinge-bending and twisting motions, as has been reported for a related sugar-binding protein. Significantly, the influence of the ligand on GlnBP dynamics is similar to that previously observed in simulations of rat glutamate receptor (GluR2) ligand-binding domain. The essential dynamics analysis of GlnBP also revealed a third class of motion which suggests a mechanism for signal transmission in GluRs.  相似文献   

To probe the fundamentals of membrane/protein interactions, all-atom multi-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations were conducted on a single transmembrane poly(32)alanine helix in a fully solvated dimyristoyphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer. The central 12 residues, which interact only with the lipid hydrocarbon chains, maintained a very stable helical structure. Helical regions extended beyond these central 12 residues, but interactions with the lipid fatty-acyl ester linkages, the lipid headgroups, and water molecules made the helix less stable in this region. The C and N termini, exposed largely to water, existed as random coils. As a whole, the helix tilted substantially, from perpendicular to the bilayer plane (0 degree) to a 30 degrees tilt. The helix experienced a bend at its middle, and the two halves of the helix at times assumed substantially different tilts. Frequent hydrogen bonding, of up to 0.7 ns in duration, occurred between peptide and lipid molecules. This resulted in correlated translational diffusion between the helix and a few lipid molecules. Because of the large variation in lipid conformation, the lipid environment of the peptide was not well defined in terms of "annular" lipids and on average consisted of 18 lipid molecules. When compared with a "neat" bilayer without peptide, no significant difference was seen in the bilayer thickness, lipid conformations or diffusion, or headgroup orientation. However, the lipid hydrocarbon chain order parameters showed a significant decrease in order, especially in those methylene groups closest to the headgroup.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II proteins bind peptide fragments derived from pathogen antigens and present them at the cell surface for recognition by T cells. MHC proteins are divided into Class I and Class II. Human MHC Class II alleles are grouped into three loci: HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR. They are involved in many autoimmune diseases. In contrast to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ proteins, the X-ray structure of the HLA-DP2 protein has been solved quite recently. In this study, we have used structure-based molecular dynamics simulation to derive a tool for rapid and accurate virtual screening for the prediction of HLA-DP2-peptide binding. A combinatorial library of 247 peptides was built using the "single amino acid substitution" approach and docked into the HLA-DP2 binding site. The complexes were simulated for 1 ns and the short range interaction energies (Lennard-Jones and Coulumb) were used as binding scores after normalization. The normalized values were collected into quantitative matrices (QMs) and their predictive abilities were validated on a large external test set. The validation shows that the best performing QM consisted of Lennard-Jones energies normalized over all positions for anchor residues only plus cross terms between anchor-residues.  相似文献   

The multidrug efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp) contributes to multidrug resistance in about half of human cancers. Recently, high resolution X-ray crystal structures of mouse P-gp (inward-facing) were reported, which significantly facilitates the understanding of the function of P-gp and the structure-based design of inhibitors for P-gp. Here we perform 20?ns molecular dynamics simulations of inward-facing P-gp with/without ligand in explicit lipid and water to investigate the flexibility of P-gp for its poly-specific drug binding. By analyzing the interactions between P-gp and QZ59-RRR or QZ59-SSS, we summarize the important residues and the flexibility of different parts of P-gp. Particularly, the flexibility of the side chains of aromatic residues (Phe and Tyr) allows them to form rotamers with different orientations in the binding pocket, which plays a critical role for the poly-specificity of the drug-binding cavity of P-gp. MD simulations reveal that trans-membrane (TM) TM12 and TM6 are flexible and contribute to the poly-specific drug binding, while TM4 and TM5 are rigid and stabilize the whole structure. We also construct outward-facing P-gp based on the MsbA structure and perform 20?ns MD simulations. The comparison between the MD results for outward-facing P-gp and those for inward-facing P-gp shows that the TM parts in outward-facing P-gp undergo significant conformational change to facilitate the export of small molecules.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-α-aminoisobutyryl-prolyl-α-aminoisobutyryl-alanyl methyl ester (Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-OMe), the amino terminal tetrapeptide of alamethicin is reported. The molecule contains two consecutive β-turns with Aib-Pro and Pro-Aib at the corners, forming an incipient 310 helix. This constitutes the first example of an X2-Pro3 β-turn in the crystal structure of a small peptide.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of location of cavities and surface grooves in proteins is important, as these are potential sites for ligand binding. Several currently available programs for cavity detection are unable to detect cavities near the surface or surface grooves. In the present study, an optimized molecular dynamics based procedure is described for detection and quantification of interior cavities as well as surface pockets. This is based on the observation that the mobility of water in such pockets is significantly lower than that of bulk water. The algorithm efficiently detects surface grooves that are sites of protein-ligand and protein-protein interaction. The algorithm was also used to substantially improve the performance of an automated docking procedure for docking monomers of nonobligate protein-protein complexes. In addition, it was applied to predict key residues involved in the binding of the E. coli toxin CcdB with its inhibitor. Predictions were subsequently validated by mutagenesis experiments.  相似文献   

This work aims to explore theoretically the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding to proteins through the use of molecular dynamics simulations. The binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to cobra cardio toxin A3 (CTX A3) and thiourea (TOU) to lysozyme have been chosen as the two model systems. Data acquisitions were made by Gromacs software. To begin with, the collisions of ligand molecules with every residue of CTX A3 and lysozyme were evaluated. With this information in hand, the average numbers of collisions with each residue was defined and then assessed. Next, a measure of the affinity of a residue, Pi, referred to as conformational factor, toward a ligand molecule was established. Based on the results provided, all site-making residues for CTX A3 and lysozyme were identified. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, based on this method, all site-making residues of bovine carbonic anhydrase (BCA) toward the SDS ligand were predicted.  相似文献   

RecQ helicases feature multiple domains in their structure, of which the helicase domain, the RecQ-Ct domain and the HRDC domains are well conserved among the SF2 helicases. The helicase domain and the RecQ-Ct domain constitute the catalytic core of the enzyme. The domain interfaces are the DNA binding sites which display significant conformational changes in our molecular dynamics simulation studies. The preferred conformational states of the DNA bound and unbound forms of RecQ appear to be quite different from each other. DNA binding induces inter-domain flexibility leading to hinge mobility between the domains. The divergence in the dynamics of the two structures is caused by changes in the interactions at the domain interface, which seems to propagate along the whole protein structure. This could be essential in ssDNA binding after strand separation, as well as aiding translocation of the RecQ protein like an inch-worm.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins are making rapid progress, because of new high-resolution structures, advances in computer hardware and atomistic simulation algorithms, and the recent introduction of coarse-grained models for membranes and proteins. In addition to several large ion channel simulations, recent studies have explored how individual amino acids interact with the bilayer or snorkel/anchor to the headgroup region, and it has been possible to calculate water/membrane partition free energies. This has resulted in a view of bilayers as being adaptive rather than purely hydrophobic solvents, with important implications, for example, for interaction between lipids and arginines in the charged S4 helix of voltage-gated ion channels. However, several studies indicate that the typical current simulations fall short of exhaustive sampling, and that even simple protein-membrane interactions require at least ca. 1mus to fully sample their dynamics. One new way this is being addressed is coarse-grained models that enable mesoscopic simulations on multi-mus scale. These have been used to model interactions, self-assembly and membrane perturbations induced by proteins. While they cannot replace all-atom simulations, they are a potentially useful technique for initial insertion, placement, and low-resolution refinement.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out with four polypeptides, Ala13, Val(13), Ser13, and Ala4Gly5Ala4, in vacuo and with explicit hydration. The unfolding of the polypeptides, which are initially fully alpha-helix in conformation, has been monitored during trajectories of 0.3 ns at 350 K. A rank of Ala < Val < Ser < Gly is found in the order of increasing rate of unwinding. The unfolding of Ala13 and Val(13) is completed in hundreds of picoseconds, while that of Ser13 is about one order of magnitude faster. The helix content of the peptide containing glycine residues falls to zero within a few picoseconds. Ramachandran plots indicate quite distinct equilibrium distributions and time evolution of dihedral angles in water and in vacuum for each residue type. The unfolding of polyalanine and polyvaline helices is accelerated due to solvation. In contrast, polyserine is more stable in water compared to vacuum, because its side chains can form intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the backbone more readily in vacuum, which disrupts the helix. Distribution functions of the spatial and angular position of water molecules in the proximity of the polypeptide backbone polar groups reveal the stabilization of the coiled structures by hydration. The transition from helix to coil is characterized by the appearance of a new peak in the probability distribution at a specific location characteristic of hydrogen bond formation between water and backbone polar groups. No significant insertion of water molecules is observed at the precise onset of unwinding, while (i, i+3) hydrogen bond formation is frequently detected at the initiation of alpha-helix unwinding.  相似文献   

The present study establishes the effectiveness of natural drug delivery mechanisms and investigates the interactions between drug and its natural carrier. The binding between the isoflavone diadzein (DZN) and the natural carrier hemoglobin (HbA) was studied using optical spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. The inherent fluorescence emission characteristics of DZN along with that of tryptophan (Trp) residues of the protein HbA were exploited to elucidate the binding location and other relevant parameters of the drug inside its delivery vehicle HbA. Stern-Volmer studies at different temperatures indicate that static along with collisional quenching mechanisms are responsible for the quenching of protein fluorescence by the drug. Molecular dynamics and docking studies supported the hydrophobic interactions between ligand and protein, as was observed from spectroscopy. DZN binds between the subunits of HbA, ~15 ? away from the closest heme group of chain α1, emphasizing the fact that the drug does not interfere with oxygen binding site of HbA.  相似文献   

Chloramphenicol, an antibiotic belonging to the family of amphenicols, is an inhibitor of translation. On the basis of X–ray structural analysis of the binding of chloramphenicol to free bacterial ribosomes, the chloramphenicol action mechanism that consists in preventing the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the A–site of the large subunit of the ribosome was adopted. However, the known structures of chloramphenicol complexes with bacterial ribosomes poorly explain the results of the experiments on the chemical modification of 23S rRNA, the resistance to chloramphenicol caused by mutations in 23S rRNA and, which is particularly important, the selectivity of chloramphenicol in suppression of translation, depending on the amino acid sequence of the nascent peptide. In the present study the putative structure of the chloramphenicol complex with a bacterial ribosome in the A,A/P,P–state has been obtained by molecular dynamics simulations methods. The proposed structure of the complex allows us to explain the results of biochemical studies of the interaction of chloramphenicol with the bacterial ribosome.  相似文献   

The screened Coulombic potential has been shown to describe satisfactorily equilibrium properties like pK shifts, the effects of charged groups on redox potentials and binding constants of metal ions. To test how well the screening of the electrostatic potential describes the dynamical trajectory of a macromolecular system, a series of comparative simulations have been carried out on a protein system which explicitly included water molecules and a system in vacuo. For the system without solvent the results of using (i) the standard potential form were compared with results of (ii) the potential where the Coulomb term was modified by the inclusion of a distance dependent dielectric, epsilon (r), to model the screening effect of bulk water, and (iii) standard potential modified by reducing the charge on ionized residue side chains. All molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Comparisons between the resulting trajectories, averaged structures, hydrogen bonding patterns and properties such as solvent accessible surface area and radius of gyration are described. The results show that the dynamical behaviour of the protein calculated with a screened electrostatic term compares more favourably with the time-dependent structural changes of the full system with explicitly included water than the standard vacuum simulation.  相似文献   

Confinement effects can lead to drastic changes in the structural and dynamical properties of water molecules. In this work, we have performed classical molecular dynamics simulations of endohedral fullerenes of type (H2O)n@Cm (n = 1, 12, 21, 62, 108 and m = 60, 180, 240, 500 and 720) to explore the effects of spherical confinement on water properties. It is shown that these confined water molecules can form distinct solvation pattern depending upon the available space inside the fullerene cavity. For the systems with smaller diameter, cage-like structure is predominant whereas bulk-like structure is observed for larger fullerenes. The orientational relaxation of these confined water molecules showed slower relaxation as the cavity diameter increases except for the (H2O)21@C240. In this case, stable cage-like structure hinders the overall dynamics of the trapped water molecules. Finally, we have calculated the hydrogen bond lifetimes from the hydrogen bond time correlation functions and compared with that of bulk water.  相似文献   

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