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Andrew R. Whiteley Jason A. Coombs Mark Hudy Zachary Robinson Keith H. Nislow Benjamin H. Letcher 《Conservation Genetics》2012,13(3):625-637
The influence of sampling strategy on estimates of effective population size (N
) from single-sample genetic methods has not been rigorously examined, though these methods are increasingly used. For headwater
salmonids, spatially close kin association among age-0 individuals suggests that sampling strategy (number of individuals
and location from which they are collected) will influence estimates of N
through family representation effects. We collected age-0 brook trout by completely sampling three headwater habitat patches,
and used microsatellite data and empirically parameterized simulations to test the effects of different combinations of sample
size (S = 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, or 200) and number of equally-spaced sample starting locations (SL = 1, 2, 3, 4, or random) on estimates of mean family size and effective number of breeders (N
). Both S and SL had a strong influence on estimates of mean family size and [^(N)]b , \hat{N}_{b} , however the strength of the effects varied among habitat patches that varied in family spatial distributions. The sampling
strategy that resulted in an optimal balance between precise estimates of N
and sampling effort regardless of family structure occurred with S = 75 and SL = 3. This strategy limited bias by ensuring samples contained individuals from a high proportion of available families while
providing a large enough sample size for precise estimates. Because this sampling effort performed well for populations that
vary in family structure, it should provide a generally applicable approach for genetic monitoring of iteroparous headwater
stream fishes that have overlapping generations. 相似文献
Population response to habitat fragmentation in a stream-dwelling brook trout population 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Fragmentation can strongly influence population persistence and expression of life-history strategies in spatially-structured populations. In this study, we directly estimated size-specific dispersal, growth, and survival of stream-dwelling brook trout in a stream network with connected and naturally-isolated tributaries. We used multiple-generation, individual-based data to develop and parameterize a size-class and location-based population projection model, allowing us to test effects of fragmentation on population dynamics at local (i.e., subpopulation) and system-wide (i.e., metapopulation) scales, and to identify demographic rates which influence the persistence of isolated and fragmented populations. In the naturally-isolated tributary, persistence was associated with higher early juvenile survival ( approximately 45% greater), shorter generation time (one-half) and strong selection against large body size compared to the open system, resulting in a stage-distribution skewed towards younger, smaller fish. Simulating barriers to upstream migration into two currently-connected tributary populations caused rapid (2-6 generations) local extinction. These local extinctions in turn increased the likelihood of system-wide extinction, as tributaries could no longer function as population sources. Extinction could be prevented in the open system if sufficient immigrants from downstream areas were available, but the influx of individuals necessary to counteract fragmentation effects was high (7-46% of the total population annually). In the absence of sufficient immigration, a demographic change (higher early survival characteristic of the isolated tributary) was also sufficient to rescue the population from fragmentation, suggesting that the observed differences in size distributions between the naturally-isolated and open system may reflect an evolutionary response to isolation. Combined with strong genetic divergence between the isolated tributary and open system, these results suggest that local adaptation can 'rescue' isolated populations, particularly in one-dimensional stream networks where both natural and anthropogenically-mediated isolation is common. However, whether rescue will occur before extinction depends critically on the race between adaptation and reduced survival in response to fragmentation. 相似文献
The objectives of this work were (1) to assess the influence of zooplankton biomass on activity and consumption rates of young-of-the-year brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) and (2) to validate an in situ enclosure approach to quantify energy allocation patterns in fish. These objectives were attained by directly estimating fish growth, consumption and activity rates on 10 occasions characterized by different levels of zooplankton biomass (0.005 to 0.100 mg dry weight 1−1 ). One enclosure was used to estimate growth and activity rates and five additional enclosures were used to estimate consumption rates. Among-experiment variations of activity rates (sum for five trout = 2.4 to 33.5 calories day−1 ) were proportionally more important than variations of consumption rates (sum for five trout = 59.5 to 112.7 calories day−1 ). The results support the existence of a significant positive relationship between fish activity rates and zooplankton biomass. No significant relationship was found between consumption rates and prey biomass. Final size of fish inside the enclosure was within 7.6% of the value estimated using experimentally derived activity and consumption rates. This situation, together with the stability of among-enclosure activity and feeding schedules, suggested that the experimental design was appropriate to estimate fish energy allocation patterns. Combination of our observations with those of a previously published work indicated that small variations of fish size or zooplankton biomass can cause a two-fold variation of fish activity costs. 相似文献
The population size, dispersal of fry, growth of fry in relation to density, mortality and production of young trout ( Salmo trutta L.) were studied in a Danish brook during 1970–1972. In the first few months after emergence downstream emigration of fry took place both in 1971 and 1972, after which the trout became stationary. Growth was inversely density dependent and mortality was density dependent in the months just after emergence. Later mortality was constant and independent of density. Trout production varied between 10 g/m2 and 18.6 g/m2 in the 2 years. 相似文献
1. Modelling the effects of climate change on freshwater fishes requires robust field‐based estimates accounting for interactions among multiple factors. 2. We used data from an 8‐year individual‐based study of a wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) population to test the influence of water temperature on season‐specific growth in the context of variation in other environmental (i.e. season, stream flow) or biotic factors (local brook trout biomass density and fish age and size) in West Brook, a third‐order stream in western Massachusetts, U.S.A. 3. Changes in ambient temperature influenced individual growth rates. In general, higher temperatures were associated with higher growth rates in winter and spring and lower growth rates in summer and autumn. However, the effect of temperature on growth was strongly context‐dependent, differing in both magnitude and direction as a function of season, stream flow and fish biomass density. 4. We found that stream flow and temperature had strong and complex interactive effects on trout growth. At the coldest temperatures (in winter), high stream flows were associated with reduced trout growth rates. During spring and autumn and in typical summers (when water temperatures were close to growth optima), higher flows were associated with increased growth rates. In addition, the effect of flow at a given temperature (the flow‐temperature interaction) differed among seasons. 5. Trout density negatively affected growth rate and had strong interactions with temperature in two of four seasons (i.e. spring and summer) with greater negative effects at high temperatures. 6. Our study provided robust, integrative field‐based estimates of the effects of temperature on growth rates for a species which serves as a model organism for cold‐water adapted ectotherms facing the consequences of environmental change. Results of the study strongly suggest that failure to derive season‐specific estimates, or to explicitly consider interactions with flow regime and fish density, will seriously compromise our ability to predict the effects of climate change on stream fish growth rates. Further, the concordance we found between empirical observations and likely energetic mechanisms suggests that our general results should be relevant at broader spatial and temporal scales. 相似文献
Invasion status and impacts of nonnative brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a Hokkaido stream were investigated with field surveys and genetic analyses. Nonnative brook trout was detected in nine (41 %) of the 22 sampled reaches in three tributaries of the Sorachi River, Hokkaido, Japan. Based on the external pigmentation, twelve putative hybrids between brook trout and native white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis) were collected in two reaches. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data established that 58% of these hybrids were first-generation (F1) progenies between male brook trout and female white-spotted charr. Our results suggest potential negative impacts of nonnative brook trout on native charr populations in Hokkaido through interspecific interactions. 相似文献
Hydrobiologia - Competition with invasive species and a warming climate have threatened brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations throughout their native range. In particular, brown trout... 相似文献
Linear and heterogeneous habitat makes headwater stream networks an ideal ecosystem in which to test the influence of environmental factors on spatial genetic patterns of obligatory aquatic species. We investigated fine-scale population structure and influence of stream habitat on individual-level genetic differentiation in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) by genotyping eight microsatellite loci in 740 individuals in two headwater channel networks (7.7 and 4.4 km) in Connecticut, USA. A weak but statistically significant isolation-by-distance pattern was common in both sites. In the field, many tagged individuals were recaptured in the same 50-m reaches within a single field season (summer to fall). One study site was characterized with a hierarchical population structure, where seasonal barriers (natural falls of 1.5-2.5 m in height during summer base-flow condition) greatly reduced gene flow and perceptible spatial patterns emerged because of the presence of tributaries, each with a group of genetically distinguishable individuals. Genetic differentiation increased when pairs of individuals were separated by high stream gradient (steep channel slope) or warm stream temperature in this site, although the evidence of their influence was equivocal. In a second site, evidence for genetic clusters was weak at best, but genetic differentiation between individuals was positively correlated with number of tributary confluences. We concluded that the population-level movement of brook trout was limited in the study headwater stream networks, resulting in the fine-scale population structure (genetic clusters and clines) even at distances of a few kilometres, and gene flow was mitigated by 'riverscape' variables, particularly by physical barriers, waterway distance (i.e. isolation-by-distance) and the presence of tributaries. 相似文献
The influence of moisture regimes on the population and activity of soil microorganisms 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper deals with the influence of soil moisture on the fungal population, bacterial population, CO2-evolution and dehydrogenase activity. Correlation coefficients of various parameters of the soil with different moisture
regimes are given. It is demonstrated that soil moisture significantly alters the microbial population, its activity and the
relationships between various parameters. 相似文献
We investigated homogeneity of growth and development as indices of developmental stability in sibling tadpoles from two sampling regions of the common frog, Rana temporaria. One region is characterized by relatively warm breeding ponds with a short activity season (`north'), and one by relatively cool breeding ponds and a long activity season (`south'). Tadpoles from the two regions were raised in three different temperatures selected to mimic the natural variation throughout the range. The results show that (1) north tadpoles respond with a relatively greater increase in growth with increased temperature than south tadpoles, (2) mean growth rate and its coefficient of variation were negatively correlated in the temperature regime in which a population was primarily under selection in the wild, whereas no such correlation was found at temperatures more seldom encountered in the natural populations, (3) phenotypic and genetic correlations between morphological traits within individuals were positive and were relatively higher in north than south tadpoles in the warm treatment, but higher for south tadpoles in the cold treatment and (4) across thermal environments, south tadpoles showed significant genetic correlations, whereas the correlations for north tadpoles were not significantly different from zero. South tadpoles showed only positive genetic correlations (n=30), whereas 14 of 30 correlation coefficients were negative in north tadpoles. In conclusion, developmental stability for growth and morphometry was higher at `optimal' conditions and decreased at the tail ends of the reaction norms within regions, with marked differences reflecting selection history between regions. 相似文献
Dunham Jason B. Adams Susan B. Schroeter Robert E. Novinger Douglas C. 《Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries》2002,12(4):373-391
Experience from case studies of biologicalinvasions in aquatic ecosystems has motivated aset of proposed empirical rules forunderstanding patterns of invasion and impactson native species. Further evidence is neededto better understand these patterns, andperhaps contribute to a useful predictivetheory of invasions. We reviewed the case ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)invasions in the western United States andtheir impacts on native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki). Unlike many biologicalinvasions, a considerable body of empiricalresearch on brook trout and cutthroat trout isavailable. We reviewed life histories of eachspecies, brook trout invasions, their impactson cutthroat trout, and patterns and causes ofsegregation between brook trout and cutthroattrout. We considered four stages of theinvasion process: transport, establishment,spread, and impacts to native species. Most ofthe research we found focused on impacts. Interspecific interactions, especiallycompetition, were commonly investigated andcited as impacts of brook trout. In many casesit is not clear if brook trout invasions have ameasurable impact. Studies of speciesdistributions in the field and a variety ofexperiments suggest invasion success of brooktrout is associated with environmental factors,including temperature, landscape structure,habitat size, stream flow, and humaninfluences. Research on earlier stages ofbrook trout invasions (transport,establishment, and spread) is relativelylimited, but has provided promising insights. Management alternatives for controllingbrook trout invasions are limited, and actions tocontrol brook trout focus on direct removal,which is variably successful and can haveadverse effects on native species. Themanagement applicability of research has beenconfounded by the complexity of the problem andby a focus on understanding processes atsmaller scales, but not on predicting patternsat larger scales. In the short-term, animproved predictive understanding of brooktrout invasions could prove to be most useful,even if processes are incompletely understood. A stronger connection between research andmanagement is needed to identify more effectivealternatives for controlling brook troutinvasions and for identifying managementpriorities. 相似文献
Background and Aims
The gene flow through pollen or seeds governs the extent of spatial genetic structure in plant populations. Another factor that can contribute to this pattern is clonal growth. The perennial species Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea (Brassicaceae) is a self-incompatible, clonal species found in disjunctive populations in central and northern Europe.Methods
Fourteen microsatellite markers were employed to study the level of kinship and clonality in a high-altitude mountain valley at Spiterstulen, Norway. The population has a continuous distribution along the banks of the River Visa for about 1·5 km. A total of 17 (10 m × 10 m) squares were laid out in a north–south transect following the river on both sides.Key Results
It is shown that clonal growth is far more common than previously shown in this species, although the overall size of the genets is small (mean diameter = 6·4 cm). Across the whole population there is no indication of isolation by distance, and spatial genetic structure is only visible on fine spatial scales. In addition, no effect of the river on the spatial distribution of genotypes was found.Conclusions
Unexpectedly, the data show that populations of small perennials like A. lyrata can behave like panmictic units across relatively large areas at local sites, as opposed to earlier findings in central Europe. 相似文献16.
Limestone applications to the catchment of one tributary to Woods Lake were highly effective in reducing stream acidity and stabilizing seasonal fluctuations in pH. The resulting improvement in stream water quality also led to a dramatic shift in reproductive strategy of the Woods Lake brook trout population. Prior to catchment liming, brook trout in Woods Lake were restricted to spawning on poor quality near shore substrate with limited ground water seepage. Reproductive success was limited by high mortality of eggs and larvae and recruitment from in lake spawning was not successful. Spawning brook trout did not utilize the tributary for spawning prior to watershed liming. Mitigation of acidity in the tributary, by catchment liming, effectively extended the spawning habitat available to the Woods Lake brook trout population and one year following treatment brook trout spawned successfully in the tributary for the first time in 6 years of observation. Significant recruitment of young trout into the lake population occurred from 1991 through 1993, although the absolute number of fish captured was relatively small. In the fall of 1993, four year classes of naturally spawned brook trout were present in the lake. Although reproductive success was enhanced by improving tributary spawning habitat in the Woods Lake basin, self maintenance of the population may be limited by low recruitment rates of young trout, due to high levels of summer mortality resulting from predation. Mitigation of this constraint would require substantially higher levels of fry production than were observed in Woods Lake and/or enhanced refugia for young trout. The results of this experiment suggest that re-establishment of tributary spawning populations of brook trout may be possible, with future reductions in acidic deposition, in acidic Adirondack lakes with limited in-lake spawning habitat. 相似文献
Relative influence of deterministic processes on structuring marsh plant communities varies across an abiotic gradient 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Understanding the processes determining community structure is one of the major goals of ecological research. Both deterministic and stochastic processes may shape community structure. The challenge is to understand the relative influence of each type of process across different environmental conditions. We investigated the influence of deterministic and stochastic processes on plant community assembly in tidal marshes across a strong abiotic (salinity) gradient in three estuaries in Georgia, USA using probabilistic Raup–Crick community dissimilarity. Our results indicated that deterministic processes had an increasingly important influence on structuring plant communities in salt and brackish marshes, probably due to high heterogeneity of microhabitats produced by the interplay between abiotic stress and biotic interactions. In contrast, the influence of deterministic processes on plant community assembly decreased in tidal freshwater marshes, suggesting an increasingly important role of stochastic processes in plant community assembly in tidal freshwater marshes, probably due to the higher species richness, higher recruitment from seed, and lower levels of abiotic stress in these habitats. At the estuarine scale (across tidal freshwater, brackish and salt marshes in each estuary), our results suggested that deterministic processes also had a relatively important influence on shaping plant community structure. Our results illustrated that plant community structure in tidal marshes is influenced by both deterministic and stochastic processes, but that the relative influence of these two types of processes varies across estuarine landscapes. 相似文献
Temperature influences almost all life-history traits. For a period of 3 mo, we placed four groups of snakes under four contrasted thermal treatments: (1) a natural regime (NR), based on daily variations (24-h cycle); (2) an accelerated regime (AR), where the thermoperiod fluctuated rapidly (12-h cycle); (3) a slow regime (SR; 48-h cycle); and (4) a cool stable regime (ZR; no fluctuation). The mean temperature, set at 23°C, was identical for the four groups. For the first three groups (NR, AR, SR), ambient temperature fluctuated between 18°C and 28°C. Relative humidity and photoperiod were constant. We recorded feeding success, digestion efficiency, growth rate, activity, and ecdysis events. Differences between groups were expected because of varied exposure to the optimal temperatures, most notably in the ZR group, where the preferred body temperature for digestion (approximately 30°C) would not be reached. Surprisingly, there was no significant effect of the experimental treatment on feeding rate, digestion, body mass increase, and growth rate. Our results do not conform to the paradigm stipulating that maximal body temperature selected by ectotherms necessarily corresponds to the most efficient for resource assimilation and that temperature fluctuations are essential. We propose that increasing the digestive tract's performance through body-temperature elevation trades off against elevated (parasite) energy expenditure from the rest of the body. The main advantage of high body temperatures would be to reduce the amount of time necessary to assimilate prey rather than to improve the net mass gain during digestion. 相似文献
Urban stray cat populations have previously been shown to be organized in moderately to strongly genetically differentiated colonies. However, the spatial pattern of this genetic differentiation and the possibility that some cryptic genetic structure occurs have not been investigated. Firstly, we combine a pairwise Fst method, a fully Bayesian clustering method and a multivariate analysis to show that the spatial structure of 17 urban stray cat colonies (Nancy, France) does not match the underlying genetic structure. These colonies are structured in two clusters at the uppermost hierarchical level. Additionally, geographic proximity between colonies does not explain their genetic homogeneity. The spatial pattern in genetic differentiation seems more to be a mixture between low global structure and some highly localized structure, comprising isolated colonies. Variations in the local ecological and social constraints on immigration between colonies may explain this pattern. Secondly, we show that the overall current immigration rate is low (8%). Our results suggest that dispersal does not play a major role in the process of homogenization of allelic frequencies. Our study provides a case-study on the use of Bayesian clustering and assignment methods on a real, small data set with numerous fragmented populations; a population structure that is of high relevance in conservation biology. 相似文献