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冷激蛋白是存在于细菌、植物与动物中的一类高度保守的核酸结合蛋白,其通过RNA分子伴侣活性参与转录、翻译及生长发育和逆境胁迫应答等细胞生理活动。本文主要从植物冷激蛋白的结构、表达模式、生物学功能以及应用前景等几个方面介绍了植物冷激蛋白的研究进展。  相似文献   

冷激蛋白CspA家族   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
冷激蛋白CspA家族在细菌适应低温环境方面起到重要作用。介绍了冷激反应的生理特征以及CspA家族的广泛性,CspA家族结构、功能和诱导调控研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

冷激蛋白对极地微生物的低温生境适应性起着重要作用。该介绍了冷激蛋白的广泛性、冷激特性与功能,以及冷诱导调控研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

冷激蛋白的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷激蛋白(CSPs)广泛存在于革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌中,它是细胞在应对冷刺激时所产生的一系列7 ku左右的蛋白质,结构上富含芳香族氨基酸,起着重要的分子伴侣作用,能够增强细胞抵御冷激环境胁迫的能力.以大肠杆菌、枯草杆菌、嗜热链球菌、沙门氏杆菌等为例,介绍各种冷激蛋白在产生、结构、调控等方面的异同,以及它在生产、生活中的应用价值.  相似文献   

文章就植物中单糖转运蛋白的分离克隆,结构、功能及其调节机制的研究进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

植物铁结合蛋白基因研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周志钦 《生物技术》2001,11(3):29-33
世界范围内约 30 %的人口缺铁 ,以妇女、儿童最严重。Li等 (1 993) [14 ] 对北京纺织女工的一项调查表明 ,根据WTO(1 975 )的标准有 34% 1 9岁 - 4 5岁的人缺镁。最近研究表明 ,铁的缺乏会阻碍大脑认识能力的发育。铁结合蛋白是一种广泛存在于动物、植物和微生物中的铁储藏蛋白。对植物种子、胚、正生长发育的植株和动物的储存铁研究表明 ,在所有情况下用于发育的储存铁的共同来源是铁结合蛋白。铁结合蛋白能富集数十亿倍于自由可溶性铁的铁原子。Beard ,etal [2 ](1 996 )用铁结合蛋白和大豆等食物治疗鼠的铁缺乏症 ,结果认…  相似文献   

王台 《生命世界》1992,19(6):23-23
G蛋白是一类参与跨膜信号传导的GTP(三磷酸乌苷)结合蛋白质。GTP结合蛋白质是具有重要功能的蛋白质。G蛋白参与的信号传导链可概括为:信号→受体→G蛋白→效应体(靶子)等。70年代末期,在动物腺苷酸环化酶的激素调节研究、视觉光信号传导的研究中发现了G蛋白。动物体内有多种不同功  相似文献   

植物热激蛋白及其功能   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物热激蛋白及其功能*刘德立(华中师范大学生物系,武汉430070)HEAT-SHOCKPROTEINSOFPLANTSANDTHEIRFUNCTIONSLiuDe-li(BiologyDepartmentofHuazhongNormalUniuer...  相似文献   

植物病毒的运动蛋白是由病毒编码的一种蛋白,在病毒的细胞间运动中起重要作用。现在,发现的运动蛋白越来越多,对其一级结构、在植物体内的表达、定位和功能日益清楚。但运动蛋白在体内的修饰及其与运动蛋白功能的关系的研究还刚开始,对与运动蛋白作用的寄主因子了解很少。植物运动蛋白的研究对植物病毒细胞间运动和植物体内特有的胞间连丝的研究提供了很好的突破口。  相似文献   

概述了植物冷激蛋白的生理作用及其基因表达的调控。阐释了植物冷驯化和抗寒性的分子机理。  相似文献   

Protein folding is usually slowed-down at low temperatures, and thus low-temperature expression is an effective strategy to improve the soluble yield of aggregation-prone proteins. In this study, we investigated the effects of a variety of cold shock proteins and domains (Csps) on an Escherichia coli cell extract-based cell-free protein synthesis system (CF). Most of the 12 Csps that were successfully prepared dramatically improved the protein yields, by factors of more than 5 at 16°C and 2 at 23°C, to levels comparable to those obtained at 30°C. Their stimulatory effects were complementary to each other, while CspD and CspH were inhibitory. The Csps’ effects correlated well with their Pfam CSD family scores (PF00313.22). All of the investigated Csps, except CspH, similarly possessed RNA binding and chaperon activities and increased the messenger RNA amount irrespective of their effect, suggesting that the proper balance between these activities was required for the enhancement. Unexpectedly, the 5′-untranslated region of cspA was less effective as the leader sequence. Our results demonstrated that the use of the Csps presented in this study will provide a simple and highly effective strategy for the CF, to improve the soluble yields of aggregation-prone proteins.  相似文献   

冷休克反应是普遍存在于微生物体内的一种适应环境温度骤降的应答机制,而氨基酸序列高度保守的冷休克蛋白则是调控冷休克反应的重要因子。越来越多的研究表明,冷休克蛋白除了调控冷休克反应外,还参与调控了生物体多个性状,如宿主正常生长和分化、病原菌的侵袭力和致病性以及宿主对多种逆境(高渗透压、抗生素)的应答。综述了冷休克蛋白及其来源、其参与调控的生理性状和基于冷休克反应及冷休克蛋白的应用,以期为发酵条件优化、食品储藏、致病菌抑制以及作物性状改良等方面提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Cold shock and fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rapid decreases in water temperature may result in a number of physiological, behavioural and fitness consequences for fishes termed ‘cold shock’. Cold‐shock stress occurs when a fish has been acclimated to a specific water temperature or range of temperatures and is subsequently exposed to a rapid decrease in temperature, resulting in a cascade of physiological and behavioural responses and, in some cases, death. Rapid temperature decreases may occur from either natural (e.g. thermocline temperature variation, seiches and storm events) or anthropogenic sources (e.g. varied thermal effluents from power generation and production industries). The magnitude, duration and frequency of the temperature change as well as the initial acclimation temperatures of individuals can influence the extent of the consequences of cold shock on fishes. Early research on cold shock focused on documenting mortality events associated with cold shock. However, in recent years, a shift in research has occurred where the focus of cold‐shock studies now involves characterizing the sublethal effects of cold shock in terms of the stress response in fishes. This shift has revealed that cold shock can actually be used as a tool for fisheries science (e.g. to induce polyploidy). The cold‐shock stress response offers opportunities to develop many exciting research questions, yet to date, cold‐shock research has been largely unfocused. Few studies attempt to link laboratory physiology experiments with ecologically relevant field data on behaviour, growth, bioenergetics and fitness. Additional research will allow for the development of more focused and robust management policies and conservation initiatives. This review synthesizes the sublethal physiological and behavioural consequences of cold‐shock stress on fishes, identifies natural and anthropogenic sources of cold shock, discusses the benefits of cold shock to fisheries science and describes mitigation and management efforts. Existing knowledge gaps and opportunities for future cold‐shock research are presented.  相似文献   

微生物产生的冷休克蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷休克蛋白(cold shock protein,Csp)首先在大肠杆菌中发现,它与微生物对冷环境的适应及多种细胞功能有关。冷休克蛋白基因是一段编码70个左右氨基酸的DNA序列,在这段序列中有5′非翻译区(5′UTR)、冷盒及下游盒等特征。冷休克蛋白作为DNA或RNA结合蛋白在基因表达调控过程中起重要作用。冷休克蛋白在转录、mRNA稳定性及翻译等几个水平上被严格调控。  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are found in all living organisms, from bacteria to humans, are expressed under stress. In this study, characterization of two families of HSP including HSP60 and HSP70 protein was compared in different insect species from different orders. According to the conserved motifs analysis, none of the motifs were shared by all insects of two protein families but each family had their own common motifs. Functional and structural analyses were carried out on seven different insect species from each protein family as the representative samples. These analyses were performed via ExPASy database tools. The tertiary structure of Drosophila melanogater as the sample of each protein family were predicted by the Phyre2 and TM-score servers then their qualities were verified by SuperPose and PROCHECK. The tertiary structures were predicted through the “c4pj1E” model (PDB Accession Code: 4pj1) in HSP60 family and “c3d2fC” model (PDB Accession Code: 3d2f) in HSP70 family. The protein phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Neighbor-joining (NJ) method by Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (MEGA) 6.06. According to the results, there was a high identity of HSP60 and HSP70 families so that they should be derived from a common ancestor however they belonged to separate groups. In protein–protein interaction analysis by STRING 10.0, 10 common enriched pathways of biological process, molecular function and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) were identified in D. melanogaster in both families. The obtained data provide a background for bioinformatic studies of the function and evolution of insects and other organisms.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Soybean seedlings when exposed to a heat shock respond in a manner very similar to that exhibited by cultured cells, and reported earlier [2]. Maximum synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) occurs at 40C. The heat shock response is maintained for a relatively short time under continuous high temperature. After 2.5 hr at 40 C the synthesis of HSPs decreases reaching a very low level by 6 hr. The HSPs synthesized by cultured cells and seedlings are identical and there is a large degree of similarity in HSPs synthesized between the taxonomically widely separated species, soybean and corn. Storage protein synthesis in the developing soybean embryo is not inhibited but is actually stimulated during a heat shock, unlike most other non-HSPs, whose synthesis is greatly reduced. Seedlings respond differently to a gradual increase in temperature than they do a sudden heat shock. There is an upward shift of several degrees in the temperature at which maximum protein synthesis occurs and before it begins to be inhibited. In addition, there appears to be a protection of normal protein synthesis from heat shock inhibition when the temperature increase is gradual. An additional function of the heat shock phenomenon might be the protection of seedlings from death caused by extreme heat stress. The heat shock response appears to have relevance to plants in the field.  相似文献   

【目的】波罗的海希瓦氏菌是冷藏海产品中常见的腐败菌,而该菌中关于冷激蛋白的功能研究尚未见报道。本研究从分子生物学角度分析波罗的海希瓦氏菌中3个冷激蛋白各自的功能。【方法】采用BEAST软件分析γ-变形菌纲中部分食源性微生物的冷激蛋白进化时间,接着利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测波罗的海希瓦氏菌3个冷激蛋白基因的表达规律,进而构建3个冷激蛋白的基因敲除株,分析敲除株在不同温度和不同环境胁迫条件下的生长状况、群体感应现象以及致腐能力,最后构建3个冷激蛋白的异源表达菌株并分析它们在不同温度和不同环境胁迫条件下的生长状况。【结果】波罗的海希瓦氏菌中鉴定到3个冷激蛋白,分别为cspCcspDcspG。所有γ-变形菌纲的cspD基因单独聚成一支,并于1 109.6百万年前与其他csp基因相分离,波罗的海希瓦氏菌的cspCcspG在858.8百万年前互相分开。cspG基因是波罗的海希瓦氏菌低温生存的必需基因,且广泛响应环境胁迫条件;cspC基因对cspG基因功能的实施起辅助作用;cspD不响应冷激,但却会随生长阶段的变化而发生变化。此外,cspC基因和cspG基因在低温条件下与细菌的致腐能力相关。【结论】波罗的海希瓦氏菌3个冷激蛋白基因各有不同,且cspC基因和cspG基因与该菌致腐能力有关,这为今后研究腐败菌的冷适应和致腐机制提供了新思路。  相似文献   

The acquired freeze-thaw tolerance was investigated forLactococcus lactis ssp.diacetylactis. Pretreatment of microorganisms at less severe temperatures to initiate cold tolerance gaveL. lactis ssp.diacetylactis improved cell viability after successive freezings and thawings. The ability of cells to survive freeze-thaw was dependent on factors experienced prior to freezing. Factors affecting lactic acid bacteria survival during freeze-thaw cycles were found to be different diluents, growth phase, and different cold temperatures. Viability experiments showed that this strain displaying cold shock cryotolerance had an improved survival capacity in stationary phase. The plasmid contents of lactic acid bacteria isolated from different types, DRC-2 and DRC-2C, were examined and compared with the plasmid contents of culture collection strains both before and after cold shock treatment. Using agarose gel electrophoresis, no obvious correlation between the cold shock response and the number of plasmids in the cell could be observed.  相似文献   

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