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Despite the economic and sanitary problems caused by harmful biofilms, biofilms are nonetheless used empirically in industrial environmental and bioremediation processes and may be of potential use in medical settings for interfering with pathogen development. Escherichia coli is one of the bacteria with which biofilm formation has been studied in great detail, and it is especially appreciated for biotechnology applications because of its genetic amenability. Here we describe the development of two new genetic tools enabling the constitutive and inducible expression of any gene or operon of interest at its native locus. In addition to providing valuable tools for complementation and overexpression experiments, these two compact genetic cassettes were used to modulate the biofilm formation capacities of E. coli by taking control of two biofilm-promoting factors, autotransported antigen 43 adhesin and the bscABZC cellulose operon. The modulation of the biofilm formation capacities of E. coli or those of other bacteria capable of being genetically manipulated may be of use both for reducing and for improving the impact of biofilms in a number of industrial and medical applications.  相似文献   

Enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are exposed to a variety of stresses in the nonhost environment. The development of biofilms provides E. coli with resistance to environmental insults, such as desiccation and bleach. We found that biofilm formation, specifically production of the matrix components curli and cellulose, protected E. coli against killing by the soil-dwelling nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the predatory bacterium Myxococcus xanthus. Additionally, matrix-encased bacteria at the air-biofilm interface exhibited ∼40-fold-increased survival after C. elegans and M. xanthus killing compared to the non-matrix-encased cells that populate the interior of the biofilm. To determine if nonhost Enterobacteriaceae reservoirs supported biofilm formation, we grew E. coli on media composed of pig dung or commonly contaminated foods, such as beef, chicken, and spinach. Each of these medium types provided a nutritional environment that supported matrix production and biofilm formation. Altogether, we showed that common, nonhost reservoirs of E. coli supported the formation of biofilms that subsequently protected E. coli against predation.  相似文献   

Aerobic organisms contain antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, to protect them from both direct and indirect effects of reactive oxygen species, such as O2·− and H2O2. Previous work by others has shown that Escherichia coli mutants lacking SOD not only are more susceptible to DNA damage and killing by H2O2 but also contain larger pools of intracellular free iron. The present study investigated if SOD-deficient E. coli cells are exposed to increased levels of hydroxyl radical (·OH) as a consequence of the reaction of H2O2 with this increased iron pool. When the parental E. coli strain AB1157 was exposed to H2O2 in the presence of an α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butyl-nitrone (4-POBN)–ethanol spin-trapping system, the 4-POBN–·CH(CH3)OH spin adduct was detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, indicating ·OH production. When the isogenic E. coli mutant JI132, lacking both Fe- and Mn-containing SODs, was exposed to H2O2 in a similar manner, the magnitude of ·OH spin trapped was significantly greater than with the control strain. Preincubation of the bacteria with the iron chelator deferoxamine markedly inhibited the magnitude of ·OH spin trapped. Exogenous SOD failed to inhibit ·OH formation, indicating the need for intracellular SOD. Redox-active iron, defined as EPR-detectable ascorbyl radical, was greater in the SOD-deficient strain than in the control strain. These studies (i) extend recent data from others demonstrating increased levels of iron in E. coli SOD mutants and (ii) support the hypothesis that a resulting increase in ·OH formation generated by Fenton chemistry is responsible for the observed enhancement of DNA damage and the increased susceptibility to H2O2-mediated killing seen in these mutants lacking SOD.  相似文献   

The emergence of novel pathogens poses a major public health threat causing widespread epidemics in susceptible populations. The Escherichia coli O104:H4 strain implicated in a 2011 outbreak in northern Germany caused the highest frequency of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and death ever recorded in a single E. coli outbreak. Therefore, it has been suggested that this strain is more virulent than other pathogenic E. coli (e.g., E. coli O157:H7). The E. coli O104:H4 outbreak strain possesses multiple virulence factors from both Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing E. coli (STEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), though the mechanism of pathogenesis is not known. Here, we demonstrate that E. coli O104:H4 produces a stable biofilm in vitro and that in vivo virulence gene expression is highest when E. coli O104:H4 overexpresses genes required for aggregation and exopolysaccharide production, a characteristic of bacterial cells residing within an established biofilm. Interrupting exopolysaccharide production and biofilm formation may therefore represent effective strategies for combating future E. coli O104:H4 infections.  相似文献   

Biofilms have been implicated as an important reservoir for pathogens and commensal enteric bacteria such as Escherichia coli in natural and engineered water systems. However, the processes that regulate the survival of E. coli in aquatic biofilms have not been thoroughly studied. We examined the effects of hydrodynamic shear and nutrient concentrations on E. coli colonization of pre-established Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms, co-inoculation of E. coli and P. aeruginosa biofilms, and P. aeruginosa colonization of pre-established E. coli biofilms. In nutritionally-limited R2A medium, E. coli dominated biofilms when co-inoculated with P. aeruginosa, and successfully colonized and overgrew pre-established P. aeruginosa biofilms. In more enriched media, P. aeruginosa formed larger clusters, but E. coli still extensively overgrew and colonized the interior of P. aeruginosa clusters. In mono-culture, E. coli formed sparse and discontinuous biofilms. After P. aeruginosa was introduced to these biofilms, E. coli growth increased substantially, resulting in patterns of biofilm colonization similar to those observed under other sequences of organism introduction, i.e., E. coli overgrew P. aeruginosa and colonized the interior of P. aeruginosa clusters. These results demonstrate that E. coli not only persists in aquatic biofilms under depleted nutritional conditions, but interactions with P. aeruginosa can greatly increase E. coli growth in biofilms under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

After 13,000 samples of compounds purified from plants were screened, a new biofilm inhibitor, ursolic acid, has been discovered and identified. Using both 96-well microtiter plates and a continuous flow chamber with COMSTAT analysis, 10 μg of ursolic acid/ml inhibited Escherichia coli biofilm formation 6- to 20-fold when added upon inoculation and when added to a 24-h biofilm; however, ursolic acid was not toxic to E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio harveyi, and hepatocytes. Similarly, 10 μg of ursolic acid/ml inhibited biofilm formation by >87% for P. aeruginosa in both complex and minimal medium and by 57% for V. harveyi in minimal medium. To investigate the mechanism of this nontoxic inhibition on a global genetic basis, DNA microarrays were used to study the gene expression profiles of E. coli K-12 grown with or without ursolic acid. Ursolic acid at 10 and 30 μg/ml induced significantly (P < 0.05) 32 and 61 genes, respectively, and 19 genes were consistently induced. The consistently induced genes have functions for chemotaxis and mobility (cheA, tap, tar, and motAB), heat shock response (hslSTV and mopAB), and unknown functions (such as b1566 and yrfHI). There were 31 and 17 genes repressed by 10 and 30 μg of ursolic acid/ml, respectively, and 12 genes were consistently repressed that have functions in cysteine synthesis (cysK) and sulfur metabolism (cysD), as well as unknown functions (such as hdeAB and yhaDFG). Ursolic acid inhibited biofilms without interfering with quorum sensing, as shown with the V. harveyi AI-1 and AI-2 reporter systems. As predicted by the differential gene expression, deleting motAB counteracts ursolic acid inhibition (the paralyzed cells no longer become too motile). Based on the differential gene expression, it was also discovered that sulfur metabolism (through cysB) affects biofilm formation (in the absence of ursolic acid).  相似文献   

Biofilms play a pivotal role in infections related to devices. Biofilm formation in Escherichia coli is mediated by the quorum-sensing E. coli regulator C (QseC), the histidine sensor kinase that can sense epinephrine (EPI)/norepinephrine (NE). In this study, we evaluate the role of the QseC quorum-sensing sensor kinase in epinephrine-enhanced motility and biofilm formation by E. coli. An E. coli MC1000 qseC mutant was constructed. We investigated the role of the QseC in the formation of biofilms on the surface of medical-grade polyvinyl chloride using the E. coli K-12 MC1000 strain as well as a corresponding qseC mutant. Addition of EPI/NE increased biofilm formation by wild-type K-12 MC1000 but not by the isogenic qseC mutant. Scanning confocal laser microscopy corroborated these results by showing that EPI/NE addition significantly increased biofilm’s thickness. As expected, the addition of EPI/NE to the qseC mutant, which lacks the ability to sense the hormones, failed to stimulate biofilm formation. Since EPI/NE addition increased bacterial motility, we proposed that their stimulatory effects on biofilm formation occur by enhancing bacterial motility and altering biofilm architecture. We also found that EPI/NE regulate motility and the biofilm phenotype via QseC, as motility was diminished and biofilm formation was significantly decreased in a qseC deletion mutant. These results indicate that EPI/NE induce E. coli biofilm formation on the surface of polyvinyl chloride through QseC. Cross-talk between E. coli (quorum sensing) and host hormones may explain the pathogen-caused opportunistic infections that occur in patients with prosthetic devices used during hormone level fluctuations in the host.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate a quorum-quenching approach to identify functions regulated by quorum sensing in Enterobacter cloacae. We employed an aiiA transconjugant strain of E. cloacae that synthesizes a lactonase enzyme that hydrolyzes N-acyl homoserine lactone signaling molecules to compare bacterial phenotypes in the presence and absence of quorum signals. The aiiA-expressing strain displayed increased proteolytic activity and intensity of a milk-clotting reaction when compared to the wild-type strain. Although both strains growing on polystyrene plates in rich media and a minimal medium of salts formed biofilms, the wild-type strain exhibited a higher number of adhered cells. On the surface of stainless steel coupons that were submerged in culture media, the number of adhered cells of the wild type contained up to one log more cells compared with the aiiA transconjugant. However, after 48?h of incubation, there was no significant difference between the strains. The results demonstrated that the quorum-sensing system negatively regulates proteolytic activity and is likely involved in the early steps of biofilm formation by E. cloacae 067.  相似文献   

To study the influence of brominated furanones on the biofilm (BF) formation by Escherichia coli (E. coli) on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, and to provide new ways of surface modification of materials to clinically prevent biomaterial centered infection. Three brominated furanones, dissolved in ethanol, furanone-1(3,4-dibromo-5-hydroxyl-furanone), furanone-2(4-bromo-5-(4-methoxypheny)-3-(methylamino)-furanone), and furanone-3(3,4-dibromo-5,5-dimethoxypheny-2(5H)-furanone) with representative chemical structure, were coated on the surfaces of separate PVC materials (1 × 1 cm), respectively. The surface-modified PVC materials were incubated with E. coli and for controls, 75 % ethanol-treated PVC materials were used. This treatment played as control group. The cultivation incubations were for 6, 12, 18, and 24 h. The thickness of bacterial BF and bacterial community quantity unit area on the PVC materials was determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and the surface structure of bacterial BF formation was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of CLSM indicated the thickness of bacterial BF and bacterial community quantity unit area on PVC materials treated with furanone-3 were significantly lower than that of control at all time points (P < 0.05), whereas, the differences between furanone-1 and furanone-2 groups and control group were not significantly different (P > 0.05). The results of SEM indicated that after 6 h incubation, the quantity of bacterial attachment to the surface of PVC material treated with furanone-3 was lower than the control group. By 18 h incubation there was completely formed BF structure on the surface of control PVC material. However, there was no significant BF formation on the surface of PVC material treated with furanone-3. The impact of different brominated furanones on SA biofilm formation on the surface of PVC materials are different, furanone-3 can inhibit E. coli biofilm formation on the surface of PVC material.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation and host-pathogen interactions are frequently studied using multiwell plates; however, these closed systems lack shear force, which is present at several sites in the host, such as the intestinal and urinary tracts. Recently, microfluidic systems that incorporate shear force and very small volumes have been developed to provide cell biology models that resemble in vivo conditions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine if the BioFlux 200 microfluidic system could be used to study host-pathogen interactions and biofilm formation by pathogenic Escherichia coli. Strains of various pathotypes were selected to establish the growth conditions for the formation of biofilms in the BioFlux 200 system on abiotic (glass) or biotic (eukaryotic-cell) surfaces. Biofilm formation on glass was observed for the majority of strains when they were grown in M9 medium at 30°C but not in RPMI medium at 37°C. In contrast, HRT-18 cell monolayers enhanced binding and, in most cases, biofilm formation by pathogenic E. coli in RPMI medium at 37°C. As a proof of principle, the biofilm-forming ability of a diffusely adherent E. coli mutant strain lacking AIDA-I, a known mediator of attachment, was assessed in our models. In contrast to the parental strain, which formed a strong biofilm, the mutant formed a thin biofilm on glass or isolated clusters on HRT-18 monolayers. In conclusion, we describe a microfluidic method for high-throughput screening that could be used to identify novel factors involved in E. coli biofilm formation and host-pathogen interactions under shear force.  相似文献   

Three kinds of control mechanisms govern the expression of the members of the glp regulon for glycerol and sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (G3P) catabolism in Escherichia coli K-12: specific repression by the product of the glpR gene; catabolite repression; and respiratory repression (the effect exerted by exogenous hydrogen acceptors). The operons of the glp system show different patterns of response to each control. By growing in parallel a mutant strain with temperature-sensitive repressor (glpR(ts)) and an isogenic control with a deletion in the regulator gene at progressively higher temperatures, it was possible to show that the synthesis of aerobic G3P dehydrogenase (glpD product) is far more sensitive to specific repression than that of either glycerol kinase (glpK product) or G3P transport (glpT product). Conversely, in the strain with a deletion in the regulator gene, the syntheses of glycerol kinase and G3P transport are more sensitive to catabolite repression than that of the aerobic G3P dehydrogenase. The levels of the two flavoprotein G3P dehydrogenases vary in opposite directions in response to changes of exogenous hydrogen acceptors. For example, the ratio of the aerobic enzyme to the anaerobic enzyme (specified by glpA) is high when molecular oxygen or nitrate serves as the hydrogen acceptor and low when fumarate plays this role. This trend is not influenced by the addition of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate to the growth medium. Thus, respiratory repression most likely involves a third mechanism of control, independent of specific or catabolite repression.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain SPA O converts methionine to ethylene by an inducible enzyme system. L-Cysteine, L-homocysteine, methionine derivatives and the sulphur-containing analogues of L-methionine also act as precursors of ethylene. Ethylene is produced by cell suspensions only in the presence of air; cell-free preparations can produce ethylene aerobically and anaerobically, but the extent to which they do so depends on the mode of culture growth. Light stimulates ethylene production by cell suspensions and its presence is essential for production by cell-free preparations. The kinetics of ethylene biogenesis and its pH and temperature optima suggest that ethylene is a secondary metabolite.  相似文献   

Protoplast Formation in Escherichia coli   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure for protoplast formation in Escherichia coli is described. Removal of the cell wall was confirmed by examination of cells in thin-section preparations.  相似文献   

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