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Reports of limb deformities in amphibians have garnered wide notice from scientists and the public alike. Recent laboratory and field research has supported the hypothesis that infection by the helminth parasite, Ribeiroia ondatrae, is associated with deformities, particularly in the western United States. In this study, observational and experimental evidence from eastern United States (Vermont) provides evidence that Ribeiroia is absent from a large sample of sites including those with a history of relatively high frequencies of deformity, that the composition of deformities is distinct from that associated with experimental infection by Ribeiroia, and that the composition of limb deformities seen in natural populations in Vermont is typical of that reported in the literature. We suggest that while Ribeiroia has been shown to be responsible for deformities in some species and locations, other factors may be responsible where the composition of deformities is inconsistent with patterns resulting from known Ribeiroia infection.  相似文献   

The three currently recognised Photorhabdus species are bioluminescent bacteria that are pathogenic to insects. P. luminescens and P. temperata form a symbiotic relationship with nematodes that infect insects. P. asymbiotica, on the other hand, has only been isolated from human clinical specimens from the USA and Australia. The bacterium has been associated with locally invasive soft tissue and disseminated bacteraemic infections. An invertebrate vector for P. asymbiotica has not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Anuran amphibian metamorphosis is an immunologically interesting period. For the investigator, it provides an unusual opportunity for analyzing both humoral regulation of the immune response and the development and maintenance of self-tolerance. Some of the questions one can ask are: Why don't immunocompetent larvae destroy antigenically disparate adult cells as they differentiate within them during metamorphosis? Do the dramatic hormonal changes occurring during this period regulate immunological function? How do animals in metamophorsis protect themselves from their immunologically hostile environment?  相似文献   

Fifteen cases of human pseudoterranovosis are reported for Chile, representing an emerging parasitic infection in this country caused by larvae of the nematode Pseudoterranova sp. Our observations also included an outbreak of pseudoterranovosis in 3 of 4 individuals who shared the same raw fish dish (cebiche). Most of the cases occurred in adult patients. The main source of infection was from consumption raw or fried marine fish, including hakes (Merluccius australis or Merlucciuts gayi), pomfret (Brama australis), Inca scad (Trachurus murphvi), and corvina (Cilus gilberti). Seasonal distribution showed most of the cases to occur in fall and spring. Parasite larvae were isolated from the mouths of most of the patients after they reported a pharyngeal tickling sensation, coughing, vomiting, or a foreign body in the mouth or throat.  相似文献   

When the snail Biomphalaria glabrata is doubly infected by two species of trematode, Schistosoma mansoni and Ribeiroia marini, each species keeps its own cercarial shedding pattern. Emergence of S. mansoni cercariae occurs during the photophase while the R. marini cercariae are shed during the night. These results demonstrate the absence of interference between the mechanisms responsible for the cercarial shedding of each species. The only difference noted concerns a two-hour shift in the peak emergence of S. mansoni as a consequence of the antagonism between the two parasites.  相似文献   

A brief review of the methods of procurement, storage, and shippingofRana pipiens the limitation of the animal as presently supplied,and a look to the future.  相似文献   

Immunometabolism is an emerging field of investigation at the interface between the historically distinct disciplines of immunology and metabolism. Accelerating interest in this area is being fuelled by the obesity epidemic and the relatively recent realization that obesity affects the immune system and promotes inflammation, and that obesity-induced inflammation potentially promotes a variety of chronic conditions and diseases. The multilevel interactions between the metabolic and immune systems suggest pathogenic mechanisms that may underlie many of the downstream complications of obesity and offer substantial therapeutic promise.  相似文献   

Rediae, cercariae, and adults of Ribeiroia marini were examined using a scanning electron microscope to determine the types of tegumental sensory structures and their locations. Sensory structures were observed among numerous tegumental folds in the area immediately surrounding the mouth of the rediae. These sensory structures are similar in appearance, location and fine structure to sensory structures described from the anterior tips of rediae known to be predacious on the sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni. These uniciliated structures may function as chemoreceptors to aid the redia in migration through snail tissue. Five types of sensory structures bearing one, two, or multiple cilia were distinguishable on the cercariae. These structures were located on and around the oral sucker, dorsal and ventral body surfaces and on the tail. They may be used by the cercariae to locate the intermediate host fish and to find suitable sites within the lateral line scales for encystment. The ventral surface of the adult fluke is covered with spines and shows an absence of sensory structures on the general body surface. Sensory structures were seen in the area surrounding the oral and ventral suckers. The extended cirrus organ has a folded tegument, but lacks spines or sensory structures.  相似文献   

Biodefense research creates a conundrum for the scientific community--what are the permissible limits of biodefense research and how can knowledge in the life sciences be protected against misuse? As biodefense research expands to counter the threat of bioterrorism, so does suspicion and the need for guidance to respond to these concerns.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a fundamental eukaryotic process with multiple cytoplasmic homeostatic roles, recently expanded to include unique stand-alone immunological functions and interactions with nearly all parts of the immune system. In this article, we review this growing repertoire of autophagy roles in innate and adaptive immunity and inflammation. Its unique functions include cell-autonomous elimination of intracellular microbes facilitated by specific receptors. Other intersections of autophagy with immune processes encompass effects on inflammasome activation and secretion of its substrates, including IL-1β, effector and regulatory interactions with TLRs and Nod-like receptors, Ag presentation, naive T cell repertoire selection, and mature T cell development and homeostasis. Genome-wide association studies in human populations strongly implicate autophagy in chronic inflammatory disease and autoimmune disorders. Collectively, the unique features of autophagy as an immunological process and its contributions to other arms of the immune system represent a new immunological paradigm.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of computation and quantitative methods in modern biomedical research to identify emerging scientific, technical, policy and organizational trends. It identifies common concerns and practices in the emerging community of computationally-oriented bio-scientists by reviewing a national symposium, Digital Biology: the Emerging Paradigm, held at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, November 6th and 7th 2003. This meeting showed how biomedical computing promises scientific breakthroughs that will yield significant health benefits. Three key areas that define the emerging discipline of digital biology are: scientific data integration, multi-scale modeling and networked science. Each area faces unique technical challenges and information policy issues that must be addressed as the field matures. Here we summarize the emergent challenges and offer suggestions to academia, industry and government on how best to expand the role of computation in their scientific activities.  相似文献   

As a group amphibians are the vertebrates most affected by anthropic activity, particularly by agriculture. The rapid advance of the agricultural frontier makes it important to identify the role of agroecosystems as habitat supply for amphibians. We analyzed the differences in amphibian assemblages and populations between habitats with different plant covers and different degrees of human intervention in northwestern Argentina. For three years we conducted 114 high frequency trap samplings to quantify abundance, specific composition and species richness of amphibian assemblages in three habitat types (lemon and sugarcane crops and secondary forest) of a piedmont agroecosystem of Tucumán province. Crops hosted more species and individuals than secondary forests, but the specific composition of forest was different from that of crops suggesting that they could be complementary. Although the assemblage abundance of every observation responded to climate, the strong effect of sampling year was not related to climatic factors suggesting that there might be long term fluctuations that were not analyzed. We also found that responses to agricultural practices were species specific, so no generalizations about these practices should be done. Our study shows that cultivated areas are not hostile environments for amphibians since they can lodge huge amphibian populations and that the occurrence of disturbances associated to agricultural practices is not necessarily reflected in a decrease in the abundance and richness of amphibians in the short term. However, our results also show that forested lands are necessary to lodge some specialist species which are very rare in the croplands. This suggests that environmental heterogeneity generated by the combination of natural and cultivated patches can increase biodiversity at landscape scale because this allows the coexistence of species related to either kind of environment.  相似文献   

Amphibian declines: future directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The amphibian decline problem is complex, and there is no easy solution. I highlight four major areas of future research that should increase our ability to detect declines, elucidate their underlying mechanisms, and advance our capacity to manage and conserve amphibian populations. First, a statistically sensitive monitoring approach is necessary to determine the distribution and abundance of amphibian populations, to assess whether they are declining, and to quantify the extent of declines. Most amphibian populations characteristically fluctuate, detection probabilities may be low for many species and populations tend to decline in numbers between years more often than they increase. These traits make establishing monitoring programmes difficult and distinguishing declines from natural fluctuations challenging. It is thus necessary to determine the best monitoring techniques based on their statistical power and to use appropriate statistical methods for detecting population trends. Secondly, although amphibian population studies occur most commonly at single or few breeding sites, research should occur often at the landscape level, and conservation efforts should focus on suitable habitat (whether or not it is occupied) and dispersal capabilities of species. Metapopulation dynamics are probably important for many species, but we must be cautious how we define metapopulations. That is, the term ‘metapopulation’ is currently used to define a wide range of demographic situations in amphibian populations, each with different management implications. Thirdly, recent advances in molecular genetic techniques make it possible to infer demographic events such as effects of recent fragmentation, bottlenecks or hybridization. Molecular techniques can be used in conjunction with census surveys to bolster knowledge about demographic processes such as declines. Alternatively, in the absence of long‐term census data, molecular data can be used to infer population trends. New genomic approaches may make estimating adaptive genetic variation more feasible. Fourthly, multi‐factorial studies are needed to disentangle the complexity of the several putative causes that probably interact to cause amphibian declines. Recent studies demonstrate the value of a multi‐factorial approach, and more work is needed to elucidate the synergistic effects of multiple environmental factors affecting amphibian populations simultaneously worldwide.  相似文献   

Increased reporting of amphibian malformations in North America has been noted with concern in light of reports that amphibian numbers and species are declining worldwide. Ribeiroia ondatrae has been shown to cause a variety of types of malformations in amphibians. However, little is known about the prevalence of R. ondatrae in North America. To aid in conducting field studies of Ribeiroia spp., we have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic. Herein, we describe the development of an accurate, rapid, simple, and cost-effective diagnostic for detection of Ribeiroia spp. infection in snails (Planorbella trivolvis). Candidate oligonucleotide primers for PCR were designed via DNA sequence analyses of multiple ribosomal internal transcribed spacer-2 regions from Ribeiroia spp. and Echinostoma spp. Comparison of consensus sequences determined from both genera identified areas of sequence potentially unique to Ribeiroia spp. The PCR reliably produced a diagnostic 290-base pair (bp) product in the presence of a wide concentration range of snail or frog DNA. Sensitivity was examined with DNA extracted from single R. ondatrae cercaria. The single-tube PCR could routinely detect less than 1 cercariae equivalent, because DNA isolated from a single cercaria could be diluted at least 1:50 and still yield a positive result via gel electrophoresis. An even more sensitive nested PCR also was developed that routinely detected 100 fg of the 290-bp fragment. The assay did not detect furcocercous cercariae of certain Schistosomatidae, Echinostoma sp., or Sphaeridiotrema globulus nor adults of Clinostomum sp. or Cyathocotyle bushiensis. Field testing of 137 P. trivolvis identified 3 positives with no overt environmental cross-reactivity, and results concurred with microscopic examinations in all cases.  相似文献   

Geminivirus disease complexes: an emerging threat   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Small circular single-stranded DNA satellites have recently been isolated from plants infected with whitefly-transmitted monopartite begomoviruses. The satellites, named DNA beta, depend on the helper viruses for their proliferation and, in turn, are required for helper virus accumulation and symptom expression. They are highly diverse yet retain an overall conserved structure with respect to potential coding regions and regulatory elements. The begomovirus-satellite disease complexes are associated with economically important diseases, and have been isolated from vegetable and fibre crops, ornamental plants and weeds throughout Africa and Asia. Their widespread distribution and diversity, coupled to the global movement of plant material and the dissemination of the whitefly vector, suggests that these disease complexes pose a serious threat to tropical and sub-tropical agro-ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   

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